Making Great Fortune Overnight

C752 Mysterious Fault

C752 Mysterious Fault



Ah Da and the others shouted in fear, but their voices were immediately covered by the violent explosion.    


Boom! Boom! Boom!    


In the direction of the fault, a violent explosion suddenly erupted. That terrifying explosion was like a monster roaring. It was also like an earthquake had suddenly erupted, causing the earth to violently tremble. Dust flew in the sky, and everything was in chaos. Only the sounds of explosions could be heard.    


This scene was as if the entire world was collapsing, but also as if it was the end of the world.    


"Bang ~ ~ -! "    


After another violent explosion, the entire world finally calmed down. However, the flying dust in the sky caused the entire world to be in a state of chaos, as if the heaven and earth had yet to separate.    


Ah Da and the others were lying behind a huge rock in the distance. All of them were covered in dirt and dirt, staring blankly in the direction of the fault with their mouths wide open, their faces filled with disbelief.    


"This, this is a scene created by an explosive bag?!" Ah Da was extremely shocked. "An explosive bag, why is there a chain of explosions?"    


Immediately, he suddenly thought of something and immediately shouted, "Sir! Sir!"    


He seemed to have gone crazy as he crawled up, amidst the dust that filled the sky. He stumbled and ran in the direction of Qin Lang. Even though the dust was so small that he couldn't even open his eyes, Ah Da didn't care. Sir was less than 20 meters away from the place where the explosion occurred. The explosion was so far away. It would be strange if he could be safe!    


With his excellent sense of direction, Ah Da arrived at where Qin Lang was. However, he could not find Qin Lang. His feet were full of stone and dust, and even breathing was difficult.    


"Sir! Sir!" Ah Da shouted nervously, "Sir, say something!"    


"Ahem..." A painful cough suddenly came from somewhere not far away from Ah Da, "I am here!"    




Ah Da was overjoyed and rushed over in a hurry. He vaguely saw a blurry figure climbing up. He quickly grabbed Qin Lang's arm and helped him up. "Sir, are you alright?"    


"I won't die..." Qin Lang smiled bitterly. "Damn! I only pulled an explosive bag, how could it explode so badly... Pooh!"    


Qin Lang kept spitting out dust from his mouth and said with difficulty.    


"Sir, what should we do now? We can't see anything. We can't go anywhere. What should we do with the special forces?" Ah Da asked anxiously.    


Qin Lang paused for a moment and said, "No hurry. I think we have gained something."    


"Ah?" Ah Da did not react for a moment.    


"Do you think that no matter how powerful an explosive bag is, it can explode with such an effect?" Qin Lang kept spitting out dust and said at the same time, "There must be something inside the fault I blew up earlier. I suspect that it is the target we are going to attack. The subsequent explosions confirmed my guess. Otherwise, such a chain of explosions would never have happened. Gather the team. Everyone, put on your gas masks and attack!"    


" Yes! " Ah Da said as if it was a conditioned reflex.    


He did not care whether Qin Lang's judgment was correct or not. As a soldier, the first thing he had to do was to obey orders!    


"Everyone! Put on the gas masks and start attacking!"    


Eleven people, all wearing gas masks, carrying automatic rifles, lining up, or walking side by side, headed straight forward!    


The fault had long been blown into a pile of dust. A group of people stepped on it and directly sank into it. The comrades beside them casually grabbed it, and a few of them worked together and walked over step by step.    


However, the further forward they walked, the higher the level of injustice. Under the circumstances where they could not see the road ahead, Qin Lang finally stopped.    


"Don't go forward anymore!" Qin Lang shouted, "Don't act rashly. All of you, lie on the ground and be on guard."    




Eleven people quickly formed a circle and lied on the ground. They pulled open the bolt of the gun, and there was no longer any sound.    


Qin Lang was helpless. He thought that the dust would be blown away very soon, because there was no lack of wind on the desert. No matter how big the dust was, it could not fly for long.    


However, he did not expect that the dust did not disappear. Instead, it seemed to be getting bigger and bigger. Besides the dust, Qin Lang also smelled something else.    


The smell of explosives was one of them, but other than that, there were also a few very strange smells, as if they were some kind of chemical medicine.    


Moreover, from the way they walked forward, this was definitely not the terrain that should have been after the explosion. Qin Lang recalled his previous guess and immediately chose to stop.    


From the current situation, it was obvious that there was space in the fault. And now, the fault had exploded. Not only that, there must be something inside the fault. After the explosion of the explosives, it caused a chain of explosions.    


Therefore, Qin Lang did not dare to advance recklessly. Under the dust that filled the sky, his vision was also blurry, and he could not see clearly. Under such circumstances, he decided to be safe first. No one knew what was ahead of them. If they insisted on moving forward... They might encounter some danger.    


As time passed, the wind kept blowing. Finally, the dust in the sky became thinner and visibility increased a lot.    


When Qin Lang and the others finally saw the scene in front of them, everyone, including Qin Lang, was stunned by the scene in front of them. They stared blankly at the scene in front of them, not knowing what to say.    


About dozens of meters away from Qin Lang and the others, the ground almost collapsed. It was covered with dust and stones, as if the entire ground had sunk. However, from the outline of the sunken ground, one could clearly see that... Below, there were actually rooms, and there were even stairs that slanted upwards. There were also a few unknown devices that were not covered by dust, revealing the glittering metallic radiance.    


This was simply an Underground World!    


In this Underground World, there seemed to be three exits. They were distributed in the south, west, and north directions, but there were no exits in the east. And that was exactly where Qin Lang had placed the explosives. It was the fault!    


"F * ck... me!" Qin Lang spat with difficulty and could not help but curse, "This underground space is not much weaker than the military base in Yanjing."    


Ah Da also nodded blankly and said, "When... when did this place exist?"    


Qin Lang couldn't help but feel lucky. If it wasn't for his extraordinary hearing ability, he had already heard movement from inside the fault. He was even more glad that he had decisively made the decision to blow up the fault. With this, no matter what was inside, it was all covered under.    


"Something's not right..." Qin Lang suddenly remembered something. "Liu Yongqiang and the others seem to have already attacked. Didn't they also get buried? "    


This time, it was troublesome. Why did it cause a series of explosions?    


"There's movement!" A warrior suddenly shouted in a low voice.    


Qin Lang's eyes immediately turned cold. Looking around, he saw that in one of the collapsed rooms, a thick layer of dust was moving, as if something was coming out.    


"Alert!" Qin Lang immediately shouted in a low voice.    


"Crack crack!" The bullets were loaded and aimed at the warriors from Underground World.    



The dirt on the dirt bag fell down and a man came out, shaking his head.    


"Sir, it's our people!" Ah Da said in a low voice.    


Qin Lang nodded and said, "That's right. Call him over."    


"Yes!" Ah Da waved his hand and a soldier immediately stepped forward. He covered his mouth with his hand and made a strange sound. Squeak! Squeak!"    


The man who had just come out of the dirt immediately became alert. He turned around and saw Qin Lang and the others.    


"Come here!" Qin Lang shouted in a low voice.    


That person seemed to have been knocked unconscious, and his reaction was a little slow.    


"Come here quickly!" Qin Lang once again shouted in a low voice, "Quickly!"    


The rest of the people also had vigilant expressions on their faces, because in the Underground World that was buried, at the same time, there were movements in a dozen or so places. No one could guarantee that the enemies that had appeared in the ___ were actually the enemies.    


At this moment, the man finally reacted. He ran all the way and stumbled as he ran. He fell several times along the way before he came to Qin Lang and shouted, "Chief!"    


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