Omnipotent Cellphone

C690 The Secret of the Longevity Lock

C690 The Secret of the Longevity Lock

0"Aren't we supposed to be able to guess that? Lil 'White, didn't you guess it clearly? Brother Lil 'White, tell me all you have in mind. What can I say under such circumstances? Didn't you guess all the secrets correctly? Didn't you see clearly what I was trying to hide and what I wanted to do? "    


That's right, Han Yuxi's entire mind seemed to be locked up by Jiang Xiaobai. Jiang Xiaobai was like an omnipotent person, he could see everything clearly, as if everything was crystal clear.    


"I believe that this open mouth of yours is really nice to talk about. Although I can understand all of your secrets, it's not as if I can understand everything. You must tell me everything in the future. Do you know?"    


Jiang Xiaobai actually cared for her a lot. The feeling of being pained at every moment couldn't be any more.    


"Right, do you know the secrets to the Longevity Lock?"    


Regarding this, there were some who took out the blueprint. He didn't know what exactly was hidden in the secrets of this Longevity Lock. If this guy had hidden her sister's information, then she might be able to help Jiang Xiaobai find it. At the very least, she would definitely help Jiang Xiaobai get what he wanted.    


"What do you mean by 'Longevity Lock'?"    


Jiang Xiaobai was not very clear about it because he was not very concerned about it. Recently, during the learning competition, he had been busy cultivating his Xuan Qi and did not know about the secret of the Longevity Lock.    


"I heard that Ju Zunrong wanted to find this Longevity Lock when he was looking for his sister. He said that the person with the Longevity Lock was his sister. Do you remember where we saw this Longevity Lock before?"    


Regarding this, it was indeed not very clear, but this Longevity Lock seemed to hide many secrets, these secrets. Although he was not too clear on what was hidden, this secret was truly very strange.    


"Are you saying that we've seen this Longevity Lock before?"    


Regarding this, Jiang Xiaobai did not have much memory. He was not sure what secrets this Longevity Lock hid, but if he had seen this Longevity Lock before, then why did he not have that memory at all?    


"Yeah, I think we've seen this Longevity Lock before. I don't know when, but I keep having the feeling that this place gives off a very familiar impression, a very familiar feeling. This sort of feeling is indescribable, like I've seen this lock a long time ago."    


There were still some things that were unclear, but the feeling was as if he had seen this lock before, and then there was a very familiar feeling. This feeling of familiarity led him to not even know how to explain it.    


If you can't remember, then don't think about it. Since you can't think of anything, why don't you investigate what the secrets this long rope is hiding? Perhaps, if you can find out what secrets it is hiding, then you will know where we have seen it.    


Regarding this, Jiang Xiaobai was unclear about the secret behind it. Could it be some kind of godly object?    


"It's impossible to talk about the hidden secrets. However, this item was left behind by Ju Zunrong's sister, and Ju Zunrong said that his sister could be found. So, I keep thinking whether we can find her sister? "This will still be of some help to us in the learning competition. If we can have one less match, we can at least raise our ranking by ten, no?"    


In fact, this society was a society where the strong preyed on the weak. It was not very obvious who was strong and who was weak. As for the rules, it was for people to see, experts did not need to fear these things, and in this situation, he did not want to see Jiang Xiaobai be tired, nor did he want to see the feeling of Jiang Xiaobai fighting every battle. Thus, he really wanted to help Jiang Xiaobai.    


"He hasn't been able to find his sister in such a long time, not to mention what he's been able to find for the past few days. His sister might be even harder to find, and as for this Longevity Lock, you might have seen him before, but will you really only be able to find his sister if you find it?" It could be very difficult. Who knows what will happen next? I don't want you to work too hard for me, and I don't want you to work as hard as you do. I wish even more that you would be happy and happy and just stay by my side. "    


Yes, what Jiang Xiaobai wanted was very simple, he didn't need these random things, he just needed to live a happy life. He did not have high expectations for Han Yuxi, he only needed to be with Han Yuqi.    


"I understand. Then I will listen to your words and not think about these things anymore. But can you promise me one thing? Don't hide these random things between us anymore. It's fine. Isn't it better to talk more?" I listen to Lil 'White and his girl. Lil' White, anything you say and do is right. I'll always trust Lil 'White. Can you do it? "    


Han Yuxi was the most sensible girl in the world, making people feel that she was the most perfect girl in the world. When he smiled, he had the feeling of a devastatingly beautiful woman.    


"Good girl, your mouth has been so sweet recently."    


Jiang Xiaobai patted her head as he said this. He's so cute, and there were even some that were definitely obedient and sensible in the recent days. It's really hard to not like his look. With that, Jiang Xiaobai hugged Han Yuxi fiercely. Han Yuxi was the most perfect girl in the world.    


"Don't worry, your Brother Xiaobai won't fall that easily. In this boxing match, you can see how well your Brother Xiaobai has performed. Your Brother Xiaobai has made especially good progress in his studies recently, so you don't have to worry too much."    


He knew that for the past few days, Lili had been worried about his competition of mystical Qi, so he had to give her some comfort. Otherwise, he would feel sorry for her if she stayed on tenterhooks all day.    


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