System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1594 Prepare to Capture(2)

C1594 Prepare to Capture(2)

0Wang Xianhai nodded. Although Kuroko was full of vulgarities, his words were rough and crude. If he and Hei Zi were finished, then wouldn't Lian Zhilan be afraid that the matter would be exposed? But very quickly, he shook his head and said, "No, no! Hei Zi, think about it. If we are really finished... Then what can we use to threaten her? To accuse her? Do we have white paper and black words? Do we have any witness evidence? It seems that from the beginning until now, we were the ones who helped her, right? With just the two of us using our mouths to explain the entire sequence of events, who would believe it? Words have no proof, and there's no evidence. This matter..."    


" It can't be... Lian Zhilan was only a village woman. She was so powerful, what kind of countermeasure did she have? Besides, she wants to find someone to mess with us. There is no motive? Once the matter of the Lian family was settled, everyone would benefit from it. Once this matter is over, there will be no benefits for everyone. If she wants to mess with us, she has no reason or excuse, right?" Blackie thought about it in surprise, then shook his head and smiled. "Boss, aren't you worrying too much? I don't think that's possible. Who wouldn't want benefits to do stupid things? "    


It was obvious that Wang Xianhai had been convinced by Blackie. He also felt that this was not very possible. If the Lian family was forced to take out the bamboo forest due to debt, this would be the benefit. Lian Zhilan would not be foolish enough to not go against him for the benefit, because this would not benefit her at all. Who would do something that would not benefit them? He thought that Lian Zhilan would not be foolish to such an extent.    


"No matter what, for the sake of a peace of mind, you should draft a document secretly tomorrow. Only the evidence that was against Lian Zhilan could be used to force Lian Zhilan to draw a warrant. Only then can we be at ease. We don't have to be wary that she won't change her mind. " When Wang Xianhai said this, he extinguished the cigarette in his hand. He said to Hei Zi, "This Lian family did this in advance. I don't care about it, I'll ask you. How's the casino going? Tell me about the big fish you caught again "    


" Okay, I'll report to you " Saying that, Blackie took out a piece of paper from his pocket and respectfully handed it over with a smile. " The words on it were all about the gamblers who had wanted to come recently. I've drawn circles on it, but I don't have much money, but there are villagers from Tianping Village who are contracted to the bamboo forest at home. Some of them had already lost tens of thousands of dollars, so let's do it one or two more times. I estimate that they will owe me hundreds of thousands of dollars. For these poor people, a debt of more than a hundred thousand dollars could not be paid back at all. When the time comes, we will be able to collect the debt legally and snatch those bamboo forests over!"    


Wang Xianhai looked at the name list on the paper and said with a satisfied smile. " Blackie, you did very well. With these bamboo forests and the original ones, our dried stalagmite processing base will be able to obtain 90% of the bamboo forest resources in Tianping Village. When the time comes, I'll decide the price of the dried stalagmite sold."    


" Damn it, the annual production of this dried stalagmite in Tianping Village is 100,000 jin. Every ten jins I increase, I can earn an additional million jins of profit every year! After a few years of working, then we can leave the village and head to the city to develop! Hmph! Back then, I became a street rat in the city and was imprisoned. This time, I want to make a comeback and let those fellows who dealt with me back then have a taste of my power!"    


"Boss, we must make them pay with blood!" Blackie nodded vigorously. "We pledge our loyalty to Boss to the death!"    


Wang Xianhai glanced at Blackie and nodded in gratification as he said to him, "It looks good. Don't worry, I will definitely treat you well in the future. How about this, let's start a pot tonight and start a small casino. Go and inform those villagers in Tianping Village who are willing to come. Hmph, let them be in debt as soon as possible. The sooner, the richer the bamboo forest in Tianping Village will become, I, Wang Xianhai! "    


" Yes, boss, I will go and inform them immediately! "Hei Zi sneered." You just wait and see. Tonight, I will definitely make them lose terribly! "    


The sun gradually set, and the originally bright and hot day gradually began to fade. It was replaced by a dark and cool night. The night in the Ping'an County, Yaoshan Village, Tianping Village, was exceptionally quiet. The villagers who were out in the sun and resting gradually returned to their homes and started to cook. The lights gradually lit up one after another. It was bright and unique in the surrounding mountains.    


Tang Yiyi was lying quietly in a patch of dense grass. Her beautiful eyes were staring at a large cluster of buildings built by the bamboo forest in the distance. These buildings formed a stalagmite processing base, and what she was observing at this moment... It was the main entrance of the base.    


"Captain Tang, I have already seen three groups of people enter. I can be sure that they are not the staff inside. Those people are dressed like local farmers. It looks like these people are the ones who went to the base to gamble. " The police officer in charge of reconnaissance put down the telescope in his hand and said to Tang Yiyi, who was beside him. " It seems that they will probably make a move tonight."    


Tang Yiyi had the same thought as him. She nodded and said, "I think the same too. Judging from the number of people entering and exiting this place at night, it was very likely that there would be a gambling event at the base tonight. How about this? We'll wait a little longer. When it's really dark. Then we'll start the operation. I've already informed the others and told them to hurry over as soon as possible. I estimate that we'll be able to gather here in a while and discuss the next step of the plan at that time."    


"Okay, Captain Tang." The police officer who was scouting at the side raised his binoculars and started to monitor the gate of the processing base closely. At this time, Tang Yiyi was already thinking about how to enter the base later.    


Looking from her position, the processing base was completely surrounded by tall walls. Only the main door was left. It seemed that although Hei Zi and his boss were lawless in Yaoshan Village, they were cheating money by setting up underground casinos. They were still very vigilant. With such a high wall, even if it was her, she would probably want to flip over it without alerting the guards in the base. It would be difficult. The most troublesome thing at the moment was how to sneak into the base without anyone knowing...    


After thinking for a long time, she still couldn't think of a specific method. This time, she didn't bring any special equipment. If there was a climbing hook, then the situation would be completely different. However, she had come in a hurry and didn't know that this would happen in this small Tianping Village. And the policemen beside her were all ordinary policemen. They wanted to let them bring the equipment to climb over the wall and enter the house? That was simply impossible.    


For ordinary policemen, the best way was to swagger in. Then, arrest the criminal in front of them. But the situation here was not that simple. With Hei Zi and his boss's shrewdness, if they did not sneak in beforehand, after obtaining first-hand evidence, she was very worried that when the police really rushed in... These fellows would have long wiped away all traces of gambling.    


They couldn't go in, and they couldn't force their way in. What should they do? Tang Yiyi's eyebrows gradually knitted. She thought about it and could not think of a plan that could satisfy her.    


Suddenly, there was movement behind the bush. Tang Yiyi suddenly turned her head towards her back. She vigilantly made a standard grabbing posture. Just as she was about to make a move, the face that came out of the bush made her tense nerves relax. She glared at him in dissatisfaction and said, "You didn't even know to give me a secret signal. I thought I was discovered."    


It turned out that the person who came was Fann Binn, who had just arrived from Tianping Village. He patted the weeds on his body, which were stuck in the grass, and said to Tang Yiyi with some amusement. " Why would you choose a place to hide in the nearby woods? Look at me, covered in grass. "    


" In terms of martial arts, you're better than me, but in terms of tracking and scouting... I'm better than you. " Tang Yiyi smiled and helped Fann Binn deal with the weeds on his body. She said, "The woods beside are wide and sparse. It is easy to be discovered. The grass is thick. Ordinary people would not pay too much attention to this place."    


"Alright. You have a high level of secrecy. I just feel that this place is too inconvenient." Fann Binn complained and did not plan to argue with Tang Yiyi about this topic. He took the telescope from the policeman next to him. He looked at the gate of the processing base and continued, "How is it? How many people have entered the base?"    


"About a dozen of them. Some of them are still dressed like farmers. They should be from Tianping Village." Tang Yiyi said to Fann Binn, "Fann Binn, I think there will be a casino in the base tonight. Should we go in and investigate first, or should we just barge in and arrest them? "    


Fann Binn thought for a moment and said, "We have to sneak in and investigate first. We have to blindly barge in. It'll only alert the enemy. Besides, who knows when the casino will open? No one knew if it would open tonight. Thus, he had to first investigate it accurately, and after obtaining first-hand evidence, talent. Take the initiative."    


"I think so too, but the processing base is even stricter than the military base. Look at the high wall, it can't be flipped over without tools. How can we sneak in? " Tang Yiyi and Fann Binn had the same idea. They both thought that sneaking in first to confirm that the casino was open before sending people to surround and arrest was the most perfect plan. But facing the towering wall, she did not know how to deal with it.    


Fann Binn had never thought of this problem. When he heard Tang Yiyi say this, he carefully observed the wall near the door. At this time, he could not help but have a headache and said, "Damn it, it seems that what you said is really a problem..."    


"What should we do? Why don't we cancel tonight's operation and wait for tomorrow to prepare a set of climbing tools before moving?" Tang Yiyi knew that it was impossible to climb such a tall wall unless you were a deity.    


Fann Binn shook his head and said, "No, you also know that we have been observing until now. More than a dozen strangers have entered the base. Then tonight, there is a high possibility that there will be a casino in the base. If we don't act tonight, then we might have to wait a long time. We don't have much time to stay in this village and wait like idiots. We have to think of a way to catch them all as soon as possible. "    


Everyone knew what Fann Binn said made sense, but the problem in front of them... How to sneak into the base. Tang Yiyi was about to speak, but Fann Binn seemed to have thought of something. It was slightly... Slightly excited. He said excitedly, "I got it! I've thought of a way. I don't know if it's possible or not, but I can give it a try. Yiyi, have all the policemen from Jiangde arrived?"    


Tang Yiyi was stunned. She did not expect Fann Binn to have a solution so quickly. She could not help but say, "The policemen are still on their way. They will be here very soon. Fann Binn, what solution did you think of? Tell me quickly."    


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