Making Great Fortune Overnight

C286 Both Sides Agreed on a Martial Battle

C286 Both Sides Agreed on a Martial Battle

0"I think Mr. Zhong and Elder Zhong already know what we meant yesterday." Soong Yi looked at Zhong Jiuzhen and said.    


"I will say it now."    


Soong Yi went straight to the point. "If Soong Family wants the control of Yanjing Underground World, we will have to fight with Zhong Family. Now, we think that the time has come. It is time to decide on the Yanjing Underground World. Who is the real overlord!"    


Zhong Jiuzhen lightly snorted and asked, "Do you think your Soong Family has the ability to do so?"    


"Of course."    


Soong Yi shrugged and said in a relaxed manner.    


"If we didn't have the strength, we wouldn't have chosen this time to lay our cards on the table. If you and Elder Zhong think that our Soong Family isn't strong enough, that's good too. We will fight it out with all our might. At that time, everything will be clear."    


Soong Yi's attitude when he spoke was as if he didn't put Zhong Jiuzhen in his eyes.    


"Mr. Soong, if the wind blows, it will be bad!" Zhong Xueshan said. There were some things that his father was not suitable to say, so he needed his son to do it for him.    


At this time, he did not need to be polite with Soong Yi anymore.    


"Master Elder Zhong, what kind of situation do you want to start the war between Soong Family and Zhong Family?" Soong Yi didn't take Zhong Xueshan's sarcasm to heart. He was here today to negotiate.    


"Your father has already made up his mind, hasn't he? Tell me about it!" Zhong Jiuzhen said.    


He knew that if Soong Zhongping had not considered it thoroughly, he would not have rashly sent his son to fall out with him.    


Zhong Jiuzhen was indeed a veteran in the Jianghu. Whatever her father did seemed to have been predicted by him. Soong Yi secretly praised in his heart.    


"We did come up with three solutions. I will tell Elder Zhong and his son about it. Let's see how you want to solve it," Soong Yi said.    


"The first method, Soong Family and Zhong Family will start a bloody war in Yanjing Underground World until one side surrender and give up. Otherwise, we'll fight to the death!" Song Xu said.    


Zhong Jiuzhen also thought of this plan.    


But, as the two most powerful forces in Yanjing Underground World, once both sides started to fight to the death, it would be a fight to the death. Many of the places controlled by both sides would surely be destroyed, and death was inevitable. At that time, the scope and influence of the battle would be extremely great. Even major families such as the Zhong Family and the Soong Family would not be able to suppress the news.    


The Yanjing was the capital. Once it attracted the attention of the higher-ups, the Zhong Family and Soong Family would most likely be destroyed.    


However, it didn't attract the attention of the higher ups. No matter who won, it would be a huge loss.    


All in all, this plan was extremely dangerous, and they would both lose at the same time.    


"What else?" Zhong Jiuzhen asked. As a "leader" who had experienced great storms and waves, Zhong Jiuzhen definitely would not choose this method.    


"The second method is to decide the outcome of the battle through" Martial War. " The Soong Family of Zhong Family will send one person each. Whoever wins will be the overlord of Yanjing Underground World," Soong Yi said.    


The so-called 'Martial Battle' was a life-and-death battle between two parties. If one side was beaten to death or admitted defeat, the winner would be determined. The winner of the battle would represent the winner of the employer.    


This was the most commonly used method in the underground world when dividing territories on a large scale.    


Zhong Jiuzhen had thought that the Soong Family would definitely use this method, which was why she had asked Qin Lang for help.    


"You have a third method?" Zhong Jiuzhen asked. In his opinion, there were only two methods. Zhong Jiuzhen was curious about the third method mentioned by the Soong Family.    


"Of course there is. Furthermore, I think that this might be the best method for the Zhong Family!" Soong Yi said with a smile.    


Zhong Jiuzhen looked at Soong Yi, waiting for him to continue.    


"The third method is..."    


Soong Yi paused for a moment, stared into Zhong Jiuzhen's eyes, and said in a low voice, "Zhong Family took the initiative to admit defeat. Hand over the territory of our Soong Family to us!"    


"Cough cough!"    


Zhong Jiuzhen was so angry that she coughed violently. Soong Yi was provoking her.    


"Dad, how are you?" Zhong Xueshan quickly bent down to check on his father's condition. Zhong Jiuzhen shook her hand.    


"Soong Yi, get out!" Zhong Xueshan said angrily. He wanted to rush over and chase Soong Yi away. Zhong Jiuzhen raised her hand to stop him. Soong Yi was a junior, and although he was rude and hateful, he was the king of Yanjing Underground World for so many years. He couldn't lose his temper.    


"Don't get too excited, Chief Zhong. Our Soong Family is thinking for the Zhong Family. If the Zhong Family is willing to withdraw from the Yanjing Underground World, the Soong Family will transfer 1 billion to the bank account of the Zhong Family. Since the Zhong Family has the money, their reputation will be undamaged. If it's not a good thing?" Soong Yi said.    


"Does the Soong Family think that the Zhong Family will definitely lose if the" Martial War "is carried out?" Zhong Jiuzhen asked.    


"No, of course not. It's just that the probability of losing is a little high, about 90%..."    


Soong Yi said casually.    


"I can tell you, Master Elder Zhong, about the leader of the Huaqing Gang in the United States, Zhan Wuya. He had promised himself that he would support the Soong Family in seizing the Underground World in the Yanjing. I think Master Elder Zhong and his son must have heard about how powerful the Huaqing Gang is."    


Sure enough, she had received the support of Huaqing Gang, Zhong Jiuzhen thought to herself.    


"The Huaqing Gang is indeed powerful and talented. It is a great thing to lose in a fight with them. Besides, the world is unpredictable. It is still unknown who will win and who will lose," Zhong Jiuzhen said slowly.    


"Does this mean that Elder Zhong and his son are going to have a battle with the Soong Family?" Soong Yi asked for confirmation.    


"Is my attitude not obvious enough?" Zhong Jiuzhen asked with a smile.    


"Okay, I got it."    


Soong Yi stood up and said, "Three days later, the underground boxing ring in Yanjing will welcome Elder Zhong and his son."    


"I have said what I needed to say. Elder Zhong and his son, Chief Zhong, goodbye!" After saying that, Soong Yi turned around and left.    


"Dad..." Seeing his father's worried look, Zhong Xueshan felt very uncomfortable in his heart.    


"I'm fine. Ask Mr. Qin to come out," Zhong Jiuzhen said sadly.    


"Yes," Zhong Xueshan answered. He opened the door of the study and invited Qin Lang out. "Mr. Qin, please."    


"Mr. Qin, you heard me just now, right? I won't repeat myself. I want to ask you to help Zhong Family fight the battle. What do you think?" Zhong Jiuzhen looked at Qin Lang and asked.    



"May I ask Elder Zhong what kind of existence this Huaqing Gang is? Also, what will happen if I lose?" Qin Lang asked.    


He knew that the situation was urgent, but he had some doubts in his heart.    


"Huaqing Gang is the biggest gang in the United States. There are many capable people in the gang. As far as I know, there are Xiong Tianba, Lee Haisha, Gan Lie, and several other experts. They are not inferior to the top experts in the domestic martial arts world. In addition, their leader, Zhan Wuya, is a legendary expert. It will be very difficult to defeat them!"    


Zhong Jiuzhen listened to her analysis and suddenly felt that her future was bleak.    


"If you lose in the arena, it means death. Of course, you can also admit defeat. What I can do is to guarantee your life. If you can't defeat your opponent too..."    


It sounded like this was indeed a dangerous challenge.    


"Elder Zhong, I promise you..." After a short period of consideration, Qin Lang said his choice.    


"Why? If you don't want to agree, I won't force you!" Zhong Jiuzhen said. In fact, in his heart, he hoped that Qin Lang would agree, but also didn't want him to agree.    


"Because of Zhong Yu. I know that if something were to happen to Zhong Family... Zhong Yu wouldn't be able to take it. I had promised her before. I will not make her sad, sad, and shed tears. Therefore, I have to protect the Zhong Family. Furthermore, I have already regarded myself as a Zhong Family Member..." Qin Lang said what he was thinking in his heart.    


Zhong Jiuzhen was slightly touched when she heard Qin Lang's words from the bottom of her heart. Her granddaughter had found the right man.    


"Okay," Zhong Jiuzhen said slowly, "Now you are the Zhong Family Member. I will call you Qin Lang. Let's eat first. We will discuss later."    


Qin Lang nodded. At this moment, he once again felt the warmth of his family. He could not help but feel sad when he thought of the Qin Family that had expelled him.    


He ate the white rice bit by bit. The food was so sweet.    


"Qin Lang, in the next two days, we will also speed up the gathering of information about the experts found by the Soong Family. When that day comes, we will go together. Also, I don't want Zhong Yu to know about this news," Zhong Jiuzhen said.    


"I understand." Qin Lang nodded.    


He did not intend to tell Zhong Yu the news. If Zhong Yu knew that his life was in danger, she would be very worried. This was not what Qin Lang wanted to see.    


If he really died in the arena, Qin Lang did not dare to imagine how regretful he would be at that time. Zhong Yu would be very sad.    


Soong Yi sat in the Mercedes-Benz S-class. At this time, his mood relaxed slightly. He was quite satisfied with his performance in front of Zhong Jiuzhen just now. Soong Yi put his hand on the armrest and lightly nodded.    


The Mercedes-Benz S class flew all the way to the villa by the road of Mount Mist Spirit.    


Soong Yi pushed open the door and walked into the villa. The bald Soong Zhongping was sitting on the sofa. On the coffee table, there were 10 cigarette butts scattered around. They were all the cigarettes Soong Zhongping had smoked.    


He was not worried that there would be any problems with Soong Yi's negotiation, but he felt that the day he took charge of Yanjing Underground World... It was getting closer and closer. He imagined the situation when Zhong Jiuzhen was negotiating with Soong Yi. Soong Zhongping couldn't help but feel excited.    


"Dad, the negotiation is done. Just as you expected, Zhong Jiuzhen agrees to fight in martial arts!" Soong Yi walked in front of Soong Zhongping and said excitedly.    


"Alright," Soong Zhongping said. "Everything is under my control. No matter what method Zhong Family chooses, they will be defeated by the Soong Family."    


"I think Zhong Family will send their strongest warrior on the day of the war." Fu Kai said. "Great Master Fu Kai will be sent to fight the war. We don't have any warriors who can defeat Fu Kai. Who will the Huaqing Gang send?" Soong Yi asked. The Soong Family had a very deep understanding of the Zhong Family.    


"Don't worry about it. Since Zhan Wuya has agreed to help us seize the Underground World of Yanjing, he will definitely do it. Otherwise, the reputation of the Huaqing Gang will be ruined!" Soong Zhongping said in a relaxed manner.    


He sat on the sofa and thought for a while. He walked to the seat in the living room and pressed the phone number to Zhan Wuya, the leader of Huaqing Gang in California, the United States.    


Through Zhan Wuya's assistant, Zhan Wuya's voice came from the other end of the phone.    


"Hello, Mr. Soong, please tell me..."    


Zhan Wuya's voice was masculine, making it easy for people to think of the hard rocks on the cliff after the rain.    


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