CEO Loves Contract Wife Limitlessly

C145 There must be Something Wrong with This Abnormal Situation

C145 There must be Something Wrong with This Abnormal Situation

0The day of Yu Ruoqi's birthday banquet arrived very quickly due to Yu Xiaowen's reluctance. She made a smart move and Yu Ruoqi threatened that she must be there but did not say when she would be there!    


So she deliberately delayed the time. She would rather stay in the villa and watch TV with Su Qiyang than go out early.    


She and Su Qiyang only arrived late when the banquet was about halfway through.    


During this time, Yu Xiaowen called and sent text messages to urge them. She only lightly replied that she was fast and was a little busy now!    


The banquet was held even better than Yu Ruoqi had imagined. Yu Tao invited many famous businessmen over. She floated around like a butterfly in the crowd. She was Anli, marketing herself, and she even brought her specially invited photographers to take photos and take pictures.    


She was so busy that she did not forget the main reason why she forced Yu Tao to hold this birthday banquet for her.    


That was to let what happened five years ago repeat itself!    


She had enough of being suppressed by Yu Xiaowen everywhere. Su Qiyang could forgive Yu Xiaowen for the ugly things that happened five years ago. What about five years later?    


When he saw the woman he held in his hands roll with another man, how would he react?    


She was looking forward to it!    


But why didn't Yu Xiaowen come?    


Yu Ruoqi could not see it on her face, but she was extremely anxious. If Yu Xiaowen still did not come, then her performance would not be able to continue!    


She did not tell Su Huizhen about the matter of her plotting against Yu Xiaowen and did not have Su Huizhen to guide her by the side. Yu Xiaowen did not come after a long time and she was so anxious that her acne was about to explode. Hence, the frequency of urging Yu Xiaowen to come to her birthday banquet was a little too much.    


There must be something strange about this abnormal situation!    


Yu Xiaowen was not stupid and knew that Yu Ruoqi definitely had some ulterior motives, so she naturally kept a hundred times more careful.    


By the time she and Su Qiyang arrived, the banquet was already halfway over. Under the guidance of the waiter, the two of them appeared at the entrance of the banquet hall.    


She did not pay much attention to Yu Ruoqi's birthday and did not dress up too much. Su Qiyang was also wearing a normal suit suit. Of course, even if his clothes were ordinary, they were still expensive.    


However, the appearance of the two of them was too eye-catching. As soon as they appeared, they attracted the attention of the entire audience. Everyone had the heart to love beauty. Even if Su Qiyang wasn't from the Su's Group, just the outstanding appearance of the two of them was enough for everyone to stare at them for a while longer.    


What's more, he was the CEO of the Su's Group.    


However, with just a stamp of his foot, even the Rongcheng would tremble!    


It could also be said that the distinguished guests invited by Yu Tao today, half of them were from the upper class of the business world, telling Yu Tao that Su Qiyang would come as well. That was why they were giving him face.    


Otherwise, with just Yu Ruoqi, a second daughter, and a third-rate celebrity's birthday banquet that was full of black material, what right did they have to come personally?    


When half of the main character arrived, the guests impatiently squeezed over to greet him. Even if they were not familiar with him, they would still be familiar with him. It would be easier for him to celebrate his birthday in the future!    


Yu Tao was also worried about why Su Qiyang did not come. The suspicious gazes from the guests made him feel very awkward. Now that Su Qiyang had really arrived, he suddenly felt proud and quickly went over to greet him as the host of the banquet.    


When he walked over, his back was straight and his steps were very nimble. He didn't look like a patient who had just recovered from a serious illness at all.    


"Qiyang, you are here! Good, good. Come and meet some friends with me. " He could not announce that Su Qiyang was his son-in-law to the public because of the agreement between the two of them, but he had already made Su Qiyang his son-in-law.    


His tone was as if he was saying, Look at what I've said. The relationship between me and Su Qiyang is very close.    


Su Qiyang didn't reject it, but his attitude was very indifferent. However, this was his style of doing things outside. Everyone was used to it, so no one said anything.    


It could only be said that his wealth and strength made no one dare to say anything.    


Yu Ruoqi saw Su Qiyang and Yu Xiaowen coming from afar and was very happy. She quickly told her assistant and photographer not to follow her and ran over with her long dress.    


"Qiyang! You came. I didn't expect you to really come back to attend my birthday party. That's great!" She deliberately shouted intimately to make people curious about their relationship.    


She knew that Su Qiyang hated her deliberately trying to get close to him, so she didn't give him the chance to ignore her. Her eyes swept over Yu Xiaowen directly, and she reached out to pull Yu Xiaowen's arm and said, "That's great. Sister, you're here too. I miss you so much. Let's go. Let's go over there and talk!"    


It looked like they were deeply in love. Outsiders could not tell that the two of them were actually incompatible!    


Yu Xiaowen looked down at Yu Ruoqi who was holding onto her arm and was not in a hurry to pull it back. It was just that she gave Su Qiyang a reassuring look where others could not see and let her pull her away.    


Although she was careful, she was also very curious about what Yu Ruoqi was going to do.    


Yu Ruoqi directly pulled Yu Xiaowen to the bar where the drinks were served and threw her arm away. She then pointed at the male waiter who was making drinks at the bar and arrogantly said, "You, give me one side. Come back in half an hour. "    


The male waiter was taking the money to do things, so naturally he obediently put down the half brewed drinks and left. She herself occupied the back of the bar.    


There were no outsiders in this small square of the bar for the time being. Yu Xiaowen saw that she revealed her true nature and said, "I'm coming. " She thought to herself, Just use whatever moves you have. I'm not afraid.    


Yu Ruoqi sent it over and smiled at her, saying, "Why are you so afraid? There are so many people here. What can I do to you?"    


Yu Xiaowen lowered her lips and did not believe her words at all.    


To say that she did not have a ghost, it would be better to say that it was raining red today.    


But she did not admit it. She did not ask for an answer. Yu Xiaowen thought about it and changed the way to ask, "Then why did you ask me to come to your birthday banquet? Don't tell me you really think of me as your elder sister!"    


No one would believe this kind of lie.    


"Why?" Yu Ruoqi curled her lips and smiled. She knew that the opportunity had come. She raised her chin and lifted it towards Yu Xiaowen's back, indicating for her to look over.    


Just as Yu Xiaowen subconsciously looked over, she quickly took the blue medicine that she had bought from her pocket and placed it in a nearby cocktail before placing it in front of Yu Xiaowen.    


Yu Xiaowen turned around and looked behind her. She saw Su Qiyang standing out among the crowd. He was arrogant and indifferent, but his entire body emitted a light that could not be ignored.    


Such an outstanding man was loved by a woman. With just a little understanding, one would be able to madly fall in love with him.    


"You want to say that you asked me to come here to let me bring Su Qiyang here?" She withdrew her gaze and looked at Yu Ruoqi.    


Yu Ruoqi nodded and said, "Of course. I don't want you to think that I welcome you to my birthday banquet. Don't dream about it, okay?"    


The way she looked at Yu Xiaowen was filled with disdain.    


There seemed to be no problem with this reason. She was asked to come because she wanted Su Qiyang to come. It was indeed her style of doing things.    



But for some reason, Yu Xiaowen still felt that something was not right and could not say it.    


She stared at Yu Ruoqi's face suspiciously, as if she wanted to see some clues from her expression.    


"Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something wrong with you!" Yu Ruoqi was afraid that she would be seen through, so she pretended to be fierce and glared at her.    


Maybe she really thought too much!    


Yu Xiaowen retracted her gaze and suddenly smiled and said, "You really are stubborn!"    


"What do you mean?" Yu Ruoqi's face immediately darkened.    


Yu Xiaowen looked back at Su Qiyang and said, "Can't you tell? He never lacked women by his side. Even without me, Su Qiyang would not have taken a fancy to you. "    


Her words were like a clap of thunder in Yu Ruoqi's mind. It made her have to face a fact that she could ignore.    


Yu Ruoqi's gaze involuntarily looked towards Su Qiyang. He was surrounded by the crowd in the middle. Other than those men with ulterior motives around him, most of them were women. Those who were unmarried and married were all eyeing him covetously.    


There was no one younger or prettier than her. There were also those who had a better family background than her. . .    


The blush could not even cover Yu Ruoqi's pale face. She stared blankly at Su Qiyang, lost in thought. She had loved this man for more than ten years. How could she get him?    


Yu Ruoqi knew Su Qiyang even earlier than Yu Xiaowen. It was probably more than ten years. She and her mother had not lived in the Yu family for money. In the dilapidated apartment, she saw the news on the television that Su's Group was the youngest president in the world.    


She saw Su Qiyang, who was a little older than her, standing behind the high podium and giving a speech. He did not panic at all, and his speech was loud and clear.    


Under the various flashes of light, he was as holy as a god.    


At that time, she was wondering how there could be such a good-looking boy in the world, who looked like a prince. From that moment on, she had planted the seed of wanting to marry Su Qiyang in her heart.    


However, due to the difference in status, she did not even have the chance to see him. She could only get the relevant information through the media.    


Later, she moved into the Yu family and became the second young lady of the Yu family. She was closer to him. Later, she became a small celebrity and even advertised a small product of the Su's Group. She got closer to him.    


She worked hard bit by bit until one day, as if she had received the favor of a god, Su Qiyang suddenly appeared in her house and said that he wanted to choose a woman to marry.    


She was extremely happy. She carefully dressed up and carefully prepared herself. She only wanted to show off her best self in front of him.    


But why?    


Why did he choose Yu Xiaowen in the end, and not her?    


How could Yu Xiaowen compare to him? Was she younger than him? Or was she prettier than him? Why did he find out from Yu Tao that she had already lost her virginity and that there was still a child? He was only slightly stunned, but in the end, he still chose her!    


She was unwilling!    


She had been unwilling for so many years!    


If it had been anyone else, she would have understood. However, she had lost to them at that time. She had no way of understanding that she had lost to that wretched and dirty Yu Xiaowen!    


She would never be able to understand it in this lifetime!    


Yu Ruoqi recovered from her thoughts and her face was filled with savage resentment. She gritted her teeth and said, "You must be very pleased with yourself, Yu Xiaowen!"    


"What did you say?" Yu Xiaowen frowned and looked at her in confusion.    


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