Ultimate Upgrading System

C2 First Trial

C2 First Trial

0Yang Ying slowly walked back to his dorm. When he arrived, it was already evening. He saw a person sitting at the door of his dormitory.    


Seeing him come back, that person stood up and took two steps forward to support him. Senior Brother Yang! You are already injured, why are you still walking around! I am really worried about you! "    


" So it is Junior Brother Wang. Why are you here?" Yang Ying walked towards the dormitory with Junior Brother Wang's help.    


This person was called Wang Mingxuan. Not long after Yang Ying entered the outer court, they had already known each other. It had been four years.    


Wang Mingxuan helped Yang Ying sit down, then he took a cup from the table, poured a cup of water, and passed it to Yang Ying. "Senior Brother Yang! You are really seriously injured!"    


He stood up and pulled Yang Ying. "Let's go! I will take you to Chancellor Wang! We must punish Lu Chenghua and the others!"    


" Junior Brother Wang, take a seat first! " Yang Ying gestured for Wang Mingxuan to sit down. After taking a deep breath, he continued, "Lu Chenghua has always been a despicable person! Don't worry! I will take revenge on him."    


Yang Ying finally stopped Wang Mingxuan.    


"I actually forgot!" Wang Mingxuan slapped his forehead. "Senior Brother Yang, this is the Return of Spring Powder. Take it first!"    


"Rejuvenation Powder? This is a medicinal pill!" Yang Ying quickly waved his hand to express his refusal. He had heard of the Rejuvenation Powder before. It was a medicinal pill that could heal injuries, and it was equally famous as the Qi Replenishing Pill. He hurriedly declined, "Junior Brother Wang, this is too wasteful. I'm in good health. Just use some healing medicine. Look! "    


As he spoke, he even used his hand to beat his chest. However, just as he finished this action, he felt a burst of pain in his chest. He hurriedly lowered his head and pretended to drink water.    


Wang Mingxuan saw Yang Ying's reaction. He was now at the seventh level of the Qi Refinement. How could he not understand Yang Ying's little trick?    


He didn't want to expose it. He said to Yang Ying, "Senior Brother Yang, you don't have to be polite! I have already brought the pills here, so I can't return them. Besides, Your injuries will take at least half a month to fully recover!"    


Of course, Yang Ying knew very well that his injuries might not be fully healed in half a month's time.    


What he lacked the most right now was time. Without any hesitation, he held the table and stood up. He bowed and said, "Junior Brother Wang, thank you!"    


"It's alright. We've known each other for so long, you don't need to be polite with me!" Wang Mingxuan quickly stood up and returned the greeting. Then he took two steps forward and helped Yang Ying sit down.    


Yang Ying had obtained the Return of Spring Powder before. This was the first time he had seen it. Its surface was round and round. When he held it in his hand, he could smell its medicinal fragrance. It looked like it was very precious. Its value was definitely much higher than the value of the two Energy Replenishing Powder Yang Ying received every month.    


Could this be the medium grade Revival Powder?    


Wang Mingxuan saw that Yang Ying was observing the Revival Powder and said, "Senior Brother Yang, I bought this with a low grade Spirit Stone. Quickly eat it!" As he spoke, he actually planned to personally feed Yang Ying.    


Seeing this, Yang Ying no longer thought about it. He swallowed the Rejuvenation Powder and quickly drank another mouthful of water.    


Just as he swallowed the medicinal pill, Yang Ying felt a medicinal strength surge out from his chest and flow towards his four limbs. The medicinal strength was so fierce that Yang Ying almost could not bear it. Slowly, along with the flow of the medicinal strength, his injuries were also gradually recovering.    


"Senior Brother Yang, you just have a good rest! I will come and see you tomorrow!" Wang Mingxuan saw that after Yang Ying took the pill, the wounds on his exposed skin also became fainter, so he got up and said goodbye to Yang Ying.    


The sky had just lit up, and Yang Ying had finished meditating for the whole night. After a night of recovery, his body had almost recovered.    


He got up and ran towards the edge of the cliff. This was a secret place that the previous owner of this body had found. Yang Ying saw that this place was hidden, so he came here every day to practice sword technique. He treated this place as his private Martial Arts Practice Field.    


Yang Ying came to this place and started practicing the Basic Sword Arts.    


A quarter of an hour later, the sword emitted a faint glow. In an instant, the sword flashed like lightning. In an instant, the sword light connected into one.    


He finished practicing the Basic Sword Arts in no time. Yang Ying put the sword away and looked at the system interface. Behind the Origin Strength was still 0.    


"Looks like practicing the sword technique is useless. If that's the case, I can only go to Back Mountain and give it a try." Yang Ying silently sighed, "I can only try my best to be careful!"    


Only then did Yang Ying step into the Mission Hall. At this time, there were already many people choosing missions in the Mission Hall.    


There was a magic weapon in the Mission Hall. If there was someone who needed to request medicine, find items, hire people to hunt demon beasts, and guard the Pill Furnace. All of them could come to the Mission Hall to register.    


The people in Mission Hall would classify these requirements and the rewards after completion, and then sort them out. They would then list them on the mission board.    


All disciples of the sect could come and find the missions they wanted to complete in order to obtain the corresponding rewards.    


Yang Ying came to the mission board and carefully searched it. There were many missions on the mission board. Someone needed someone else's help to collect spiritual medicine. Someone needed someone else's help to guard the herb garden. Someone needed someone else's help to collect spirit beasts...    


After searching for a while, he found two missions on the mission board.    


Collecting two Heaven Herb, reward: one low grade Spirit Stone.    


Collecting six fangs, reward: two low grade Spirit Stone.    


These two missions, the Gray-back Wild Boar was a grade 1 demon beast, and it lived in the outer region of the Back Mountain.    


As for the Heaven Herb, it was a low grade medicinal herb, and could be found in the outer region of Back Mountain.    


When a demon beast was at a low grade, due to its strong physique, it would be stronger than a cultivator of the same realm. Generally speaking, Qi Refining warriors could only deal with a demon beast that was one grade weaker than them.    


For example, Second level of Qi Refining warriors could only fight a First Grade demon beast, and Third level of Qi Refining warriors could only fight a Second Grade demon beast.    


Of course, the situation mentioned above was only normal. Yang Ying had once read in the ancient records that the geniuses of some big sects could not only deal with demon beasts of the same level, but could also fight demon beasts of a higher level.    


Yang Ying thought about his own situation, and without hesitation, he accepted these two missions.    


Yang Ying returned to his dormitory and tidied up before walking towards Back Mountain.    


After a while, he arrived at the entrance of Back Mountain. Looking at the entrance of Back Mountain, Yang Ying tightened his grip on the sword in his hand and touched the backpack behind him.    


Only then did he step forward and greet his two senior brothers guarding the entrance of Back Mountain. After they sized him up, he walked towards the interior of Back Mountain.    


As this was Yang Ying's first time coming to Back Mountain, he was very careful. He didn't dare to go any deeper, and just walked around the outer area.    


After walking for about an hour, Yang Ying found a fiery red figure in front of him. He fixed his eyes and saw that it was a Fire Rabbit. It was chewing on the tender grass on the ground.    


Yang Ying raised his Qi and took a few steps forward, then suddenly jumped. The Fire Rabbit heard the movement and raised its head to look over. It noticed Yang Ying approaching and wanted to run away.    


Yang Ying had already jumped to the side of the Fire Rabbit. He used the longsword in his hand to stab forward, and the tip of the sword pierced through the Fire Rabbit's chest.    


The Fire Rabbit hurriedly dodged backwards, and then jumped to the side of the grass. Seeing this, Yang Ying hurriedly followed up and stabbed the Fire Rabbit several times.    


The Fire Rabbit instantly died.    



"Congratulations, you have killed a rank 1 demonic beast Fire Rabbit and obtained 10 source energy."    


"As expected, I have obtained an Origin Strength! With an Origin Strength, I can level up!"    


Yang Ying's heart was wild with joy. He could not help but fantasize about the good times in the future.    


After a long while, he finally woke up from his fantasy. He looked at the Fire Rabbit in front of him and wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth.    


As a new youth of the 21st century and a newbie of the Demon Hunter World, Yang Ying's first success greatly encouraged him.    


"However, after the Fire Rabbit was injured just now, I should stab it again. I'm still a little nervous! Luckily, this Fire Rabbit only wants to escape." Yang Ying shook his head to get rid of the thoughts in his mind.    


Yang Ying tidied up his mood and peeled off the Fire Rabbit's skin.    


Yang Ying looked at the tattered rabbit skin in his hand and smiled wryly." Looks like I still have a lot of things to learn. If only this could be the same as in the game. "    


" I should leave now. It's been a while. If there were other demon beasts following the scent of blood, with my current strength, I might be killed. "    


Yang Ying thought. He quickly got up and continued walking along the outer perimeter.    


As he walked, he secretly encouraged himself in his heart, "Do your best! If you kill another four rabbits, I'll be able to advance to the Third level of Qi Refining!"    


After more than an hour, Yang Ying stared blankly at a groundhog in front of him. This groundhog's size was comparable to that of a puppy from his previous life.    


Yang Ying calmed his mind and slowly drew his sword. He then ran forward a few steps. The groundhog seemed to have heard something. It looked up at Yang Ying and then ran towards him.    


The groundhog came in front of Yang Ying. It jumped and pounced towards Yang Ying.    


Yang Ying hurriedly held his sword horizontally in front of his chest. A strong force came from the sword. Yang Ying felt his blood rushing up, and a trace of blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth.    


After the groundhog landed, it rolled on the ground and suddenly jumped up again. It jumped in the air and suddenly opened its mouth, revealing its sharp teeth. Its teeth were shining under the sunlight.    


When Yang Ying saw this scene, he felt a chill in his heart. He hurriedly dodged to the side. At the same time, he swung his sword upwards. A stream of blood flashed in front of his eyes. The groundhog was already injured.    


The groundhog was in pain. It pounced at Yang Ying once again. Yang Ying did not care about the surging True Qi. He suddenly stabbed his sword into the groundhog's chest.    


The groundhog fell to the ground after being stabbed in the chest. Yang Ying saw that it did not move. He used his hand to wipe the sweat on his forehead.    


Suddenly, a black shadow flashed in front of Yang Ying's eyes. He subconsciously turned his body. Although his reaction speed was fast, his arm was still torn open by the groundhog.    


Yang Ying turned around to look at the groundhog. He saw it lying on the ground motionlessly.    


Yang Ying endured the pain and walked forward. He inserted his true fate into the sword and stabbed the groundhog's head.    


"Ding! Congratulations on killing a rank 1 demonic groundhog. Obtained 10 source energy."    


"Although they are both rank 1 demonic beasts, the difference in strength between different demonic beasts is still quite big." Yang Ying took out some healing medicine and sprinkled it on his wound. Then, he tore off a piece of cloth from his robe and bit one end of the cloth with his mouth. After that, he tied the wound on his left hand with a piece of cloth.    


He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand. He rested for a while and waited for his True Qi to calm down before he continued walking forward.    


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