Super Asura System

C178 To Scare You

C178 To Scare You

0Soon it was the day of the life and death arena, and the sect attached great importance to this life and death arena. They specially decided to hold this arena battle at the main peak's martial arena.    


Ren Lianhai stood on the arena and swept his gaze across the disciples below. He said, "I know that many disciples of the White Cloud Valley have grudges with each other. For this reason, when they were carrying out missions outside, there would always be things that would drag them down.    


It has caused many missions to fail on the verge of success. Although the sect has many restrictions, the effect has always been bad. I have also been observing the opening of the life-and-death arena in Cow Couching Peak.    


Today, the two true disciples intended to use this method to understand the grudges between them. I feel that this is very good. I will set the rules here. When the grudges between us reach a certain level in the future, then we can use the life and death arena to resolve it.    


After entering the arena, each of us will have no grudges against each other. At the same time, all families and factions are not allowed to use this as revenge. Those who violate the rules will be expelled from the White Cloud Valley, and those who violate the rules will be killed without mercy."    


The people below were in an uproar, but they also felt that this was a good idea. After all, the White Cloud Valley had a huge influence, and there were countless factions in it. Things like mutual dissolution of one another happened every now and then, and it would often cause a lot of unnecessary losses in the outside world.    


It was a private fight. Things had always happened, and Law Enforcement Peak had a headache because of this. Now, this life-and-death battle could resolve this situation. It was indeed the best choice.    


Ren Lianhai immediately jumped down from the arena. The four elders activated the formation of the arena. A visible halo covered the entire arena. This light barrier could withstand a very strong force, allowing the people inside to do whatever they wanted.    


Zhao Yiming and the other elder got onto the arena and looked at each other. They had never thought that they would become the founders of White Cloud Valley's new rules.    


Zhao Yiming said with a smile on his face, "It is my honor to be able to fight with senior brother today. Since we are going to fight to the death today, I will do whatever I can. I don't know if senior brother thinks I am right or not."    


Liu Junkai nodded and said, "What junior brother said makes sense. Since it is a battle to the death, of course we should use all of our trump cards. Let me see what ability junior brother has."    


Zhao Yiming laughed and said, "I'm afraid senior brother doesn't know. Junior brother is still an artificer, so I will take out some mechanical beast. I think senior brother won't object."    


As he spoke, he snapped his fingers and a Level 2 mechanical beast appeared in front of him. This was artificer's special ability. Every artificer had a spatial mechanism. This spatial mechanism could only store mechanical beast. This was also the symbol of artificer.    


The people below burst into laughter. What could a Level 2 mechanical beast do in an arena like this? The opponent only needed a punch to shatter the mechanical beast into pieces.    


Zhao Yiming did not pay attention to the crowd. Instead, he kept snapping his fingers. Soon, there were nearly a hundred Level 2 mechanical beast densely packed on the stage. All of them were exactly the same.    


Liu Junkai chuckled and said, "This kind of trash. No matter how much junior brother takes out, it will be useless."    


Zhao Yiming said with a smile, "There is nothing in this world that is trash. The key is how to use it. I don't know if senior brother has heard of matrices before. Today, I will let you experience it."    


As he spoke, he clapped his hands. A mirror appeared on the back of each mechanical beast. All the mirrors began to gather strong light. Then, each mirror emitted a ray of light. These rays of light gathered in one place, forming a huge pillar of light.    


This pillar of light moved quickly on the stage, and then hit the defensive formation. The entire formation shook, and the pillar of light split into five and quickly spread in all directions. All of the pillars of light kept dispersing, almost covering the entire stage.    


Liu Junkai felt as if he was standing in a cage. Every light pillar was emitting a dangerous aura. He didn't dare to move at all, as he felt that if he moved, he would definitely be killed.    


Zhao Yiming smiled and clapped his hands. These mechanism beasts had disappeared into thin air, and all the light pillars had disappeared without a trace.    


He looked at Liu Junkai with a smile and said, "Senior brother, what do you think about me, this trash?"    


Without waiting for Liu Junkai's reply, he clapped his hands again. This time, Level 3 mechanical beast kept appearing. These mechanical beast also had different shapes and forms, and soon, there were dozens of them.    


With the example of those Level 2 mechanical beast, everyone's eyes widened. They didn't know what these mechanical beast were used for.    


Zhao Yiming snapped his fingers a few times in a row. These mechanical beast were like Transformers, quickly assembling, and finally turning into a few huge mechanical beast.    


Each mechanical beast looked especially majestic, and every step they took shook the entire arena. One of the mechanical beast suddenly opened its mouth and spat out a fireball from within. When the fireball hit the formation, it caused the formation to shake violently.    


There were also two mechanical beast that looked exactly the same. Countless tubes rose from the back of the mechanical beast, and tens of thousands of small fireballs were shot out. It was a full attack.    


These mechanical beast acted as if they were putting on an act, performing their own strength in turns. Everyone watched with their mouths agape. They had almost forgotten that this was a life and death battle.    


Liu Junkai also swallowed a mouthful of saliva. His voice was somewhat trembling as he said, "What do you mean by this? Don't tell me you want to force me to admit defeat? You better stop dreaming."    


Zhao Yiming shrugged his shoulders and said with a cheap smile, "Nothing much. I just wanted to scare you. See if you are scared. Don't worry, senior brother.    


Artificer is only my secondary profession. My main profession is still a cultivator. Today, the two of us are still depending on our martial arts in the arena. Just now, it was just an appetizer. "    


Liu Junkai's face turned ashen. This was clearly looking down on him. However, he also knew that if those mechanical beast attacked him just now, he wouldn't have any chance of winning in such a narrow space.    


Li Feng said with a smile, "This kid is really bad. He is completely sharpening Liu Junkai's will and casting a shadow in his heart. I'm afraid that he might not be able to display all of his abilities."    


Zhao Shiyu said with a smile, "This kid is also showing off. He is telling the Liu Family not to act rashly against him. Those mechanical beast are more suitable for large-scale killings.    


If he is able to set up these mechanical beast outside the Liu Family, he will be able to launch a full-scale attack. Even if the Liu Family is not destroyed, they will still suffer. "    


There was also an elder next to him. His eyes were wide open. He said with a saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth, "These mechanical beast are too creative. This kid must not die. If he is willing to hand these mechanical beast over to the sect, then our strength will increase by more than a level. "    


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