Marry You Again

C13 Kidnapped

C13 Kidnapped

0Han Yuanjun sounded a little sad. His tone sounded like he was begging.    


He was very afraid that Mo Yawen would reject him. There was also a reason why he left back then. He really loved her very much. "Yawen, don't be in a hurry to give me an answer. I will wait for you. "    


Ye Shaoting, who had just followed her, saw this scene. His eyes were filled with anger. Fortunately, he had followed her. Otherwise, wouldn't he have been deceived? Mo Yawen, don't forget that we haven't divorced yet!    


"Hey, classmate, can you do me a favor?" Ye Shaoting hid to the side and pulled a student. He knew that he could not achieve his goal by walking over and forcefully taking Mo Yawen away, so he could only let outsiders help to disturb them.    


The female student looked at the handsome guy in front of her and was instantly captivated. She nodded repeatedly. No matter what, she was willing to help. Ye Shaoting beckoned for her ears to come closer. The female classmate quickly moved closer and nodded shyly.    


"Do you understand? If you can do this, this will be yours. " Ye Shaoting took out a thousand yuan from his wallet and enticed her. "Also, don't tell anyone that I sent you there. They won't do anything to you. "    


"No problem, handsome. Wait for my good news!" When the female classmate saw the payment, she made an "OK" gesture with her finger. As long as it wasn't against the law, she would definitely do it!    


She jogged over and waited for her to run to Han Yuanjun's side. She closed her eyes and sped up. She hit the bouquet of flowers. It just so happened that Han Yuanjun was not able to hold the bouquet firmly, and the rose fell to the ground. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't do it on purpose. " The female classmate quickly bowed and apologized. She took a few steps back in fear. She stepped on the flower again. No one could tell that she did it on purpose.    


Hsu Qianqian and Mo Yawen who were watching by the side were dumbfounded. Han Yuanjun was a little angry in his heart, but out of grace, plus the person who bumped into him was originally a child. And she did not do it on purpose. He waved his hand and sighed, "It's alright. "    


"YES!" Ye Shaoting watched this scene from afar. He felt that this female student's talent had been buried if she did not become an actor. He really found the right person.    


"Well done, little sister. Here you go. " When the female classmate heard "nothing," she went around to Ye Shaoting's side from the other side. Ye Shaoting took out a thousand yuan from his wallet and gave it to her, letting her go. He looked at the mess and was very satisfied, so he drove off too.    


"Yawen, I'm sorry. " Han Yuanjun looked at the roses that he originally wanted to give to Mo Yawen on the ground and saw that they were no longer in shape. Hsu Qianqian was also anxious at the side. How could it become like this?    


"It's fine. Let's go back. " Mo Yawen finally opened her mouth and said softly. Perhaps this was the will of heaven.    


"But Yawen, what I said just now was all true. I said I will wait for you, I will wait for you, I will not give up! Even if you have other people's children, my love for you will not change. " Han Yuanjun expressed his determination to her and also secretly made up his mind.    


"How do you know?"    


She didn't turn around, but she was surprised. He knew everything about her like the back of his hand.    


"I was the one who took you to the hospital that day. Did you forget?" Wang Yao asked.    


As expected, in her memory, the person who saved her that day in the hospital was extremely familiar.    




Everything was over. Mo Yawen's heart tightened, but she still left.    


If she lived a happy life, he would wish her happiness. But Ye Shaoting did not give her happiness, so he would not be polite. He would personally come and give Yawen happiness!    


For the next few days, Han Yuanjun came to fetch Yawen to her favorite coffee shop for afternoon tea. Ye Shaoting was so angry that he smashed things every day. Because this was not his home, he did not dare to be too arrogant. These days, He had gotten along well with Mo Yawen in the Mo family. There were some inexplicable feelings in his heart that he subconsciously did not want to admit. It was just that Han Yuanjun was too detestable. He dared to openly snatch his woman!    


Ye Shaoting didn't know how childish his current jealous look was. Mo's mother was also discharged from the hospital and recuperated at home. Mo Ziyan's attitude towards Ye Shaoting also eased up a lot.    


Jason's exhibition was getting closer to the end. At that time, Ye Shaoting, Mo Yawen, Han Yuanjun and the others would all attend.    


"Hey, Yawen, you must dress up nicely tonight to attend Jason's exhibition. After all, they have cooperated with us. " Hsu Qianqian called three times a day and repeatedly reminded Mo Yawen.    


"Okay, I understand. You don't have to worry about it. You also need to dress up nicely and bring your little boyfriend to have a free meal. " Mo Yawen drew her brows and said lightly as if it had nothing to do with her. How could Hsu Qianqian feel at ease about this?    


"En, come over earlier. That's it. I will hang up. " Hsu Qianqian hung up after saying that. Mo Yawen was helpless. She had to dress more beautifully today. Otherwise, everyone would dare to covet the position of Ye family's wife!    


She knew that Ye Shaoting would definitely bring that woman over tonight. Tonight was bound to be another extraordinary night!    


On the other side, Ye Shaoting found a famous overseas makeup artist, Ai Rui, to dress Ji Qingyi up. He wanted her to become the happiest woman in the world. No one could stop him. These days, he had almost been mesmerized by Mo Yawen. No, the woman he loved the most was Qingyi. He wanted to let everyone in the world know.    


"Shaoting, it's good to have you around. " Ji Qingyi lowered her head and said shyly and cutely. Her eyes flashed with a haze that no one noticed. She had already sent people to kidnap Mo Yawen.    


Mo Yawen was not wrong, but she should not have fallen in love with someone she should not have. Ye Shaoting belonged to her, and no one could take him away from her.    


Ye Shaoting fondly touched her hair, and his heart instantly softened.    


Mo Yawen drove to the exhibition. She did not ask anyone to pick her up, nor did she ask the driver to give her a ride, because she wanted to not rely on anyone for what she could accomplish.    


There was no one in the large parking lot. The sky gradually darkened. Mo Yawen parked the car and got out of the car to tidy up her clothes. The wind seemed to be a little strong. She could only hear the sound of high heels hitting the ground. Mo Yawen could not help but increase her pace and was somewhat afraid in her heart.    


Suddenly someone used a towel to cover her mouth from behind. She resisted and wanted to look back to see who it was. She only felt darkness in front of her eyes and fainted.    


At this time, Ye Shaoting and Ji Qingyi also drove to the entrance of the exhibition. Ye Shaoting got out of the car and helped Ji Qingyi down like a gentleman. In an instant, the reporters surrounded them, and the sound of cameras taking pictures could be heard. The two of them walked in, one in front and one behind. They were like princes and princesses in fairy tales.    


"Look, the woman standing next to Master Young Master Ye doesn't seem to be Madam Ye. This kind of woman can still stand by Master Young Master Ye's side. "    


"Yeah, she thought that by dressing like this, she could turn from a sparrow to a phoenix. She didn't even look at herself in the mirror to see who she was. "    


"She just wants to climb up to a wealthy family. How can her lowly appearance match Grandpa Young Master Ye?"    


Ji Qingyi had just entered the venue when she was ridiculed by a group of women. Her fair and slender fingers tightly gripped the skirt. At this time, she could not vent her anger. She could not let Shaoting lose face. Ye Shaoting also heard these words. He looked at the group of women with a gloomy gaze. They sensibly dispersed. Ye Shaoting touched Ji Qingyi's hand. It made her feel at ease.    


At the cocktail party, it was inevitable that they would discuss business. Many people in the business circle looked for Ye Shaoting, hoping that they would have a chance to cooperate. Ji Qingyi was pushed to the side in a short while. She was a little unhappy, but she was very happy for Ye Shaoting's achievements today.    


She sat in a corner and looked at Ye Shaoting in the distance. She smiled sweetly. Suddenly, a glass of red wine spilled on the skirt that Shaoting had bought for her. She looked up angrily, trying to find the culprit. This was the dress that Shaoting had given her.    


"Isn't this Lord Young Master Ye's female companion? I'm really sorry. I accidentally spilled the wine. " A well-dressed woman pretended to be regretful and shook her head, but Ji Qingyi did not see any signs of remorse.    


Ji Qingyi's eyes became watery, and her tears were about to flow out, "It's okay. " After she finished speaking, she hurriedly ran to the VIP room to change her clothes. If she wanted to be Ye Shaoting's woman, this bit of humiliation was nothing. She had to learn to endure. But she was not easy to bully.    


Han Yuanjun! In a small corner of the exhibition, with a frown. He kept calling Mo Yawen's phone, but a cold voice kept ringing in his ears, "Sorry, the phone you are calling has been turned off. Sorry. "    


Han Yuanjun was getting more and more worried. Nothing would happen to Yawen, right? It was impossible.    


The phone rang. Han Yuanjun did not care who it was. He immediately picked up the phone. His originally hopeful mood immediately became disappointed when he received the call, because it was not the call from his sweetheart.    


"Han Yuanjun, is Yawen with you?" Jason asked anxiously on the other side of the phone. He asked everyone he could ask and placed all his hopes on Han Yuanjun. If Mo Yawen was not with him, then it would be a big problem.    


"No, I am also looking for Yawen. Why is her phone switched off?" Han Yuanjun was also anxious. Why did he forget to call Jason just now? This was his negligence.    


"Oh no. Qianqian also said that she was still on the phone with Yawen before she left. After that, she was unable to contact her on the phone. Yawen should have gone missing. Han Yuanjun, let's split up and go find her!"    


"Okay, I will call the police first. If you have any clues, let me know at any time! " Han Yuanjun immediately hung up the phone and dialed the police number. "Hello, I have a missing person here. Please send all of you to help me search for her. Who can find her? Han's Group will reward him handsomely once again. " He hung up the phone and left the exhibition immediately. He drove the car to look for clues.    



Ye Shaoting, who happened to pass by Han Yuanjun, heard "missing persons. " Mo Yawen had not come yet. There should be no one else besides Mo Yawen who could make Han Yuanjun so nervous. In other words, Mo Yawen had gone missing?    


For some reason, Ye Shaoting felt nervous for no reason. He seemed to be afraid that something would happen to that woman. He could not care about many things and did not have time to care about where Ji Qingyi was. He immediately left Huizhan and drove to find Mo Yawen!    


Because the most important partner had gone missing, Jason originally wanted to cancel the exhibition. Kevin stopped him. This was their long-term effort. When Mo Yawen came back, she didn't want to see the exhibition fail because of her.    


Jason held the microphone with a heavy heart and walked up to the stage step by step. "Hello, guests. I'm very happy that you can come to my exhibition. I hope that everyone can have a good time here. If there's anything I can't take care of, please forgive me. "    


"There's one more person who contributed to the exhibition of the paintings. It's just that for some reason, she hasn't arrived yet. The exhibition will be held as usual. The host will be in charge next. Thank you, everyone. "    


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