Super Magic Surgery System

C48 Cerebral Decompression

C48 Cerebral Decompression

0Cranium Cerebri decompression    


Ignoring the fact that they were in big trouble, Chen Qun and Zhang Xin walked along Riverside Drive hand in hand towards the movie theater in front of them. Just as they reached the intersection, a truck loaded with goods suddenly rushed over from the front, towards the two of them.    


Almost at the same time, a black flash of lightning shot out from behind him like a bolt of lightning, and a sports car charged towards the truck at an even faster speed.    


Chen Qun, who was in a panic, didn't have time to think. He quickly turned around and hugged Zhang Xin's small waist tightly, knocking her onto the flowerbed on the side of the road and pressing her down even more tightly.    


The fierce impact caused the two of them to slide forward more than a meter, following the smooth grass on the flower terrace.    


The moment both of their feet landed on the flowerbed, the black sports car crashed into the medium-sized truck in front of them, causing a 90 degree reversal. The front end of the car crashed into the flower flowerbed that was one meter high, causing it to shake twice before stopping in front of the two of them.    


The truck that was still rumbling in front seemed to have stopped for less than ten meters. It suddenly swung its front end and slammed into the iron bars of the river. The truck and both of them fell into the cold river below.    


Only then did Chen Qun come back to his senses, he didn't seem to have much fear in his heart.    


Just as he knocked Zhang Xin down to the ground, the system's voice suddenly resounded in his ears.    


"Congratulations on your achievement of 'There will be afterlife after surviving a great disaster'. Luck is not omnipotent, but it is absolutely impossible to not have luck! "    


"Sudden Mission: Rescue the victims of car accidents. The difficulty was unknown, the rewards were unknown, and fifteen minutes passed. "If the mission fails, the star of luck level will drop one level or any one of your attributes to zero."    


This … Was it the effect of the Lucky Skill? Or had he become one of the lucky X-Men after watching "Death Servant 2" too many times?    


Chen Qun recalled what had just happened. If the sportscar behind them hadn't suddenly sped over and prepared to drift over before the green light went out, that big truck would have bumped into them and would have at least been seriously injured if it didn't die.    


But now, he was completely unscathed, and his body was still soft …    


When he woke up, he saw that he was still pressing down on Zhang Xin's body. Both of his hands were still hugging her forehead, hiding her petite body under his. He was still hugging her tightly.    


He quickly let go and squeezed out a sentence with a trembling voice, "Are you hurt somewhere?"    


Zhang Xin's face was flushed red. She looked at him with a pair of bright and beautiful eyes. She looked both angry and happy. There was an unspeakable oddity to her. Upon hearing his words, she pushed him back with her hands, "I'm fine!"    


It was good that he was fine, it was good that he was fine!    


Chen Qun touched his chest and looked in front. He saw that one of the two passengers in the sportscar had been thrown onto the iron fence. The sharp spear was like an iron spear, piercing into his right chest and exposing a small part of his spearhead. The other passenger had disappeared without a trace.    


He quickly got up and ran over. He touched his left carotid artery with one hand and moved his other hand close to his nose.    


The youth opened his eyes as he groaned: "Hurry up and save my brother, I'm fine!"    


Chen Qun ripped open the buttons on his T-shirt and looked at his wound. The iron fence that was shaped like a flower had pierced him through, but no blood came out from the wounds on his upper and lower body. He was still conscious. It should be that the iron bars had sealed off his wounds, preventing blood from flowing out.    


"Hurry up and tell him." Don't move, I'll let Zhang Xin support you, no matter how painful it is, you have to endure. "Slightly …"    


The young man did not wait for him to finish and started to shout in annoyance.    


"I was a soldier before, I understand these principles. Quickly go see my younger brother! "Faster!"    


When Chen Qun turned around, he saw Zhang Xin on the phone, he knew that she was calling for an ambulance, so he jumped over the flowerbed that acted as a fence for the sidewalk. When he got to the side of the road, he saw another figure lying under the sports car. His eyes were wide open, staring blindly ahead.    


"Zhang Xin, go and support that patient by the fence. He has uneven forces and won't be able to hold on for long. Try your best to prevent his chest from bleeding too much!"    


Chen Qun saw that the teenager lying under the sports car was only 15 or 16 years old. His pupils dilated and he immediately made the worst decision. If he could save one, he would save one, so there was no need to struggle.    


He squatted down and touched the youth's neck with his palm. His eyes even scanned down the sports car to see if he had any other symptoms.    


There were not many bloodstains on his entire body, and his pulse and breathing were very weak. Adding to that, with his dilated pupil in his right eye and the ground at the back of his head, he could basically be determined to have an acute subdural hematoma, causing the Cranium Cerebri's internal pressure to rise. If he did not reduce the pressure, he would not have a chance of surviving within a few minutes.    


At this moment, a few people also ran over from the opposite shop. Chen Qun shouted at them, "Who has an electric drill? If not, a sharp knife and hammer are fine too!"    


"There's something in the back of the sports car. Chen Qun, the patient said there's something in the back of the sports car. What happened to his brother?"    


Zhang Xin supported the young man as she shouted at Chen Qun.    


"Cerebral hemorrhage requires immediate emergency treatment. I am a doctor, so I will think of all means to treat the patient. Key... I saw the key! "    


Chen Qun stood up. He took off the sports car with some difficulty, like a key to a button in the sky. He rushed to the trunk but didn't know how to use this thing.    


"Press... "Let me do it!"    


Zhang Xin took two big steps and snatched the key from Chen Qun's hand. She pressed it lightly and opened the trunk of the sportscar, revealing an empty trunk. The nurse pressed the button again and a toolbox slowly rotated out from the side.    


Chen Qun finally understood that even if he had the key, he wouldn't be able to find the toolbox. Zhang Xin was so familiar with the sports cars that she probably knew nothing about them. That's why she left the patients to their own devices.    


At this moment, Zhang Xin saw one or two middle-aged men running over and hurriedly ordered, "We are the hospital's doctors. Both of you have a lot of strength, quickly go and support the patient on the fence and stabilize his balance." As long as he didn't move, his life would be secure! "Chen Qun, I'll go get your disinfectant tools!"    


Zhang Xin pressed the electronic key twice at the same time and opened the toolbox, revealing a series of luxurious repair equipment.    


More and more people ran over to help save the man    


A traffic policeman looked at the electric drill in Chen Qun's hand and asked hurriedly, "What are you planning to do?"    


"The patient has acute cerebral hemorrhage, so he has to open his skull to decompress it. I am a doctor, and he can't survive an ambulance to take him to the hospital! I need to drill a drill through his Cranial Cavity! "    


"Brother, isn't this too risky?"    


"No matter how dangerous it is, we have to make a move. Even if we send him to the hospital, we have to open his skull. I'll be responsible for whatever happens!"    


Chen Qun had boundless confidence in his chest. Even though the System was dark, it saved his life. The driver in this sportscar was also his half savior, so naturally, he had to use all of his abilities to save him.    


This had nothing to do with the quest for breaking the system's reward. It only had to do with being a person!    


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