Genius Devil Princess

C211 The Death of Nangong Yi Chen

C211 The Death of Nangong Yi Chen

0Fire Qilin flew away from the original place, and the Mysterious Ice Sword followed closely behind him! Looking at the Mysterious Ice Sword behind him, Fire Qilin was speechless for the first time. Damn, what kind of monster did it meet? It couldn't see its strength and could control plants and even had such a demonic sword.    


Looking at Fire Qilin who was dodging everywhere, Yun Luo smiled and formed a seal with her hands. The fourth level Burning Heaven Ghost Flame, a demonic blue flame appeared. More and more blue flames appeared and surrounded Fire Qilin who was in the air!    


Fire Qilin, who was dodging the Mysterious Ice Sword, saw the flames in front of him and stopped mid-air. He forgot about the Mysterious Ice Sword behind him. Yun Luo had done this on purpose.    


"You …" It knew that the woman was controlling the weapon, but the problem was that it was its butt. Once he underwent his tribulation, he would be more handsome when he materialized into his human form.    


It was a male, how could it be stabbed in the butt by a woman? If it were to be spread out in the future, how embarrassing would that be!    


"What about me? Do you admit defeat? "    


As Yun Luo spoke, she controlled the Mysterious Ice Sword to take another step forward. If one looked closely, they would be able to see that Yun Luo's hands were trembling slightly. Although she was already a Mid Rank White Rank alchemist, she still could not use too much.    


After reaching the White Rank, she would be able to endure the thunder tribulation.    


Maybe it was only because of the physique it possessed in the Demon Clan that it had become like this! Sensing the Mysterious Ice Sword's power, Fire Qilin's heart went cold. He thought to himself, "What a monster, with such powerful strength, who the hell is she?"    


"Admit defeat or what?" Yun Luo asked again.    


As long as he admitted defeat, he could go to Xuan Loong's place to exchange for Ganoderma Flavescens. After taking the Ganoderma Flavescens, he could go save his Royal Grandmother.    


For some unknown reason, the sky was covered by dark clouds. Nangong Yichen looked at the sky and his eyes twitched, "What is the rhythm of this?"    


"I admit defeat."    


Fire Qilin said. This woman's strength wasn't low, and there was also Second Prince, it wouldn't be at a disadvantage! Seeing it admit defeat, Yun Luo kept her Mysterious Ice Sword.    


Just as the Mysterious Ice Sword was retracted, the sky was shocked by the lightning. Fire Qilin still did not know the situation, it had not advanced, so why was there lightning?    


"Luoluo, run!"    


Nangong Yichen was also getting anxious. These thunderbolts were clearly aimed at Yun Luo. What was going on?    


"F * ck, f * ck you, did I offend you?"    


Just as Yun Luo finished her scolding, a bolt of lightning struck down. Yun Luo flashed and the lightning struck beside her.    


Nangong Yichen looked at the lightning and stopped in his tracks. He was relieved when he saw the golden lightning that was ready to strike at any moment.    


Previously, when he had ascended to the Colourless realm, he had to experience this golden lightning as well. However, Luoluo's shirt was slightly black in color, while his was golden in color.    


It was probably because Luoluo was from the Demon Clan. This golden lightning was also a good thing for cleansing the soul. He murmured, "Luoluo, please pray for yourself."    


Yun Luo dodged to the side, while Nangong Yichen and Fire Qilin watched from the side.    


Fortunately, after a short while, the dark clouds in the sky dispersed, and there was no lightning.    


Only then did Yun Luo stop. Damn, it's finally over.    


Only Nangong Yichen knew that this was only the beginning. Who knew that in the next moment, a bolt of golden lightning that contained a tremendous aura would strike down on Yun Luo, striking her squarely in the face.    


The moment she fell to the ground, Yun Luo had the urge to curse at the heavens. "Dammit, I won't let you have fun like this!"    


Fire Qilin looked at the golden lightning bolts that were striking Yun Luo's body and smacked his lips. This woman was really a monster, human Spiritual Energy did not even need to undergo tribulation to advance. This woman not only attracted lightning, but also black gold.    


"Luoluo, are you alright?"    


Nangong Yichen walked up and gently asked as he carried Yun Luo in his arms and helped her wipe the ashes off her face.    


Yun Luo stood up, dusting off the dust on her body before shaking her head. "Nothing."    


Although they knew that they would experience such a disaster, they didn't expect it to be here. Fire Qilin glanced at the woman and said: "I've already admitted defeat, let me go!"    


Yun Luo did not want to lower herself to the same level as Fire Qilin. Since he had already admitted defeat, then he would go back and ask for the Ganoderma Flavescens from Xuan Loong.    


However, just as Nangong Yichen and Yun Yun were about to leave, they heard Fire Qilin's voice behind them: "Hahahaha, ignorant thing, just die!" With that, Fire Qilin used all his strength to attack the two men. Nangong Yichen knew that the situation was bad and hurriedly pushed Yun Luo away, taking the hit himself.    


"Yichen." Lili shouted. Seeing Nangong Yichen spitting out blood, she quickly stood up, her eyes turning bloodthirsty red.    


"Stab that Fire Qilin with all your might with the Mysterious Ice Sword in your hand!" "Ahh!" Fire Qilin's whining voice came over.    


On the other side, when Xuan Loong heard this voice, his mouth curved up into a pretty smile. Sure enough, he didn't misjudge these two people.    


Fire Qilin fell to the ground. He looked at the woman with anger and said, "Damned girl, you will regret what you did today. That man won't be able to live for long.    


One day, Monarch will definitely take his life. "    


After Fire Qilin finished his sentence, he no longer made a sound. His body then disappeared into the wind, disappearing from this world. Yun Luo walked to Nangong Yichen's side. The bloodthirsty red in her eyes had yet to fade.    


Seeing that Nangong Yichen was seriously injured, she knew about Fire Qilin's ability. Maybe Fire Qilin was spelling the last words.    


"It was enough to kill two people at once, yet this man was so foolish that he managed to block the power." "Yichen, are you alright?"    


Nangong Yichen swallowed the blood that he was about to vomit. He shook his head towards the woman in front of him who had a face full of worry, "I'm fine, it's just a small qilin beast. You should forget that I also have two qilins under my hand, so this qilin beast is nothing to be afraid of."    


"Nangong Yichen, don't lie to me anymore. This Qilin is just like Divine Beast and is about to evolve into super Nangong Yichen. Quickly, let me see if you have any injuries on your body." Yun Luo began to examine the wounds on Nangong Yichen's body, fearing that he might be hurt there.    


Nangong Yichen held Luoluo's hand and said, "It's fine, I'm really fine. "Alright, let's hurry up and find Xuan Loong!"    


The two of them walked along the road to Xuan Loong's room. Yun Luo looked at the man dressed in black and said, "I've already been killed by me this year. Where is the Ganoderma Flavescens that I want?"    


"Hahaha, I didn't expect the two of you to be so easily fooled!" Xuan Loong's mocking laughter entered both of their ears. Yun Luo looked at this man in disbelief. No, it should be this Ancient Vicious Beast that lied to them.    


Yun Luo's eyes had once again transformed into a bloodthirsty red colored Mysterious Ice Sword. He looked at the man. "You deserve to die." With that, he attacked the man.    


At this moment, Yun Luo's moves were even more ruthless than Fire Qilin's, because this man had already aroused her anger.    


In order to help her block Fire Qilin's attack, Nangong Yichen suffered such heavy injuries, yet this man was playing with them. This was simply unforgivable.    


Xuan Loong stood up and walked towards the two. Do you think that the fate of this world lies solely in your own hands? Perhaps the two of you can break your own fate and control it, but humans can only rely on Divine Race in the sky to plan their lives.    



Therefore, your grandmother's poisoning was also a result of a mental arrangement. I was imprisoned here, and the purpose of the preparations was to lure the two of you over. But I didn't expect the Infernal King to follow me. But that won't affect anything, because he's simply unable to help the two of you right now. "    


"Dihan, do you only need to help a hypocrite like him to do such heinous things? Do you know who this person is? He was Second Prince from Divine Race. If you hurt her, do you think your Ancient Vicious Beast would still be alive? Will his father let you go? "    


Yun Luo's voice entered Nangong Yichen's ears. He was actually Divine Race's Second Prince, but why did he become a human? What was all this about?    


Xuan Loong looked at the confused Nangong Yichen and mocked, "Wasn't it because you were incompetent that you were reborn as a human? Do you think I want to follow that hypocrite? It's just that I owe him a favor. I don't like to owe others, so as long as I kill you, I can repay him. "You can't blame others. If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for being too useless."    


Xuan Loong then started to attack Nangong Yichen. Nangong Yichen was already injured, because the Ancient Vicious Beast was so powerful, he was injured again in less than a hundred moves.    


Nangong Yichen summoned his own Jade Qilin and started to fight against the Ancient Vicious Beast. Yun Luo also knew how powerful this Ancient Vicious Beast was and quickly called out Ling Yu's name. Sun Tie had transformed into a beast-like expert and couldn't help but be startled when he saw Xuan Loong.    


Why was this beast here? "Xuan Loong also did not expect Bai Ze to appear here." Bai Ze, you are truly incompetent. You actually acknowledged a princess of Demon Clan as your master. I am truly saddened for you. You are also a primordial clan of Divine Beast Li's pride, but now, in the hands of such an insignificant little Demon Clan person, you are truly laughable. "    


Xuan Loong's words did not give Ling Yu any face. Ling Yu sneered. "Does he know that a person like me is not up to you to decide. As far as I'm concerned, as long as I'm worth it, it's fine." But you're no better than I am. You have truly lost face for your Ancient Vicious Beast family. "    


Yun Luo walked up to Nangong Yichen and helped him up. "Yichen, I know you really want to know your background, but I'll tell you about this later when we get out of here. But remember, no one is allowed to get hurt while we're here. "    


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