Super Magic Surgery System

C1975 Milk Powder Money

C1975 Milk Powder Money

0For Chen Qun, the rise and fall of a beautiful stock was like an electrocardiogram of a patient, and the symptoms were the right medicine to treat. If he could not see the symptoms, then he would be in a good condition. It was a pity that he was a doctor, so he could only understand the electrocardiogram. He could not understand the curve of the stock market.    


But at least one thing was certain. The extent of the fluctuation was not very large. For him, the situation was very likely not as bad as everyone expected.    


"Stupid, have you never heard of a joke? When the eldest and second brother fought, the one who suffered in the end was the third brother. The current situation was the same. In a situation where everyone wanted stability, it was only reasonable that there were no major fluctuations in the stock market. As for the one who suffered, it was also forcefully stabilized by the person who quickly took over. If you take over a mess, Would you be willing to continue being taken care of?"    


Dongfang Wenxin slept comfortably the whole night. Without the burden of the two children, she appeared in front of Chen Qun in high spirits early in the morning. She looked at her husband who wanted to study the curve of the stock market and laughed at him.    


"Wait, you just got up. How did you know it would be like this? Last night, you did not contact anyone else but went to bed early. How did you know the news?"    


"I can guess with my toes just by looking at the curve of the stock market that you found. Alright, the real reason is that last night, Houzyou Yangling held the press conference. You can use your second senior brother's brain and think about what is wrong."    


Dongfang Wenxin was afraid that Chen Qun this fellow would not understand and even intentionally glanced at the time a few times, giving enough hints.    


Actually, Chen Qun did not need to look at the world time to guess the root cause. Houzyou Yangling's press conference was a little early. There was still half an hour before the stock market opened. In this information age, thirty minutes was enough to complete all kinds of behind the scenes transactions and decide who would be abandoned in an instant. Whoever would be the tank, who would be the price!    


Or perhaps it could be said that this kind of pure exchange of interests prevented both sides from being injured or even injured. At the same time, it also forced those old foxes to abandon their vehicles to protect their commander. That was why they were able to reach a price in the fastest time possible, and then everything calmly and peacefully went past this page.    


As for the stock market shaking or melting, that actually represented the intensification of contradictions. They no longer had any bargaining chips to negotiate with each other, and that was why there would be a life and death struggle.    


But the current situation had not reached the point where everyone would go all out against each other. Both parties were trying to steal the chicken. At the same time, the most important thing was that both sides had a certain level of strength. If they were to continue fighting, it was very likely that the other financial tycoons attracted by the smell of blood would be the ones benefiting, causing the matter to become extremely chaotic.    


Besides, the whole world was covered by the epidemic. The medical industry could be said to be a big winner. Both of them had industry bonuses, and they had a lot of capital. Since there are no positive winners, the only thing left was to compromise, pay a price that both sides could accept, and calm things down.    


"Oh, so it turns out that the conditions were discussed within a few minutes. Isn't this too fast?"    


Chen Qun let out a sigh and once again received a supercilious look from his wife.    


"You have performed many difficult surgeries, and it only takes a moment for you to decide whether you will succeed or fail. For real big shots, deciding the direction of things is just a matter of a few words. As for the details, that is the work of their subordinates and professional teams."    


Chen Qun saw the big miss smiling happily and asked another question with a smile.    


"How much did you earn in this? Buy milk powder for early, late, late, and late?"    


"Solid. Who talks about money?"    


Eldest Miss denied it verbally, but in the blink of an eye, she revealed the truth.    


"Our company actually didn't earn much, but the other side has already given us two business promises. We can stop my sister from selling overseas companies. As long as we don't lose money, it's a profit, so the old lady readily agreed. She got an overseas mine, although it was a bit far. But at least there was a mine. As for those overseas companies, they continued to sell them to Mr. Lang Ning. Actually, it's just a temporary change of skin and hide from the limelight. It can be considered as putting on another layer of disguise to continue operating."    


Chen Qun was not very clear about these concepts, but when the old lady agreed, eldest Miss smiled very proudly again. It meant that she made a profit. But curiosity killed the cat, so he continued to ask another question.    


"Then what did the Sanjing Group gain?"    


"They got a profitable manufacturing company. As for the countless interest exchanges, it can be said that we are not clear. Both parties had a large-scale property exchange, which made all kinds of profit disappear. Who asked the company's equity exchange and all kinds of transfer procedures to collect fees?"    


Of course, Chen Qun knew that this should be another tax evasion. Using the reorganization, they directly washed away their own shameful things. This was actually a common business method.    


"So, there are no losers in the stock market. Everyone can continue to sue and find a few scapegoats to take the blame?"    


"No, it should be said that both sides are shrinking their territories, or rather, they are dividing the boundaries of their respective fields to prepare for the next large-scale slaughter. As for the things in the stock market, they are becoming more and more ethereal. "    


Even if Chen Qun did not know much about the stock market, he knew what Miss meant. He just emptied the company and took the money to run away. As for who would pay for the stock market, it was definitely not these big shots who would pay for the stock market. In other words, the US stock market was like a false bubble. It was getting bigger and bigger, and it could explode at any time.    


However, this should be the inevitable stage of the competition between the big countries, and it was also what the country wanted to see. As for the large commercial consortiums, they were all waiting and watching, preparing to escape. This was actually a situation that had not changed in a hundred years. Part of it. The wheels of history rolled over.    


As for him and the young mistress, it could be said that they each displayed their own strengths and helped to kick the ground, further accelerating the arrival of change.    


"Thus, you ruthlessly stepped on the accelerator! Don't think that you've been staying at home these few days to raise your body. On the surface, you look like you're giving birth, but in fact, you're actually doing these things. I don't know!"    


Dongfang Wenxin rested her head on Chen Qun's shoulder and gave a justified reason.    


"Money to make milk powder for the child. It is not shabby!"    


Chen Qun was just about to make fun of this guy when his phone rang.    


"Dr. Chen, come to the new research institute. Mr. Hymer has a myocardial infarction and needs surgery immediately!"    


Chen Qun gently kissed the young lady's cheek and also smiled.    


"I will also go and earn money for the milk powder for the child. This is real money for the milk powder. It's shabby!"    


Dongfang Wenxin lightly kicked him and made him rush to save the child. Anyway, the two babies were already born and were very cute and obedient. When the two aunties came over, there would definitely be a lot of interesting interactions.    


As for the old lady, seeing that she was so spirited, she temporarily decided to relax for two days. First, she would grasp the benefits from overseas and then value her grandson. On the other hand, her mother took a private jet at noon to see her grandson.    


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