Making Great Fortune Overnight

C120 Enemies Never Meet

C120 Enemies Never Meet

0Wu Yiyuan, Yu Jing, and 10 young men sat together. They didn't put on airs at all. They were like the friends and sisters of the young people, a few lively young men. After a few jokes, the atmosphere in the bar was especially relaxed.    


"Alright, I won't say any more nonsense. I'll say a few more words to everyone and everyone can go back to sleep." When Wu Yiyuan talked about the main topic, her expression clearly became more serious.    


"I have already talked to a boss in Jinling. In a few days, I will be back. I will let him take over Yourou Bar..." Wu Yiyuan calmly smiled and said to the young people. But the news she said was explosive, causing a commotion among the young people present.    


"Sister Wu, we won't let him in!"    


"You Ruo Bar, why did you sell it just like that? We don't agree!"    


"Yes, if he dares to come in, I'll beat him out!"    




The girl's expression was gloomy, and the boys were emotional. In Yourou Bar, their treatment was not bad, and Wu Yiyuan and Yu Jing were also very good to them. When they heard that Yourou Bar had been sold, they felt as if their own house had been sold.    


Qin Lang was also very shocked. He had thought about it before. He wanted to buy Yourou Bar to run it, but too many things had happened during this period of time. He had actually forgotten about it. He also did not expect Wu Yiyuan to be so fast. He had already discussed it with the others.    


"Stop calling. Do you think Sister Wu is willing to sell the bar? Selling the bar is even more painful for her than for you guys..." Yu Jing said to the excited young people, on the matter of selling the bar, Wu Yiyuan had been discussing with Yu Jing. Yu Jing understood how ruthless Wu Yiyuan was. That was why she sold the bar.    


Yu Jing was interrupted by Wu Yiyuan. She could understand the feelings of these young people.    


"I know that everyone is reluctant to part with the bar. I still remember. Little Jing and I came in through the interview one by one. One night before the opening ceremony. I also promised you that I would make enough money for you. After three years, after five years, I will give you a promotion and a raise... "    


The scenes at that time appeared in Wu Yiyuan's mind. She could not help but cry. Her voice also became choked with sobs. "But now I have not fulfilled my promise to you. I have let everyone down. I bow to everyone here. I am sorry. "    


Wu Yiyuan deeply bowed to the young people present.    


"It's not your fault."    


"Sister Wu, please don't be like this."    


"Sister Wu, we love you."    




All the young men surrounded Wu Yiyuan to comfort her. They had never been dissatisfied with Wu Yiyuan.    


"Alright, thank you everyone, thank you all..." Wu Yiyuan was very touched. She looked at the young people around her with teary eyes and said, "You all should think about it these few days. Who wants to stay and report to Yu Jing? I will tell the new boss... "    


Wu Yiyuan had found a way out for her employees. It could be said that she had done her best.    


"Yo, I have long heard that You Ruo Bar is not bad. Sure enough, it looks pretty good." At this time, a few people walked in from outside the door. A young man in the middle said with a smile. Although he was wearing a baseball cap, he could still see... There was a scar between his forehead and the corner of his eye. Next to him were four other frivolous men. All of them had hanging smiles on their faces.    


Seeing the young man, Wu Yiyuan was obviously a little afraid. Her eyes also revealed some hatred.    


Qin Lang was also shocked. He recognized the four people beside the young man in the baseball cap. They were the people who blocked their way on the road that day. It was precisely on that day that Qin Lang helped Peng Meng out of nowhere. Looking closely at the figure of the youth in the middle wearing a baseball cap, Qin Lang guessed that he was the Liang Hui who confessed to Peng Meng on the road that day.    


Last time at Peng Nan's birthday banquet, Peng Nan said that Liang Hui had been looking for him to take revenge. Qin Lang could not help but hide in the crowd, but his eyes were still focused on Liang Hui, watching his every move.    


"Sorry, we are closed. Please come back tomorrow." A male supervisor walked over to Liang Hui and the others and said politely with a smile.    


"Hey, the guest has come in. Is there any reason to drive the guest out? I think you don't have to work here anymore. With your brain... A good bar can also make you close down." Liang Hui did not put the male lead in his eyes at all. He and a few of his followers sat down in a lascivious manner. Liang Hui only glanced at the male lead disdainfully, then looked at Wu Yi Er.    


When Liang Hui and the others sat down, only then did the others realize. It turned out that there was another person standing behind them. However, this person was extremely thin and weak, and was completely blocked by Liang Hui and the others just now. What was even more surprising was that this person wore a white mask on his face. It was just like the face of a model of clothing set up in a shopping mall.    


"You..." The male foreman also had a position in the bar. In front of so many people, being scolded by Liang Hui like this, how could he not be angry? He was about to flare up.    


"Xiao Liao, shut up!" At this moment, Wu Yiyuan anxiously shouted to stop him.    


"Sister Wu, it doesn't matter if you don't serve this kind of person. I will chase him out right now..." The male foreman Xiao Liao said to Wu Yiyuan in embarrassment and anger.    


"Pa!" Just as Xiao Liao turned his head to speak to Wu Yiyuan, Liang Hui's Slap hit the back of Xiao Liao's head. When Xiao Liao was about to turn his head around in anger and counterattack, Liang Hui directly pulled Xiao Liao's hair. He kicked Xiao Liao in the stomach, and Xiao Liao was kicked to the ground. He felt as if all his internal organs had been crushed. Liang Hui stepped on Xiao Liao's head. He looked at Xiao Liao with disdain.    


All of this happened in an instant. When the other people in the bar saw Xiao Liao being stepped on by Liang Hui, they all stood up and picked up their weapons, wanting to rush over to save Xiao Liao.    


Liang Hui's four followers also stood up. They raised their chin, looking like ruffians and hooligans. They used their fingers to point at the excited crowd and scare them.    


"Sit down!"    


"Let's see who dares to move!"    


"You bastard..."    


Only the short man wearing the mask stood firmly behind Liang Hui, not moving at all, like an electric pole.    


These people had strange hairstyles, gold chains, and silver rings. They had a fierce look on their faces, which scared the young men in the bar.    


"Sit down," Wu Yiyuan frowned and said to the young people in a deep voice. Everyone was still very unwilling. After Wu Yiyuan angrily shouted "sit down," they finally sat down obediently. But she shot her resentful gaze towards Liang Hui and the others.    


Wu Yiyuan let out a deep breath and turned towards Liang Hui.    


"Young Liang, please let him go." Wu Yiyuan was very unwilling to talk to Liang Hui. She did not know him at all. It was him who suddenly ran in front of Wu Yiyuan a few days ago and introduced himself. In these few days, he invited her to eat and also invited her to watch a movie. How could Wu Yiyuan not see through Liang Hui's intentions? Wu Yiyuan hated Liang Hui to the core. She rejected all of his invitations.    


But Liang Hui still followed Wu Yiyuan like a follower. Wu Yiyuan understood that Liang Hui was also not a young rich second generation. She was also helpless.    


"Let him go? He wanted to attack me just now, so he let him go. How can I, Liang Hui, survive in front of my brothers? " Liang Hui said with a laugh. He stomped on Xiao Liao's face twice. Xiao Liao let out two painful cries.    


The young men in the bar moved slightly. They were very anxious.    


Wu Yiyuan frowned even more deeply. She was quickly thinking about how to save Xiao Liao.    


"What do you want to do?" Wu Yiyuan stared at Liang Hui and asked. She was very nervous in her heart. It seemed that Liang Hui had some ulterior motives today.    


"Huh..." Liang Hui laughed softly. He took out the key bracelet. He trimmed his nails with a nail clipper and said casually, "It's very simple. I came to the bar to drink. When I finish sprinkling, I will naturally leave. As for this thing, in my eyes, it's not worth a dime. "    


Liang Hui used his feet to roll Xiao Liao's head like a watermelon.    


"Serve them wine!" Wu Yiyuan said to the young man in the bar. A few male waiters glared at Liang Hui and the others and were about to go to the bar to serve them drinks.    


"Wait, Boss Wu. My brother and I are here to support you. You don't mean to let a few little white boys drink on their faces. I don't think my brothers and I will be able to enjoy it. It's not like you don't have women here. Letting them drink is the way to treat guests, right? " Liang Hui looked at the lights and saw how his nails were done.    



Everyone, including Wu Yiyuan, exhaled in dissatisfaction, but to send this evil god away, they had to follow their wishes.    


"Little Jing, Ling Ling, Ah Zhen, and the tomboy, come with me to get the wine and entertain the guests." Wu Yiyuan ordered four girls and went to the bar with them to get the wine. Each of them held a glass of wine and walked towards Liang Hui and the others.    


Seeing Wu Yiyuan and the four beauties walk towards them, Liang Hui and the others' eyes revealed an evil light.    


"Get lost!" Liang Hui kicked Xiao Liao's head and kicked him away.    


"Young Liang, please." Wu Yiyuan presented the glass in front of Liang Hui. Seeing Liang Hui staring at her sexy face, Wu Yiyuan felt nervous and disgusted. She just wanted to leave him as soon as possible.    


"Okay. I will drink. The wine that Miss Wu personally gave me. How could I dare to let it go?" Liang Hui's gaze never left Wu Yiyuan's face. His hand slowly reached out for the wine cup. Just as he was about to grab the wine glass, Liang Hui suddenly grabbed Wu Yiyuan's hand. Wu Yiyuan shook violently and the glass fell to the ground. And her hand was firmly held by Liang Hui.    


At the same time, Liang Hui's four followers either held or pulled the girl who handed the wine to them. The four girls screamed at the same time.    


"Let go of me, what are you doing... Ah!" Wu Yiyuan screamed in fear. She felt that her balance suddenly lost and she fell into a person's arms.    


"What? What can I do..." Liang Hui held Wu Yiyuan tightly in his arms. He looked down at Wu Yiyuan's face, which was comparable to a celebrity. Wu Yiyuan was already thirsty and could not bear it. She just leaned on him. He could feel that Wu Yiyuan was very "prepared." At this time, Liang Hui was like a prison redemption prisoner who had been in prison for 30 years. He was released in one day. This was the first time he saw a woman. The evil light in his eyes became brighter and brighter. His throat was also moving up and down. He could not wait any longer. He pressed his lips down...    


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