Sick Man Turns Out to be a General

C257 Back to the North Atlantic

C257 Back to the North Atlantic

0On the fifth day of the new year, Han Feng accompanied Nan Jiyun back to the House of the Marquis of Loyalty. He initially wanted to discuss the matter regarding the two of them with the loyal Hou Nan before returning to the Northwest, but when they just started, they angered the loyal Hou and were chased out of the house by the loyal Hou.    


Nan Jiyun returned in a depressed manner. As soon as he entered the house, he locked himself in his room, not allowing anyone to disturb him. He didn't even eat lunch.    


When it was time for dinner, he finally walked out of the room with a polite smile on his face. It was not possible to tell that anything was amiss as Shen Jingli invited him to sit down and eat.    


"On the seventh day of the new year, we will return to the northwest." Nan Jiyun drank the soup, and picked up another piece of fish, "A few days ago, I received a secret letter from the northwest, saying that the Great Qi Army Army is on the move, we have to make preparations before they attack."    


Mu Chen said as he turned his head to look at Mu Chen. Mu Chen was peeling the prawn for Xun Er, so when he felt Nan Jiyun's gaze on him, he raised his head and looked at him for a moment. Then, he lowered his head slightly and picked up a crab from the plate.    


Xun Er really liked eating seafood, while chewing on the crab meat. At the same time, he pulled Mu Chen's sleeves and pointed at the half-eaten prawns on the plate and mumbled, "Chew …"    


Nan Jiyun watched him eat and eat in the bowl as he stared at the plate of prawns, and then took half of the prawns off the plate in front of him. When Xun Er saw that the prawns were being taken away one by one, he anxiously pulled on Mu Chen's sleeve and pointed at the plate of prawns, as if to say "Father, quick, the chopsticks is about to be taken away."    


The corners of his mouth and face were covered with vegetables and juice. Shen Jingli used a handkerchief to wipe his mouth and said to him: "Eat slowly. There's still more in the kitchen.    


Xun Er laughed and continued to eat the crab meat in his bowl. When Huaixin, who was sitting beside him saw that he liked it, he gave him a portion of the prawn and crab meat in her bowl. Then, he stood up and scooped up a spoonful of fish meat, eating with great relish.    


Nan Jiyun watched as Mu Chen peeled the prawns, naturally, skillfully, with a vague smile, he joked: "I really never thought that General Mu, who caused the Great Qi Army team to be afraid of death, would actually come to stay at home for so long."    


"Yes." Mu Chen replied, then peeled a few more prawns for Shen Jingli, and said: "You eat too, I will take care of them."    


Seeing how Mu Chen admitted it easily, Nan Jiyun felt really bad. The originally delicious food immediately became tasteless.    


"You should eat more too. When you get back to the northwest, it will be very hard to eat seafood." The cold wind had also opened up a crab for him.    


Nan Jiyun turned his head to look at him, and saw that he had lowered his head to pick at the crab meat. There was a rarely seen gentleness in his eyes, and his lips couldn't help but curl up as he picked at the crab meat in his bowl and started to eat.    


After dinner, Mu Chen called Leng Xiao to accompany him out for a walk.    


The night street was as lively as ever, a hawker in thick cotton clothes wrapped like a bear, rubbing his hands and shouting.    


The cold wind followed behind Mu Chen, smelling the fragrance that was floating in the air, and the doubt in his heart gradually deepened. However, he did not say anything, but only followed quietly.    


Mu Chen entered a grocery store and bought a candle and a piece of paper. He also bought a bottle of wine from a liquor store and bought a bag of buns from an alley near the city gate.    


"Grandpa loves this family's steamed buns the most." Mu Chen turned his head and gave the steamed bun in his hand to Han Feng, "Do you still remember? Every time we finish training, Grandfather will bring us here to buy buns. "    


As he said that, a trace of warmth flashed across Mu Chen's eyes, as if he remembered something happy, and his mouth curved up a little.    


"I remember." He had also liked the steamed buns here and thought them to be the most delicious steamed buns in the world.    


The two of them went to Old Man Mu's tomb outside the city and placed the Old Master's favorite steamed bun in front of him. They poured wine and said a few insignificant words to the Old Master before finally kowtowing three times in front of his tomb before leaving.    


It was late in the night when they left, and the path along the side of the hill was dark. The two of them walked on, one in front of the other, not talking, but hearing the wind whistling through the trees was eerie and terrifying.    


From time to time, the cold wind would raise his head to look at the figure walking in front of him. It was tall and straight, seemingly able to support the entire sky.    


"Young master …" When they were about to enter the city, the cold wind called out to Mu Chen, causing him to turn around. Their gazes met, when the cold wind suddenly smiled at him and shook his head, "It's fine."    


"Yes." Mu Chen simply replied, he did not ask why Yun Che did not finish his words, and after greeting the city guards, he entered the city towards a jade stone shop. A few days ago, he had ordered three jade pendants from this jade stone shop, after calculating the time, they were already prepared.    


The moment he entered, the second brother immediately welcomed him enthusiastically. "Master Mu, are you here to retrieve the custom-made jade pendant? It's already been prepared. This servant will bring it out for you right now."    


Mu Chen nodded and sat at the side, waiting for him to take out the things. The cold wind followed and followed, observing from the side. Suddenly, he saw a jade hairpin, a jade green jade hairpin, carved with bamboo leaves.    


Seeing that he was not willing to let go of the jade hairpin, the waiter hurried forward and said: "Sir, you have good eyes, this is the best He Tian Yu, look, isn't this color very green? And look at this carving, this green bamboo leaf is very lifelike, without any cracks or blemishes …"    


Seeing the cold wind caress the hairpin, he seemed to like it a lot. He hurriedly said, "This hairpin is three hundred and fifty silver taels, it's very cheap. If this guest likes it, please buy it quickly."    


Three hundred and fifty silver taels?    


In the Northwest Army Camp, his monthly rations were only 10 taels of silver and 350 taels of silver. He had to save up for a few years in order to save enough, and this silver would also have to be used to help the poor citizens of the Northwest. Thus, the amount of silver he could save was even less.    


When the waiter saw his gloomy face, he couldn't help but think, looking at this person's clean and noble appearance, he shouldn't be a pauper, right? If he didn't even have three hundred and fifty silver taels, what was he going to do with the jade shop? They thought that since they opened a church here, they wouldn't need money to take away the jade.    


The cold wind looked at the jade hairpin in his hand and thought of how Nan Jiyun would look after putting it on. He turned around and said to Mu Chen, "Young Master, lend me three hundred and fifty silver."    


Mu Chen was looking at the three jade pendants that he had custom-made for the three children as a gift. The small jade pendants were only as big as his thumb, and there was a small animal engraved on the front with their words carved on the back. The master of this shop was an exceptional sculptor, such small animals were lifelike sculptures, and he was very satisfied.    


"What do you want money for?" Mu Chen asked as he handed the bill over to the shopkeeper.    


Hearing the way Han Feng addressed Mu Chen, he thought that Han Feng was Mu Chen's follower. A follower actually casually asked his master to borrow money, which was a few hundred silver per loan, and more importantly, the owner was not angry, but asked about it calmly, as if he really intended to lend it to him.    


Were all his followers that cruel these days?    


"Buy a hairpin." The cold wind lifted the hairpin in his hand, allowing Mu Chen to see everything clearly.    


Mu Chen knew what he was thinking the moment he saw it. He retrieved three pieces of banknotes from his sleeves and said to the shopkeeper, "Three hundred silvers."    


To cut fifty taels so easily, wasn't this master being too heartless?    


The shopkeeper twitched the corner of his mouth and rubbed his hands. He said with a flattering smile, "Old Master Mu, three hundred taels of silver is really too little. That hairpin is at least three hundred and fifty taels."    


"Yes." Mu Chen raised his eyebrows, a hint of ridicule flashed past his eyes, and he stood up. "Go back, if you really like this type of hairpin, I'll get my master to carve one for you."    


When the shopkeeper heard this, he secretly scolded Mu Chen for being dishonest. He pretended to be distressed and felt that he had suffered a loss as he bought the hairpin to the cold wind for three hundred silver.    


On the way back, he asked a question, "Young master, since there is a master carving in the house, why did you order for a jade pendant from that shop?"    


"That store sells the safest jade pendants. I heard that it's also very effective." I just want to be safe for my children.    


After returning to his residence, Han Feng gave the hairpin he bought back to Nan Jiyun.    


"What is this?" Nan Jiyun opened the box and saw the jade hairpin inside, he was startled. He raised his head and looked at the cold wind with a dull gaze, his eyes filled with disbelief.    


"I felt that the jade hairpin was very suitable for you, so I bought it." In the past few days that he lived at the County Prince's Mansion, he had watched as Mu Chen took good care of Shen Jingli. He suddenly felt that he had not treated Nan Jiyun well enough, his status and position were originally not worthy of him, and then, it was a stinky man who was neither liked by his parents nor had any way of giving birth to his children. The only thing he could do was treat him well, but unfortunately, he thought that he had done very well.    


He was too passive and thought that all of this was the best he could do.    


"Idiot." Nan Jiyun cursed, but he could not suppress the curve of his lips.    



— —    


Seventh day of the new year. The cold wind and Nan Jiyun left the capital for the northwest while Mu Chen and Xu Yanlin personally sent them out of the city. On the same day, Mu Yu headed to Hu Zhou to take up his post.    


When Mu Yu left, he only informed Marquis Yuan Zhen, and did not tell Dehui County Lord and Old Lady about this. By the time Dehui County Lord found out about this, Mu Yu's carriage had already been out of the city for more than two hours.    


Mu Ke stayed in the County Prince's Mansion for a period of time, his temper became a lot more restrained, and his way of doing things became a lot more stable as well. He didn't want to make a fool of himself, so he got scolded by the County Owner and ran to the County Prince's Mansion to seek refuge.    


"Why are you here?" Shen Jingli's attitude towards Mu Ke was very ordinary, after all, he had a very deep impression of him at first place.    


"My mother is throwing a tantrum in the manor." Mu Ke's face darkened, he opened his mouth wanting to say something, but ultimately, he shook his head. Although he wanted to find someone to talk to to to, he had no face to speak about the matters concerning his family.    


Shen Jingli roughly knew what was going on, and thought that it was inappropriate for Mu Yu to do things, but considering Dehui County Lord's temper, it would probably be safer to do so.    


Mu Ke ate the cheesecake that Jin Yu had brought over, and suddenly said: "Thinking of my big brother, a dignified Prince, going to Huzhou to become an official in that mountain area, made me angry."    


"What are you angry about? It was decided by your big brother. He naturally has his reasons. " He had chosen to walk his own path, yet Mu Yu did not complain. What qualifications did others have to complain for him?    


My big brother is a Prince, which family doesn't have a random job, and is just waiting to inherit the title of Marquis? Who would be so stupid as to go to a remote place to work as an official? "" That's true, that's true. Mu Ke took a bite of the cake indignantly.    


Mu Ke chatted with Shen Jingli for a while. After being in a better mood, Mu Ke happily packed a pile of food and returned to the Marquis Zhen Yuan Mansion.    


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