Making Great Fortune Overnight

C6 Who Exactly Is the One Who Gets the Most Gifts

C6 Who Exactly Is the One Who Gets the Most Gifts

0"One day is one day: What's wrong with me scolding you? Little brat, you think you're awesome just because you pay 5 bucks? You have to consider whether you have the capital to argue with me. In that bag of yours that is cleaner than your face... "    


"One day is a day to give out a [Money Gun]. 1."    


"One day is one day to give out the [Money Gun] x2"    


"One day means one day to give out the [Banknote Gun] x3"    


"One day is a day to give out a banknote gun x4"    


"One day is a day to give out a banknote gun x5"    


One day means one day. Directly farming 5 times in a row. 5 banknotes and guns were equivalent to 5: 300 yuan!    


Zang Jiaxin was directly stunned by this wave of operation. She opened her eyes wide, and bright stars flickered in her eyes. She looked at the scene in the live broadcast in disbelief.    


She held her hands in front of her chest, looking overjoyed. "Brother One Day, you gave me so many gifts, I really... I am really too happy..." Zang Jiaxin quickly made a few sonic flying kisses towards the camera.    


"Brother Yitian, are you my classmate?" Zang Jiaxin blinked her bright eyes.    


"Gaoyuan" sent two simple words a day.    


"This grandson of Gaoyuan, is he that great just because he has some money? I really fucked his grandma!" Ren Hao scolded indignantly.    


Gaoyuan spoke again, "Jiaxin, give me the administrator!"    


"Okay, no problem!" Zang Jiaxin quickly nodded her head and operated the phone twice. Gaoyuan was set up as the manager.    


"Ren Hao, this loser, still dared to scold me just now. I'll let you scold me again." After Gaoyuan sent this sentence, a system notification appeared on the screen. "A fish that can fly is muted by the administrator for one day!"    


"F * ck, I'm muted!" Ren Hao operated the phone angrily, but he could not send out the message that he had edited.    


Gaoyuan continued to speak on the public screen. "Ren Hao, you loser. If you have the ability, send another one. You send it. Hehe."    


"Thank you, Brother Gao, for giving me so many gifts. Now, I'm going to perform a special dance for Brother Gao!" After saying that, Zang Jiaxin stood up and started dancing with joy.    


The message board also exploded and the message quickly slid.    


"Wang Fei is chasing me for half a street. I was wondering who this account was. It turns out to be Brother Gao. Brother Gao is awesome!"    


"Handsome Pan: Brother Gao is extraordinary when he makes a move. In our class, Brother Gao is the richest!"    


"Handsome to the point that he doesn't dare to go to the toilet: Brother Gao, where are you playing with now?"    


"I'm drinking with a few of my brothers at the Glory Building. I'm going to the Crystal Hotel at night. As for what I'm going to do, I won't tell you. Haha." Gaoyuan was quite interested in chatting.    


"Of course. One day is one day. Haha, Brother Gao is awesome!" Another person came to flatter Gaoyuan.    


"That stupid Ren Hao. How dare he challenge me for five yuan? Look at his malnutrition and mental disability. He even wants to throw up when he sees me!"    


"Highland is really asking for a beating." Ren Hao was so angry that he opened and closed his nose. It was not a big deal for him to embarrass himself in front of others, but it was in Zang Jiaxin's live broadcast.    


Yinn Tine could not stand it anymore and sent a message.    


"A butterfly breaking out of a cocoon: Gaoyuan. We are all classmates. Is it appropriate to say this?"    


"Hey, another idiot came." The Gaoyuan was soon connected.    


"This guy up there must be either Yinn Tine or Qin Lang. The only ones who are good with Ren Hao are these two poor people!"    


The plateau was addicted to cursing. "You two are so poor. You two are even poorer than Ren Hao. If you have money, you can learn from others to stand up for others. If you have the guts, compete with me for gifts. I will let the three of you fight together. Do you dare? I'll strike with my hammer backhanded!"    


" I'll give you the [Money Gun] every day! 1”    


"One day is one day to give out the [Money Gun] x2"    


"One day means one day to give out the [Banknote Gun] x3"    


"One day is a day to give out a banknote gun x4"    


"One day is a day to give out a banknote gun x5"    


High Plateau sent out another 5 consecutive times!    


"Thank you, Brother Gao. Thank you so much. No one has given me so many gifts yet. Brother Gao, you are so awesome. When you return to school, I will treat you to ice cream." Zang Jiaxin held her hands in front of her chest and thanked Gaoyuan with a sweet smile.    


"Handsome Pan: Awesome, Brother Gao!"    


"I am from the next class raising pigs. Wow, I've never seen such a bright person like Brother Gao. When will Brother Gao come back? I'll bring you there!"    


"Dog Two: Has anyone noticed that Brother Gao's profile picture is so handsome? Who can compare to his extraordinary taste?"    




The other students began to flatter him, and each of them knelt at a very tricky angle!    


"Qin Lang and Yinn Tine, do you see that? This is what people think. Only you two dare to fight with me, hehe, overestimating yourselves!" After sending the message, he directly muted Yinn Tine's account.    


"Bang!" Yinn Tine angrily slammed his palm on the computer table.    


"Yinn Tine, are you alright? Don't take that grandson's words seriously!" Ren Hao comforted Yinn Tine. After all, Yinn Tine had offended Gaoyuan because of his words.    


"Jiaxin, I have a lot of second-generation heirs by my side. I will watch your livestream in the future. I will pull all of them in and help you farm gifts!" Gaoyuan became lively again. "I will help you keep Ren Hao's two accounts for now. When there are more fans, I will keep them for you. Directly blacklist them. What's the use of this kind of poor thing in a live broadcast?! I feel ashamed for them. "    


At this moment, a system notification popped up in the live broadcast room:    


"Qing Chen has sent out the [Interspatial Warship]. 1”    


Zang Jiaxin was still immersed in the joy of sending out another 5 bills and guns on the plateau. The others who were watching the live broadcast were the first to notice, and the news immediately boiled up again.    


"Little Handsome Pan: F * ck, someone sent a super space-time warship!"    



"July, Naive: Invisible Billionaire! Our class? Who is it!? "    


"No handsome, no money. I'll give it to you right away... A super space-time warship? Was it that easy to broadcast live? I also want to start the live broadcast."    


" Yu Sheng, Heart Deficiency: Zang Jiaxin, this is your boyfriend, right? He found a rich second generation? "    


Only then did Zang Jiaxin notice that she was first shocked. She covered her mouth with both hands and did not dare to believe that there was really someone who gave her a super space-time warship. After getting close to the phone screen to confirm, she was already so excited that she did not know what to say. She just laughed foolishly.    


"F * ck, who is this? A super space-time warship worth 5,000 dollars, is it from our class?" Ren Hao stared at the phone screen with his mouth agape.    


"Definitely not from our class. Other than the plateau, our class is all from ordinary families. Who has the money to spend so much?" Yinn Tine stared at the screen of the phone, also puzzled!    


"Hey, giving a super space-time warship is awesome, right? Who doesn't seem to be able to afford it? Wait, I'll give one too! In a competition of money, my Plateau has never lacked anyone!" When Gaoyuan saw that the messages were all praising him, his limelight suddenly changed. He was a bit unable to accept it.    


The moment Gaoyuan's message jumped onto the public screen, the system message seemed to be in a hurry to send a kitten out of its nest, and it popped up all of a sudden.    


"Qing Chen sent out the [Interspatial Warship]. 1 "    


"Qing Chen, send out the Hyperspace Warship x2."    


"Qing Chen, send out the Interdimensional Warship x3."    


"Qing Chen, send out the Interdimensional Warship x4."    


"Qing Chen, send out the Interdimensional Warship x5."    




"Qing Chen, send out the Interdimensional Warship x10."    


"F * ck, f * ck, f * ck..." When Qing Chen sent out the fifth Interdimensional Warship, Ren Hao naturally said 'f * ck'.    


The messages in the live stream channel were jumping up at a speed three times faster than before. The compliments and praises in the bullet comments had increased several times more than before.    


Zang Jiaxin was almost stunned silly by Qing Chen. Her two hands grabbed her hair. She could not understand why Qing Chen could give her so many gifts. Eleven super space-time warships, that was equivalent to 55,000!    


"Thank you, Brother Qing Chen. I have already gone crazy. I can't imagine that everything just now was real. Brother Qing Chen, say it. What do you want to see Jia Xin perform? I'll listen to you! " Zang Jiaxin opened her watery eyes and looked at the camera.    


"Give me the manager. I can be the manager alone," Qing Chen said.    


"Okay, I will set it up for you right now!" Zang Jiaxin agreed as she thought about it. Qing Chen had earned 55,000. This kind of rich person's request must be met!    


Zang Jiaxin was operating on the phone screen. Qing Chen just said that he could be the house manager alone. Looking at the account number on the plateau, Zang Jiaxin's gaze was fixed. She removed the management of the plateau and set Qing Chen as the manager.    


"Brother Qing Chen, I have already set it up! You are the only manager." After the operation, Zang Jiaxin smiled sweetly at the camera.    


System Notification:    


"The anchor will cancel the admin every day."    


"Qing Chen has been set as the administrator by the host"    


In just half a minute, two system notifications popped up on the screen:    


"Flying fish have been muted by the administrator."    


"The administrator has removed the mute on the butterfly that broke out of its cocoon"    


"I can speak again! Haha, Qing Chen this brother is righteous, I like it!" Ren Hao was wild with joy as he grinned and laughed.    


Ren Hao spoke in the live broadcast room, "Gaoyuan, are you sick? Come out and take a few steps!"    


Yinn Tine was also very angry just now. He also said, "55,000 is still a small number to you, right? Let's open our eyes! "    


"Brother Qing Chen, thank you so much. I want to invite you to Jinling University. I will bring you around the campus and treat you to something to eat!" Zang Jiaxin blinked her big eyes. Her handsome appearance was especially tempting.    


"No need. It's just a little bit of money," Qing Chen said.    


"I just want to tell some people that you can have money. If you have money, you can still act cool. If you look down on this and look down on that, it won't be good. Everyone is born to be human, so they should respect each other. Don't bully the poor youth! " Qing Chen sent a very heartfelt message.    


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