Making Great Fortune Overnight

C183 Give Me the Money for the Food

C183 Give Me the Money for the Food

0Qin Lang put down his chopsticks and stood up in a carefree manner. When everyone saw Qin Lang dressed like a street vendor, and his clothes were not very clean, and his hair was stuck together, they immediately whispered to each other.    


"This person's clothes are so tattered!"    


"What is he doing? He came to attend the village meeting and dressed like this. He's too disrespectful."    


"Shh, maybe he doesn't like to be ostentatious. In fact, he's a rich second generation. Nowadays, there are many rich second generations in society who like to pretend to be poor."    




Qin Lang said indifferently, "Hello, fellow villagers. My name is Qin Lang. I am driving a food truck with a friend. We sell things in the streets and alleys of Linan. One of the specialties of our food truck is omnivorous food pancakes. If you all come to eat one day, I can make one for you for free. " After saying that, Qin Lang smiled faintly and sat down.    


When he finished speaking, everyone present was stunned for a moment. They did not even have the confidence to speak when they were working at the company. How could a pancake seller speak so casually? Then, everyone reacted.    


"He is a pancake seller. This job is worth talking about."    


"A grain pancake is only five yuan. I don't think he can even earn 3000 yuan a month. Other than eating and renting a house, he doesn't have any money."    


"What the heck? This kind of person has the face to attend a country meeting? The lowest salary of the people here is also over 10,000 yuan a month. He sells pancakes. What can he do to help us?"    




For a moment, Qin Lang became the topic of discussion. Some laughed at him, some mocked him, and some despised him. In short, in their eyes, Qin Lang was the person with the lowest status.    




Tian Hsing, who was standing in front, made a sound of surprise. She walked to Qin Lang's side and pretended to size him up. She looked at everyone and said with a smile, "I think I recognized him. I saw him in Building Outside the Building!"    


"No way. How could a pancake seller go to Building Outside the Building? Miss Tian, did you see wrong?" The others did not believe her and looked at Tian Hsing with doubt.    


"Haha, everyone is wrong. I saw him being chased out of the restaurant by the security guards of Building Outside the Building. And you must not know what he did in Building Outside the Building. In Building Outside the Building, he confessed to Miss Loong of the Teng Long Group. He was rejected by Miss Loong in front of her face, and he even challenged Ma Yang, the young master of Time Limited. Do you think he is interesting?"    


" What? He confessed to Miss Loong? This kid is awesome. A pancake seller wants to climb a tree and daydream about it?"    


"When I look at this kid's face, I know that he is a greedy person. But at the very least, you have a side to your greed. The Loong Family is one of the top five families in the Linan. You're the only one selling pancakes, yet you want to join us? Dream on! "    


"This kid reminds me of my brother with a crew cut on the grassland of Africa. He dares to challenge a lion with his tiny head. Isn't he? He is just a loser at the bottom of the hierarchy, and he dares to challenge Ma Yang and Young Master Ma. Sooner or later, he will have to kill himself!"    




Qin Lang sneered in his heart. They were all from the Linan, Chang'an. Even if he was really a scallion pancake seller, was there a need to look down on him? He had originally come here because he had promised Fu Yuv. He also thought about listening to the local music and did not expect that it would be such a situation.    


Since that was the case, then why should he stay here?    


Qin Lang suddenly stood up and walked towards the door. When the others saw that Qin Lang was about to leave, the sneer on their faces became even more obvious. They felt that Qin Lang was ashamed and embarrassed to stay here any longer.    


"Don't go! Qin Lang, stop!" Tian Hsing shouted as she walked towards Qin Lang. Where was this place? She had not had enough fun yet.    


Qin Lang felt angry when he heard Tian Hsing's voice. He did not care about her. He was still in a hurry to see his mother.    


When Qin Lang was about to open the door and leave, the door opened. A man in his 40s with a big waist walked in. He was the organizer of this meeting - Lee Yaowei.    


"... " This is..." Lee Yaowei looked at Qin Lang's ashen face, but he still didn't understand what was going on. When he saw Qin Lang's face, Lee Yaowei's eyes slightly trembled.    


"Chief Li, this is our guest. Don't let him leave..." Tian Hsing hastily said to Lee Yaowei, and then she walked up to Qin Lang. She grabbed Qin Lang and winked at Lee Yaowei. She smiled and said, "Director Li, Qin Lang had a bad time with everyone just now."    


"Oh..." Lee Yaowei laughed and patted Qin Lang on the shoulder. "Brother, it's okay. We are all from the same village. We can't take it seriously. Why don't you go in and have a seat for me? "    


Qin Lang thought that Lee Yaowei was the host today. Since the master had invited him, he could not refuse. He gave Lee Yaowei face and sat back down.    


"Sorry, don't take their words to heart." Fu Yuv felt even more guilty when she saw Qin Lang's expression just now. She whispered to Qin Lang, which made Qin Lang feel a little better.    


At this time, in the most luxurious room in Cabinsky, the owner of the Keikassky was respectfully standing next to a middle-aged beauty. The middle-aged beauty was Qin Lang's mother, Zhao Mingming. There was another man at the dinner table. It was Kong Lingxian.    


On the surface, Zhao Mingming returned to the country because he was doing business, but in fact, he wanted to take the opportunity to visit his son. In fact, after learning that Qin Lang's poverty training had ended, Zhao Mingming started to prepare to come back and see him. It was only at this moment that he started his journey.    


On the eve of her return, she suddenly heard that her son was once again "punished" by the family. Qin Lang was not allowed to use all of the family's resources. This was no different from letting Qin Lang undergo another impoverished training.    


Therefore, the moment Zhao Mingming returned to the country, he secretly made an appointment with the person in charge of East China Region, Kong Lingxian. He wanted him to "take care" of his son, but after talking with Kong Lingxian for a long time, Kong Lingxian didn't dare to agree.    


Regarding this, Zhao Mingming was helpless and understanding. After all, "punishing" Qin Lang was an order from the family. If he dared to go against the law for personal gain, he would be severely punished by the family.    


Zhao Mingming waited until Qin Lang was anxious, then called Boss Du, who was in Cabinsky, in and said, "Go to Room 304 and see how their gathering is going. Help me pay attention to this young man."    


Zhao Mingming showed the phone to Boss Du. There was a picture of Qin Lang in the phone. It was given to her by Kong Lingxian.    


"Yes..." Boss Du answered respectfully. Although he did not know this middle-aged beauty, she was an influential figure in Shanghai. In the entire East China region, no matter if it was the wealthy merchants or the officials, they had to show respect to her. Even he was respectful to the middle-aged beauty. How could he dare to neglect her?    


Boss Du left and walked towards room 304.    


At this time, in room 304, Lee Yaowei and Tian Hsing stood in front of him. Lee Yaowei said some polite words.    


"Director Li, why did you let this pancake seller come back? Could it be that our people bought pancakes at a discounted price to look for him?"    


A young man sitting in the square said, causing the crowd to burst into laughter. Some people started to jeer and ask Qin Lang to go out.    


"Hey, it's not good for everyone. After all, we are all from Chang'an. We should be tolerant of each other." Lee Yaowei tried to smooth things over. He pointed at Qin Lang and said, "Qin Lang, please stand."    


Qin Lang respected Lee Yaowei a lot. After all, Lee Yaowei was speaking for him, so he stood up.    


"Everyone may not know Qin Lang, but of course, I don't know him very well, but I met him by chance today. I can share it with everyone and let them know who Qin Lang really is."    


Everyone else had puzzled expressions. Could it be that there was another side of the pancakes that was unknown?    


Qin Lang was also stunned. Could it be that Manager Li bought my pancakes today? Qin Lang thought about the customers today, but he could not think of a customer like Manager Li.    


"Today I saw the junk on an old lady's bicycle falling off. Qin Lang took the initiative to help the old lady pick up the junk. I originally thought that this was a good young man, but I didn't expect that... He actually asked for 10 yuan from the old lady!"    


Lee Yaowei recognized Qin Lang the moment he saw Qin Lang. He didn't expect Qin Lang to be the same person Tian Hsing told him to humiliate yesterday. That was why he asked Qin Lang to stay.    


"What!? You want to take the money for the junk?"    



"I thought he was just poor, but I didn't expect him to have a moral quality problem as well!"    


"I want to send him to the police station. It's too embarrassing for us in Chang'an!"    




This time, the others had even more opinions about Qin Lang.    


Qin Lang was really disappointed. He did not expect Lee Yaowei to keep him here for this purpose. Seeing him and Tian Hsing looking at each other and smiling evilly, Qin Lang smiled bitterly in his heart. It turned out that everything was a trap set by Tian Hsing.    


"Ask him to get lost! We do not welcome such a morally corrupt person!"    


"Yes, he's a disgrace to Chang'an. I can't even smell my food here!"    




Now, even if they didn't chase Qin Lang away, he wouldn't stay here any longer. Qin Lang looked at these ugly people and prepared to walk to the door.    




Lee Yaowei stopped Qin Lang. There was a cold smile on his face. "Do you think this is your home? Do you want to come and walk? Leave the money for today before you leave! My table is 8888 RMB per table. I won't ask for more from you. You can leave 1200 RMB for me."    


Fu Yuv could not continue watching. She stood up and said to Lee Yaowei, "Director Li, didn't you say that you are the host today? You don't want us to pay?"    


Lee Yaowei sneered, "I have said it before, but I invited an honest Chang'an man. If they were like him, poor, dirty, and morally poor. Why should I invite him? I might as well feed him to the dogs if I have the money! "    


Fu Yuv bit her lips. She felt that she had lied to Qin Lang. "But Qin Lang only ate a few chopsticks. How can you make him pay 1200?"    


"On average, it was 1200. He left. Who should I give the rest of the food to?" Lee Yaowei said.    


At this time, the door of the room rang three times. A person walked in. It was Boss Du from Kibinsky.    


"Oh..." Boss Du saw that the person standing in the room was the middle-aged beauty who attracted his attention. He couldn't help but be shocked. However, he had not figured out the relationship between the middle-aged beauty and this young man. He saw that Qin Lang was wearing such a low-class dress. He naturally did not think that he would have a mother and son relationship with the middle-aged beauty.    


"Boss Du!" Seeing Boss Du, Lee Yaowei quickly came over and greeted him. "Why are you here? Let me introduce you to everyone. This is Boss Du from Kibinsky."    


Everyone stood up and complimented Lee Yaowei when they heard his introduction.    


"This is not your village meeting. Please come and have a look. I wish everyone a good time." Boss Du congratulated the others and asked Lee Yaowei, "Chief Li, what's wrong with this young man?"    


"Oh, Boss Du, you don't have to worry about him. It is like this..." Lee Yaowei roughly told Boss Du about Qin Lang's "deeds," and finally said, "You say, people like him who have a bad moral quality. I definitely can't let him eat for free. If he doesn't have money for his meals today, ___ said. I will leave him here to work with you. "    


Boss Du did not comment on it. He nodded slightly and said a few more polite words. He walked out of the room and reported to the middle-aged beauty.    


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