Dragon Blood King



0At this moment, Mu Yinv, who had rushed over after hearing the news, also walked in with a serious expression. This was because she had already heard the conversation between Bai Yuhao and Di Longfei from outside.    


"Yinv …" Bai Yuhao looked at Mu Yinv.    


"No need to say anymore, I know what you are thinking, but I can't let Wushuang and the others risk their lives with you. I want them and the Emperor to leave this place first, while I follow you to save Yinv." In the blink of an eye, Lili had already made her decision.    


"No, I'll go alone. Since the other party directly sent us to the Gate of the Alien World, then it means that they already know our goal, so you can't come with me and take the risk …" Bai Yuhao immediately denied it.    


"But I won't let you take the risk alone." Mu Yinv looked at Bai Yuhao with determination.    


"Calm down, both of you. In my opinion, whether you go alone or with two people, it is extremely dangerous. Since the other party is holding Lady Mu hostage, I feel that there won't be any immediate danger." "Why don't we think about it carefully and think of a foolproof plan." Di Longfei said while rubbing his hands.    


Bai Yuhao and Mu Yinv looked at each other. They both knew that once they went, there was almost no chance of them coming back. However, it was impossible for them to abandon Mu Lingluo.    


Just as the three of them were looking at each other in silence, a Di Family disciple hurriedly walked in. His expression changed as he said to Di Longfei, "Commander, it's bad, something happened to your Di Family!"    


"What happened?" Di Longfei's expression turned solemn.    


"The Patriarch has been killed." That Di Family disciple's expression was sorrowful.    


"What?" Di Longfei's expression shook and his body trembled a few times as well. His usually steel-like face instantly revealed an indescribable expression of sorrow.    


Bai Yuhao and Mu Yinv were also surprised.    


"The cultivation of the Di Family Master is unparalleled, but who exactly was it that harmed him?" Bai Yuhao immediately asked.    


"Before the Patriarch was killed, he received Suppressing Sky Mansion alone from Young Lord Lee Xiaoyun. After that, the side hall where the Patriarch and Lee Xiaoyun were in was razed to the ground. The Patriarch's corpse was not even left intact!" The Di Family disciple explained the situation.    


"Lee Xiaoyun, looks like he really has a problem!" Bai Yuhao's expression froze when he heard this.    


"Why do you say that?" Di Longfei looked at Bai Yuhao in confusion and asked.    


Bai Yuhao then recounted the matter of him tracking down the traitor to Lee Xiaoyun.    


"Why did you say such an important thing now?" Di Longfei's expression immediately turned serious.    


"Because there wasn't any evidence before, and Lee Xiaoyun is Suppressing Sky Mansion, Young Lord, so it's impossible for me to accuse him for no reason." Bai Yuhao was also a bit helpless. He didn't expect that a moment of carelessness from him would actually harm Head of The Di Clan.    


"So that means that the reason why Ling Luo was captured, was definitely because Lee Xiaoyun found out about our goal from Di Family Master. That's why Lee Xiaoyun colluded with Asura Clan to sell out our tracks, that's why Ling Luo was captured …" Mu Yinv immediately analyzed.    


"I had thought there was something wrong with Lee Xiaoyun before, but I never thought that he would actually collude with Asura Clan." Bai Yuhao said with a frown.    


"If it's really like this, then it's very possible that Lee Xiaoyun is currently together with Asura Clan. If he's the cause of everything, I definitely won't let him off. I'm going to chop off his head and bring it to the Patriarch's grave to pay my respects …" Di Longfei shouted in anger.    


"Supreme Commander …" Bai Yuhao and Mu Yinv looked at Di Longfei at the same time, knowing that Di Longfei had been thoroughly angered.    


"Loong Xuan, how confident are you to open the Gate of the Alien World?" At this time, Di Longfei suddenly asked Bai Yuhao.    


"If the power of the storage ring is as Yan Miao said, then it shouldn't be too much of a problem." Bai Yuhao replied with a serious expression.    


"That's fine, I must make the person who killed the Patriarch pay. Therefore, I have decided to lead the guards to head for the Gate of the Alien World with you. When that time comes, I will cover for you to activate the Gate of the Alien World …" Di Longfei decided.    


"However, the Asura Clan will definitely set up an ambush. Once the Demon Valley of Hell is set up, that would undoubtedly be equivalent to suicide!" Bai Yuhao naturally didn't approve of Di Longfei's risky approach. It was one thing for him to take the risk alone, but it would be completely different if he let the whole Guard army take the risk together.    


"I believe you definitely have a way to let us safely reach the Demon Valley of Hell." Di Longfei looked at Bai Yuhao with a burning gaze.    


Bai Yuhao immediately looked hesitant and thoughtful. At the same time, he glanced at Mu Yinv.    


"Since Commander has already made up his mind, let us discuss our next plan." If we have the help of Commander Di, we will have the chance to open the Gate of the Alien World. " Mu Yinv knew that Di Longfei wanted to avenge the Di Family Master and they also wanted to activate their Gate of the Alien World s to return to their original world.    


"Alright, since the Emperor has made up his mind, then I won't say much. We'll prepare to fight from the back …" Bai Yuhao finally nodded.    


Soon after, Bai Yuhao and the other two began to discuss various countermeasures.    


Because they knew that the Asura Clan had already been set up an inescapable net in the Demon Valley of Hell, it was impossible for Bai Yuhao and the others to enter without preparation.    


Actually, Bai Yuhao did have a way to allow the guards to reach the Gate of the Alien World smoothly, but it might cost them a lot of morale. Even if they managed to reach the Gate of the Alien World safely, they wouldn't have enough morale to fight against the Asura Clan.    


On the contrary, if the guards were obstructed on their way and they continued to lose troops, even if they reached the Gate of the Alien World s, they would not have enough troops to defend against the Asura Clan.    


It was a dilemma.    


Of course, Bai Yuhao didn't only have to face this choice, he didn't want to worry about Mu Lingluo's safety. Bai Yuhao had to face more than just this choice, he didn't want to face Mu Lingluo's safety.    


Therefore, he had to equip himself well in any situation.    


"Bi Tieh, after you released it, it disappeared without a trace. If I knew earlier, I wouldn't have removed the restriction on it." Bai Yuhao frowned slightly, because what he needed the most right now was sufficient combat power to fight against Asura Clan.    


However, it was fortunate that Bai Yuhao could use the Heaven Flame Pill to summon Yan Miao, and with the beast taming power of the Heavenly Beast Ring, he should be able to have a huge advantage.    


In the next few days, Bai Yuhao meticulously set up a set of Arcane Art of Formation of Soldiers s for the guards to let them train urgently.    


After everything was ready, Bai Yuhao and the rest, along with the frigate led by Di Longfei entered the Demon Valley of Hell, and headed towards the Gate of the Alien World.    


At the same time, in the depths of the Demon Valley of Hell, a group of several thousand Asura Clan were standing guard over the Gate of the Alien World.    




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