System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C224 He Had Blocked the Other Party's Right to Pursue a Girl

C224 He Had Blocked the Other Party's Right to Pursue a Girl

0"I've read your resume. Miss Xu, you study administration. Mr. Fann is in pharmaceutical sales and management, both of which have graduated from management. Miss Xu graduated from Jiangzhe University, which is one of the best famous universities in the country. Also, she was in the same department, so she didn't take part in your general knowledge of administrative management. I just want to ask you, for a company's administrative department... The most important, and also the most prominent job, what should it be?" Manager Li himself was the manager of the administrative department, so naturally, he was very familiar with asking questions.    


Hsu Rann thought for a moment, then lightly bit her pink lips and spoke confidently. "Coordinate, be in charge, in charge. I think this is the most important thing that the Administrative Department needs to do. Coordinate the communications between departments and superiors, responsible for the development and summary of various activities and plans, manage the various official documents and trivial matters of the various departments, this is the core of administrative management "    


Manager Li nodded, but didn't say whether he was right or not. He then said to Fann Binn, "Mr. Fann, I'm sorry. Your professionalism does not match with the Administration Department and the Marketing Department. The other departments in my company do not recruit people. If you want to enter the company... You must choose a department that you are not familiar with to work in. "    


"Okay, I like Manager Li's wisdom, just choose the Administration Department" Fann Binn casually replied without thinking. Obviously, he also wanted to be in the same department as Hsu Rann. At least he had a colleague who knew him and did not know his background. It was easy to start work, wasn't it?    


"Okay, then my test question is that you do not understand and systematically study administrative management. Then with your current understanding, please tell me what kind of department the Administrative Department is."    


Fann Binn secretly laughed. If Manager Li asked him some soft knowledge, he might not be able to answer very well. But problems like these that had answers in textbooks, he had a brain that had a huge database after the development of the golden needles. How could he not be clear? Immediately, he calmly said, "Administration refers to a certain social organization, the general term for the various organizations, control departments, coordination, and monitoring activities that are carried out during the process of their activities."    


"The Administration Department is the embodiment of this meaning. The Administration Department is similar to the blood vessels of a company, connecting the brain to the limbs. It is the function of instilling the leader's will and communicating with all departments. The specific duties of the Administrative Department were to follow the instructions of the company leader. Be good at communicating from top to bottom, and report the situation and feedback to the leader in time; be good at coordinating and coordinating between departments; supervise and check all work and plans. According to the intentions of the leaders and the company's development strategy, they were responsible for drafting the annual work plan, the summary of the annual work, and other important drafts. Lead or assist the company's planning and research..."    


The more Hsu Rann listened to Fann Binn talk and talk, the more shocked she became. She even felt more and more that this Fann Binn knew the questions before he came. To be able to explain the administrative department's functions so clearly, it was obvious that he had prepared lessons.    


But she did not seem to know that before coming here, Wu's Group only recruited employees from the marketing and administrative departments. And even if she knew, she definitely would not know what kind of question Manager Li would ask on a whim. Obviously, Fann Binn didn't know the question long ago, but he truly understood it. That was why he could answer it fluently.    


Not only Hsu Rann was secretly surprised, but Manager Li and Manager Xu were also stunned. Obviously, they had never met an interviewer who could explain the answer so fluently and smoothly. Soon, Manager Li realized that Fann Binn had said something. Even she, the manager, did not know what it was.    


She could not help but cough dryly to stop him, "Alright, Mr. Fann, I am very satisfied with your standards. Congratulations on becoming a member of our Administrative Department. As for Miss Xu, congratulations as well. I'm very glad that you can become my subordinates. From today onwards, all of you will have the same relationship. After going out to the Administrative Department on the ninth floor to look for my secretary to register and prepare the contract, official work."    


"Thank you, thank you, President Wu. Thank you, Manager Li!" Hsu Rann was very excited and excited because she could finally dream of working in a big company in Wu's Group and become a real white-collar worker!    


Hsu Rann was in a good mood. This could be seen from her curiously looking around the company's environment. Of course, as a new member, she became a part of the big family in the Wu's Group. She still felt very proud.    


The Wu's Group could only be ranked at the bottom of the sixth rank among the six big families in the Jiangde because of the previous ruler of the Wu family. Wu Qi's father did not like to invest too much in business because he kept a low profile. After experiencing the big storm of the company closing down and coming back to life, Wu Qi started to take over the company. Wu's Pharmaceuticals began to enter a stage of explosive development.    


The entire company, after two months of hard work, rose from the bottom of the six aristocratic families to the third place, forcing the Yu family, who was in the heavy machinery business, to squeeze out. This showed how profitable the pharmaceutical industry was.    


In the end, all of this had to be attributed to Fann Binn. If it were not for the fact that the few medicine recipes he gave Wu Qi were of great value, the Wu's Group would not have existed in this world a long time ago. In the Jiangde, which was a newly developed prefectural city along the coast, although it was not as developed as the capital city of the provincial capital, however, due to the background of the six great families and the huge economic chain, at least in the entire Jiangzhe, they were ranked at the top. Although the Wu's Group's relationship was not as prominent as the other five major families in the government, the influence of the century-old families was deeply rooted. They were still like fish in water when they developed.    


Manager Li brought Fann Binn and Hsu Rann to the Administration Department on the ninth floor. The Administration Department was an indispensable department for a company. However, because the Administration Department was not a department for the company to earn money and spend money, there were not many staff members. Fann Binn glanced around the empty office area. There were only about ten people in the entire Administrative Department. Of course, this did not include his colleagues who might have something to do.    


"Fann Binn, you are the fourth male colleague of the Administrative Department. Just like the other male colleagues, you can sit in the A office area. As for Hsu Rann, you graduated from a famous university, so just follow me. Help me deal with my daily matters first. I have always been lacking a capable secretary, so you should do this job first. I wonder if you're willing?" Manager Li spoke very generously and did not speak to Hsu Rann in a commanding tone.    


"Of course, no problem. I will listen to the company's arrangements." Hsu Rann naturally knew how to behave. Since she had just entered the company, she definitely had to obey the arrangements in order to gain the appreciation of the leader.    


Although private companies were private companies, they were at least large companies with a set of personnel rules. There was no big difference between them and those government agencies in this aspect. Moreover, private companies tended to compete more fiercely. They were more likely to be eliminated.    


The reason why civil servants were so popular was that when a government institution entered, it was basically an iron rice bowl, unless they made a major mistake.    


But private companies were different. If you were not appreciated by the leaders and even caused the leaders to hate you, then even if you did not make a mistake, you would only end up being fired.    


Keeping a low profile was more important when it came to private companies. Fann Binn sighed and sat on his own seat. The office desk was a brand new black and white office desk. Even the computer could tell that it had just been installed. His seat was in the middle of Area A and Area B, and beside him sat his male colleagues from Area A. There was also a young female colleague from Area B who looked pretty good.    


"Hello, my name is Fann Binn. I have just applied to join this company. I hope senior can give me some guidance." Fann Binn smiled politely at the chubby male colleague who was working next to him. "Nice to meet you."    


The chubby colleague stopped what he was doing and looked at Fann Binn with disdain. "Newcomer? Freshmen?"    


"Yes, yes." Fann Binn did not seem to care about the disapproving look in the other party's eyes. That was true. After all, he was a newcomer here, so it was normal for people to question him.    


"You look like you don't have any eyesight at all. Can't you see that I'm busy drafting the plan? During work hours, it was strictly forbidden to chat! "The fat colleague glared at Fann Binn unhappily and turned his head to ignore him.    


Fann Binn was rejected by the door. He smiled bitterly and shook his head as he turned on the computer. He did not say anything else. He did not have any dissatisfaction with the fat colleague. After all, he was right. They could not casually chat during work hours.    


At this moment, the female colleague who was sitting on the other side of Area B enthusiastically came over and said in a low voice, "What's your name? You're new here, right?"    


Fann Binn was flattered and nodded. He smiled and said, "Yes, my name is Fann Binn. Nice to meet you."    


"Haha, you are so honest. Nice to meet you..." The woman looked at Fann Binn from head to toe and nodded as if she was inspecting him. “ En, his appearance was alright, although he wasn't very handsome. But he can still be considered handsome. It should be good to be a colleague. My name is Gong Xiaomei, nice to meet you."    


Fann Binn did not know whether to laugh or cry about Gong Xiaomei's evaluation, but he still politely said," Nice to meet you. "    


Gong Xiaomei glanced at the fat colleague on the other side of Fann Binn and secretly laughed, "Fann Binn colleague, that damn fatty didn't give you any face just now, right? Do you know why?"    


Fann Binn was stunned. He didn't expect that the fat colleague was cold to him and actually had inside information? He seemed to have just come here to work. After thinking for a while, he still shook his head and said, "I don't know. Miss Gong, you know?"    


"Of course I know..." Gong Xiaomei beamed with joy and said very proudly, "Actually, your position originally belonged to that damn fatty. This fellow is very annoying and keeps harassing me, so I made a small report to Manager Li. I asked her to give this position to her new colleagues the next time she wants to recruit, so that I can see for myself. So, after that damn fatty saw that you were separated in the middle, can't you always chat with me, so you get angry from embarrassment. He also got jealous of you. "    


Fann Binn was really speechless. After all this time, it turned out that he was the one who stopped her from pursuing a girl. That was why she was cold to him? But then again, this Gong Xiaomei was really narcissistic. To be able to say these words from her own mouth, she is undoubtedly very sure of her charm.    


Actually, Gong Xiaomei's beauty was alright, but it was far from reaching the stage of being full of charm. With Fann Binn's experience of appreciating so many stunning beauties, Gong Xiaomei was naturally immune to beauty. It was just that he was immune, but there were still many beauties that he had never seen before. There were also men who could not have feelings with them, and it was definitely the majority. Therefore, it was reasonable for other men to be interested in women that Fann Binn was not interested in.    


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