Urban Miracle Doctor

C669 Arrival

C669 Arrival

0And the plague.    


It was sealed in the east of Russia.    


Lin Tian fell outside of a small town and walked in. A type of oppressive feeling immediately surged into Lin Tian's heart, as if a huge rock was pressing down on his chest.    


He knew.    


This was close to where the plague god was.    


Only when his power and the god of pests' forces clashed against each other would he feel a sense of oppression. The golden light on Lin Tian's body flashed and he coldly shouted, "Break for me."    


"Bang ~ ~ ~"    


One sound. It was as if something on Lin Tian's body had been broken.    


The oppressive force immediately disappeared.    


Lin TianAo scanned the entire town, only to realize that there was no longer any life in the area. Many people seemed rather lifeless.    


Standing in the small town.    


Lin Tian raised his head and looked towards a distant, lush green mountain that pierced through the clouds.    


He frowned slightly.    


According to the memories of the Heaven Opening Sect's ancestor, the god of pests was sealed within this mountain. At this time, Lin Tian could also feel that from the mountain, there was an aura that made him feel disgust.    


Lin Tian tightly clenched his fist.    


He had the urge to smash this mountain into pieces, but he couldn't do that. This was because it might break the seal and cause the god of pests to come out.    


What he was looking for now was a method that would not only not break the seal, but also wound the god of pests.    




Lin Tian felt a person filled with vitality rushing into the village.    


It was a middle-aged man.    


His face was covered with dirt and his clothes were tattered, as if he had experienced a terrifying disaster. His expression was full of fear, and he was gasping for breath.    


Lin Tian felt a little strange.    




He had just run into the village when someone called out to him. Seeing him in such a sorry state, everyone in the little town was shocked and hurriedly rushed over.    


He was being shouted at like this.    


The man named Paul suddenly regained his senses and looked at the people around him, letting out a long sigh of relief.    


Then, he fainted.    


Lin Tian heard the surrounding people all have strange and curious questions: "Why is it only Paul that came back? What about the others? When they left, there were more than ten of them. "    


"We can only find out when he wakes up."    


They brought Paul to a nearby hotel. Paul seemed to have taken part in something very important, even if the shop manager had seen Paul's appearance.    


Ye Zichen hurriedly got a good room and let him live in it without asking for a single cent.    


"Call the doctor."    


Although they were always speaking in Russian, Lin Tian had already learned Russian, so he could easily understand their words.    


He was after the war of the gods.    


The first god.    


A day had passed and this man called Paul had finally woken up. The man who had been waiting for him first cared for him and then asked him some questions.    




"Isn't your expedition team made up of more than 10 people? Why are you the only one that came back now?"    


A look of reminiscence appeared in Paul's eyes before his expression turned serious and he said slowly, "Our group found an ancient monument about ten miles away on a mountain. There was a pond in the monument."    


"In the pool, there is a magical liquid."    


"The liquid was very fragrant," Paul recalled. "We all took a sip, and then we discovered that our strength had increased."    


"He feels completely refreshed, as if his vitality is limitless."    


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