Making Great Fortune Overnight

C4 The Girls Were Looking Forward to It

C4 The Girls Were Looking Forward to It

0"Are you all right?" Lee Xia walked to Qin Lang's side and looked at him worriedly. "Actually, there is nothing to be sad about. You have already seen Xie Wenjing's real face. It is not worth being sad about this kind of woman."    


"Don't worry. I am not that weak," Qin Lang said with a smile. After seeing Xie Wenjing's face just now, he felt even more relieved.    


"Let's go. To celebrate you staying away from that b * tch, I will treat you to a meal. Don't be polite with me. How about the Xian Ya House outside the school?" Lee Xia also felt relieved and said with a bright expression.    


Xian Ya Restaurant was a rather high-end restaurant outside the school. Only rich students in Jinling University would frequently visit.    


"I don't want to see Xie Wenjing today." Qin Lang remembered that Xie Wenjing and Zhu Junwen went to that restaurant. "I will treat you to a meal at the Sophie Milky Way Hotel another day."    


The Sofitel Galaxy Hotel was considered one of the most high-end restaurants in Jinling City. Among the students, it was the kind that they had never been to before.    


Lee Xia was slightly stunned. Qin Lang usually did not brag. What happened today? He boasted so much at one go? Could it be that he had gotten infected with the habit of bragging after losing his love? He'll be fine in a while, right?    


Lee Xia smiled embarrassedly and continued to play along with Qin Lang's tricks. "Okay, I will wait. To be honest, I have not entered Soffret yet!"    


Lee Xia did not know that not to mention a small Sophie's restaurant, it was the most expensive restaurant in the world. Qin Lang ate three meals a day and would not be able to eat 1 / 100 of his property in his lifetime.    


Lee Xia was called away by her two best friends.    


Qin Lang's two roommates walked over and pulled him to the canteen to eat.    


When they were almost at the entrance of the cafeteria, Ren Hao suddenly stopped. He stared at his phone and said loudly, "Damn, Huang Ge is dating. Look at our dormitory group!"    


"Really?" Qin Lang and Yinn Tine quickly took out their phones and opened the dormitory group. Huang Ge had just sent a message. "Brothers, I officially announce that I'm out of the group! Hurry back to the dormitory. I'll treat you to lunch this afternoon!"    


"This kid finally found a girlfriend. He still can't bear the loneliness."    


"Come, let's hurry back to the dormitory. We'll properly slaughter this kid this afternoon."    


As they spoke, the three of them turned around and walked towards the direction of the dormitory building.    


Qin Lang and the other two quickly returned to the dormitory. Once they entered, they saw a man and a woman sitting on the bed, holding hands.    


"You guys are back." Huang Ge let go of the girl's hand and stood up. He looked at Qin Lang and the other two with a smile.    


Huang Ge was in the sports department. He was tall and thin, and the muscles on his arms were obvious.    


"Let me introduce you guys. This is my girlfriend, Zhou Xin, from the music department." After Huang Ge finished introducing them, he started to introduce Qin Lang and the others. "This is my roommate, Qin Lang, Ren Hao, and Yinn Tine."    


Zhou Xin stood up and nodded with a smile.    


Ren Hao looked at Zhou Xin and exclaimed in his heart. This girl was too positive. She had white skin, straight eyebrows, and a well-proportioned body. She was indeed a girl who learned music.    


"Later, let's go to Xiao Xiangyun for dinner. Zhou Xin's roommate is coming too. Do you guys need to prepare?" Huang Ge turned to Qin Lang and said, "Old Qin, bring Wen Jing along too."    


Everyone in the dormitory knew about Qin Lang's situation. Usually, Qin Lang rarely invited Xie Wenjing to any decent restaurant. Huang Ge wanted to take the opportunity to help his brother.    


"I will share it with her." Qin Lang said frankly.    


"Divide it? What's going on?" Huang Ge was shocked.    


"Isn't that obvious?" Ren Hao glanced at Huang Ge and he immediately understood. It must be because of that obvious reason - poor.    


"You guys hurry up." Zhou Xin looked at her phone and looked up to speak. "My roommates have sent a message. They have already left. My best friends are all strong-tempered. Don't let them wait too long."    


"Is that so? Qin Lang, Ren Hao, Yinn Tine, quickly change your clothes. Wash your faces and leave." Huang Ge immediately urged Qin Lang and Zhou Xin to leave. He held Zhou Xin's hand and said, "We will wait for them outside."    


Huang Ge and Zhou Xin stood outside the dormitory. Huang Ge saw Zhou Xin hugging her arms and looked a little unhappy. Huang Ge asked, "What's wrong?"    


Zhou Xin frowned. "These people in your dormitory are too ordinary. That Ren Hao was really not very good-looking. Yinn Tine could only be considered average. That Qin Lang looks not bad, right? But looking at his clothes... He definitely doesn't have much money. How can he go and see my roommate? "    


Huang Ge felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. He smiled and said," Isn't it just a meal? It's not a blind date festival. Why do you care so much about your image? "    


"Do you think they really came to eat? Although they didn't say it explicitly, but with my understanding of them, the reason why they urged me to have this meal with your roommate is... I showed them your photo. They definitely think that your roommate is similar to you!" Zhou Xin lowered her eyebrows and explained.    


"It's my fault. I didn't tell you that they are all biologists," Huang Ge smiled bitterly. Back then, he was assigned to Qin Lang's dormitory because the dorms in the Department of Sports were not enough.    


Zhou Xin suggested, "Why don't you tell your roommates to cancel this dinner and let them go? It will be very awkward if they go."    


"Forget it? Not good, go, go!" Huang Ge did not agree. He had already asked Qin Lang and the others to change their clothes and wash up. In the end, he did not go and cause a ruckus. Wasn't this deliberately making things difficult for them?    


"That's what you said. I am not responsible for what will happen at that time!" Zhou Xin's small mouth flattened.    


At that moment, a call from her roommate came over. Zhou Xin turned on her phone. Xue Er, you are all here... How is it? Er... You guys can look at it yourself, I can't say for sure... Alright, I'll hurry them now. You guys just wait."    


As they spoke, Qin Lang, Ren Hao, and Yinn Tine came out of the dormitory.    


" Huang Ge, look at my body. Can I do it? " Ren Hao was a playboy with a price of 300 yuan. He looked at Huang Ge with anticipation.    


"Handsome!" Huang Ge patted Ren Hao's shoulder with a smile. He felt lucky that he did not hear Zhou Xin cancel the dinner just now. Otherwise, it would have been a huge blow to him!    


Huang Ge looked at Qin Lang who was following behind him and frowned. "Old Qin, why are you still in this body? You don't know how to change when you see a girl?"    


"Qin Lang's body is the best. Where do you want him to change to?" Yinn Tine said lightly. Huang Ge was in the Physical Education Department, which was different from the time when he attended classes in the Science Department. Qin Lang's situation was definitely not as good as what he and Ren Hao knew.    


Zhou Xin secretly shook her head. She was afraid that her roommate would be greatly disappointed in today's dinner.    


"Stop chatting. Let's go." Zhou Xin urged. Huang Ge, Qin Lang and the others walked towards the door of the dormitory.    


At the same time, in the Little Fragrance Restaurant outside the school.    


Three young and beautiful girls were sitting on a table. All of them were pretty, and with one look, one could tell that their family conditions were not bad.    


Among them, there was a girl with long hair that draped over her shoulders. She was wearing a skin-revealing shirt, and on her small face... She had big watery eyes, thin lips that were glistening with watery light, and fair skin that was tinged with pink. With a pair of crystal clear ears and a small and delicate nose, she looked like a beautiful girl who had just walked out of a manga.    


She was the most beautiful one among the three of them, so she must have the best family background. Most of the topics of discussion revolved around her.    


"Xue'er, you have a Doudou on your forehead. Did you get angry these past two days?" A girl sitting beside Soong Xueer suddenly saw a small bump on Soong Xueer's forehead.    


"Oh." Soong Xueer touched the small bump on her forehead and there was some anger on her sweet face. "Don't mention it. Didn't I go to Citibank in the morning to do business with my dad? I was touched by an unlucky guy."    



"Ah, touched? Then did he apologize to you later?"    


"Yeah, isn't the quality of the guests in Citibank pretty high?"    


Soong Xueer took a photo of the phone and found that it was not very obvious. She put her hand down and smiled again. "He apologized. You know who the Citibank serves, right? Guess what he wears? He's wearing street goods all over his body. When I saw him, I was a little stunned..."    


" Ground goods? You're saying that he's very low-key?"    


"Yeah, the Citibank only opens a card with a million RMB. According to the TV series, the more low-key the person is, the richer he is. Then he must be a low-profile rich man. Xue Er, tell us quickly!"    


Soong Xueer was speechless and lightly smacked her lips. "What? Later, the lobby manager came over to ask and found out that he didn't even have a card. I think he just hasn't seen the world and rushed into the Citibank in a daze."    


"I guess he must have thought that the engineering and construction cards could also be used in the Citibank, right?"    


"At that time, he must have been embarrassed to death."    


"Later on, I didn't even look at him. I just followed my dad and left. With this lesson, let's see if he still dares to hide in any place in the future!"    


"This boy is not young anymore. He doesn't even have this little common sense. Sigh, I think he is destined to be single for the rest of his life. Whoever finds this kind of guy is really blind!"    


"Don't talk about him anymore. Anyway, we won't meet again. Sigh. Why aren't Zhou Xin and the others here yet? Seriously." Soong Xueer held her phone and frowned slightly. She looked at the screen of the phone and saw the chat scene with Zhou Xin.    


"Zhou Xin's boyfriend is quite handsome. He's slender and thin. I quite like that type. If his roommate had such a type, don't fight with me over it."    


"Look at you, little girl." Another girl laughed lightly. "Didn't Zhou Xin say that her boyfriend is from the sports department? The quality should be pretty good. Let's watch it later. Which one do we look at? Don't tell me in person. Let's divide it privately. "    


The three girls chatted and laughed. They looked at each other again and tidied each other's appearance.    


At this time, Zhou Xin had already brought Qin Lang and the others into Little Fragrance.    


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