Super Asura System

C59 Anti-hunting

C59 Anti-hunting

0Zhao Yiming stuck his body tightly onto the tree trunk. Currently, his camouflage art was only at the Level 3 level. This level had been improved by his proficiency, and now, he couldn't help but regret it. If he had known earlier, he would have used the Asura Value to raise his level!    


He only had a pitiful 16 Asura Value right now, but he needed 40 Asura Value to advance to the Level Four. In this short period of time, where could he get so many Asura Value?    


Wang Lei's eyes were like eagle eyes. He carefully observed the woods in front of him and slowly crawled forward. Although his speed was slow, he would not expose himself!    


Between the two trees, there was an open space. The two of them looked at each other, looking like two top snipers confronting each other.    


Comparatively speaking, Zhao Yiming would be at a disadvantage because his long-range attack was only Slashing Palm. Although the Slashing Palm could reach a distance of 100 steps, compared to the distance a bow and arrow could reach, the distance of the Slashing Palm was still too close.    


As an experienced assassin, Wang Lei's observation skills were indeed better than Zhao Yiming's! He keenly noticed that there was something different about a branch!    


He pulled out a pitch black arrow. This arrow would not reflect light. If he used this arrow in the dark, he would be able to make no sound. And in this dark forest, this arrow could also have an unexpected effect.    


If the two of them were in the same forest, this arrow would definitely hit Zhao Yiming. But because the two of them were separated by an open space, when Wang Lei's arrow flew out of the forest, it was discovered by Zhao Yiming.    


Zhao Yiming kicked on the tree trunk with his feet, and like a big bird, he quietly floated to the other side of the tree, and instantly disappeared into the dried leaves to hide his figure.    


The arrow directly pierced through the tree trunk. The tail of the arrow trembled and let out a buzzing sound!    


Zhao Yiming felt that the buzzing sound was very ear-piercing. When the sound wave bounced onto his body, it actually formed a rebound. He cursed in his heart. Was this the otherworldly version of the radar?    


Wang Lei now realized that something was wrong. He had to cross this open space and rush into the forest where Zhang Yiming was. Only then could he fully utilize the advantage of the hidden arrow!    


The two of them moved almost at the same time. Zhao Yiming came out from the dried leaves. Wang Lei also ran out of the forest at a fast speed!    


The two of them noticed each other at the same time. Zhao Yiming raised his hand and struck out a palm. The shockwave of the Slashing Palm was sent towards Wang Lei.    


Wang Lei shot three arrows with his bow and shouted, "Meteor Chasing Moon!"    


The three arrows kept changing directions, making it impossible for people to figure out their trajectories!    


The two of them dodged the attacks at the same time. Relatively speaking, Zhao Yiming would still be at a disadvantage! No matter what, Wang Lei had rushed into the forest where he was hiding. The situation was very unfavorable for him.    


The two of them continued to play hide-and-seek. It was a competition of skill and patience!    


Unfortunately, Zhao Yiming's skills were always a little lacking. There were a few times when he was at the edge of danger.    


"Congratulations, you have obtained 10,000 Experience points and 30 Asura Value."    


The system's voice stunned Zhao Yiming, but he quickly reacted. No wonder the robot dinosaur did not rush over to help. It turned out that it was being treated as a Demonic Beast, and someone was attacking it.    


However, the reward it received was really timely. He quickly chose to use the Asura Value to raise the camouflage art to the Level Four. Because he had already used the camouflage art for an entire afternoon, his proficiency had increased by quite a bit. Therefore, he only used 30 Asura Value to raise the camouflage art to the Level Four.    


Zhao Yiming thought for a moment, then he gritted his teeth and used the remaining Asura Value to raise the tracking skill to the Level 3! He immediately felt that his field of vision had broadened a lot, and his hearing and sense of smell had also improved a lot!    


Wang Lei had gradually grasped Zhao Yiming's position. Although Zhao Yiming's camouflage art was not bad, there was still a gap between it and his camouflage art. Now that the sky had darkened, it was time for him to get rid of Zhao Yiming.    


Wang Lei quietly went over. When he was about thirty steps away from where Zhao Yiming was hiding, he silently shot an arrow. The arrow was like a ghost in the darkness, shooting towards the opponent!    


This arrow hit the target, but it did not receive the desired effect!    


Wang Lei secretly cried out in his heart, "Not good, I fell for it this time." He hurriedly retreated, but it was already too late.    


Wang Lei felt a ball of light rise in front of him, like a small sun. The strong light made him unable to open his eyes.    


After his eyes lost their function, his ears would become very sensitive. Wang Lei suddenly heard a Tiger's Roar. A sharp sound wave directly entered his ears.    


He felt that his brain was dizzy, and there were all kinds of sounds inside. In a daze, he couldn't help but stand up!    


All of this was a trap set up by Zhao Yiming. After advancing to the Level Four camouflage art, he actually obtained a special skill: Clone Bait!    


This was a good skill, he could split his own clone. However, this clone was like an inflatable doll, it couldn't move at all, it could only be used as bait!    


He used the Analyzing Bait skill to lure Wang Lei over. Due to the enhancement of the tracking skill, when Wang Lei shot the arrow, he was able to determine his position.    


Then, he threw out five flares. In this gloomy environment, the flares emitted by the flares were so strong that Wang Lei could not hide it at all!    


After that, he used the Tiger Roar Zen. The effect was naturally very good!    


Zhao Yiming shouted, "Enraged Dragon Regrets!" An ice dragon pierced through Wang Lei's chest!    


All of this sounded complicated, but it actually happened in a split second! The entire battle had ended. Wang Lei's entire sternum had been shattered. It was absolutely impossible for him to survive!    


"Congratulations to host for killing Blood Shadow Sect's copper medal level killer, Wang Lei. Because he is a special profession, your Experience points has a 20% bonus. You have received 10,000 Experience points, 3 Asura Value, and a Human level Supreme Grade Cultivation Method Shadow Arrow. Do you want to cultivate immediately?"    


"Congratulations to the host for your successful cultivation. It is a top-grade Cultivation Method Shadow Arrow in the mortal world. This Cultivation Method belongs to the category of hidden weapons. Current level: Initiated."    


Zhao Yiming took Wang Lei's bow and played with it carefully. He found more than ten arrows on Wang Lei's body and threw them all into his bag!    


He used the Collection Skill on Wang Lei's body once, but unfortunately, he got nothing. He shrugged his shoulders indifferently and decided to take a look at his mechanical dinosaur.    


Zhao Yiming relied on his connection with the mechanical dinosaur to quickly run into the depths of the forest.    


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