Super Magic Surgery System

C1972 Cos Show

C1972 Cos Show

0Xie Ruohua looked at his granddaughter on the screen, full of energy. She didn't look like a pregnant woman who had just given birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses. He knew that this girl was originally a tomboy. Furthermore, she had been exercising all along during her pregnancy. It was understandable that she was in good health. In addition, the two babies had a smooth birth, so it was even less hurtful. It was not a magical situation. In reality, there were many women who were perfectly fine when giving birth in the fields.    


"Tell me, why did you suddenly call me this time? What kind of tricks are you planning to play? Or do you want the old lady to mind her own business and not have to give your child a name?!"    


Dongfang Wenxin gave a grimace and started to act spoiled.    


"Of course not. You always give names to two great-grandsons. That is their fortune. I will not be foolish enough to refuse the various benefits that the two children bring to me. This time, I specially called you. Actually, it was my sister and I who discussed and decided to use a 3D projection. To attend a small banquet later, instead of using a large video mode. She was an academician in the digital signal industry, after all. Of course, he has to show his advantages."    


Xie Ruohua didn't believe his granddaughter's nonsense. He wanted this girl to show off in front of everyone. It was simply an extravagant hope. But now, she was asking for it. She definitely had other motives. Connecting it to the current situation, of course, he knew that this girl had also grown up and knew how to help the company solve their problems. He didn't want her to act like an old lady.    


"Little Su just told me about the situation. Who are you going to torture again? You gave birth today. Can you take a break? I'm afraid of your ability to cause trouble. "    


"Thank you, grandma. It's actually not the ability of a jinx. It's clearly giving me enough face. Then I'll tell you the truth. We're just saving people. Saving people is not a torture! Furthermore, the two babies were just born today, and their parents were busy saving people. This pair of children also have merits, and can protect them from growing up safely."    


" You little girl, you only see people talking. See... Okay, okay. The old lady is too lazy to think. I'll agree to your request. As for the name of the child, they will wait until a full month later. In any case, our family doesn't need any fancy tricks anymore. Let the old lady and your mother think about it carefully and make a decision in the end."    


Xie Ruohua put down the phone confidently and calculated in his mind. It was a good story to know how much his granddaughter had been tormented. Speaking of the motive of his granddaughter and grandson-in-law, he had actually done his best. It could be considered that he had the courage and responsibility to do so. As an old lady, he should be completely at ease now.    


However, this matter was already a foregone conclusion. Chen's Little Su's hard work could be said to be a timely help, but it could also be said to be an icing on the cake. The former was targeted at individuals, while the latter was targeted at the overall situation.    


Since it was adding flowers to the brocade, then why didn't he help Little Su by giving her more authority and capital to deal with it? From the original plan of tearing off a mouthful of fat, it turned into swallowing half of her body. It was now past five o'clock in the afternoon, the morning of the Western Hemisphere. There were still a few hours before the morning of the Western Hemisphere. At that time, the stock market would open.    


Before the doors open, the situation on both sides must be clear. No matter who it was, this was the only way to obtain the greatest benefits. Other than giving Su a bigger authorization later, should he use more funds? At the same time after the stock market opened, he released a piece of news that was neither too big nor too small. It could also be added to the icing on the cake.    


But all of this would depend on the final treatment results of Chen.    


Gong Zi slowly opened his eyes and saw the scenery around him gradually brighten. It was no longer the blurred state before receiving treatment. Looking at the warmth surging around his body, the numbness in his body had also improved significantly. As a qualified doctor, she naturally knew that the danger she was in had at least been resolved.    


"How long have I been unconscious for?"    


She immediately calmed down and asked Kagawa Show, who had come over to observe her condition, the most critical question.    


"You have not been unconscious for more than two hours. To be precise, it is only one hour and forty-seven minutes. The fact that you could accurately ask this question showed that your condition had been completely restrained. It has even exceeded the Lord's expectations. Alright, listen to my command. Raise your left hand first, slow down. Very well, then raise your right foot. Just like that, well done. Then, could he stand up for the last step? Be careful!"    


Kagawa Show was also very happy when she saw that this shadow had actually recovered in a very short period of time. She knew that the plan of the Lord and Director Su had already succeeded by a large margin. As she spoke, she waved her hand and two robust female nurses stood on the left and right side of the bathtub to ensure that this girl would not slip and fall to the ground.    


Gong Zi slowly stood up from the bathtub, like a hibiscus emerging from water. She stood firmly in front of Kagawa Show and waved her arms from left to right. Then he lifted his foot and walked out. It was only after a few words that she realized that her lips were a little bitter and salty. He couldn't help but touch it, but there was nothing.    


"Come, come, wash your body first. This time, you were soaked in the salt water by that evil Chen, and you almost turned into a salted fish female corpse. So, if you want to get even with him, I agree with you. "    


Gong Zi, who had regained his consciousness, saw that before he could do anything, two female nurses had already placed him under her hair. Warm water poured down from above her head, making her feel very comfortable. From Miss Xiangchuan, she knew exactly who had saved her. This wasn't strange at all. After all, chen Jun was the best Surgery Doctor in the world. He was also the best general practitioner.    


The moment he fainted, he knew that if he could survive, only Chen Jun could save her. But this was too inconceivable.    


"Miss Xiangchuan, how is this possible?"    


"For that bastard, there is nothing impossible! Damn it! Why would I speak up for that bastard? Alright, I know you want to know why you were able to concoct the antidote within an hour. Actually, the reason was very simple. That bastard didn't try to concoct the antidote with equal harshness, but instead took a shortcut. He directly used the instability of the family head's gene medicine to attack the family head's gene. As for the medicine used to attack, it was the nitrogen compounds of the active substance he found. The reason why he soaked you in the biological saline water was to accelerate the destruction and stabilizing of the ions. Judging from your results, his theory succeeded, but he actually didn't do anything... You don't have to thank him!"    


Lord Xiangchuan was a small problem that Chen Jun had dealt with many times. Although he appeared to hate Chen Jun on the surface, he actually wouldn't go against Chen Jun's orders.    


"Miss Xiangchuan, what do I need to do now?"    


"It's very simple, after the rinsing, I'll be attending a press conference with you. Of course, your identity will slightly change. You'll be a slightly famous CS female live streamer. You were in the CS show today and unintentionally blocked the plan for you. Because you do not possess the genes of the master. Therefore, our Sanjing Group spared no effort in rescuing you, and saved you."    


Gong Zi knew that this sharp-tongued girl was actually jealous and secretly reminded her that she wasn't an adult. Actually, this was not necessary at all. He did not have any ambitions. Quietly appreciating this beautiful world was the happiest thing for him. He did not want to replace an adult at all.    


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