Marry You Again

C19 The Plagiarism Incident

C19 The Plagiarism Incident

0"I come here often to eat French cuisine. His family is famous. You'll know when you try it later. " Ye Shaoting explained, "By the way, have you been busy these few days and not contacted me?"    


"Our company is doing a big project to let us design the game. If anyone can be elected this time, they might get a raise or a promotion. " Ji Qingyi hoped that she could be elected. It was her dream.    


Ye Shaoting looked at Ji Qingyi's recent efforts and was very pleased. Actually, his woman did not need to worry about food and clothing. She did not need to work hard, but Ji Qingyi insisted on going to work, so he let her do as she pleased. He did not expect her to work so hard.    


"Shaoting, you are right. It is delicious. " Ji Qingyi chewed the food in her mouth. It could be said that the taste on the tip of her tongue was really delicious. It was a unique taste that she had never tasted before.    


"If it is delicious, then eat more. " Ye Shaoting looked at Ji Qingyi with a smile and said dotingly.    


After a long time, Mo Yawen sat on the sofa in the living room and waited for Ye Shaoting to come back to eat. She could not sleep so early. Seeing that the clock on the wall was ten, she yawned and touched the child in her stomach. She took a nap on the sofa.    


Mo Yawen did not know how long she slept for. In her sleep, she felt her body moving and her body seemed to be suspended in the air. She felt a broad arm with a mint smell. It was a familiar smell.    


Mo Yawen struggled to open her eyelids that had been asleep for a long time, "You are back? Have you eaten? I will heat up the food for you. " She felt a little shy when she saw Ye Shaoting carry her horizontally. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and did not know how long she had slept for.    


Ye Shaoting looked at Mo Yawen in his arms. She was so sleepy that she did not forget to care about him. His heart was moved. The relationship between the two of them had eased up a lot after they moved back from the Mo family. Both of them were no longer as sharp as each other. They would also pay attention to each other at the right time.    


"No need, I've already eaten. Go to sleep. " Ye Shaoting placed Mo Yawen on the bed and covered her with the blanket. Mo Yawen was already so old and would not take good care of her. If Ye Shaoting did not come back overnight, would Mo Yawen have to sleep on the sofa for the whole night? Not thinking about her, not thinking about their child, she was really a muddle-headed person.    


Mo Yawen felt a little disappointed in her heart. It was Ji Qingyi who ate outside again. Ever since Mo Yawen knew her feelings for Ye Shaoting, she hoped that he would be more concerned about her. "Aren't you going to sleep?"    


"I still have some documents that haven't been processed. I'll go to the study and sleep after I'm done. " Ye Shaoting turned around and glanced at Mo Yawen. He turned off the lights in the room and closed the door.    


Mo Yawen, who was in the dark, felt a little sad. Why couldn't they care about each other like an ordinary couple? Couldn't there be no estrangement in their hearts and love each other? It was just that Ye Shaoting already had someone in his heart that he loved. It wasn't Mo Yawen, right?    


The next day, Ji Qingyi's company was a little busy. Early in the morning, the higher ups said that there would be a group meeting at 10: 30. Everyone brought the game designers that they designed over to show off and began to elect their theme this time. So everyone was a little busy and rushed to finish their design.    


On the contrary, Ji Qingyi seemed to be a little relaxed. She looked at her colleagues who were busy around her and grinned, as if victory was within her grasp. She got up and went to the tea room to make tea.    


At ten o'clock sharp, everyone was sitting in the meeting room. The election this time seemed to be a little important. Everyone became serious and waited for the boss to come. On the one hand, the boss personally gave them a meeting, so they had to be serious.    


"Today is an important meeting held by our company's design department. Because of the company's development project, half a month ago, your superiors had asked you to design the game's character design. Today, each of you will demonstrate it one by one " The boss sat in front of the meeting and patiently guided them. It seemed like this meeting was really important, as it was related to the survival of their company.    


"Which one of you will be the first to come?" After he finished speaking, the boss went straight to the point.    


Seeing their nervous expressions, Ji Qingyi smiled with a look of victory in her eyes. She volunteered to step onto the stage, "Boss, I will go first. "    


"The theme of my design this time is beauty. The scenes, scenes, and special effects are all decided by beauty because people can't resist beautiful things. When they see beautiful things, they will unconsciously like them," Ji Qingyi said on the podium. She always had a smile on her face and looked cold. "My speech is over. Thank you, everyone. "    


Everyone present was fascinated by it and felt that it was inconceivable. This idea could not be any better. They did not know how Ji Qingyi thought of it. "Very good. " Boss was the first to lead the applause. Everyone below the stage started to applaud.    


"Who's next?" The boss nodded his head approvingly and watched Ji Qingyi get off the stage. He continued to ask. Ji Qingyi gave a good start and everyone became bolder. One by one, they went up the stage to give speeches.    


No matter how good the later speeches were, they did not have the creativity of the first Ji Qingyi. Everyone felt that she would definitely be elected, and the boss also firmly believed in Ji Qingyi. However, the others still had to go on stage to give speeches, even if it was just a formality.    


"Okay, everyone's giving speeches are very good. I didn't expect our company to have quite a number of talents. Now I already have a candidate in my heart. I think you already have a candidate in your heart, right? " The boss glanced at Ji Qingyi with the lingering light in his eyes. "Next, we will announce that the person who will be elected today is Ji Qingyi from the design department!"    


As if she had won the award, Ji Qingyi stood up, bowed to everyone, and finally bowed to the boss. "Thank you, thank you everyone, thank the boss. "    


"Later, send out the details of your plan and design to your department manager and hand it over to him. " The boss looked at Ji Qingyi with appreciation. Only Ji Qingyi could understand the information in his eyes. "Alright, today's meeting is over. The meeting will be adjourned. "    


After the boss left, everyone walked out of the venue one after another.    


"Qingyi, you are really awesome. How did you think of such a good idea?" The colleague A said.    


"Yes, we have to learn from Qingyi in the future. She is awesome!" The colleague B agreed.    


"It's nothing. You just have to work hard. " Ji Qingyi looked at them and smiled sarcastically. She did not usually see them being so warm to her. Each and every one of them was very realistic!    


Two colleagues behind Ji Qingyi angrily looked at her arrogant appearance, "Ji Qingyi is really shameless. She thought that she would be able to fly onto a branch and become a phoenix. What is there to be proud of!" The two colleagues behind Ji Qingyi said. Their voices entered Ji Qingyi's ears, but she was not angry. Because it was already the first step to success. There was no need to get angry for unimportant people.    


Ji Qingyi sorted out all the information and handed it to the higher ups, "Qingyi, your performance this time is not bad. Continue to work hard. I think you will do well. " The leader put down the pen in his hand and praised.    


"Thank you, manager. " Ji Qingyi politely thanked him. "If you have nothing else to do, I will go out and get busy. "    


"Go on. " The leader looked at Ji Qingyi's back and nodded his head in praise. Ji Qingyi was really a strong person. If she was trained, she would definitely be a talent.    


Mo Yawen suddenly sneezed while holding her big belly up at home. She wiped her nose, wondering if someone was cursing her. It had been five months, and her belly had obviously become bigger. It was a little inconvenient to move, but she was still very happy. She didn't feel tired at all, because in a few months, this little life would be born. The joy of being a mother for the first time could not be hidden on Mo Yawen's face.    


The doorbell rang at this time. Mo Yawen, who was still immersed in the joy of being a mother for the first time, was in a trance, thinking that it was an illusion. Who would come at this time?    


"Surprise!" Hsu Qianqian held up a large fruit basket in front of her and blocked in front of her, "How is it? Surprise?"    


"Why are you here at this time?" Mo Yawen rolled her eyes at Hsu Qianqian's childish behavior. She asked the nanny to pour two cups of water and sat on the sofa with Hsu Qianqian.    


"I miss you. " Hsu Qianqian acted spoiled, "I haven't seen you for a few days. The little guy has grown up a little again. " Because Mo Yawen was pregnant and could not work these few days, as her manager, Hsu Qianqian also had nothing to do. Hsu Qianqian occasionally went out to do part-time jobs. Because she was also not as wealthy as Mo Yawen's family. Mo Yawen could support herself even if she did not work, but Hsu Qianqian could not.    


When mentioning the child, Mo Yawen also dotingly lowered her head and rubbed her stomach. This child should be doted on a lot in the future. She must make him the happiest baby in the world.    


"Yawen, actually I have something to talk to you about today. Seeing how inconvenient your body is now, I don't know if I should tell you. " Hsu Qianqian stopped teasing and sat up straight and started to become serious.    


"It's nothing, just say it. " Mo Yawen also started to listen seriously.    


"Jason called today to tell us that the company he worked with has set up a game player. Because he felt that you are an expert, he wants you to go and see if that idea works. " Jason felt that he was too embarrassed to talk about this kind of thing. So he asked Hsu Qianqian to come over. Because Hsu Qianqian was Yawen's manager! "Because Jason also values this cooperation case very much. I look at your body. Otherwise, I will help you reject it. " If there were any mishaps, Hsu Qianqian would feel that she had committed a heinous crime.    


" No. Anyway, it is boring for me to stay at home every day. Take me there to take a look. Maybe I can help. " Mo Yawen had not worked for a long time because she was pregnant. Jason asked her to help this time, and it was related to his cooperation. She would definitely help if she could, and her body was not that delicate. With Qianqian around, there would not be any problems.    


"Qianqian, when did you get so close to Jason?" Mo Yawen teased. Didn't Hsu Qianqian and Jason quarrel when they first met? Or was it because Mo Yawen had been at home for too long and missed out on something?    


"No. " Hsu Qianqian's face turned red as she pouted.    


Hsu Qianqian brought Mo Yawen to Jason's workshop. He was studying the background of the new game and did not notice the person who came. "Look who I brought. " Hsu Qianqian patted his back from behind.    


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