Super Magic Surgery System

C1952 Heaven Number One Mental Patient

C1952 Heaven Number One Mental Patient

0There's Su Wantine's house in the city, and there's a villa in the suburbs. However, due to the special circumstances these few days, Su Wantine did not go anywhere. She and the group of Intern and the intern nurses that Chen Qun and Chi Hong brought along stayed in the reception room of the city council. Even if something unexpected happened, Chen Qun's luck and the bodyguards who disguised themselves as interns could ensure her safety.    


In addition, this place could be said to be her old nest. All kinds of complicated operations, both in the open and in the dark, were complicated. Even the Dao brothers who had nothing to do with her received the news and paid attention to those suspicious foreigners. Especially those who asked about her. As for the locations of all the exits and exits that were a few streets away from her, there were police patrolling. It was almost like layers of security were surrounding her tightly.    


Chi Hong, as a close friend and a good friend who knew the inside story, was completely speechless by such a move. Only then did she understand what it meant to be a local emperor who lived far away from the emperor. The reason why there was such a huge commotion was only because Su Wantine's secretary and the leaders in the city who were hosting them had revealed it. Su Wantine had almost been assassinated a few days ago, so everything had changed.    


"Ms Su, since you know that wherever you go, there will be a huge commotion, why don't you show yourself for the time being? This way, everyone will be able to relax and make me a little worried."    


Su Wantine, who was changing into her pajamas, revealed a cold smile. Her white teeth seemed to suddenly have two fangs, deliberately scaring the young doctor in front of her.    


"How can you tell the outside world that I am very angry if you don't torment me? Some people are unlucky enough to get involved in our family's matters in a very bad time. You have to know that if you reach out your hand, you will get caught. It's impossible that you can immediately shrink back and pretend that nothing happened after you do something. Now, there are some people who are intentionally or unintentionally spreading rumors about Dr. Chen. I already know that some unlucky assassin came for me, so I have no way to defend myself. That's why I am getting more and more noisy. They will have to pay the corresponding price for at least three to five years."    


Su Wantine paused for a moment and suddenly laughed very happily.    


"The most fun part about this matter is when a certain killer is unlucky. Some people just happened to transfer a large sum of money overseas. If I am certain that there is a deal in between, no one can prove that it doesn't exist. Therefore, I want some people to jump off the Yellow River and not clear themselves."    


Chi Hong looked at Beauty President with some admiration and her mouth felt bitter. She wanted to say something but had no way to say it. Furthermore, this beautiful Female President had already used her actions to express her attitude. No matter how beautiful her words were, everyone with discerning eyes would know that it was actually just words.    


In other words, it was that she had fought to the death with a superpower internationally. In the end, there were still people who had secretly tripped on her in the country and even bumped into a bad time. The probability of being connected internally and externally existed.    


Su Wantine did not need to complain to anyone, but there were naturally people who spoke up for her. Who asked her to have a good reputation and at the same time, to keep a low profile. It was almost impossible to find any flaws. At the same time, she had started from a veteran businessman to take the industry route and started to enter the aircraft industry. Compared to those who played finance and online platforms, as for who was more valuable, it was obvious who was more valuable.    


Female Bookworm only managed to squeeze out a sentence after a long time.    


"Ms Su, you are so overbearing. No wonder Dr. Chen is the most afraid of you. Talking about you taking care of him makes me feel sad. Now it seems that it is just a small test. If you really want to take care of him, you will not give him any chance to argue."    


Su Wantine was very happy. She knew that her methods could only tell a limited number of people. In front of this very smart and capable doctor, she could tell some of her plans without holding back. She would keep secrets for the rest of her life.    


But at this time, she did not want to listen to Chi Hong's flattery. She solemnly gestured towards the outside with her mouth and expressed her feelings.    


"No, actually, among us, we are the luckiest. It's Chen Qun. His life is like a cheat. Only by being able to sense something that has no logic in it can I have the space to operate. Or perhaps, to put it this way... If it wasn't for Chen Qun, I could only hide in the country. I could only fight to avoid greater losses. But because of his accident, I had the chance to become internationally united again. Reduces the losses to the minimum, and even enters the medical industry."    


Thinking of Chen Qun's various Shaman performance, Chi Hong also rubbed her head in distress, agreeing with Female Bossy President's view.    


"Now I am more and more suspecting that Chen Qun is a super mirror image Syndrome Patient, or that he has some kind of telepathy ability. Just like the twins, just like you said... Coincidentally, he appeared next to your phone at the most appropriate time, and very acutely sensed the most secretive thought in Mr. Lang Ning's mind. It led to the subsequent story. If there has to be a scientific explanation, then that is the only explanation I can think of. After all, if it was only Chen Qun, I will definitely think that he is the real Shaman, but when I meet the twins, du Ya and the other two girls... I just realized that in our real world, there really is an unscientific phenomenon like quantum entanglement."    


Su Wantine giggled and her soul-stirring aura disappeared without a trace. She started to tease this good friend of hers.    


"I found that you guys are too fun, just like what happened on the train. The female doctor went to save the old man, but Chen Qun was pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger by the side. He was thinking about how to save the female doctor who only had half a year to live. He might not have thought that you would also list him as the number one mental patient in Heaven. Study him. How about this, exactly how much money and equipment do you need? I'll give you my full support, if it really doesn't work... Just slice him up and check to see if he's an alien in disguise. "    


Chen Qun sneezed loudly in the room on the lower floor. He could faintly feel a chill spreading from his surroundings. However, he did not take it to heart. His hometown was in the depths of the mountains. The weather was ten miles apart from each other, and the temperature was slightly lower than Yue City's. In addition, it seemed like it was raining outside, so it was naturally a little cold.    


If time permitted it, he really wanted to go back to his hometown and take a look. Unfortunately, because of Su Wantine, he didn't go anywhere. Staying with Su Wantine was the best choice. After all, Su Wantine was also indirectly venting her anger for him. Plus, the old lady was deliberately indulging him. At the same time, the most fatal thing was... His temper had become a setting that most people approved of, and he believed that he would not forgive those people who had taken advantage of him when he was down. This was the key point in Su Wantine's wrists.    


Sigh, these scheming and scheming matters, to let Beauty President take care of it, it was really reasonable and logical. It made people speechless. However, his challenge mission was really a little difficult. He needed to let the patient recover a little bit of spirit and energy in the fastest time possible before he could save the patient in the big surgery that followed.    


Otherwise, no matter how good his surgical skills were, he would not be able to save the patient. He would only be helpless and helpless. Now that the medicine sent over by the hospital would arrive in the morning, the original plan was to adjust the dosage. But now it seemed that the only way was to continue using the Alzheimer's method to take out more suitable and more targeted medicine from System Space. It was to suppress the patient's cancer cells, and in addition to the medication and food conditioning. Only then would he have the chance to save the patient in the next 20 days.    


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