Revenging Son-in-law

C360 Ten Thousand Miles

C360 Ten Thousand Miles

0"You want to kill me? Alright, there's no need to divide the work. Let's do it together. "    


"Dan Ba, you dog thief. Even if you don't kill me, I will kill you today."    


Qin Yuan shouted out loudly, then he took the initiative to attack.    


This scene caused the facial expression of everyone present to change dramatically. This kid was too arrogant. He actually dared to challenge three terrifyingly powerful figures at once.    


One should know that any one of these three figures could kill Qin Yuan.    


"It's not that he doesn't know what's good for him. He's courting his own death." Mu Rong Fu shook his head. "But this kid is still young. He does have a heroic aura. It's a pity that he has become an enemy of our Murong Family, otherwise, I might really want to win him over. "    


Qin Yuan's body brought along a strong wind. This wind slowly spread from small to small, and it swept across the entire mountain.    


The surrounding plants and trees were all rustling. They were all blown away by this strong wind.    


The people standing there couldn't even open their eyes because of this wind. At this moment, the stones at the foot of the mountain had already flown up. It could be said that the stones and stones were flying everywhere.    


The Karakorum Sword Palace's Daoist Priest Sword Killer coldly snorted. "Hmph, you are deliberately mystifying us. I want to see how you are going to kill the three of us today."    


He was the first one to move. He raised the longsword in his hand and lunged at Qin Yuan with a fierce momentum.    


He broke through the wind, and the longsword in his hand made a rustling sound as he swung it. It looked like a snake that had coiled up and was about to open.    


He saw Qin Yuan's body, which was circling in the strong wind, and shouted, "Kid, take my sword!"    


The long sword carried a sharp momentum and pierced towards Qin Yuan.    


This Taoist priest of Kunlun was a sword cultivator. He had been practicing his sword since he was young. He had cultivated a sword spirit in the past few decades. He believed that no one in this world could escape from his sword as long as he wanted to kill someone.    


When this Daoist Priest thought of his three disciples who had been killed, his anger soared to the sky. He shouted again, "Go to hell!"    


His long sword was getting closer and closer to Qin Yuan. It was getting closer and closer, and it looked like it was going to pierce into Qin Yuan's throat.    


At this critical moment, the corner of Qin Yuan's mouth suddenly revealed a trace of a cold smile.    


Because the Daoist priest was already very close to Qin Yuan at that time, he could clearly see the sneer on Qin Yuan's face. At that time, he didn't know why, but his scalp felt numb. A bad feeling instantly spread throughout his body.    


"Not good. Why didn't this kid dodge? Could it be that there's a trick behind this?" Just as this thought flashed across the mind of the Daoist Priest of Kunlun, he suddenly heard a loud shout of congratulations coming from Qin Yuan's throat.    


"Get lost..."    


It was just a simple word, but it had almost exhausted all of Qin Yuan's Qi and strength.    


His current Qi and strength could no longer be mentioned in the same breath. This simple word was like a thunderclap that resounded in the sky. It was extremely powerful.    


Along with this word, the spiraling wind in the surroundings twisted into a rope, forming a powerful force that rushed towards the daoist priest.    


With a cracking sound, the long sword in his hand suddenly broke.    


At that moment, the Taoist priest's face revealed a shocked expression. His sword had actually broken. Others might not know, but he knew very well that this sword had started from the moment he stepped onto Kunlun and started cultivating his sword technique. His master had given him a soft sword.    


Although it could not be compared to those famous swords, it was still an extremely powerful weapon. Moreover, it had been following him for many years and had already gained sentience. However, he did not expect that it would be broken so easily.    


"You... You actually dared to break my sword spirit." The face of the Kunlun Daoist Priest was filled with anger. For people like them who practiced swords, their biggest reliance was the sword in their hands. However, if the sword was broken, it would be equivalent to having their wings broken.    


"Get lost!" Qin Yuan spat out another three words. Although these three words weren't as powerful as the previous one, it was still enough to send the Daoist Priest of Kunlun flying.    


The body of the Daoist Priest of Kunlun was sent flying like a kite with a broken string. After flying for a long distance, he actually fell into the black pond with a splash.    


He felt that his internal organs were almost shattered, but there wasn't a single wound on his body from the outside.    


What was even more frightening was that after this Daoist Priest fell into the black pond, he opened his eyes and saw a huge monster. At this time, that huge monster was in the black pond, staring at him with a pair of strange and gloomy eyes.    


Of course, it was that turtle snake monster.    


He saw that this huge monster revealed a cold smile, and then slowly opened its bloody mouth.    


This Taoist priest of Kunlun was not afraid of anything. He walked around the martial world with a sword in his hand. But now, in front of this colossus, he was somewhat afraid. Because he no longer had the strength to fight back. In fact, she didn't even have the strength to struggle.    


The colossus was getting closer and closer to him. It spurted out blood and was getting closer and closer to him. However, this colossus didn't eat him. Instead, it opened its bloody mouth and bit into his neck, sucking with all its strength.    


It was as if a straw had been inserted into a drink. The Taoist priest of Kunlun felt that something in his body had been sucked away. Therefore, his body became colder and colder. The temperature was getting lower and lower, and the air was getting colder and colder.    


At this moment, he finally understood that this colossus had sucked away his cultivation base, his many years of cultivation base.    


To a certain extent, this was more important than his life.    


If his cultivation base was gone, his life would also be gone.    


This Daoist Priest Kunlun was getting more and more desperate. In the end, even his consciousness was starting to blur. Finally, he closed his eyes and allowed that colossus to suck away all of his cultivation base for the rest of his life. At the same time, it also took away his life. In the end, he only turned into a cold corpse. He slowly sank to the bottom of the black pond.    


Everyone was incomparably shocked. That Daoist Priest of the Kunlun Sword Palace, a powerful figure, was actually sent flying by Qin Yuan's single word. After falling into the black pond, he no longer made any sound.    


Qin Yuan himself was also shocked.    


Why am I so strong? A thought popped up in Qin Yuan's mind.    


He was puzzled, although Profound Sect's martial arts were indeed very strong. In the end, he had only entered the sect not long ago. In the past five years, although Shanxuanzi had sealed everything he had learned in his life in Qin Yuan's body, it had always been sealed. Could it be that he had suddenly become so strong because of his sudden outburst?    


Or could it be that Shanxuanzi had raised his strength by a level in the training hall in Changbai Mountain? In addition, he had been cultivating in this place where the Spiritual Qi was dense a few days ago. That was the reason why the sealed strength in his body had completely erupted?    


But no matter what, he could feel that he was now full of strength, and his entire body was full of strength.    


It was like a glass of water that could no longer be filled up, and it could not wait to spill out.    


Death Goddess and that Danba mage were also shocked, because although they knew that this kid came from the Profound Sect, he was still young, and they didn't expect him to be so powerful.    


However, they didn't have time to think too much. Qin Yuan shook his fist and once again felt the force that was leaking out of his body. He shouted at Danba, "Bald monk, it's your turn!"    


The Danba Mage didn't waste any more time. He jumped towards Qin Yuan.    





There was no extra words or moves. Dan Ba threw out a punch, but Qin Yuan just stood there without moving. When the punch was almost in front of him, he suddenly raised his fist and collided with Dan Ba's fist.    


Two fists, two powerful forces collided. The impact was self-evident. The earth shook and the mountains shook, and the entire world changed color.    


Dan Ba's expression changed immediately. He did not expect that this brat would actually be so bold. He dared to forcefully receive this punch of his, but what about after receiving it? This brat actually didn't get beaten to death. Instead, he just stood there without moving.    


On the contrary, it was Dan Ba himself. After Qin Yuan received this punch, it felt like he had hit an extremely hard object. A wave of force actually bounced back. Therefore, his body could not withstand it and he took a few steps back with all his strength. He almost fell down.    


"You..." Dan Ba wanted to say something, but Qin Yuan didn't give him the chance to speak anymore. He stomped on the ground with both of his feet and charged forward like a cannonball.    


"Move..." While dodging Qin Yuan's attack, Dan Ba shouted loudly and struck out with his palm.    


This palm had hit Qin Yuan's body, but it didn't send him flying. Instead, another rebounding force returned to Dan Ba's hand, causing his body to retreat once again. This time, it was not as stable as before. He staggered a few steps back. Only then did he stabilize his body.    


However, he immediately felt a surge of hot blood. With a flip of his throat, he spat out a mouthful of blood.    


Danba felt that he had suffered internal injuries, because his internal organs seemed to have been reversed. It was extremely uncomfortable.    


"You, what kind of martial arts are you using?"    


Dan Ba looked at Qin Yuan in shock.    


"The martial arts of Profound Sect." Qin Yuan said faintly. His whole body was filled with an indescribable confidence. This confidence made Dan Ba feel some fear.    


"The martial arts of Profound Sect? Is it really that powerful?"    


"Hehe, this is only the beginning." Qin Yuan smiled faintly and continued, "In order to deal with a bald monk like you, I only need the tip of the iceberg in the Profound Sect."    


After that, he didn't give Danba the chance to speak anymore nonsense. He raised his leg and kicked.    


Danba immediately threw the Buddha beads in his hand toward Qin Yuan while chanting the Buddhist language.    


As a result, the Buddhist beads immediately emitted a golden light and turned into strength.    


However, a moment later, the beads broke into pieces and fell to the ground one after another, returning to silence.    




"Bang..." Just as Dan Ba spat out a word, Qin Yuan struck out with his Fire Thunder Palm.    


This palm fiercely struck the left side of Dan Ba's chest, causing a small flame to appear.    


If it was an ordinary person, they would have been scared out of their wits by this palm strike. Because with Qin Yuan's current strength, the power of this Fire Thunder Palm could not be mentioned in the same breath.    


However, his enemy was Danba after all. Danba was also a mage who had cultivated for many years, so it was not easy to kill him. Therefore, when the Fire Thunder Palm hit Danba's body, the flame that was rising up was immediately extinguished.    


Dan Ba actually caught this palm strike, but his body still trembled slightly. Then, he closed his eyes, put his palms together, and said 'Amitabha'.    


When he opened his eyes again, Danba's expression had already changed. A kind of light shot out from his eyes, a kind of unfathomable light, and an indescribable coldness.    


Following that, Dan Ba's entire body emitted an aura, an icy aura, and this aura quickly spread. As a result, everything around him was frozen, and a layer of ice formed at a visible rate.    


The most obvious thing was that the water in the black pond had suddenly frozen.    


The enormous creature inside had just absorbed the cultivation of that Kunlun Daoist Priest. At this moment, it was refining the pond water, but it suddenly felt a cold chill. Before it could react to what was happening, it was frozen by the cold. He couldn't even move.    


"Ten thousand miles in ice?" Mu Rong Fu said in surprise.    


He had long heard that the Green Border's Danba Magicians had cultivated a mystical skill, because there was a snowy mountain over there, and the snowy mountain was especially high. It was extremely cold all year round.    


It was said that in order to cultivate this godly technique, this Danba would stay on the extremely cold snowy mountain all year round. He would even sit with his body naked every day, not eating or sleeping. He would just sit on the snowy mountain like that.    


If it were anyone else, they would have frozen to death long ago, but Danba did not. Not only did he not freeze to death, but he also borrowed the cold power of the snow mountain to finally cultivate this godly technique.    


This divine skill was called Ice Sealed Ten Thousand Li. As the name implied, as long as this mage's mind and body moved, a cold aura would burst forth from his body and spread rapidly. Thus, the surrounding temperature would immediately drop drastically, and everything in the surroundings would be frozen.    


If it was a human, they would freeze to death in a few minutes at most.    


This move could be said to be extremely powerful. It was almost like one didn't need to make a move. One only needed to use this kind of divine technique to freeze the enemy to death. How powerful was this?    


Not to mention a human, even the enormous creature in the black pond who had cultivated for a thousand years was shivering in the cold at this time. It couldn't even move.    


As for Murong Fu and his daughter, Huang Yuzhi, and Zhou Jiutian who had been injured. There was also the Mu Rong Hai father and son, Huo Jiaxin, and the others who were kidnapped by Qin Yuan. All of them were affected by the ice and were frozen in place. They couldn't even move.    


It was just that they were all martial artists, even though some of them were not experts. But no matter what, they had trained in martial arts before, and their bodies were stronger than adults. That was why they were not frozen to death in a short period of time, but even so, they could not last for long.    


As for the Death Goddess, she suddenly swung her red skirt. Her entire body emitted an aura that directly isolated this icy aura from the outside world, so only she seemed to be safe and sound. He wasn't affected by the ice that had frozen him for tens of thousands of kilometers.    


As expected of the Death Goddess.    


Even Qin Yuan was affected by the ice. In fact, the ice that had frozen him for tens of thousands of miles was aimed at him.    


Qin Yuan's body was frozen in an instant. His hair and eyebrows were covered with a layer of white ice beads.    


Dan Ba revealed a proud smile.    


"Kid, don't think that you can challenge me just because you have some ability. I have walked more bridges than you have walked. I have eaten more salt than you have drunk. Fighting with me, you are still a bit too tender. "    


"How is it, kid? This divine skill of mine that can freeze ten thousand miles isn't bad, right? I've cultivated this divine skill for many years, but I've never used it lightly. If I use it on you today, you can die under my divine skill. It's your honor. "    


"Hehe, is that so?" Qin Yuan suddenly let out a cold laugh which stunned Dan Ba. His eyes widened, and he stared at Qin Yuan in disbelief.    


"You, you can still talk? Impossible. A few minutes had passed. Even if you weren't frozen to death, you should have been frozen to death. How can you still talk?"    


"Hehe, you want to freeze me to death? What a whimsical idea."    


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