Making Great Fortune Overnight

C1 He Had to Send Dulles to His Girlfriend

C1 He Had to Send Dulles to His Girlfriend

0At nine o'clock in the evening, the sky was raining heavily. It was a Tianshi convenience store near Jinling University.    


"Hello, Tianshi convenience store."    


"Get me a box of Dulles and two packs of tissues. Send these to room 1302 of the Sheraton Grand Hotel next to Nanjiang. Hurry up!"    


After hanging up the phone, Qin Lang shook his head helplessly. He was still young now, so he did not know that he had prepared everything in advance.    


Qin Lang found everything in the store and put on a raincoat. He rode the electric scooter and drove to the Sheraton Hotel next to Nanjiang.    


When they passed by a stretch of water road, Qin Lang accidentally slipped. His pants and shoes were all wet. He was dirty and in a very sorry state. Fortunately, the goods were not wet. He did not dare to delay and picked up the car to continue driving towards the hotel.    


When he came to Room 1302, Qin Lang knocked on the door. The door opened very quickly.    


"Hello, this is your..." Qin Lang was stunned when he said half of the sentence.    


The woman in front of him was none other than his girlfriend, Xie Wenjing!    


Xie Wenjing was wearing a white robe with long black and moist shoulder-length hair hanging loosely on her shoulders. The smell of shampoo and shampoo mixed together blew against his face.    


"Wen... Wen Jing, why is it you?" Qin Lang looked at Xie Wenjing in disbelief, until now, his head was still in a daze.    


"Why is it you who came to give it to me?" Xie Wenjing's heart skipped a beat and she subconsciously took a step back. With a buzzing sound in her mind, it instantly became extremely messy.    


"What's wrong?" Another boy walked over from the room. He was also wearing a robe and slippers. Qin Lang recognized him. He was from the Jinling University's management department, the "Bound Grass." His name was Zhu Junwen. It was said that he was quite dissolute.    


"How dare you touch my woman..." Qin Lang could not suppress the anger in his heart. He wanted to rush over and beat Zhu Junwen up.    


"Stop!" Xie Wenjing stopped in front of Qin Lang. After a brief moment of panic, she quickly calmed down. Since Qin Lang had already found out, there was nothing to hide. She might as well put her cards on the table!    


Xie Wenjing shouted at Qin Lang at the top of her voice, "Qin Lang, let's break up!"    


"Break up!" Qin Lang was stunned, and his eyes widened as he looked at Xie Wenjing, "Wen Jing, we have been together for more than a year. Now you want to break up with me?"    


"Yes! Break up!"    


Xie Wenjing did not dodge and looked at Qin Lang. "Are you surprised? When I go out to eat with you, I can only eat at the roadside stall forever. The cosmetics you buy will always be the cheapest. Look at the street goods on you that are not more than 200 yuan. Every time I walk with you, others will secretly laugh at me. Do you know? "    


"This isn't the life I want. My conditions are so good, I shouldn't be with a poor loser like you. When I was in my first year, I was too naive, that's why I was cheated by a poor loser like you!"    


Xie Wenjing spoke with a strong resentment!    


Xie Wenjing held Zhu Junwen's arm beside her and said to Qin Lang in a threatening manner, "This is my boyfriend! From now on, I, Xie Wenjing, have nothing to do with you anymore. In the future, don't bother me anymore!"    


"Looks like you are Wen Jing's useless ex-boyfriend!"    


Zhu Junwen provocatively smiled and looked at Qin Lang. He was wearing a raincoat. Qin Lang, whose pants and shoes were stained with mud, was a complete loser. Zhu Junwen reached out and took the plastic bag from Qin Lang's hand. He took out the box of Dulles. In his hand. Zhong He shook it and smiled. He said to Qin Lang, "I specially sent Durese to the hotel for my ex-girlfriend's boyfriend. Brother. You don't have anyone else. You really have a magnanimous heart. Haha!"    


"Why aren't you getting out of here yet?" Xie Wenjing cursed at Qin Lang.    


"It's good that he isn't getting lost. I think he wants to see you get cheated by me. Let's do a live broadcast in front of him..." Zhu Junwen sneered at Qin Lang and said.    


Looking at the couple in front of him, Qin Lang's mood was really terrible. He slowly turned around and walked away from the room step by step.    


"Brother, are you not going to take the money? Hey, that's interesting. My girlfriend gave me a set for free." Zhu Junwen looked at Qin Lang's soulless background and felt very comfortable in his heart. He closed the door of the room.    


When he came out, the rain was even heavier.    


Qin Lang took off his raincoat. The cold rain drenched his entire body, but it also cleared his mind a little.    


In the end, Xie Wenjing still felt that he did not have money. Ha, he should be glad that he lost such a realistic and money-loving woman. Why should he be sad?    


"Buzz buzz."    


The meter 5 in his pocket shook. Qin Lang took it out and sent a message. But when he saw the number, Qin Lang's body trembled and he stopped in his tracks.    


"After the family's research and decision, the grandson of Qin Family, Qin Lang, passed the poverty training test. From today onwards, he will obtain the right to control the property belonging to him."    


The bean-sized raindrops exploded on the screen, causing the message to gradually blur!    


It had been seven years. The "Poverty Training Test" that the family had arranged for him, finally... It was over!    


For the past seven years, because of his poverty, Qin Lang had suffered a lot of rolling eyes and suffering. At this moment, Qin Lang's mind flashed like a movie. If it wasn't for this message... Qin Lang had almost forgotten his identity as a super rich second generation, but it wasn't important now. Everything that belonged to him had returned...    


Early the next morning, after Qin Lang woke up, he took a rare taxi and drove straight to the Citibank in the city.    


The Citibank was located in the central business district of the Jinling City, where the richest companies in the Jinling City gathered.    


All kinds of luxury cars were parked around the Citibank. The people who came and went in the square, whether it was their clothes or their temperament, all proved that they were rich.    


Qin Lang strode to the bank's entrance and pushed the door open to enter the hall.    




The door of the hall could be pushed open from both inside and outside. Qin Lang was a little reckless when he pushed, and he ran into a long-haired girl who walked over from the side.    


Qin Lang hurriedly apologized to the girl. "Sorry, I didn't see you."    


"Am I invisible? Can't you see me?" The long-haired girl covered her forehead and looked at Qin Lang angrily.    


On the other side, Yang Siqi, the manager of the lobby, immediately walked over in her high heels. After asking about the long-haired girl's situation, the long-haired girl put down her hand. She looked at Qin Lang with dissatisfaction and saw that Qin Lang was all over his body. The goods on the ground revealed a trace of suspicion.    


Citibank was different from other banks. They mainly served high-end business people. She also followed her father here. What did Qin Lang come here for?    


"Sir, may I ask why you are here..." Yang Siqi asked with a smile.    


Judging from Qin Lang's appearance and age, he was obviously not the Citibank's service target.    


Qin Lang said smoothly, "I'm here to withdraw the money."    


"Withdraw money?" The girl beside him exclaimed in surprise and quickly turned into a contemptuous smile as she looked at Qin Lang with a sneer.    



Withdraw money, you must at least have a card, right?    


It was not easy to get a card in the Citibank. One needed to deposit one million in advance to be qualified to get a card.    


With Qin Lang's image in front of him, it was obvious whether he could set up a card or not.    


"Do you have a card?" Yang Siqi said with a smile. She felt that Qin Lang definitely did not have much experience. He did not know the rules of their bank, or he thought the cards of other banks could be used by them.    


"No." Qin Lang shook his head.    


When the long-haired girl heard Qin Lang's honest answer, she could not help but laugh. At this moment, she did not even want to look at Qin Lang anymore.    


"Daughter, let's go." At this moment, the long-haired girl's father, who was tidying the receipt, walked over.    


"My dad and I will leave first, Manager Yang." The long-haired girl grabbed two hands at Yang Siqi and looked at Qin Lang. "Manager Yang, this kind of person affects the image of your bank. And the mood of our customers! I hope you will not have this kind of situation in the future. "    


After the long-haired girl finished speaking, she hugged her father's arm, pushed open the door, and walked out.    


"Goodbye, Director Song." Yang Siqi followed to the door and watched the father and daughter leave in the car. She turned around with resentment and returned to the hall. She made up her mind that she must "invite" Qin Lang out as soon as possible!    


Huh? Where was he?    


There was no one at the place where Qin Lang was standing just now. Yang Siqi was suspicious. Could it be that this brat felt ashamed of his inferiority and left secretly?    


When Yang Siqi thought of this, she felt relieved in her heart. She was just about to go to work when she saw a figure out of the corner of her eye.    


It was that brat!    


No wonder she did not see him just now. He had already walked to the door of the VIP room. Just now, the pillar in the hall blocked his figure.    


The VIP room was prepared for customers with higher status and a storage value of at least 30 million!    


Qin Lang didn't even have a card. Letting him in, wasn't this asking the client manager to scold her?    


"Stop, don't move!" In a moment of desperation, Yang Siqi shouted loudly. The other customers all looked at her and seemed to be very dissatisfied with her shouting. Yang Siqi could only smile and apologize, and at the same time, she quickly walked towards Qin Lang.    


Qin Lang had already opened the door to the VIP room and went in.    


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