Ultimate Upgrading System

C492 Chase

C492 Chase

0Yang Ying stood up and gently stroked the muscles on his body.    


Although his body did not become bigger, he could clearly see that his body had become streamlined.    


He lowered his head and looked at his abdomen. He found that his eight-pack abdominal muscles had appeared there.    


He gently touched it with his hand and a trace of joy flashed through his heart.    


He did not expect that one day, he would also have eight-pack abdominal muscles.    


When he was in Huaxia, he looked at the fitness expert on TV and was once very envious.    


And now, he was just like those people. Furthermore, he knew that below this, there was an even more terrifying muscle strength.    


An explosive force surged through his entire body.    


It made him feel that even if a small mountain was in front of him, he would still be able to break it with a single punch.    


However, he knew that this was probably his misconception after his strength had just increased.    


He stood still under his feet and threw a punch towards the ground in front of him.    


As he punched out, a sharp hissing sound came from the air.    


"Boom!" The punch landed on the ground, creating a loud explosion. Following that, a cloud of dust appeared from where the punch landed.    


After the dust settled, Yang Ying found that there was a deep pit on the ground in front of him.    


Looking at this deep pit, a trace of satisfaction flashed across his heart.    


The power of this strike was much greater than before.    


And this strike was merely a casual one. If he were to use his full strength...    


Just thinking about it made him feel tempted.    


Immediately, he patted the dust off his body and flew toward the door of light on the next floor.    


The next level was the 51st level.    


At this moment, Tian Fazhang had arrived at the 63rd level.    


Ever since he reached the 60th floor, his speed had started to slow down.    


In front of him, a black bear demon beast was staring at him covetously.    


This black bear demon beast was five to six meters tall. With one look, one could tell that the large bear paw contained a huge amount of power.    


The strength of this demonic beast had already reached the Peak of Golden Core Stage Perfection.    


Right at this moment, the black bear charged forward with all four limbs on the ground. The Qi on its body also surged.    


Tian Fazhang saw this and shook the spear in his hand. An aura rose from the spear.    


Very quickly, he fought with the black bear.    


He realized that if he fought with the black bear head on, he would not be its match. Immediately, he changed his strategy.    


With this change, he slowly gained the upper hand.    


However, due to the strength and defense of the black bear, even though Tian Fazhang had an advantage in the situation, he was unable to take it down in a rush.    


The battle entered a state of anxiety.    


At this moment, Yang Ying had already met the demonic beast on the 51st floor.    


In front of him was a lizard demon beast.    


The skin of this lizard demon beast was very rough, but underneath the surface, one could see that it was full of vitality.    


It seemed to be asleep, but its rotating eyes showed its current condition.    


Yang Ying's body swayed, and he rushed towards the lizardman.    


In just a few breaths, he had already arrived beside the lizardman.    


A ray of light flashed across his body. After that, he rammed into the lizard beast's body.    


At that moment, the lizard beast suddenly came back to life and started moving.    


With a swing of its tail, the thick tail was heading towards Yang Ying.    


Yang Ying wanted to test the strength of his physical body, so he didn't dodge and just rammed into it.    




After that, the man and the beast retreated in the direction they came from.    


Yang Ying took a few steps back before he started to size up the beast in front of him again.    


One should know that he had used 60% of his strength in the collision just now, but even so, he was still on par with the lizard beast in front of him.    


It seemed that although the beast in front of him looked ordinary on the outside, its strength was not ordinary.    


Thinking of this... He stomped heavily on the ground.    


"Boom!" A deep pit appeared on the ground, and his entire body was already flying towards the direction of that beast.    


He wasn't too far away from that beast, and in just two or three breaths' time, he had already arrived in front of that beast.    


He stretched out his right hand and threw a punch towards the head of the lizard demon beast.    



This punch carried a sonic boom, and very quickly, it arrived at the demon beast's head.    


Seeing this, the lizard demon beast opened its mouth wide!    


Its teeth shone with a sharp light!    


At the same time, a foul smell rushed towards Yang Ying's face.    


Yang Ying's expression froze!    


This smell made him think of the poisonous gas bomb in Huaxia.    


His hand movements could not help but slow down.    


In the time it took to slow down, the lizard demon's head was already biting towards Yang Ying's arm.    


Looking at its sharp teeth, if it bit Yang Ying's arm, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to protect his arm.    


Thinking of this, how could he dare to be careless?    


At that instant, his body trembled as he felt his hair standing on end.    


He had already reacted, and with a twist of his feet, his entire body moved to the side.    


Then, his right foot tapped the ground, and his right hand waved again.    


This time, he had already used eighty percent of his strength.    


This time, a sonic boom was heard once again.    


When the demonic beast heard the sonic boom, it immediately swung its tail in the direction of Yang Ying.    


This strike carried a whistling sound as it was thrown in the direction of Yang Ying.    


However, Yang Ying didn't care about it. It was as if he didn't see it. His right hand continued to strike forward.    


"Boom!" His attack had already landed on this demonic beast's body.    


The demon beast felt a sharp pain in its head. Then, its consciousness started to drift away. Its tail naturally stopped moving.    


After a breath or two, the lizard beast no longer made any sound.    


Seeing this, Yang Ying kicked with his right leg and turned the demon beast in a different direction. Then, he used the Fixed Light Sword and took out its Beast Core.    


After doing this, he jumped and rushed towards the door of light.    


Yang Ying did not spend much effort on the next few levels.    


After one battle after another, he was gradually able to perfectly control his physical strength.    


About fifteen minutes later, he arrived at the 60th level.    


After a dozen breaths, the two beasts on the 60th floor were also killed by Yang Ying.    


He also sat down cross-legged.    


After that, a Spirit pillar descended from above his head.    


Yang Ying silently began absorbing.    


As time passed, he discovered that this Spirit was slowly modifying his internal organs.    


The first to be remodeled was his heart.    


He felt that his heart was beating even more vigorously under the nourishment of the Spirit.    


With every beat, his blood would flow to every part of his body.    


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