Sick Man Turns Out to be a General

C227 White Shoulder Eagle Black Jade

C227 White Shoulder Eagle Black Jade

0Doctor Zhao was quickly invited over to check Shen Jingli's pulse, then he asked about Shen Jingli's daily life and confirmed that he was in good condition. He teased Third Old Lady Mu for a bit, and Third Old Lady was not afraid of him making fun of him, they all agreed, and gave him a lot of things.    


After sending off Doctor Zhao, the Third Old Lady talked to Shen Jingli for a while longer, leaving him at home to eat dinner. Shen Jingli politely rejected him because he wanted to go to Yang Mansion to visit the Old Lady Yang.    


Seeing that he could not change his decision, the Third Old Lady Mu asked the Madam Qin to prepare a lot of cloth food for him, as well as some children's items that they had prepared in advance.    


Before leaving, she had repeatedly told Shen Jingli to take care of herself. If she stayed home and was bored, she would send someone to send a message to her.    


Shen Jingli knew that the Third Old Lady truly cared for him, and wanted to see him in a good light. If he refused, this old man would be very sad, so he nodded and agreed.    


After leaving the Western Mu Mansion, Mu Chen accompanied Shen Jingli to visit the Yang Mansion. Old Lady Yang's health was not good, and she was currently still sickly on the bed, the two madam were worried that the old man had passed her energy to Shen Jingli and prevented him from visiting him. There was nothing he could do, so he could only talk to the old man through the window.    


He was very happy to hear that the child was very healthy, that his appetite was good and that he slept very well, and that there were many people with spirit, but he also took care of his body, and was not willing to talk much with him. He let Madam Cheng and Madame Zhao call out to him, and also ordered the mama by his side to give him the white jade of the goat that she had locked in the box.    


Madam Cheng and Mrs Zhao talked with him for a while longer. After finding out that his Mu Family Village was not bad, they secretly let out a sigh of relief in their hearts and gave him a few more words of warning before leaving the space for the children.    


Yang Ningya, Yang Ningxi and Yang Ningyi had not seen Shen Jingli for a long time, so they asked him many questions happily. They even mentioned Yang Ningyi's wedding date and Yang Ningya's marriage to him.    


"Sister Ya's marriage target is the third young master of the Military Administration. Sixth Brother and I have secretly investigated about him, and he is rather handsome and has a good personality. I intentionally threw the purse into the river, and he even went to retrieve it for me." When Yang Ningxin, who was eating melon seeds at the side heard them talk about Third Young Master Yuan, she immediately interrupted their conversation in excitement.    


Hearing her words, Yang Ningya immediately became embarrassed. She reached out and pinched her cheeks, blaming her: "You shameless little girl, investigating an unfamiliar man in private, aren't you afraid of others finding out? Drag him into the pig cage."    


Yang Ningxin's face contorted as she snorted unhappily, "Don't pinch my face …"    


Yang Ningxin suddenly stared at Yang Ningya with tears in her eyes. Ningya saw that she was really uncomfortable and quickly let go of her face, only to realise that she had pinched a red mark on it. She hurriedly used her hand to rub it, "Aiya, Xin Er, it's my fault.    


Although she said those words of apology, her mouth revealed a happy smile, Yang Ningxin upon seeing her dishonest look, turned her head away, and unrestrainedly snorted.    


"You clearly did it on purpose, bad sister." Yang Ningxin said as she turned her head and threw herself into Yang Ningxi's embrace, and complained, "Elder sister Xi, look at elder sister Ya, who dares to bully others like that?"    


Seeing that the siblings were really close, Shen Jingli was happy in his heart. Nannan, who was sitting obediently at the side, carefully moved closer and asked in a childish voice, "Uncle, where's Xun Er? Nannan has not seen him for a long time, I really miss him. "    


Even though she was young, she was very sensible and knew that Shen Jingli was carrying a child. He didn't dare to touch him too hard, but he carefully shook his hand.    


Seeing her obedient appearance, Shen Jingli reached out to stroke her little head, saying in a gentle tone, "Xun Er is at home. If you want to see him, you can come to our residence."    


"Alright, I'll have mother take me there tomorrow." Nannan smiled sweetly. In the next second, she drooped her head, revealing a look of worry that did not match her age.    


"What's wrong?" What's there to worry about at such a young age?    


"My mother …" She lowered her head, feeling very downcast. "My mother might marry Uncle Ley. If she were to marry someone, would she not want me?"    


Hearing her words, Shen Jingli's heart ached. She was only five years old, if not for the matters of Han Family, she would still be a young miss that everyone protected and led a carefree life. How could she be as worried as she is now?    


He reached out and hugged Nannan in her arms, and said softly, "That won't happen, your mother loves you the most, how could she bear to leave you behind?"    


"Really?" Her wet eyes looked at Shen Jingli, seeing him nod, she laughed, then buried her head in Shen Jingli's embrace, rubbing against him.    


After chatting with Yang Ningyi and the others for the entire afternoon and paying attention to their marriage, Shen Jingli and Mu Chen finally left for their own residence. When they were about to leave, Madam Cheng asked them about the mama and chef they sent there.    


Shen Jingli was unwilling to say more, after exchanging a few words with him, he followed Mu Chen back to the residence.    


— —    


When the two of them returned home, the kitchen had already started preparing dinner, while Xun Er and Huaixin was playing in the courtyard. Seeing them return, they ran over happily and hugged Shen Jingli's legs.    


Xun Er's eyes were full of laughter. When he hugged Shen Jingli, he said impatiently, "Mama, Da Hui, Er Hui brought a new companion back today. Our family has a new eagle …"    


Xun Er was immersed in the joy of having an extra pet, and did not realize that Shen Jingli's eyes had dimmed. He was even jumping around happily, hoping that Shen Jingli would praise him.    


Shen Jingli only touched his head, and turned back to look at Mu Chen. Mu Chen's eyes were gloomy, he bent down and picked Xun Er up, "Xun Er be good, tell Father, where is the sculpture?"    


Even though Xun Er was young, he could still feel that something was wrong with Mu Chen's expression. He stopped laughing and pointed towards the backyard, "Together with Da Hui and Er Hui."    


Mu Chen kissed his forehead, then let Jin Yu and Nian Hua bring him down to play. After that, he walked with large strides towards the backyard.    


Shen Jingli turned around and glanced at them, then instructed: "No one is allowed to speak of whatever happened with Ying."    


Seeing Jin Yu and Nian Hua nodding, he then followed them.    


The Da Hui and Er Hui's cages were placed right at the door of Xun Er's room, it was a one metre tall wooden cage. However, Da Hui and Er Hui never went in there, they only picked their own grass and built a nest on top of the cage.    


Mu Chen and Shen Jingli walked over and saw Da Hui and Er Hui circling around them in the air. They let out hoarse cries, and the newly arrived White-shouldered Eagle were nestled next to their nests.    


The smell of blood pervaded the air, making Shen Jingli feel uncomfortable. He held his stomach with one hand and covered his nose with the other, unwilling to continue walking forward.    


Mu Chen turned around and touched his hand without anyone noticing. Surprisingly, it was a little cold, he frowned, then reached out and supported Shen Jingli to the pavilion to rest.    


"If you're not feeling well, then don't bother going over. I'm going to take a look at the situation."    


"I'm fine, go ahead." He never thought that he would have such a huge revulsion towards the smell of blood. Shen Jingli suppressed his throat and felt a sour taste in the back of his throat.    


Mu Chen walked over, and the White-shouldered Eagle opened its eyes, it extended its beak to peck at Mu Chen's hands, showing a very intimate gesture, Mu Chen reached out and caressed its head, and upon seeing its injured wings, its entire body unconsciously released a dense killing intent.    


The condor was completely oblivious, it was still pecking at his hand, getting closer to him. Mu Chen reached out and touched the scabbed scar on its body, finding a letter on its body.    




The most famous vet in the capital, Doctor Qin, had just returned from a clinic and was dragged away by County Prince's Mansion before even entering his house. This frightened the family members of Doctor Qin into thinking that he had committed some sort of crime and they fearfully rushed over to the yamen to inquire about the situation.    


The servant of the County Prince's Mansion led the Doctor Qin all the way, and only stopped at the entrance of the County Prince's Mansion. The man of the County Prince's Mansion brought the Doctor Qin all the way, and all the way to the door. "You dare to rob civilians in public? Do you believe that I will report you to the yamen tomorrow …"    


Doctor Qin pinched the mustache on his chin and scolded the servants in anger. He supported his waist that was hurting a bit and walked home slowly.    


It wasn't easy for him to 'invite' them back, so how could those servants let them leave just like that? They quickly lined up to stop him.    


Doctor Qin was so angry that he blew his beard and glared. He shouted at them full of energy, "You bunch of rude kids, what do you want to do with this old man?"    


When Jin Yu came out, she saw that Doctor Qin was enraged by the guards, as they scolded him, he was gasping for breath.    


"Doctor Qin, don't be angry, don't be angry." Jin Yu saw that the Doctor Qin was angry, so she quickly patted his back to ease her anger, "Doctor Qin, don't take these barbarians seriously. My master's pet is injured, I'll have to trouble you to take a look."    



"Not going." Doctor Qin was an old stubborn one, once he showed his temper, no one would be able to say anything.    


Seeing that he was so angry, Jin Yu forced a smile on her face, but in her heart, she scolded the guards. Wasn't this group of idiots asking them to get a doctor, how could a doctor be so angry?    


"Doctor Qin, they are ignorant. Since they have offended you, I apologize on their behalf. Our master's injury is so severe, if we don't treat him soon, I'm afraid we won't be able to pass."    


Jin Yu sincerely bowed to Doctor Qin, her attitude extremely sincere and sincere. Doctor Qin was also not an unreasonable person, and seeing her so sincere, his anger was reduced by half, and he said to her: "Alright, lead the way."    


Hearing this, Jin Yu immediately revealed a smile, and gave her a warm smile.    


Doctor Qin led the way.    


Mu Chen was sitting in the study room reading the letter, hearing the servant's report, he put down the letter and came out.    


Doctor Qin was already applying medicine on Ying'er. As he applied medicine on his, he was even cursing, saying that his master would not know how to take care of his and causing his to suffer such heavy injuries, shouldn't he ask for a doctor or something …    


After getting along with him for a short period of time, Jin Yu knew that this Doctor Qin had an explosive temper.    


"Master." She bowed towards Mu Chen, then said, "This is Doctor Qin, the most famous vet in the capital."    


Mu Chen nodded, he was not interested in the name of the Doctor Qin, he had sent someone to look for him for something else.    


"Good morning, Doctor Qin." Mu Chen said respectfully.    


Seeing Mu Chen's respectful attitude, Jin Yu's heart thumped, what kind of identity does this old doctor have? Even the old master treated her with such respect. She secretly recalled that he had never offended him before, so he lowered his head even more.    


The Doctor Qin bandaged up the wings of the sculpture. He raised his head and looked at Mu Chen with a puzzled expression as he said, "This old man cannot afford to receive such a large gift from Master."    


He was a veterinarian in the capital. Normally, he would look after the pets of the nearby families and the cattle in the countryside. How could he afford to receive such a grand gift from a wealthy family?    


Doctor Qin had a stubborn temper and refused to acknowledge Mu Chen if he was unwilling to be bowed to.    


Mu Chen was not annoyed, but courteously said: "Today, other than treating Mo Yu, there is another reason why I invited you here."    


Doctor Qin frowned unhappily. These rich families were full of evil schemes, no wonder they treated him with such courtesy. So they had something to ask of him?    


"This old man will not be entrusted by you."    


Hearing this, Jin Yu felt that this old man was too impolite.    


"Doctor Qin, don't be in such a rush to push me away. Wait for me to finish speaking, it's not too late."    


Doctor Qin opened his eyes wide and stared at Mu Chen, he wanted to see what this brat could say. Was his old man that gullible?    


Mu Chen did not say anything. Instead, he took out a bell from his bosom and tied it together with a red string.    


When Doctor Qin saw the bell, his small eyes grew even wider. After a long while, he finally said: "Tomorrow, come and find me at Sanli Manor outside the city, I will take you to get the thing you want."    


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