Marry You Again

C84 He Wanted to Leave

C84 He Wanted to Leave

0Ever since the meal that day, Mo Yawen's mental state had improved a lot. Furthermore, Jason often came to find her to talk about things related to photography. Changing something to focus her attention on was very helpful to her mood. Of course, this was also the development trend that everyone wanted to see.    


However, Ye Shaoting's situation was not good. He went back to the bar every day. After that, he drank until he was as drunk as mud before returning home. The two elders of Ye family also advised him to stop it, but it was not very effective. They knew that only their daughter-in-law could bring their son back to the right track, but they really didn't have the face to look for her. This was all the fault of Ye family!    


Every day, Lady Elder Ye would wake up early and pray to Buddha. She hoped that her daughter-in-law could come back and stop her son from being so dispirited. However, no matter how much the madame begged Buddha to bless her, he would still fall into depravity every day. Every day, he would fall into depravity. However, the two elders of Ye family could not do anything other than sigh.    


On this day, he only came back after he was drunk. Ye old master could not help but start cursing at his unfilial son. Who knew that he would go upstairs with a smile on his face? old master was so angry that he almost couldn't catch his breath.    


After Ye Shaoting returned to his room, he fell on the bed. Actually, he didn't want to go out and get drunk every day. It was just that he couldn't let go of it. He couldn't forget it. He could not let go of Mo Yawen's determination and coldness from that day. He knew that she was blaming him. She was blaming him for not looking at the baby properly. Why did he not find the baby earlier? Why did he and Ji Qingyi have no idea. And it caused the baby to be lost.    


But how could he not blame himself? The baby was dead, and he blamed himself every day. He blamed himself for not noticing her abnormality that day, and for not finding someone to monitor her more carefully. Why didn't he notice that something was wrong when he found the baby?    


Right now, he was so sad. The baby was gone. She wanted to divorce him too, so he didn't know what to do. So he chose to fall, only when the cold liquid burned his stomach. His heart wouldn't hurt that much, but as long as he closed his eyes. His mind was filled with her appearance.    


He didn't know how to save her. He had hurt her too deeply. He felt that if he was with her, he would only bring her endless harm.    


Just like that, he spent an unbearable night in confession. Jason would come to find Mo Yawen tomorrow, or he would bring her some strange little things. Or to bring some of his recent works that had never been published before.    


She found a feeling that she had never felt before in his works. This feeling was like hope. Yes, it was hope! In his work, there was a hope that he had never felt before.    


"Jason, your work. . . "    


"Did I make you feel something?"    


"Hmm, is it the feeling of hope? I feel hope!" He looked at her who was like a child and nodded with a smile. Indeed, he had been looking for hope for a period of time. In the past, it was just a spur of the moment, but now it actually came in handy.    


"Thank you, I know you're doing it for the sake of good. I also know that you care about me very much, but can you let me be quiet for a while? I need to calm down for a while. "    


" Okay, then you can slowly calm down. I'll give you some time, and I'll always be by your side "    


"Thank you, Jason. It's good to have you!"    


"Of course, don't you know who I am? The two of us are good friends. There's nothing to thank me for. If we're friends, we'll be thanked in the future. "    


" Alright, I won't be polite with you anymore in the future, and I won't thank you anymore. "    


"Weren't you like this in the past? When have you ever been polite to me?" They started to quarrel. Mo Ziyan, who had originally planned to see how she was doing. Before he could knock on the door, he heard laughter coming from inside. His tensed face finally relaxed after so many days.    


Mo Yawen went downstairs and told this good news to the two elders of Mo family. The whole family was immersed in joy. However, compared to the happy scene in the Mo family, the Ye family was much quieter.    


"Why? Do you still want to drink today? If you want to go, I'll go with you. I'll accompany you no matter how much you drink. " This sentence shocked Ye Shaoting, who was just about to leave the room.    


"Dad, don't threaten me. "    


"I'm not threatening you. What I said is true. If you don't believe me, you can try. "    


" Dad, you're already so old. Don't bother yourself with your own body. I only went because I had something on my mind. Don't worry about me. "    


" Something on your mind? Isn't it just Yawen wanting to divorce you? If you continue to be like this, I will also support Yawen to divorce you. Look at you now. You go to the bar all day to get drunk. Can you still make her turn back now? What capital do you have to make her turn back and be with you? What did you give her now? You can't give her anything. "    


Ye old master said what he had been hiding in his heart for a long time. Looking at his disappointing son, he didn't know what to say. Although he knew that Yawen leaving was understandable, he still hoped that she would come back. Where could he find such a good daughter-in-law! Yet his son was so disappointing. He was really angered to death!    


When Ye Shaoting heard his father's words, he seemed to have come to a realization. He had been thinking about how to not feel sad, but he had forgotten how to find him. Right now, he really did not have the qualifications to ask her to come back.    


After thinking it through, he returned to his previous state. He was even more desperate than before. . .    


After careful deliberation, Mo Yawen made a bold decision. She wanted to return to London with Jason. The next day, she called Jason and asked him to come to her house to discuss something. She did not tell Jason on the phone because of something. She felt that it was better to talk to him face to face.    


"Yawen, what's wrong? Why are you looking for me?" He had just received a phone call when he rushed over to her house without stopping. At that time, when he received the call, he thought that something had happened to her again.    


"Jason, I've thought about it. I want to go to London with you, and leave this city that makes me sad. Then come back quietly for a while. "    


" What? Yawen, have you really decided? Yawen asked. I think you still need to think about it. After all, we are not young anymore. Moreover, this is not a joke, so you should think about it. " Jason was a little surprised.    


"I have already thought about it. I know what it will bring me. I also know that I am not young anymore. But if I don't leave here, I'll never be able to free myself. "    


"Alright, in that case. I'll give you some time to think about it, if you really think it through. Then I'll take you out of here. " After saying that, he hung up the phone, and the room instantly quieted down. Only Mo Yawen was left quietly looking out the window as if she was thinking about something.    


"What? Okay. I got it. I will go look for her immediately. " Hsu Qianqian, who had just received the phone call, was so loud that her voice was so loud that it almost caused the house to collapse. She got a big piece of news from Jason. Mo Yawen wanted to leave and go to London.    


To be honest, he really wanted her to go with him. But he could not be so selfish. Although this place had caused her a lot of harm. But there were her family here, as well as her friends and her career. Everything is here, He doesn't know what will happen if she leaves. However, he was sure that no one wanted her to leave.    


So he found Hsu Qianqian and hoped that she could persuade her not to leave.    


"Yawen. . . Yawen. . . " Just as she entered the Mo family, she began to call Mo Yawen's name. She wanted to know why she had to leave. Was there nothing worth remembering here?    


"Qianqian, why are you here?" Mo Yawen felt very strange about Hsu Qianqian's arrival.    


"Why didn't I come? Are you planning to leave without saying a word? Are you planning to make me anxious to look for you all over the world?" Looking at the red-eyed girl in front of him, Since she also wanted to cry. . . For so many years, she had always treated her like a younger sister. She must have come to find her today because Jason had said something. She had no intention of not telling them. But now was not the time. She planned to wait until the time to leave before saying anything. But she did not expect. . .    


"Yawen, I know you have a lot of unhappy memories here. You need a new environment to recover, you don't want to stay in this place that will always bring you harm and pain. "    


"I know what you're thinking, you must be thinking of waiting for you to leave before telling us. Because you're afraid that we'll be sad, But have you ever thought that we'd be even more sad? You only want to bring you harm, but have you ever thought about it? There's still something you care about in this place. And those who care about you. . . " As she spoke, her tears could not stop flowing. Mo Yawen looked at her and did not know what to say. Currently, her heart was also very chaotic. What she said was right. There were indeed sad memories here. But there were also happy memories that she couldn't let go.    


"Yawen, you should have forgotten. When I was your secretary just now. . . I made mistakes every day. But you told me that it was fine. Just be careful next time. At that time, I was thinking, If only you had a sister like me or a sister like you. Until now, no matter what, I will always call you Sister Yawen. Because I feel that calling you that way is my elder sister. This way, I can satisfy my little wish. "    


"Qianqian, don't say anymore. I know what you said, but. . . I need some time to think about it. Give me some more time. Let me think about it!"    


After saying that, she turned around and entered the room.    


Mo Yawen, who had returned to the room, started to cry non-stop. She also had people and memories that she could not let go of here. But she really needed a chance to rest.    


She slowly stood up and went to the baby's room. She took the baby's clothes. As if she was talking to herself, she said, "Baby, do you think Mommy wants to leave this place? Mommy's heart is in a mess right now! Can you tell Mommy how to do it? "    


She slowly laid on the small baby bed, and then tears rolled out like beads. Her clothes were wet. . .    


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