Super Asura System

C408 Special Forces

C408 Special Forces

0In the next three days, the whole team was harassed by Bandits in all kinds of ways. The guards were obviously exhausted from running around.    


Sun Yungang sent someone to invite Zhao Yiming and the other two over. After everyone sat down in the main tent, he said in a low voice, "Bandits has been harassing us. I'm afraid we can't do anything if this continues.    


I think we can't be passive and should take the initiative to attack. I invited the three of you this time because I want to form a special force to search for them and try to eliminate them. "    


Zhao Yiming nodded and said, "Second Prince is right. We can't always be passive and get beaten. If we continue to be harassed by them like this, I'm afraid we will be lambs waiting to be slaughtered in the end."    


Yao Ri nodded and said, "Young Master Zhao is right. There are eggs in the nest. We are doing this for ourselves. If Second Prince has any instructions, just say it."    


Sun Yungang immediately said, "I have already decided on some candidates. I think there will be three leaders. What do you think?"    


Magic Star said seriously, "Young Master Zhao is good at strategy. I think he can be the leader of this team. We are willing to listen to his orders."    


His words stunned everyone. He usually acted very arrogantly, but he did not expect to behave so appropriately at this time.    


Zhao Yiming did not refuse at this time. He said firmly, "Since you trust me so much, I will be the captain. Who are the members of the team? "    


Sun Yungang clapped his hands gently. A dozen people walked in one after another. Zhao Yiming glanced at them and saw Zhang Xinglong, Lv Tao, Sun Jiasheng, and Feng Guankui.    


Zhao Yiming nodded and said, "They will come to harass us tonight. Zhang Xinglong, control the insects and attach them to them. Then use the chameleon to hide and look for their camp.    


I will lead the rest of the people and chase after the marks you left behind. When you reach the camp, do not act rashly and wait for our arrival. "    


Zhang Xinglong immediately nodded and said, "I understand what Young Master Zhao means. Go and prepare now."    


Zhao Yiming looked at the remaining people and said, "You guys go back and prepare yourselves. We will leave together tomorrow morning."    


After another night of harassment, the entire special forces quietly left the team and quickly entered the forest.    


Lv Tao immediately found the mark Zhang Xinglong left behind. Everyone followed the map and after a few hours of running, they arrived in front of a camp.    


Everyone stopped far away. Lv Tao whistled strangely. Soon, he saw Zhang Xinglong appear in front of everyone.    


Zhang Xinglong pointed to the camp in front of them and said, "I followed them here, but I listened to Young Master Zhao's orders. Did they sneak into the camp?"    


Zhao Yiming nodded and said, "Your caution is correct. Everyone hide here first. We will attack at night."    


At this time, inside the camp, Bandits's three stewards, Li Jiantuo, Li Jianhui, and Li Jianjun were sitting there. These three were brothers, and they had great influence in Bandits.    


At this moment, a person walked in from outside. It was the special envoy of Ma Fei, Feng Dahai. He bowed to the three of them and sat down.    


Feng Dahai said to the three of them, "Chief Ma sent me here this time in hopes that you can stop the attack on Second Prince's team. Your actions will certainly bring great trouble to Bandits."    


Li Jianhui chuckled and said, "I think Chief is being too careful. Anyway, we have always been enemies with the Stellar Empire. Now that someone has offered a high price for Second Prince's head, how can we let this fat fish go? "    


Feng Dahai immediately tried to persuade him, "This money is good, but you have to have your life to spend it. Stellar Empire hasn't been attacking us with much force all this time, because there is no need for us to fight to the death.    


But if you kill Second Prince, it will be a declaration of war to the entire empire. When that time comes, they will use the power of the entire nation, and we won't be able to escape death. "    


Li Jianjun said boldly," Don't try to scare us with words. It's not as powerful as what you said. As long as we do it cleanly, no one will know. "    


Feng Dahai immediately said, "There is no wall in this world that can't be exposed. It will be known sooner or later. Moreover, there are many experts in this team. It is still unknown whether you will succeed or not.    


When the time comes, we will completely fall out with each other. How do you want us to deal with the Empire's army? Don't think that our usual strategy at that time will work. What if they make up their mind and kill everyone? "    


Li Jiantuo snorted and said, "I don't care what you say. Anyway, it is impossible for us to not take the money. Moreover, we have already promised them, so we can't go back on our word."    


Feng Dahai advised earnestly, "I hope that we can think about it again. This is not a joke."    


Li Jianjun circled behind Feng Dahai and suddenly slapped his back. He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. This blood was mixed with fragments of internal organs.    


Feng Dahai's Beijing palm hit forward a few steps. At this time, Li Jianhui also jumped into the air and directly hit his temple with his two palms, directly killing him.    


Li Jiantuo squinted his eyes and said, "You are so ignorant of the current situation and insist on forcing us brothers to make a move. You two drag him down, say that he has never been here before."    


The two of them returned very quickly. Li Jianjun said with a fierce face, "I have long disliked that Ma Fei. Why don't we just turn against him?"    


Li Jianhui also agreed and said, "I think what Third Brother said is right. Why should Ma Fei have such power? The three of us have joined hands and occupied half of Bandits's territory. We should have been independent long ago."    


Li Jiantuo shook his head and said, "Your thinking is still too simple. This matter is not as easy as you say. You might as well think about it. If we were to be independent, how would we face the army of the empire in the future?    


Our attack on Second Prince this time will certainly infuriate the empire. When that time comes, we will throw Ma Fei out and make him our scapegoat. "    


Li Jianhui laughed and said, "Big Brother is indeed a good schemer. Since we have already taken the money, we don't have to take any risks."    


Li Jiantuo said proudly, "We will send someone to harass them tonight. Tomorrow, we will send out all of our men. At that time, we will take the head of that noble second young master and kick him like a ball."    


The three of them laughed wildly, as if they had seen the rolling Spirit Crystal rushing over. At this time, the special forces in the forest were also conserving their energy and preparing for the battle at night.    


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