Making Great Fortune Overnight

C122 Poor Child

C122 Poor Child

0Everyone was shocked when they saw Qin Lang fiercely slash Shuai. When the girls saw the blood, they threw themselves into the arms of the boys and screamed.    


Liang Hui and the others were also stunned. They had wanted to watch a good show, but they didn't expect this to be the result. They couldn't help but panic.    


"What are you standing there for? Hurry up and call the police!" Qin Lang shouted at the clerk.    


"Oh..." The surrounding men reacted and immediately took out their phones to call the police.    


"Let's go!" Liang Hui saw that someone had called the police, so he called out to his four followers and Shuai. He ran faster than a rabbit and ran out of Yourou Bar first. The four followers also ran away in panic, not caring about Shuai at all.    


Shuai held his injured arm and turned around, wanting to leave, but was blocked by the young people in the bar.    


"Let him go." At this time, Qin Lang stared at Shuai and said to the young man who stopped him. Everyone could see that he was only ordered by Liang Hui to do something. He did not have any judgment.    


The young people slowly made way for Shuai. Shuai held his injured shoulder and slowly walked out of the bar.    


Seeing that Liang Hui and the others had all run away, Qin Lang let out a long sigh of relief.    


The people in the bar cleaned up the mess in the bar and greeted Wu Yiyuan before leaving.    


Wu Yiyuan had been sitting beside Qin Lang the whole time. She used iodine to personally paint Qin Lang's wound and expressed her gratitude to Qin Lang.    


Wu Yiyuan accompanied Qin Lang to the outside of the bar, and Qin Lang was about to leave.    


"Take your time on the road. Goodbye." Wu Yiyuan waved goodbye to Qin Lang. It only affected the injury on her elbow. Wu Yiyuan suddenly covered her elbow as if she was in pain.    


"How are you?" Qin Lang quickly walked back to her side. When he saw her elbow, he saw that a small piece of it was purple-red. Qin Lang knew that such an injury would hurt if he moved it a little.    


"It's fine. I'll just go back and apply some medicine on myself." Wu Yiyuan faintly smiled at Qin Lang. She did not want to delay Qin Lang's return.    


"Why are you going home?" Qin Lang looked at the bright red Porsche parked in front of the bar and asked Wu Yiyuan with a frown.    


"Uh... Although I can't drive, I can call a taxi. Don't worry about it." Wu Yiyuan just realized that she could not drive in her current situation.    


"Give me the keys..."    


"Why do you want the keys?" Wu Yiyuan took out the car key in confusion. Qin Lang grabbed it and helped Wu Yiyuan to the Porsche. "Let's go. I'll take you home."    


Qin Lang drove the car and followed Wu Yiyuan's directions. He drove to the neighborhood where Wu Yiyuan lived and helped her into the room.    


Qin Lang asked Wu Yiyuan to tell him where the medicine box was. He took it and gave it to Wu Yiyuan.    


Wu Yiyuan sat on the sofa in the living room. Qin Lang pulled Wu Yiyuan's arm and carefully applied the medicine on her arm.    


Seeing Qin Lang meticulously applying the medicine and thinking about the situation in the bar where Qin Lang sacrificed himself to save her, Wu Yiyuan actually became a little crazy.    


At this time, she was like Fairy Zi Xia waiting for the supreme treasure to step on the seven-colored clouds to pick her up, especially happy.    


Just as one of them was concentrating, and the other was obsessed.    


Qin Lang felt a gust of wind pass by. He looked up and saw a black shadow falling towards his head. Qin Lang quickly let go of Wu Yiyuan's hand and subconsciously dodged to the side.    


"Jiajia, don't!" Wu Yiyuan shouted loudly.    


Luckily, Qin Lang dodged in time and was not hit. He stood up and looked. It turned out to be a little girl who looked like she was 12 or 13 years old and was wearing pajamas. She held a rolling pin in her hand. When she hit him just now, the little girl did not hit him. Again! She raised her rolling pin and rushed towards him.    


"Jiajia, what are you doing?" Wu Yiyuan hugged Jiajia and scolded.    


"He is a bad person. He bullied you. I am going to kick him out..." Jiajia said persistently. She stared at Qin Lang angrily. If Wu Yiyuan did not hug her, she would still rush over and hit Qin Lang.    


Qin Lang noticed that Jiajia's expression and voice were very childish. She did not look like she was 12 or 13 years old at all.    


Wu Yiyuan hugged Jiajia and said a lot of good things, but Jiajia did not listen. Wu Yiyuan became anxious. She simply let go of Jia Jia and pointed at Qin Lang. She said to Jiajia, "Go and hit him. Let mom be sad. Go! "    


Wu Yiyuan sat on the sofa. She helplessly pinched her hair with both hands. She looked very sad and angry.    


"Mom, I won't hit him anymore. Don't be angry with Jiajia. I won't hit him anymore." Jiajia threw away the rolling pin and sat beside Wu Yiyuan. She held Wu Yiyuan's clothes with her small hands and admitted her mistake.    


"You really won't hit him anymore?"    


"I am not going to hit him. Mom, don't be angry with Jiajia." Jiajia's small face was still worried. She was afraid that Wu Yiyuan would be sad.    


"Alright, Jiajia is so obedient. Mom will not be angry." Wu Yiyuan hugged Jia Jia and looked at Qin Lang. "Qin Lang, come here."    


Qin Lang sat opposite Wu Yiyuan and Jiajia. Qin Lang found that although Jiajia was pretty, she was very different from Wu Yiyuan in terms of appearance. She also looked a little stunned.    


"Jia Jia, mom will introduce you. This is Qin Lang's big brother. He is mom's good friend. When you see him in the future, you cannot be as rude as you are today. Do you understand?" Wu Yiyuan looked at Jiajia and said.    


"I know," Jiajia said without thinking.    


Qin Lang nodded to Jiajia in a friendly manner. However, it was obvious that Jiajia only agreed with him. She looked at Qin Lang with hostility.    


Wu Yiyuan sighed helplessly.    


"Did we wake you up? Let's go, mom will take you back to your bedroom to sleep. Qin Lang, wait here for a while, "Wu Yiyuan said as she held Jiajia's hand and walked towards a bedroom.    


"Mom, tell Jiajia the story before she goes to bed. Otherwise, Jiajia will not be able to sleep. Tell me the story of the astronaut who went to bed last time."    


"Okay, the astronaut is floating in the space station... Outside the porthole is a vast space. The astronaut suddenly heard the sound of" Tap Tap Tap "coming from outside the porthole..."    


"Ah, ghosts, Jiajia is afraid. Is there a ghost outside the porthole?"    




The conversation between Wu Yiyuan and Jiajia could be heard in the bedroom. Qin Lang, who was sitting on the sofa, could not help but smile.    


Twenty minutes later, Wu Yiyuan gently closed the door and walked out of the bedroom.    


"I am really sorry about what happened just now..." Wu Yiyuan walked to Qin Lang and apologized for Jiajia's rude behavior just now.    


"It's okay, Sister Wu. Jiajia is..." Qin Lang was quite interested in Jiajia. He could not guess Jia Jia's identity. Although she called Wu Yiyuan mother, she did not look like her mother. Qin Lang felt that it was not that simple.    



"Jia Jia is a child I adopted. She was born with a problem with her intelligence. She is thirteen years old this year. But her intelligence is still at the level of three or four years old." Speaking of this, Wu Yiyuan's expression was obviously a little sad.    


"Oh, so that's how it is..." Thinking about how Jia Jia had such an unfortunate encounter, Qin Lang also gave her quite a bit of pity. "Oh right, why did she suddenly want to hit me? Did I offend her in any way?"    


It was Qin Lang's first time seeing Jiajia today. Why did it seem like she was angry with him?    


A trace of uneasiness flashed across Wu Yiyuan's face. She immediately smiled faintly.    


"It's nothing. Maybe she was more excited because she saw strangers at home at night."    


"Is that so?" Qin Lang noticed that Wu Yiyuan seemed to be hiding something from him, but he did not say it out loud. He stood up and said, "Then I will leave first."    


"If you want to leave, it is already so late. I think you should stay here for one night. My house has many guest rooms, so it is not a problem," Wu Yiyuan tried to persuade him to stay.    


It was almost three o'clock in the morning, and it was not good to go back. Qin Lang stayed at Wu Yiyuan's house.    


The next day, Qin Lang woke up early. Wu Yiyuan had prepared breakfast for him and Jiajia. When they were eating at the dinner table, Qin Lang found that Jiajia was still staring at him with hostility.    


However, after Qin Lang understood Jiajia's situation, he felt that the child was really pitiful. He could not help but feel pity for her.    


"Mom, I want to go out and play!" After dinner, Jia Jia begged Wu Yiyuan.    


"Jiajia, I can't do it today. Wait for two more days. When mom has time, I will take you to the amusement park, okay?" Wu Yiyuan patted Jiajia's head to comfort her. She seemed to be very disappointed.    


"Sister Wu, I think there is a bodybuilder downstairs. I will take Jiajia to play for a while." Qin Lang looked at the depressed look on Jiajia's face and could not bear to see it.    


Wu Yiyuan really agreed. She told Qin Lang to let him take Jia Jia to play with the bodybuilder for a while. He did not want to delay his own business.    


Although Jiajia did not like Qin Lang very much in her heart, she still compromised in order to play with him.    


When they arrived next to the bodybuilder in the neighborhood, Jiajia rarely played with these things. Everything was very unfamiliar to her, so Qin Lang taught her the same thing. As for how to operate each fitness centre, Jiajia suddenly felt that Qin Lang knew everything. She began to like him a little.    


When she saw Qin Lang do thirty turns on a bodybuilder that she did not know how to do, like a wheel, Jiajia's eyes lit up. She clapped her hands and jumped up in excitement.    


Unknowingly, the hostility in Jia Jia's heart towards Qin Lang decreased a lot. Her heart was filled with love for Qin Lang.    


"I want to ride a horse!" Jiajia excitedly said to Qin Lang.    


"Riding a horse?" Qin Lang did not understand. Jiajia walked to Qin Lang's side. She asked him to squat down. Next, Jiajia rode on Qin Lang's neck without any hesitation. Jiajia patted Qin Lang's head happily and shouted, "Drive..."    


So this is riding a horse? Qin Lang was speechless. This Jiajia was wearing a short skirt and was sitting on his neck. The skirt blocked his line of sight. How could he walk? Furthermore, Jiajia did not hit him lightly. She used the Slap to slap Qin Lang's head. Qin Lang was the young master of the world's number one family, but he was "bullied" by a thirteen year old girl. It made many people want to laugh even if they cried.    


Qin Lang "walked" blindly for one or two hundred meters. Finally, Jiajia let him go. Looking at the way Jiajia looked at him, there was no longer any hostility in her eyes. Qin Lang felt very relieved. He didn't waste this morning's effort.    


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