Making Great Fortune Overnight

C129 Where Are You Going to Treat Us to Dinner

C129 Where Are You Going to Treat Us to Dinner

0Sister Ren Hao is coming?    


Qin Lang was surprised. Everyone in his dorm knew that there was an obedient sister in Ren Hao's house. She was in high school, and Ren Hao was thrifty in his college studies. He wanted to save money for his family and let his sister study well.    


Every time he called his family, he would always tell them that he was living a good life while eating instant noodles. He told his family not to worry about him. Every time his roommates saw him, they were very touched and sad.    


Ren Hao's sister was coming. Qin Lang had to celebrate and support him. He could not lose face in front of his sister.    


Qin Lang soon arrived at the dormitory. Huang Ge went to the sports department for training. In the dormitory group chat, he also teased Ren Hao.    


Yinn Tine sat next to Ren Hao. Today, Ren Hao gave Qin Lang a new feeling. Ren Hao, who usually did not pay much attention to his dressing, trimmed his hair neatly. He was actually dressed very handsomely. His upper body was wearing a white short-sleeved shirt with a short collar. He was wearing a pair of white shorts and a pair of white shoes. He was much more handsome and experienced than before.    


He even looked a little embarrassed.    


"Qin Lang, you don't know. This kid was planning to hide it from us." Yinn Tine patted Ren Hao on the shoulder. "These two days, we found that this kid was buying branded goods again, and he paid attention to his dressing. He also lies in his bed and plays with his phone every day. He doesn't let me and Huang Ge see him."    


"Today, this guy woke up to wash up before dawn and dressed up. He even put on the branded goods he bought before. Huang Ge and I felt that something was not right, so we caught this guy and asked him about it. Under our despotic intimidation, this kid finally confessed. "    


"So this kid's sister came to Jin Ling to participate in the academic competition, and she also came to see him. We've seen his sister's photo, and she's quite pretty. Look at this kid. In order to see his sister, he almost dressed up as Wu Yanzu. "    


Yinn Tine patted the back of Ren Hao's head.    


"Sure, Ren Hao, don't tell us about such a good thing. You are too mean. " Qin Lang sat down next to Ren Hao and pulled on his clothes. "Half a sleeve of Victor's shirt, Barut's shorts, and Biao Ma's shoes. The material is not bad. Tell me, how much did you spend? "    


Qin Lang let go of Ren Hao's clothes. Ren Hao casually brushed the place where Qin Lang had grabbed. It was the first time he had worn such expensive clothes. He especially loved them. He did not want to see any creases on his sister's clothes before he saw her again.    


Ren Hao looked at Qin Lang and Yinn Tine and smiled awkwardly.    


"Half sleeve 585, shorts 615, shoes 688." Ren Hao saw that Qin Lang and Yinn Tine wanted to eat him, and immediately explained, "These are not my own money. How can I have so much money? They are all spent. "    


"You want to have a good time. You want to eat dirt next month, right? It's not a blind date to see your biological sister. Is there a need for that? " Qin Lang speechlessly said Ren Hao. In his opinion, Ren Hao He had spent so much money to buy clothes, and that was the act of his head sinking into water.    


"Aiya, you guys don't know. Do you think I want to do this? Isn't this forcing me to have no choice? " Ren Hao said awkwardly, "I've been telling my family that I work part-time in Jinling. I earn more than 6,000 yuan a month, and I'm doing pretty well in Jinling. Tell them not to worry about me. My sister is coming this time. If she sees me in ragged clothes, she will be very disappointed in me. When I go back and tell my parents, they will shed so many tears..."    


Qin Lang and the others also somewhat understood Ren Hao's difficulties. Qin Lang encouraged," It's fine. We were just joking with you. In the future, it will be fine if you dislike money. Kid, you have so much money at one go. Do you still have money on you? After spending so much money, let your sister see. You're actually a loser. That would be too much of a loss..."    


"I still have some money on me. I borrowed 2,000 yuan from a few fellow villagers. It should be enough. If it's not enough, I can only get a little more from my credit card," Ren Hao said with some confidence.    


Qin Lang secretly sighed, but he did not say anything. At most, if it was not enough, he could help Ren Hao pay for it.    


After chatting in the dormitory for a while, Ren Hao and the others went to Jin Ling Airport to pick up his sister.    


At the Jinling Automotive Station, two young beauties walked out. The one with a ponytail was Ren Hao's sister, Ren Xin. The other one with a straight ponytail was Wang Yao, her close friend. She came to Jinling with Ren Xin to participate in the subject competition. She heard that Ren Xin wanted to see her brother. Wang Yao came with them.    


"Xin Xin, is your brother really like what you said? Is he a very powerful figure in Jinling University?" Wang Yao hugged Ren Xin's arm and asked.    


"Of course. Every time my brother calls me, he says that he is in Jinling University. He gets a scholarship every semester and uses his spare time. He found a part-time job and only works for 2-3 hours a day. He had 5,6000 a month in Jinling University. My brother is also a famous person in the school." Ren Xin said proudly.    


"Yes, I also think that your brother must be very powerful!" Wang Yao smiled and moved closer to Ren Xin. She whispered, "Does your brother not have a girlfriend yet?"    


Ren Xin understood what Wang Yao meant. She used her finger to touch Wang Yao's nose and smiled, "You, what are you thinking about? I am embarrassed for you... Hehe. "    


When Ren Xin said this, Wang Yao's face turned as red as an apple.    


"Why hasn't your brother come yet?" After waiting in front of the station for more than 20 minutes, Wang Yao became somewhat anxious.    


"Don't worry. My brother said on WeChat that he is currently rushing here. He will be here very soon," Ren Xin looked around and said.    


"Beauty, are you waiting for me?" At this moment, two men wearing floral vests walked to Ren Xin and the others with evil smiles. One of them had dyed his blonde hair while the other had a dragon on his arm. He gave off a frivolous aura.    


"Yao Yao, let's go." Ren Xin whispered to Wang Yao and pulled her to dodge. It was better to stay away from these wandering people outside the airport.    


"Don't go."    


The two men quickly blocked the direction where Ren Xin and the rest went. They lowered their heads to look at the two delicate little girls. Their eyes were filled with evil light. "This is your first time coming to Jinling, right? Let's go, I'll show you around..."    


As they spoke, they reached out their hands to grab Ren Xin and the others' hands.    


"No, what are you doing?" Ren Xin and Wang Yao felt especially afraid. They hit the hands that the two of them extended towards them and retreated step by step.    


"Aiyo, you guys hit people. I also want to hit you guys..." The two men shamelessly said. One grabbed a girl's hands and pulled towards his own pocket.    


"Don't... save me..." Ren Xin and Wang Yao cried out in panic.    


"Let go!"    


"Hey, what are you doing!"    




At this time, Ren Hao and Qin Lang had also arrived. When they saw the situation, they were shocked and furious. They didn't care who the two men were. The three of them immediately rushed forward.    


Qin Lang kicked one of them over. Yinn Tine and Ren Hao also violently smashed the other man's head, causing him to fall to the ground.    


"Are you alright?" Ren Hao immediately asked Ren Xin. Seeing Ren Xin nod, Ren Hao looked at the two men. "Qin Lang, Yinn Tine, fuck them with me."    


Seeing Ren Hao and the other two fiercely rushing over, the two men did not know who Ren Hao and the other two were. They were afraid that they would get beaten again, so they immediately ran away.    


"Did I scare you guys? It's all my fault. It will be fine if I come earlier." Ren Hao walked to Ren Xin's side and said guiltily.    


"Brother, what are you talking about!? We don't blame you at all. You were really good just now. You made those bastards run away," Ren Xin said as she held Ren Hao's hand.    


Ren Xin looked at Ren Hao's clothes. They were all branded goods. They were much more precious than what she wore. Ren Xin felt proud and proud in her heart. She looked at Qin Lang and Yinn Tine. "Brother, this is..."    


Qin Lang and the others were too handsome when they rushed over just now. It was like the scene of a hero saving a beauty in a movie. Ren Xin and Wang Yao had a very good impression of Qin Lang and Yinn Tine.    


"Oh, they are my roommates. This is Qin Lang, and this is Yinn Tine..." Ren Hao introduced them to Ren Xin and the others.    


"Brother Qin, Brother Yin, how are you? Thank you for just now. Both of you and my brother are so handsome," Ren Xin said with a sweet smile. Then he introduced himself and Wang Yao to Qin Lang and Yinn Tine.    


Wang Yao sized Ren Hao up and smiled. "Brother Ren, Xin Xin told me just now that you are doing very well in Jinling University. Looking at the branded items you are wearing, you must have earned a lot of money. Ren Xin and I rarely come to Jinling. You must bring us to play well in Jinling."    



"No, haha, just a little better than ordinary students..." Ren Hao scratched his head in embarrassment. There was an unnoticeable awkwardness in his expression. Qin Lang and Yinn Tine secretly smiled.    


"Brother Ren is too modest. Where are we going next?" Wang Yao smiled. She was looking forward to having fun with Ren Hao in Jinling. Ren Hao was rich, so she definitely wouldn't let him pay.    


"Oh, I'll take you to Rain Flower Stone and the presidential palace. That's the place you must go to Jin Ling. It can also help you broaden your horizons," Ren Hao said.    


In order to receive Ren Xin properly, Ren Hao had spent a lot of effort.    


"Okay, brother, let's go." Ren Xin hugged Ren Hao's arm as she said that and went to the roadside to call for a car. Soon, they called two taxis. Ren Hao, Ren Xin, Wang Yao, and Qin Lang.    


"Brother, what kind of part-time job do you do to earn so much money?" Ren Xin asked in the taxi. She looked at her brother and felt very close and happy.    


"Yeah, I only do it for three hours a day. It's 6,000 yuan a month. Counting the time, it is almost 70 yuan per hour. Oh my god. 70 yuan a day. Some people in our county only earn 70 yuan a day. Brother Ren, quickly tell us! " Wang Yao looked at Ren Hao with great anticipation.    


"Er..." Ren Hao looked embarrassed and wiped the sweat off his forehead with his hand. He thought quickly in his heart and said, "I specialize in gardens. Yes... Painting, I'll go outside the school... Teach others how to paint. Jin Ling was a big city, and the rich didn't care about money. Seventy yuan per hour isn't particularly high..."    


"So that's how it is. Brother, you are really capable," Ren Xin said with a smile.    


"I will also be going to the Garden Department in the future. When I graduate, Brother Ren, you will definitely become the pillar of a big company. At that time, you can help me." The more Wang Yao looked at Ren Hao, the more pleasing she was to the eye. In her heart, she really wanted to get close to him.    


"Uh... Er... We will talk about it when the time comes..." Ren Hao looked outside the window with mixed feelings. He couldn't help but imagine what if Ren Xin and the others found out. In fact, he was telling lies. They would be disappointed in him. At that time, Ren Hao really wanted to find a place to hide.    


After that, Ren Hao accompanied Ren Xin and Wang Yao to play on the Rain Flower Platform and the presidential palace. He invited them to taste the local snacks in Jinling and bought them a souvenir from the scenic area. They played until 5 o'clock in the afternoon before Ren Xin and the others had fun to their heart's content.    


In just a few hours, Ren Hao had spent 800 to 900 yuan. He only had about 1000 left.    


Thinking about treating Ren Xin and the others to a meal and accommodation, Ren Hao did not know what to do in his heart.    


"Let's go. We have played for so long. My stomach is flat from hunger!" Wang Yao fanned the wind and said, "Brother Ren, where are you going to treat us to dinner? Let's go now."    


"Oh..." Ren Hao's mind was in a mess. He was just thinking. Should I show them around my campus and then eat at the 'Delicious and Beautiful Moment'? If that was the case, he could still hold on with his 1000 yuan.    


However, when Wang Yao asked him with a face full of anticipation, Ren Hao was unable to say anything. He kept feeling that the 'Beautiful Edifice of Delicacy' was too cheap.    


"Brother Ren, what's wrong with you? Haven't you thought of where to treat us to a meal? It doesn't matter. Think about it carefully. After all, you have been in Jinling for two years. You must know where to eat! Ren Xin and I are country bumpkins. When we go to the restaurant later... We will take photos and post them on our WeChat Moments. Brother Ren, you must not laugh at us for not having seen the world before! "Wang Yao said in a sly manner.    


"Yao Yao, my brother will not make fun of me. Later, I will take pictures of the dishes we ordered and the environment of the restaurant. The classmates will definitely be very envious of me, but they will not be able to do so either. Because they don't have such a capable brother... "    


During the fun, Ren Hao had been very generous. Ren Xin and Wang Yao were the same. They were more convinced that Ren Hao had a good life in Jinling and had earned a lot of money.    


Looking at his sister and Wang Yao's relaxed expressions, Ren Hao maintained a smile on his face. If one looked closely, one could see that there was a trace of bitterness and nervousness in his smile. Ren Hao was very anxious. What should he do now?    


"Oh, Ren Hao wants to treat you to a meal in the fish pond." At this time, Yinn Tine jumped out to help Ren Hao.    


The fish pond was a farm restaurant outside Jinling University. It was very popular among the students. Although it was not as expensive as the Xian Ya Restaurant and Hong Dali Restaurant, it was still very expensive.    


More importantly, considering the amount of money Ren Hao had, it was the most suitable restaurant.    


"Fish pond? What the hell?"    


Wang Yao heard the name so down-to-earth. She took out her phone and searched on it. The result was out.    


"Fish pond is fresh. Is it a farm restaurant? It looks like the door face is similar to the restaurant in our county. Brother Yin, you must be joking with us. Brother Ren will not treat us to a meal here. He can earn more than 6000 a month in this family's restaurant, which only costs 150 RMB per person. Impossible."    


Hearing Wang Yao's words, Ren Hao's face stiffened again, feeling more and more embarrassed.    




Ren Xin noticed that something was not right with Ren Hao. She said softly, thinking that her brother might have some difficulties in his heart. She said, "Actually, this Fresh Money Pond is not bad. I also like to eat fish. It's okay to eat here."    


"Xin Xin, Brother Ren doesn't lack this bit of money. It's not easy for us to come to Jinling. Let your brother take us to eat something good. Didn't you say you would take a photo and post it on your WeChat Moments? That fish pond is similar to farm entertainment. If you post it on your WeChat Moments, you will be laughed at by your classmates. When they arrived in Jinling, they would eat in this kind of place. This is too embarrassing."    


"Who cares what they do. I'll eat whatever my brother invites me to eat," Ren Xin said. Although she was also a bit confused and disappointed, she would definitely stand on her brother's side.    


The two girls were still talking about where to eat while Ren Hao was in the middle. However, it was extremely torturous. He wanted to stand out more. He shouted, "Stop arguing. I'll take you to the best restaurant in Jinling for dinner!" However, he didn't have the ability to do so.    


"Ren Hao, don't joke with your sister!"    


At this time, Qin Lang patted Ren Hao's shoulder and said with a smile. He looked at Ren Xin and Ren Xin again. "Before we came, Ren Hao had already discussed with us. We are going to treat you to dinner at Yonghe Garden tonight. What do you think? If you are not satisfied, we will change again. "    


"Ah..." Ren Hao and Yinn Tine were both shocked.    


Yonghe Garden was a famous brand in Jinling, and it was also very expensive. The five of them cost at least 1,500 yuan, and he only had 1,000 yuan. He also had to take care of Ren Xin and the others' accommodation. Where could he find money?    


Ren Hao helplessly looked at Qin Lang as if he was saying, "Qin Lang, you must be joking. How can I afford it in Yonghe Garden?"    


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