System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C750 Those Who Aren't Afraid of Death Come up and Try!

C750 Those Who Aren't Afraid of Death Come up and Try!

0"Damn it, Captain, this guy has a tough bone. He refused to let go after being tortured by us like this. What should we do now? " The policeman who had taken off his jacket wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to the gloomy Captain beside him, "I think this guy has given up and refused to confess. Otherwise, he will end up here today."    


The police captain stared at the half-lying on the ground, his body covered in wounds and blood. Hua Sheng, who was only half-conscious when he breathed in and out, had the corners of his mouth twitch slightly. He spat out a mouthful of smoke in a low voice and said, "No, the higher-ups have instructed that he must submit and sign today. In order to prevent further complications! No matter how hard our brothers work, I estimate that this fellow won't be able to hold on for much longer. Later, I'll treat everyone to supper. I heard that a new massage bath has been opened in the east of the city. The service there is very good. After supper, I'll bring everyone to have some fun and relax."    


"Captain, did you say that? Good, damn, when I think about venting, I feel energetic all over again. Just wait and see. Don't let this guy speak. I'll beat him until he looks for his teeth all over the floor! "Hearing the captain's words, the other policemen's eyes immediately lit up. Very quickly, they rolled up their sleeves and picked up the fellow, intending to greet Hua An.    


However, at this moment, the strange sound of a metal door being unlocked stunned everyone in the interrogation room. All of them shifted their gazes to the metal door of the interrogation room!    


The first person who walked in was Fann Binn. When he opened the iron door, he immediately met the gazes of the five policemen in the interrogation room. At this moment, Wu Qi and Hwa Xinxin anxiously squeezed in from behind Fann Binn. Hwa Xinxin did not care about the surprised policeman standing there. Instead, she immediately saw the half lying on the wall. The dying Hua An Sheng...    


"Dad!!!" Hwa Xinxin's heart-wrenching cries of pain rang out and instantly broke this rare silence. Tears of pain rolled out of her eyes, and she ran desperately towards Hua Ansheng, who was covered in blood. At this moment, Hwa Xinxin was sad and in pain. She personally saw her father, who was covered in injuries and being tortured, fall to the ground in such a sorry state. No matter who it was, they would probably feel indescribable grief...    


Wu Qi covered her small mouth and looked at Hua An, who was half-lying on the ground, in disbelief. She simply could not believe that this was the police station. This was actually a place where law enforcement was carried out in broad daylight! What was the difference between this and the previous concentration camps? A suspect actually suffered such torture and torture. Was this still something that the police should do?    


She really never would have thought that the police would actually do such a ruthless thing! Until this moment, she suddenly felt that Fann Binn should really call the soldiers to rush in and save them. If he did not save them, they would be tortured to death!    


Fann Binn's gaze looked at Hua An Sheng and became colder and colder. It became more and more gloomy. His eyes were filled with repressed anger. A kind of anger that was about to erupt! In the end, things were still predicted by him. He looked at Hwa Xinxin holding her father's sad face and crying out loud. He could not help but clench his fists, blue veins popping out...    


"Who are you guys? Who allowed you to come in? Get out! Get out of here!! " After a few seconds, the police inside finally reacted. The police captain's face darkened and he immediately shouted angrily, "How did you get in here? You guys forcefully broke into the law enforcement area, do you know that it's against the law? You guys... "    


Just as the police captain was talking about the "crimes" that Fann Binn and the others had committed, he stopped halfway through his sentence. Why? Because at this moment, he had already seen the armed soldiers standing behind Wu Qi, who were quickly passing through the iron door and entering the interrogation room. And the figure of the officer in the captain's uniform!    


When Zhang Yu and the others walked in, they looked at the room full of torture instruments. As well as the tortured and wounded Hua Ansheng that Hwa Xinxin was hugging, thick killing intent flashed in the corners of their eyes. They pointed the guns in their hands at all the policemen present indignantly!    


When the black guns were aimed at their chests, anyone would feel an inexplicable panic. The faces of these few criminal police team policemen immediately turned green. They were so scared that they didn't dare to move. Their eyes were filled with shock and disbelief. Perhaps they had never dreamt that the soldiers in the army would actually appear in front of them with guns?    


"Repeat what you said just now." Fann Binn calmly walked in front of the police captain and looked at him with a calm and cold gaze. He said coldly, "If you are capable, repeat what you said."    


"What? Don't think that I'm afraid of you just because you have a gun. It's a crime for you to barge into the police station! You... " Before the police captain could finish his words, Fann Binn kicked his leg hard. The force was so great that it made him lose his balance. He didn't even have time to scream before he crashed into the wall.    


"Ah!!" The police captain's head collided with the wall. At this moment, the pain in his leg and head simultaneously flared up. Finally, he couldn't help but let out a scream that was even worse than a pig being slaughtered.    


"Captain!" The few police officers saw that Fann Binn had hit them without saying a word. They were so scared that they wanted to rush over to their captain who had been hit. At that moment, Fann Binn raised his eyebrows and grabbed the police captain's arm. He pulled the captain in front of him!    


"So you are the leader of criminal police team? Sure, it seems like my kick wasn't in vain." Fann Binn pinched his neck with one hand and said with a sneer. " I heard that you have a strong relationship with your superiors, right? Today, this person was also the one you ordered to be beaten up like this, right? "    


The police captain was in extreme pain and terror. His neck, which was pinched by Fann Binn, became tighter and tighter. He opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but what he got in return was a series of coughs. He struggled to be frightened and said, "You... What do you want?"    


"What do I want? I don't want to do anything. I just want to prove one thing. " Fann Binn looked at Hua An, who was leaning against the wall in a corner and was on his last breath, and his eyes flashed with a fierce light. " That suspect was beaten up like this, right?"    


"Who exactly are you? What right do you have to cause such a ruckus in the police station! I'm warning you, you hurt our captain. Don't even think about leaving this building!" The police beside them clearly hadn't realized what was going on, but they were still warning Fann Binn and the others like clowns. As soon as he finished speaking, Captain Zhang Yu pointed his gun at his head. A slap landed on his face!    


The police captain seemed to have noticed that something was wrong. He tried his best to keep his throat breathing smooth. He forced himself to say, "Military brother, if you have something to say, say it... say it properly... What exactly are you and this... Cough cough, what's the relationship with this person?"    


"What's your relationship with him? The reason why I came here today is to save him. What relationship do you mean? " Fann Binn gradually tightened his grip on his hand. Suddenly, his voice was filled with killing intent. “ You have beaten my men into this state. Do you think I should beat you into a pig head too? What do you think? Huh?"    


The police captain's face turned redder and redder, gradually turning purple. His legs, which were difficult to breathe, kicked about. His hands desperately tried to push the hand that Fann Binn had used to grab his throat away. Unfortunately, no matter how hard he tried, the result was futile. Fann Binn's hands were like iron pliers firmly holding his neck. It actually didn't move at all!    


Looking at the police captain who was getting weaker and weaker, Wu Qi could not help but advise at this time. "Fann Binn, don't really kill people. It's better to save people and treat them! Things have already come to this point. No matter how hard you take revenge, it will be futile!"    


Fann Binn heard Wu Qi's words and finally let go of the police captain's hand. The captain was about to desperately breathe when he punched the lower jaw of the captain. It directly sent him flying and heavily smashed onto the long wooden table in the interrogation room!    


"Boom!" The table was smashed by the captain's heavy body and collapsed with a loud bang. The captain fell to the ground and had intimate contact with the ground. It almost smashed his head open...    


Hwa Xinxin hugged her father's wounded body and cried sadly. She looked at her father who was covered in blood and felt as if her heart was being cut by a knife. She almost collapsed and fainted. Ever since she was a child, she had grown up under the care of her parents. She had never seen such a bloody and tragic scene before. For a moment, she was able to withstand such a violent blow. It was already considered very good. Obviously, Fann Binn's words of wanting her to be strong had worked.    


The police captain was very miserable. He laid on the wooden table. The pain all over his body made his face pale and he could not say anything. When he was helped up by his subordinates, his eyes were filled with fear. There was only fear in his eyes. In the face of this sudden change, his head was still a little dizzy. It had always been him who acted tyrannically in the interrogation room, but why were there suddenly so many strangers? He really couldn't understand. Actually, it wasn't just him who didn't understand. His subordinates beside him also didn't understand. But if they knew that the entire police station was surrounded by the army, they would probably be even more shocked and surprised, right?    


Fann Binn seemed to be very casual as he pulled the stool beside him over and sat down. He said to the policemen who were huddled together with pale faces, "Tell me, who asked you to do this? Who told you to do this? Why did you misuse abuse on Hua An Sheng? What was the purpose? As long as you obediently give me a satisfactory answer, I can be lenient with you. Otherwise, all of you can go to the hospital with Hua An for a year and a half like this!"    


Wu Qi listened to Fann Binn's words and knew that he was about to begin the interrogation. She could not help but immediately take out the digital camera and audio recorder pen in her bag. Other than taking pictures of Hua An, she also took pictures of him. She was even prepared to record the explanation of these policemen. These were the most powerful evidence. With this evidence, using a private sentence in the police station to beat someone up like this, if this was spread out... It would definitely cause the Beihai City police system to lose all face and become the target of public criticism!    


The policemen looked at each other, but none of them dared to speak. The atmosphere immediately fell into a strange silence. At this moment, Captain Zhang Yu, who was standing beside them, suddenly shouted angrily. " What? Are you guys really itching for a beating? You don't even listen to the chief's words? If you dare to refuse, see if the gun in my hand agrees or not! Don't worry, although I don't have the right to kill, at least I have the capital to heavily injure you! Those who aren't afraid of death, come up and try!"    


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