Making Great Fortune Overnight

C113 He Was Really a Top Tycoon!

C113 He Was Really a Top Tycoon!

0"Young Master Qin, are you alright?" Yang Siqi looked up at Qin Lang and asked. At this moment, Qin Lang was a little touched. She had been beaten up, and now she asked herself first.    


"You..." Mother Yang sighed deeply. "You really want to anger us to death!"    


They had already gathered a lot of people to watch the show. They were all pointing at this strange family.    


"Everyone, give me an evaluation. This person is outside asking for money from others. He even seduced my daughter! He made our girl so infatuated that she wants to break up with his boyfriend. My daughter would never argue with us, old couple. Look at this... How did she quarrel with us... " Mother Yang was really at her wit's end and poured bitter water on the crowd.    


"This boy is too much of a good-for-nothing."    


"Must he get his wife and son separated before he can be satisfied?"    


"I think he's doing it for money. There are all kinds of scumbags in society! I really admire him!"    




The surrounding people were led by Mother Yang's rhythm and pointed the spearhead at Qin Lang.    


At this moment, Qin Lang's phone rang. It was Manager Che. Yang Siqi let go of Qin Lang and let him answer the phone.    


"Hello, Manager Che! Are you asking me about the compensation last night?" Qin Lang thought that Che Hui might have asked him about how he crashed Faang Lun's car last night and wanted to compensate him.    


"No, I will take care of what happened last night. Don't worry. " Che Hui said respectfully, "It is like this. I have already found two apartments for you. The location, property rights, and renovations are all pretty good. I have already collected and organized the information. Where are you? I will send the information to you. Please take a look. "    


"Ah... An apartment building? What do you mean, I don't understand?" Qin Lang was confused. What did this mean? Why did Che Hui help him find an apartment building?    


"Oh, you still don't know? Blame me me. I'll explain it to you. Last time Shen Wanqian Mr. Shen asked me to help you pay the final payment of the 34 million Ferrari to the Ferrari Company. Tell me to help you find an apartment building in Jinling City, and tell me that you're looking forward to Jinling's future housing prices..."    


"Oh, I see." Qin Lang understood when he heard Che Hui say it. It was Shen Wanqian who helped him with all this. He wanted Shen Wanqian to start taking over some business projects. He wanted to train himself. After all, he was going to take over a large family business in the future. He glanced at the people from the Yang Family who were staring at him covetously. He knew that they would not let him leave easily.    


"In that case, I'll have to trouble Manager Che to send the information to Hubei Hotel in Wanda Square." Qin Lang said politely and hung up the phone.    


"Is it Manager Che?" Yang Siqi asked Qin Lang worriedly. If Manager Che saw her on sick leave and came to Wanda Square to shop, wouldn't he be in trouble?    


"Then I'll go first. I can't let Manager Che see me!" Seeing Qin Lang nod his head, Yang Siqi said and was about to leave.    


"Go what? Go!" Mother Yang pulled Yang Siqi back, "Don't think I don't know that the two of you are singing a double act here! This matter must be resolved today."    


"Mom, Manager Che is really coming. Don't pull me, okay?" Yang Siqi said anxiously.    


"Si Qi, you have become much more cunning now. Do you think Mom will believe you?" Mother Yang looked at Yang Siqi and said, then looked at Qin Lang. "Can he know your manager? Who would believe that an apartment building looks like it?"    


"Yes, I pretended to look like him, okay?" Qin Lang was speechless towards this family.    


"Cousin, don't be unreasonable anymore." Xia Qing walked in front of Yang Siqi. The two sisters had clearly discussed before. They used Qin Lang to provoke Zhao Wei, but now her cousin had clearly deviated from the direction. If her cousin continued to mess around like this, she and Zhao Wei would be completely finished.    


"Listen to me, cousin. As long as you apologize to Brother Zhao, I believe Brother Zhao will definitely forgive you," Xia Qing tried her best to persuade Yang Siqi and Zhao Wei.    


"Don't get involved in Xia Qing's matter. I only have Young Master Qin in my heart. He, Zhao Wei, can do whatever he wants!" Yang Siqi was very dissatisfied with Xia Qing. She was the one who ruined her good deed time and time again.    


Xia Qing also did not have anything to say to her cousin. All of this was caused by Qin Lang.    


"Qin Lang!" At this time, Xia Qing angrily walked in front of Qin Lang. "You can. You have captivated my cousin! I forgot what I told you back then! "    


"Do you not know whether you have the right to pursue my cousin? I want you to promise me now that you will cut off your relationship with my cousin in the future! Speak! " Xia Qing had always been domineering in front of Qin Lang.    


If it were any other time, there was nothing Qin Lang could not do to Xia Qing. But now, his father, Mother Yang, had this kind of attitude towards him. Should he give in to them again? Qin Lang couldn't do it. More importantly... Once he made a promise, all his previous efforts to make Zhao Wei leave Yang Siqi would be in vain.    


Yang Siqi obviously didn't like Zhao Wei. Qin Lang definitely wouldn't push her to Zhao Wei's side.    


Qin Lang turned a deaf ear to Xia Qing's words.    


"Smelly loser, are you deaf!" Xia Qing shouted at Qin Lang loudly. As she spoke, she furrowed her brows. She raised it up. Her hand. He was about to slap Qin Lang's face. When she was on the cheerleading team, Xia Qing had also slapped Qin Lang in the face. Qin Lang would not fight back, but this time, Qin Lang grabbed Xia Qing's hand.    


"Don't go too far!" Qin Lang said unhappily.    


"Let go, you loser!" Xia Qing did not think that Qin Lang would dare to grab her. She angrily swung twice, but could not shake off Qin Lang's hand at all.    


In extreme anger, Xia Qing raised her left hand again and pulled at Qin Lang, but she was also grabbed by Qin Lang.    


"You, let go!" Xia Qing was embarrassed and angry. Her pretty face was cold as she shouted at Qin Lang.    


"I can let you go, but you have to promise me that you will not hit me again!" Qin Lang said seriously.    


"Get lost, who do you think you are!" Xia Qing would not give in to Qin Lang. She rolled her eyes.    


"Molest me. Look at this guy molest me..." Xia Qing took advantage of Qin Lang's momentary distraction and bit Qin Lang's hand. Qin Lang screamed and let go of his hand. He looked at it. A bite mark was left on the right hand's thumb and forefinger. Blood was flowing out.    


Xia Qing proudly stood in front of Qin Lang and looked at him.    


"Good bite!"    


"Bite this poor bastard to death!" Zhao Wei and his father Mother Yang said sarcastically.    


Yang Siqi had already rushed to Qin Lang's side and checked Qin Lang's wound with heartache.    


"That seems to be... Manager Che..." The smile on Xia Qing's face gradually disappeared. She suddenly saw Manager Che come in from the door of the restaurant.    


"Ah! Where is it? Oh my god, it really is Manager Che... " Mother Yang also saw Manager Che and said in a panic. The people of Yang Family were panicking. They all knew that once Yang Siqi's "sick leave" was exposed, Yang Siqi would suffer a great loss.    


"Si Qi, what are you still standing there for? Hide, your manager is here... " Mother Yang said to Yang Siqi at this time.    


"You don't need to hide," Qin Lang said to Yang Siqi. Even if Qin Lang did not say it, Yang Siqi would not listen to her mother. Qin Lang's hand was hurt, and she felt sorry for him.    


"No need to hide shit. This is related to my daughter's 100,000 yuan bonus and her promotion. Of course you are not in a hurry! Si Qi, you can tell this person's character, right? " Mother Yang cursed Qin Lang." Si Qi, don't just stand there. Hide! "    


"It's too late. Manager Che is coming to us!" Xia Qing said with her eyes wide open.    


"Mr. Qin!" Manager Che greeted him and walked over. When he walked closer, he found Yang Siqi was also there. "Huh? Manager Yang, didn't you apply for sick leave? Why..."    


Having been caught by Manager Che, Yang Siqi didn't want to defend herself anymore. She just lowered her head and stood beside Qin Lang.    



"Ah... It was like this. Manager Che, I am Si Qi's mother. Our Si Qi should have been lying at home and resting. It's my problem to drag her to buy clothes with me when I have nothing to do. It has nothing to do with Siqi. She's still sick... "    


"Yeah, Si Qi was really sick last night. She vomited acid and had a fever..."    


"... " Well, we just left the hospital with cousin... "    




Mother Yang and the rest immediately defended Yang Siqi.    


"Oh..." Manager Che smiled playfully. "You guys are very good. Yang Siqi is sick and the family accompanied her to the shopping mall and to the hospital. I want to ask, which hospital did you accompany Yang Siqi to?"    


"Uh..." Mother Yang and the others looked at each other. They did not know who said it. They looked at each other but did not reach a mutual understanding. The four of them actually spoke at the same time.    


"Same hospital."    


"City First Hospital."    


"He Ji Hospital," said Wang Yao.    


"[Central Hospital.]"    


After saying that, the four of them looked annoyed. Why did they talk so much?    


"That's great. It's just a small cold, but he transferred to four hospitals," Manager Che said with a sarcastic smile.    


"Manager Che, listen to me..." Mother Yang wanted to pull the situation back.    


"No need. I already know what to do." Manager Che refused to listen to Mother Yang's explanation.    


Mother Yang and the others' hearts sank to the bottom of the valley. This time, their daughter's 100,000 yuan bonus and the opportunity to be promoted to vice president was completely gone.    


"Manager Che," Qin Lang called at this time.    


"Hey, say it." When facing Qin Lang, Manager Che immediately changed to a humble attitude.    


"I'm not in a good mood today. Manager Yang, please walk around the city with me. I didn't know it was against your rules. I apologize to you," ___ said. Qin Lang said politely.    


"Oh..." Manager Che was shocked. How could he not understand what Qin Lang meant? Manager Che's heart was filled with fear. Yang Siqi had been standing beside Qin Lang. As long as he could roughly guess what was going on, he would be able to understand what was going on. And he actually neglected it so carelessly.    


"So that's how it is. It was a misunderstanding!" Manager Che smiled awkwardly, then walked to Yang Siqi and said, "Manager Yang, are you feeling better? You have a great chance to change the personnel in your line of work today. I hope you will work hard in the future. Protecting the current leader of this force will always be yours. "    


What did Manager Che mean? Who on the scene did not understand what he meant?    


The two elders of Yang Family, Xia Qing and Zhao Wei were dumbfounded. What the f * ck was going on? Qin Lang, this loser, just said a few words and the problem was explained? Why did Manager Che want to give Qin Lang face? He was clearly just a poor student in Jinling University.    


"Mr. Qin, please take a seat. This is the detailed information on the two apartment buildings that I have found for you. Its specific location is near the husband's temple in Qin Huai District. According to my estimations, it is located near the husband's temple in Qin Huai District. About 890 million..."    


890 million! When they heard this number, the Yang father, Mother Yang, and Xia Qing Zhao Wei were even more dumbfounded! If Qin Lang said that he wanted to buy an apartment building with 890 million, they would think of it as a joke. But now, it came from Manager Che's mouth. As the customer manager of Citibank, Manager Che... He would definitely not play along with Qin Lang, which meant... They were indeed talking about 890 million yuan!    


Then Qin Lang...    


Thinking about it, Mother Yang and the others could not help but suck in a breath of cold air. Could it be that Qin Lang was a super tycoon with 900 million yuan in his hands?!    


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