Marry You Again

C83 Jason Returned

C83 Jason Returned

0They haven't seen each other since the divorce agreement. She knew that he was also very sad. After all, he was the baby's father. He definitely didn't want anything to happen to the baby. Now that the baby was gone, he still wanted to divorce him. He definitely didn't feel good either. However, he couldn't overcome that hurdle in his heart no matter what.    


It was because of him, Ji Qingyi, that she stole the baby. It was because he loved her that he was abused. If he had not met her back then, she would not have fallen in love with him. Everything wouldn't be like this now. Everyone would be happier than now.    


However, there was no 'if'. Everything had happened, and there was no way to redeem it.    


Every day, she would go to the nursery that she had prepared for the baby, and then stay there for the whole day. Sometimes she would laugh, sometimes she would cry. The two elderly people would only look through the cracks of the door every time. Then, they would silently cry. Sometimes, they would regret it. It was too late to regret why they had married their daughter to Ye Shaoting back then.    


Everyone was in a bad mood after knowing that something had happened to the baby. A dark cloud shrouded Mo family and Ye family.    


Mo Yawen would have nightmares tomorrow night. She dreamt that the baby was crying. She really wanted to hug him. But she walked faster and faster. The further away the baby was from her, the more she could only stand there and watch the baby cry. Then, the light in the dream dimmed bit by bit. Until it completely dimmed. The surroundings could only hear the baby's cries and Ji Qingyi's laughter.    


Every time at this time, she would wake up and lean against the bed in a daze. She thought of many, many scenes where she was with Ye Shaoting again. There was happiness and sadness. . .    


When he had a baby, he was so excited that he was like a child. Tomorrow, he would prepare a lot of tonics for her. He would buy whatever she wanted to eat. Her temper was especially bad during those two days. However, he did not complain at all and silently endured it.    


Until Hsu Qianqian came to see her, she had always been muddle-headed. She just kept staring at the window in a daze and did not say anything. She originally thought that it would be like the past until Mo Yawen did not say a word until she left. But when she was about to leave, she unexpectedly said something.    


"Qianqian, say if I did not marry him. Would there not be so much trouble and I would not be so sad. "    


"Yawen, don't think too much about it now. The child is gone, so you should look forward. "    


However, after saying that sentence, she calmed down again. What she said just now was like an illusion. She only sighed and left.    


When she turned around, she still looked back at her, but she did not have any reaction. Today was a good day. She had to inform the two elders of the Mo family later.    


Just as she had guessed, the two elders of the Mo family finally heaved a sigh of relief when they heard the news. However, they still frowned, because they didn't know how long this situation would last. When would they return to the previous Mo Yawen who would laugh and make a fuss!    


After Hsu Qianqian left the Mo family, the two elders of the Mo family decided to find someone to talk to her every day. Perhaps it would be better this way.    


The next morning, Mo Ziyan went to knock on her bedroom door. After opening the door, he saw Mo Yawen sitting on the bed. She was just sitting there quietly.    


When he saw this scene, he felt very upset. In the past, she was his younger sister who would act spoiled with him. She would call him brother sweetly. She would be sensible and help him prepare food. He would always smile at himself, and then he would suddenly see such a little sister. He felt that he had failed too much. It would be great if he could stop her from marrying Ye Shaoting! But. . .    


"Yawen, do you feel better today?"    


"There is no difference between good and bad. Anyway, they are still alive. You don't need to come and talk to me. I can figure it out myself. But I need some time to think about it. "    


He felt that today's conversation was useless. Instead, it increased the burden in his heart. The more he saw her like this, the more sad he felt. After leaving her bedroom, he had been frowning with worry. Mo's father and Mo's mother knew when she saw her son like this. He must still be the same as before.    


Just when everyone was at their wits' end, a person who had not appeared for a long time had returned. It had brought them a turn for the better.    


After Jason heard about her matter abroad, he rushed back without stopping. Jason was an internationally renowned photographer. He was Mo Yawen's friend. His personality was very strange. He valued people's first impression very much. He often saw people with a bad first impression as his enemies.    


He valued Mo Yawen's work very much, so their friendship was pure and deep. So when he heard what happened to her, he rushed back. But not many people knew about his return. This time, he only came back with his manager, Kevin. Furthermore, his whereabouts were kept a secret.    


When they just arrived at the Mo family, they met Hsu Qianqian, who came to visit her. She saw him and found it hard to believe. Jason had actually appeared in front of her. Didn't he disappear for a long time? It was so long that Hsu Qianqian thought he was dead.    


He was really afraid of this woman who would argue with him the moment she saw him. He didn't expect that enemies would cross paths again today.    


The road to Mo Yawen's room seemed to be very far away, as if it would never end. Jason looked at the woman who was still rolling her eyes at him and could not help but roll her eyes too.    


"Yawen, are you in the room?"    


He rolled his eyes again right after he finished speaking. This time, she really saw it. So her impression of him immediately fell. It really didn't change at all. Seeing that she didn't argue with him made her heart itch. What was so great about that?    


He looked at that impolite infatuated girl and rolled his eyes again. He didn't know that she learned civilized manners, but she actually shouted at the top of her lungs without knocking on the door. How could Yawen know such a vulgar person? It was really strange. . .    


But it had to be said that her method was very effective. Mo Yawen heard the sound and got up to open the door. When the door opened, he saw a pale and bloodless face.    


"Yawen, why are you like this? We haven't seen each other for a while! What happened?! "    


"Don't ask if you don't know, why are you so agitated!? It was as if he had been injected with stimulants. Those who don't know will think that you're crazy! "    


The two people who had been unpleasant to the eye earlier were now directly pinching each other. She could not stand it any longer. Recently, she had been in a bad mood to be quarreled with the two of them again. Her mood became even worse. . .    


"Can the two of you not quarrel here? If you have something to say, come in and say it. If there's nothing else, please be quiet. I want to rest. "    


She felt that she hadn't said as much as she had said today. Did the two of them really have a grudge? She remembered that Jason had never seen Qianqian before!    


"Then let's go in and talk. Yawen, you must tell me what happened to you recently. "    


"Yes, okay. All of you come in!" In the next half an hour, she began to narrate what had happened between her and Ye Shaoting, as well as what had happened to the child.    


"How could it be like this, Yawen? You are really suffering. That Ji Qingyi is really too detestable. Why did you just throw her into prison? It should not be too much to sentence her to death. And that Ye Shaoting too. How could this be? If it wasn't for him. . . You too. . . "    


"Forget it, everything has already happened. The child is also gone, even if we sentence Ji Qingyi to a life sentence. But what can we do? The baby still can't come back to life. The only thing I can do now is to stay away from Ye Shaoting. Because this way, I might suffer less injuries. "    


Looking at her in extreme grief, Jason felt that this kind of blow was too great for her. It was already not bad that she could hold on until now. If it was someone else, they might have already committed suicide or gone mad.    


He could only comfort her as a friend about this matter. There was nothing else he could do about it.    


"Yawen, don't be sad. If you continue to be like this, I will cry. "    


He had just heard her say the things that happened to the baby and her recent experiences. She felt that she was too strong, but the baby also had a hard life. It was fine if she was kidnapped when she was carrying him and was scared to give birth earlier, but she was stolen not long after she gave birth. Moreover, she was tortured to death by Ji Qingyi, that old witch.    


Sigh! This child still has no fate with them!    


"What are you crying for? Yawen hasn't even cried yet! You are crying. These things happened to her! And not you. Why are you so excited?"    


"What do you know? Yawen and I are sisters. Can't I feel sorry for her? "    


Mo Yawen helplessly looked at the two people bickering again. Just what were the two of them? Were they here to see her or were they here to quarrel in front of her?    


"I heard you two quarreling outside just now. You came in and even quarreled. Just how deep is your hatred for each other?! "    


Hearing this, the two of them raised their heads and looked at each other. For some reason, the two of them seemed to like to target each other. The moment the other said something, he wanted to retort.    


"Isn't he the one who rolled his eyes at me outside? If it wasn't for my patience. . . He would have started cursing a long time ago. Isn't he just a famous photographer? He's not an amazing person, nor is he lacking in something compared to others. Or where did he look different? Why is he able to tell me what to do?"    


"You still have the cheek to say that? If it wasn't for you looking at me like that, you would have been so infatuated with me. Would I be like this? "    



" It's coming again. Can the two of you calm down a little? "    


Their voices filled the entire afternoon in the room. Mo's father and Mo's mother, who were downstairs, heard the noise from upstairs and instantly felt that calling them over was the right decision.    


Then they told the kitchen to prepare more food for lunch. They planned to let Jason and Hsu Qianqian stay for lunch. But when it was time to eat, the two elders of Mo family regretted making this decision.    


Because even at the dining table, the two of them were still bickering. The meal was a little too lively.    


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