Marry You Again

C167 The Cunning Mo Ziyan

C167 The Cunning Mo Ziyan

0Mo Ziyan knew Mo Yawen was still hesitating, so he used Mo's mother as his trump card.    


Mo Ziyan saw Mo Yawen making a very difficult and worried look. He looked at Mo Yawen and deliberately hesitated for a while before saying, "Yawen. Yesterday, the housekeeper called to tell me. "    


Mo Ziyan paused and looked up at Mo Yawen. Mo Yawen looked at Mo Ziyan strangely. She did not understand what Mo Ziyan wanted to express.    


"Butler? Why did the butler call you? What did he say to you? Did something happen at home?" Mo Yawen looked at the expression in Mo Ziyan's eyes and suddenly realized something. She asked without thinking.    


"Nothing much, really. " Mo Ziyan saw Mo Yawen stuttering on purpose and pretended not to worry her.    


Mo Yawen looked at Mo Ziyan and became even more anxious. She approached Mo Ziyan and asked, "What exactly happened? Hurry up and say it. Don't stutter, okay? You are so anxious that I am dying of anxiety! Mo Ziyan! "    


Mo Ziyan saw Mo Yawen's anxious look and knew that Mo Yawen had taken the bait. He smiled in his heart when he got what he wanted. He felt that his acting skills were too good. He could really enter the entertainment industry.    


"The housekeeper called to tell me that Mom has a heart attack again. " Mo Ziyan sighed again and said slowly.    


"Heart attack? I haven't had a heart attack for a long time. " Mo Yawen frowned. She remembered that Mo's mother's heart disease had been controlled very well for the past three years and had not relapsed for a long time. She was very curious why Mo's mother suddenly had a heart disease all of a sudden.    


"Actually, Mom will still have a heart attack occasionally. It was just that Mom did not want you to worry and deliberately hid it from you. I lied to you that she's fine. " Mo Ziyan continued to put on a sad face as he spoke slowly.    


Mo Yawen listened to Mo Ziyan's words and felt somewhat guilty. When she always heard Mo's mother say that she did not have a heart attack, she did not have the heart to make a phone call to ask Mo Ziyan.    


In the past three years in England, she had been busy with work and rarely cared about the matters of Mo family.    


"How is Mom now?" Mo Yawen looked at Mo Ziyan worriedly. She took out her phone and wanted to make a call to ask about Mo's mother's situation.    


Mo Ziyan saw that Mo Yawen wanted to make a call and felt that something was wrong. Mo's mother's situation was much better now. She had already been discharged from the hospital and recuperated at home. If Mo Yawen were to call back and ask at this time. Mo Ziyan nervously snatched Mo Yawen's phone. With a serious expression, he said, "Don't call anymore. Maybe Mom is resting right now. Aren't you going to call her now to disturb her rest?" As he spoke, Mo Ziyan placed Mo Yawen's phone by his side.    


Mo Yawen heard Mo Ziyan make up a high-sounding excuse and felt that what he said made sense, so she gave up on the idea of calling. She looked at Mo Ziyan and asked, "Why did mom suddenly have a heart attack?"    


"It's because you were sick this time. I have been in England for a month. I didn't go home. Mom is worried and wants to come to England to see us. But Dad didn't allow it. Mom and Dad had a big fight. After that, they had a heart attack. " Mo Ziyan explained. As he spoke, he kept observing Mo Yawen's expression. He saw the sadness and guilt on Mo Yawen's face. He continued, "Yawen. You have been in England for three years. You have not returned home for three years. If you were to say that you were disheartened because of the baby and Ye Shaoting, After so long, your injuries should have healed, right?    


"Besides, those injuries aren't injuries anymore. The child is still alive. Because of the plane crash, you also know how important Ye Shaoting is in your heart, right? Yawen, I don't understand why you are still unwilling to return to the country with Ye Shaoting. " Mo Ziyan looked at Mo Yawen and said seriously. Ye Shaoting had come to find him in the middle of the night, hoping that he could help persuade Mo Yawen. He returned to the country with them. Initially, Mo Ziyan did not want to interfere with his sister's decision, but looking at Ye Shaoting who was so sincere, After hesitating for a moment, he decided to help him.    


Mo Yawen looked at Mo Ziyan and pursed her lips. She said, "Brother, actually I understand what you're saying, but I'm not ready to go back to the country. Brother, can you give me some more time? "    


"Okay, I hope you won't let us wait too long. " Mo Ziyan looked at Mo Yawen and said. At the end, he added, "Yawen, you have really left home for too long. You should go home. "    


Mo Yawen nodded and leaned against the sofa. She looked up at the ceiling and heard what Mo Ziyan said. She understood that Mo Ziyan was a lobbyist invited by Ye Shaoting. This time Mo Ziyan asked her to come over and told her that Mo's mother's illness was a small matter. More importantly, he wanted to help Ye Shaoting persuade her to return to the country.    


Mo Yawen remembered what Hsu Qianqian said to her before she slept last night. She said, "Yawen, do you really want Ye Qingmo, your son, to grow up in England?"    


When she said this, Hsu Qianqian became serious for once.    


Mo Yawen was really in a difficult position. She knew that Mo Ziyan was not willing to return because he was waiting for her to come back. However, Mo Yawen had a devil in her heart. This devil made her want to run away when she heard about returning to the country. Mo Yawen knew that she could not escape. She would have to face it one day, but. . .    


But every time she mustered up her courage to face this problem, her heart would be afraid again and she would escape.    


Mo Ziyan looked at Mo Yawen. He knew that Mo Yawen had already started to be moved. She was thinking. He leaned on the sofa and stopped talking. He turned on the TV and watched it. He wanted Mo Yawen to relax, but his eyes, which were watching the television, couldn't help but look in Mo Yawen's direction. As her brother, he also hoped that Mo Yawen could return to the country with him this time.    


"Shaoting, I have tried my best to help you. The rest is up to you!" Mo Ziyan looked at Mo Yawen and thought in his heart.    


The sound of the TV rang in her ears. Mo Yawen felt very noisy. She sat in Mo Ziyan's room for a while and then went back with the excuse that she was worried about Ye Qingmo.    


On the way back to the room, Mo Yawen's ears rang with Mo Ziyan's words again and again. . . .    


Yawen, you have left home for too long. You should go home now!    


Mo Yawen was a little annoyed. She did not know what to do.    


Mo Yawen returned to her room. Ye Qingmo had already fallen asleep. Ye Shaoting, who was beside him, also fell asleep.    


Mo Yawen was now by the bed. She looked down at the father and son and sighed. She picked up the blanket by the side and gently covered Ye Shaoting and Ye Qingmo, who was in his arms.    


"Ye Shaoting, you are so careless. How can I be at ease to let you bring the child back to the country!"    


Mo Yawen looked at Ye Shaoting and said softly. Then she turned around and walked out of the room.    


She went to the living room and walked to the large floor-to-ceiling window. She sat on the soft wool carpet and the floor-to-ceiling window was wiped clean by the hotel staff. There was not even a speck of dust on it. Mo Yawen looked at the traffic outside the window and her eyes gradually became empty.    


She was hesitating whether she should go back with Mo Ziyan and Ye Shaoting.    


She thought, although the conditions in England were superior and the education was good, she could not let Ye Qingmo grow up in England. He was from China, and he belonged to China.    


Mo Yawen looked at the scenery outside the window, and her blurred heart gradually became clear. In her heart, she seemed to have her own answer.    


It was almost evening and the sun was setting. Only then did Ye Shaoting wake up. He walked to the living room and found that Mo Yawen was already preparing dinner.    


Hsu Qianqian and Jason had not returned yet. Ten minutes ago, Hsu Qianqian called back and excitedly told Mo Yawen that she and Jason would not go back for dinner tonight. They wanted to enjoy the two of them outside.    


Half an hour ago, Mo Ziyan came to knock on Mo Yawen's door in a suit and shoes and told her that he was going to talk about cooperation with a foreigner today. She did not know how long they would talk about it and did not want Mo Yawen to wait for him to come back for dinner.    


So today's dinner was only for the family. Mo Yawen was not willing to go to the restaurant downstairs to eat the food cooked by others, so she asked the hotel for some ingredients and planned to make dinner by herself.    


About half an hour later, Mo Yawen's dishes were almost ready. Ye Qingmo smelled the fragrance of the dishes and got up in a daze. He walked barefooted to the living room.    


Mo Yawen, who was cooking the last dish, saw Ye Qingmo with a smile and said, "Baby, you're awake. Why did you come out barefooted?"    


"Shaoting, quickly help the child put on the shoes. " Mo Yawen did not have the time to do anything and could only do nothing to the side. She was also constantly causing trouble for Ye Shaoting and said.    


Ye Shaoting received the order and quickly took out Ye Qingmo's shoes from the bedroom. He bent down to pick Ye Qingmo up and put him on the sofa. He said to Ye Qingmo seriously, "Qing Mo, if you don't wear shoes next time, dad will tickle you. " Ye Shaoting used his hand to tickle Ye Qingmo's tiny feet again.    


Ye Qingmo quickly took back his feet and looked like he had made a mistake.    


Ye Shaoting looked at the child's cute expression and was cuter. He gently helped him put on his shoes and then took him to the sink to wash his hands. He waited for Mo Yawen to finish preparing the last dish before starting to eat.    


Ye Qingmo ate very well. In a while, he finished his meal. After Mo Yawen helped Ye Qingmo wipe his hands, she let him draw in the room by himself.    


Only Mo Yawen and Ye Shaoting were left at the dining table. Mo Yawen looked at Ye Shaoting thoughtfully, but Ye Shaoting only focused on sweeping away everything. He did not notice Mo Yawen looking at him at all.    


After Young Master Ye swept away the clouds and clouds, he rubbed his stomach and went to the sofa to rest. Mo Yawen quietly tidied up the plates and leftovers.    



Ye Shaoting sat on the sofa and looked at her. When he woke up just now, he saw Mo Ziyan calling him a few times.    


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