Super Magic Surgery System

C1717 Experimental Engineering

C1717 Experimental Engineering

0Captain Sun and Chief Su stood side by side at the door, directing the medical personnel to send the patients into different areas in different categories. As they looked at the few figures in the glass window from afar, their hearts were filled with surprise. There was also a sense of relief. Chen Qun's world-shocking rescue plan had long spread throughout the entire medical ship. It made everyone want to know the follow-up results.    


However, looking at Chen Qun, who was still waving his arms in an orderly manner through the glass, both of them knew that this patient had most likely been rescued from the gates of hell. It could be said that he was born with surgical skills and relied on his own talent and hard work, but this kind of thinking pattern broke common sense.    


However, by referencing Chen's many classic surgery cases, one could see that the veins were clearly defined. Many of them were methods that exceeded conventional thinking, and there were even cases where he killed the patient first and then saved the patient. Now that he thought of it, this method was just a random application of his unconstrained thinking mode.    


However, the strangest thing about this matter was not his method of saving the patient. Instead, he had already come up with this plan when he had only heard the patient's description. Now, he would use Zhuge Liang's eyes to evaluate the situation. If they were to encounter such a situation, they would only be able to analyze three possibilities.    


The worst was, of course, there was no way to save them. At most, there would only be three possibilities left. If they were to take a breath, they would not be able to reverse the situation no matter what method they used. The best thing was that he would not suffer any serious injuries. He would try his best to drag him out. Then everything would be fine. In the middle of the situation, he could be saved, but it was very difficult to save.    


If it were an ordinary person, of course, they would follow the method of a dead horse treating a living horse. It would not be strange to bring any tools with them, but the strangest thing was that Chen Qun unexpectedly predicted a very special extreme situation, which happened to be the worst-case scenario. So, without saying anything, he brought dozens of machines with him.    


This move saved him twenty to thirty minutes and sent the patient to the operating table. However, the two of them had been through half of their lives and had seen many strange things. It was also the first time that they saw an emergency rescue patient with blood and body separation. To some extent, it was already considered half a dead person.    


There was still a surgery to be carried out and all his injuries were fully healed. The risk of the blood being transported back was too great. Even ordinary emergency care experts would not dare to do such a thing, let alone the paramedics. The most important thing here was. . . Chen Qun still needed to start the second battle and race against time. He had to seize the opportunity before the cells in the human body necrosis. Transfer the blood back.    


Su Chao had read a lot of such reports. If it was within the fully prepared Test Operating Room, this kind of patient would only be able to survive for about three to four hours. It had to be the best Surgery Doctor to complete the surgery as soon as possible in order to save the patient. But now, it was done at the last minute. The patient's survival time did not exceed an hour.    


A patient with multiple broken bones in his chest and internal internal injuries would not be able to come back in an hour. Moreover, they had been delayed by half an hour on the road, which meant that they only had a few dozen minutes of resuscitation time left.    


"Old Su, do you think this patient can be saved? I am a coarse man, and I don't know how to treat and save people. At most, I will bandage the wound and massage the heart. I don't know anything else. If I had to do this for so long, he would have left. That would be a waste of time. "    


Su Chao pondered for a moment and solemnly expressed his opposition.    


"No, even if this surgery fails, This kind of resuscitation method is still very useful to our patients. Of course, We don't mean to follow Chen's method to resuscitate, but to some special wounded people. After dealing with them according to Chen's method, we will transport them to the rear. In other words, If we are on our medical ship, we have a way to extend the lives of these patients by 24 hours. We have a chance to let the experts in the rear use remote surgeries to save them. "    


Regiment Commander Sun blinked. In the end, he did not say anything. Those who knew about this special patient were either very important, or they had some key information, or they had sufficient conditions to be saved. However, it was actually the same thing. A dead horse treated a dead horse as a doctor. He would do his best to ensure the safety of the people.    


However, thinking about how Chen Qun could perform remote interventional surgery in space, it was also possible to perform a simple, conventional surgery on a medical ship.    


Regiment Commander Sun smiled.    


"Your idea looks perfect, but it still has a fatal flaw. You are a doctor on a medical ship, and you receive satellite signals to transmit messages. But you don't carry a cable with you as you travel around the world. If it really can be carried out, your Military Bureau leader will directly kill you. Just the cost of renting a satellite to transmit fees is enough to build a small supply ship. "    


Su Chao retorted in a calm manner.    


"Old Sun, what you said makes sense. If I get the troops to pay, they'll probably exile me in Java tomorrow. However, if it's a national pilot project, with the sponsors from companies and the Xiangyun Hospital taking the lead, I'll become a pilot terminal. Do you think I'll reject such a great opportunity to make a pie fall from the sky? "    


As a military doctor, of course, he understood military doctors the best. The dean of Xiangyun Hospital was a veteran military doctor. If he had any benefits, he would be the first to bring it back to his mother's home to try it out. In addition, he had money and skills, so the only thing left was to communicate. As for the medical ship, there might be some trouble. . . But it wasn't a big deal, just a little bit of coordination would solve it.    


Su Chao was actually also clearly aware that the reason Director Liu would propose such a trial idea. . . It must be that Chen Qun's remote international space station cardiac support surgery gave him too much stimulation. With his energy, It would be a little troublesome to replicate a similar surgery in China's own space station. He needed to communicate and report, and he needed to turn in the plan. He would have to wait for the higher ups to review it, and it might not work.    


However, the space station only had a few people coming and going. If there were any accidents, Ranged surgery was at most just a backup plan. However, for the various fleets on the voyage, especially the medical ships, Setting up a high-tech remote surgery here, the technical power was completely achievable. As for the issue of confidentiality, Most of the medical ships were carrying out public missions, and there were no secrets. Thus, some of the obstacles in the details disappeared.    


In the future, when the medical ships went to foreign undeveloped countries to visit, this kind of remote surgery would naturally become the most dazzling retaining technology. It would be very beneficial to both the patients and the fleet.    


Now, Xiangyun Hospital started to promote remote surgery in the country. Dr. Chen Qun had already completed a high-difficulty surgery in the army. When the location was switched to the ship, it would be peaceful for at least half of the time. It was almost the same as ashore, which made the medical ship have an extra large rear.    


"Department Director Su, the surgery is done. Send the patient to Intensive Care Unit immediately. As long as you wake up in a few hours, your life will be saved!"    


Chen Qun appeared beside the two of them at some point and gave them the final result of the surgery.    


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