Making Great Fortune Overnight

C196 I Was Almost Ruined by Qin Lang

C196 I Was Almost Ruined by Qin Lang

0In the next few days, Director Liu did not make a sound. There was no news about Qin Lang's donation in the school. In the eyes of the students, Qin Lang was still an out-and-out poor loser.    


Whenever he had time, he would go rehearse with Loong Ling and the others. However, after the previous few times, Loong Ling's attitude towards Qin Lang became even colder.    


In the blink of an eye, it was the day of the welcome party.    


On Jiangnan University's Full Moon Square, a cool steel stage was set up in the morning. In the afternoon, the sun set in the west, and the steel stage lit up with blue lights. It was quietly shining on the stage, waiting for the curtain of night to fall. The start of the gala.    


Qin Lang had a good sleep in the afternoon. He got up, washed up, and put on his clothes. Then, he ran towards the stage.    


He went to the area behind the stage where the actors were preparing for the performance and changed into the costume for the performance. Loong Ling and Cao Ning had not arrived yet. Qin Lang saw that there were a few student union students in suits and shoes in the venue. They were maintaining the order of the venue, and his roommate Zhang Qi was also there.    


Qin Lang thought about his performance later. He wanted to jump and jump on the stage. He didn't want to drop his phone on the stage, so he ran to Zhang Qi's side and asked him to take the phone. He would ask him for it after he finished his performance.    


At this time, the actors were all making preparations. The accompanying dancer of Qin Lang's performance, Zhang Xiaoshan, was furious. She had just gone to eat at a restaurant outside the school with a classmate and left a very important prop - the hairband - in the restaurant.    


Zhang Xiaoshan wanted to go to the restaurant from the stage to the restaurant so far away, but she was not sure if she could find the hairband. She was wondering whether she should go and find it or not.    


Suddenly, she saw Qin Lang. She rolled her eyes and came up with an idea. This kid had long arms and legs. He would definitely run fast. Let him take a look for me.    


"Qin Lang, I forgot my hairband at the 'Fragrance Restaurant' outside the school. Can you bring it for me?" Zhang Xiaoshan walked to Qin Lang's side and said anxiously.    


"You can go by yourself. There's still more than an hour before it starts. We can catch up," Qin Lang said. Did Zhang Xiaoshan think he was stupid? Why did you lose something and let me go and find it for you?    


"Aiya, if I had time, I would still let you go. Later, I still have to help Loong Ling put on her costume. I'm leaving. Who will help Loong Ling? Don't tell me you want Young Master Cao to help Loong Ling wear it?" Zhang Xiaoshan said. She could not tell after so many days. Qin Lang secretly had a crush on Loong Ling, so he used Loong Ling to provoke him.    


"Are you serious?" Qin Lang asked.    


"You are not going, right? Alright, I will go by myself. Let Young Master Cao help Loong Ling put on her clothes." Zhang Xiaoshan saw that Qin Lang had hooked the hook and pretended to say.    


"Okay, I'll help you look. You stay here." Qin Lang stood up immediately. Thinking about the scene of Cao Ning putting on Loong Ling's clothes, Qin Lang was afraid. He said something to Zhang Xiaoshan and quickly ran to the Fragrance Restaurant outside the school.    


"Humph, Loser, you really love Loong Ling." Zhang Xiaoshan smiled and sighed. She leisurely sat on the chair.    


At this time, Cao Ning and Loong Ling walked over. They had already finished putting on makeup and putting on the costume.    


"Has Qin Lang not come yet?" Cao Ning asked with a frown.    


Zhang Xiaoshan nodded and said, "Yes, Young Master Cao, this kid really doesn't take the gala seriously."    


Cao Ning snorted and said, "This kid shouldn't make a fool of himself on the stage."    


At this time, Loong Ling's phone rang. It was her younger sister Loong Yan who called. Loong Ling picked up the phone.    


"Hello, sister. You have a welcoming party tonight, right? I want to go and take a look." Loong Yan's sweet voice came from the phone.    


"Then take a taxi and come over yourself. My program is still at the back. You can see it when you come over," Loong Ling said with a smile.    


"It is already dark now. I am afraid by myself. How about... Why don't you let... Let Qin Lang come and pick me up. I can rest assured with him around," Loong Yan said, a little embarrassed.    


"But..." Loong Ling wanted to tell her sister that Qin Lang was also a part of the show, but she knew that her sister wanted Qin Lang to pick her up. In fact, she wanted to see Qin Lang. She thought that her show was quite backward. Even if Qin Lang went to pick up her sister, he would still be able to make it in time. She said, "Okay, I'll let him pick you up now..."    


"Thank you, sister. I'm now at KFC, where I can go. Ask him to come over and call me..." After Loong Yan said that, she hung up the phone.    


Loong Ling shook her head. She found Qin Lang's phone number on a dinner party member's phone. She pressed the number and was about to call him when she remembered that she had called him this time. She couldn't have made him think that she was starting to have a good impression of him, right?    


Loong Ling thought for a few minutes and in the end, she did not choose to call. Instead, she sent a message and asked Qin Lang to go and pick up her sister.    


At 8 o'clock at night, there was a huge crowd of people sitting under the stage. They were all freshmen of the Jiangnan University, and there were also students from the second and third year of the second and third year of the second and third year of the second and third year standing around them. After a burst of dazzling lights, the welcome party officially started! One by one, the performances took turns to go on stage. The applause and cheers below the stage were stronger than the previous ones.    


Qin Lang finally found the hair band Zhang Xiaoshan had lost with much difficulty and finally returned to the rear stage. Zhang Xiaoshan went up to welcome him and thanked him before bringing her hair band over.    


Qin Lang looked at Loong Ling who was sitting by the side watching the performance attentively. He whispered to Zhang Xiaoshan, "Did you wear Loong Ling's dress?"    


Zhang Xiaoshan touched her nose and smiled, "Don't worry, it's me. Young Master Cao didn't touch Loong Ling with a finger."    


Qin Lang felt at ease. He felt that although he was a little tired from helping Zhang Xiaoshan take the headband this time, it was still worth it.    


Qin Lang slowly walked to Loong Ling's side and sat down. Loong Ling saw Qin Lang coming and thought that he must have brought his sister here after spending so much time. She asked, "Did he bring her?"    


Loong Ling rarely talked to Qin Lang these few days. At this time, Qin Lang was a little flattered. He thought Loong Ling asked if Zhang Xiaoshan had brought the headband back. He nodded and smiled, "Yes."    


"That's good then," Loong Ling said lightly. It was almost her turn for the show, so she did not have to rush to meet Loong Yan.    


The host on the stage said loudly, "The next show is the one you are looking forward to the most, The Dream Chaser's Heart. Performers: Cao Ning, Loong Ling, Dong Yi, Zhang Xiaoshan and Qin Lang..."    


After the host finished reporting the scene, cheers sounded from below the stage. The boys and girls were all cheering happily. Cao Ning was the prince charming in the eyes of the girls, and Loong Ling was the goddess of Jiang in the eyes of the boys. This pair of perfect couple, how could they not be looked forward to?    


Before Cao Ning and the others could step onto the stage, the audience was already in an uproar.    


The boys shouted loudly, "Loong Ling, Loong Ling, Loong Ling."    


The girls also did not want to be outdone and shouted, "Young Master Cao, Young Master Cao, Young Master Cao..."    


They walked up to the stage from the backstage. Some of the audience members covered their mouths and jumped up. They looked very excited.    


When the lights went out, the whole place fell silent. There was no sound at all.    


As the lights gradually lit up and the music accompanied the music, Loong Ling's distant singing drifted out.    


"Where is the world full of flowers?    


If it really exists, then I will definitely go.    


I want to stand at the highest peak there.    


I don't care if it's a cliff or not!"    


Loong Ling's singing stopped, and Cao Ning continued to sing.    


"Live and love with all your strength, even if it means sacrificing your life.    



Don't ask anyone to be satisfied as long as you are worthy of yourself!    


I've never chosen to give up on my ideals!    


Even when I'm covered in dirt..."    


The two of them took turns singing on the stage. Qin Lang, on the other hand, was behind them, doing a series of running, jumping, and stretching movements to boost the fighting spirit of the song.    


Qin Lang's heart started to hurt when he saw the affectionate gazes when singing. He had never felt this way during rehearsals. Now, under the lights, music, and thousands of audience members, he felt this way. This feeling was especially obvious.    


Qin Lang was mechanically doing dance movements.    


The song was sung to the highest point. The hymn was a chorus between Loong Ling and Cao Ning. Their voices matched perfectly, and it was a perfect match.    


"Run forward and face the cold gazes and mocking laughter.    


How could one feel the vastness of one's life without experiencing trials and tribulations?    


Fate can't make us kneel and beg for mercy!    


Even if blood is spilled all over the place!"    


Loong Ling and Cao Ning held hands and walked along with the rhythm of the music. The audience below the stage also followed them and sang loudly. 2,000 to 3,000 people sang a song at the same time. It was a grand and spectacular scene.    


Qin Lang noticed that only Loong Ling and Cao Ning looked at each other affectionately. He should have rushed from the left side of the stage to the right like a sprint. However, Qin Lang stopped and stood behind Loong Ling. He looked at the two of them in a daze.    


No matter how much Dong Yi and Zhang Xiaoshan reminded him, Qin Lang could not hear them.    


Fortunately, the audience was immersed in Loong Ling and Cao Ning's singing. They could not see a dancer standing still on the stage.    


"I will not compromise until I become old."    


At the end of the song, Loong Ling and Cao Ning hugged each other. There was a thunderous applause from below the stage. No one knew where it started, but someone shouted, "Together, together..." The sound became louder and louder. Finally, everyone shouted, "Together, together." It resounded throughout the entire campus.    


Cao Ning held Loong Ling's hand and stared into Loong Ling's eyes. They liked each other from different places. Their hearts were restless as they slowly approached Loong Ling's small face. Loong Ling's heart was very complicated. In the midst of so many people's jeering, she also did not know what to do. Cao Ning's face was about to touch Loong Ling's face.    


Suddenly, Cao Ning was pushed away. He staggered a few times and almost fell down. When he saw that it was Qin Lang who pulled Loong Ling and pushed him away, he immediately became furious.    


The audience below the stage was also about to get angry. Qin Lang destroyed the scene they expected to see. The audience shouted at Qin Lang and scolded him. They shouted at him like waves rushing onto the stage.    


"Fuck, what are you doing!"    


"Kid, you don't want to live anymore, do you?"    


"Snatching my goddess!"    


"Push my prince charming! You're courting death!"    


"Why are you like this?"    




"Come with me!" Qin Lang did not care what the people below the stage were scolding him for. He just could not see Loong Ling being kissed by others. After Qin Lang said that, he pulled Loong Ling and ran to the backstage.    


"F * ck, you are deliberately causing trouble, right?" The director Leh Xi and a few actors backstage surrounded Qin Lang. At this time, Cao Ning also walked down from the stage.    


"Call a few people from the Sports Department for me, give him a good beating..." Cao Ning angrily said to Leh Xi. Leh Xi responded and wanted others to call him over.    


"Don't go," Loong Ling suddenly said.    


"Loong Ling, you are still protecting him," Cao Ning said discontentedly.    


Loong Ling glanced at Qin Lang and then looked at Cao Ning. "I did not protect him. He did not do anything wrong. Why did you find someone to beat him?"    


When Loong Ling said this, Cao Ning immediately understood. Loong Ling was saying that he had offended her by getting ready to kiss her on the stage. Qin Lang did not do anything wrong.    


After saying that, Loong Ling walked to a chair and sat down.    


Cao Ning secretly cursed in his heart. Originally, he wanted to use the crowd's jeering to improve his relationship with Loong Ling. He did not expect that it would make Loong Ling angry instead.    


"Young Master Cao, is it still called the Sports Department?" Leh Xi asked.    


Cao Ning glared at him and immediately walked quickly to Loong Ling's side and sat down. Leh Xi was so scared that he shrank his neck. He also walked to Cao Ning's side to see if he could help to persuade Loong Ling.    


"Loong Ling, I was wrong. I was too excited on the stage just now. My brain was empty. That's why I did such a thing. Can you forgive me?" Cao Ning said earnestly to Loong Ling.    


Loong Ling heard his sincerity and thought again that she had not really been kissed by him. She still admired Cao Ning's talent and nodded. "Let's forget about it this time. Oh right, our performance on the stage just now. It seems to be quite successful. The audience seems to like it very much."    


"Yeah, didn't you see? Everyone is singing with us." Seeing Loong Ling forgive him, Cao Ning finally let out a sigh of relief.    


"Loong Ling, Young Master Cao, you performed very well. But didn't you see that this Qin guy sang very well in your performance? When the tide rose, he stood still on the stage. If it wasn't for the fact that you two sang too well, this show would have been ruined by this kid... " Leh Xi pointed at Qin Lang and said.    


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