CEO Loves Contract Wife Limitlessly

C212 At the Bar

C212 At the Bar

0Yu Tong was, after all, a child. His thoughts were quickly diverted. He happily picked up a small bucket and followed Yu Xiaowen. He picked up the shell as if it was a model.    


Su Qiyang originally looked at the childish behavior of the mother and son with a straight face, but in the end, he could not help but join the mother and son team.    


Yu Xiaowen's hands were very coincidental. When Su Qiyang brought Yu Tong to use sand to pile the castle, she made a shell bracelet for each of them.    


Both father and son liked this gift very much and promised never to lose it.    


The family of three stayed by the sea until sunset before returning. The hotel was a vacation type. Not only were there many night markets outside, but there were also many entertainment facilities and shopping malls in the hotel.    


However, the little guy wanted to learn how to swim as soon as possible. He had to go to the sea tomorrow and return to the hotel. After eating something, he pulled Yu Xiaowen and Su Qiyang to the swimming pool. He didn't even change into a swimsuit.    


In the hotel room.    


The little guy first changed into a swimsuit. He stood in the living room anxiously like an ant on a hot pan. He urged, "Daddy, Mommy, hurry up!"    


Su Qiyang also changed his clothes. He put on a pair of black beach pants. His eight-pack abs and lean chest were exposed. It made people's blood boil!    


He did not pay attention to his son's noise outside. His burning eyes stared straight at the bathroom door.    


In the bathroom.    


Yu Xiaowen had already changed into a swimsuit. She pulled on her swimsuit and the shoulder belt of the swimsuit. She felt uncomfortable all over. She had been married for so long, but she was still embarrassed to change in front of Su Qiyang. She did not hide in the bathroom, but now there was a new problem. She was embarrassed to go out again.    


The little guy rushed into the door. If she did not go out, they would think that something had happened to her in the bathroom.    


Yu Xiaowen hesitated for a while and took a large towel to put on her body before slowly walking out.    


The moment she appeared, a fiery gaze stuck onto her body. Yu Xiaowen did not dare to look directly at Su Qiyang. Her face was burning. She only hated that the towel was not long enough and could only cover the upper half of her body.    


"Alright, stop looking. Let's go!" If she continued to look, she could almost feel that she was not wearing anything. She wanted to go forward and cover Su Qiyang's eyes with her hands.    


A second ago, Su Qiyang wanted to pounce on Yu Xiaowen and eat her up. When he heard this, his handsome face turned completely black. He said with disdain, "No, no, this dress isn't good. Go and change another one!"    


"How can it not look good?!" Yu Xiaowen looked down at herself in confusion. She seriously suspected that Su Qiyang was talking nonsense. Just now, he said that a pair of eyes wanted to tear off her towel.    


"It doesn't look good anywhere!" Su Qiyang said with a serious face. He did not want to admit that it was because he did not want his wife's good figure to be seen by outsiders.    


Yu Xiaowen frowned and said, "It's okay. Let's do it this way. Tong is still urging us!"    


Su Qiyang did not want to do it. He walked over and pushed her back. He said, "I will help you choose. It will be very soon!"    


It was indeed very fast. Half an hour later, Yu Xiaowen walked out in a long-sleeved shirt and jeans. She stared at Su Qiyang speechlessly and said, "How can I swim like this?"    


Su Qiyang touched his nose, his face was not red, and his heart was not beating. He said, "You can watch from the side. "    


Look at his big head!    


Yu Xiaowen expressed that she really wanted to beat him up.    


At this moment, Yu Tong, who was waiting outside, couldn't take it anymore, barged in. His small face was so anxious that it seemed like he was about to cry. "Daddy, Mommy, do you still want to swim?! If you're late, I'm going to close the door. "    


Su Qiyang hurriedly pulled Yu Xiaowen out and said, "Coming, coming. "    


Yu Xiaowen wanted to change her clothes but did not have the chance.    


. . .    


Yu family.    


Yu Ruoqi pestered Su Huizhen about her work again.    


"Mom, can you help me? Ask your friends if they work in an entertainment company. I have to go back to work. I don't want to stay at home every day. "    


Su Huizhen looked at the news on the television and refused, "Ruoqi, how many times have Mom told you? You can't go out during this period of time. We'll talk about it after everything has calmed down. "    


"You said that a week ago. " Yu Ruoqi was not convinced. She even took out her phone to search her news and said, "Look, the news about me has gone down, so it's fine now. I don't want to wait anymore, Mom!"    


Su Huizhen looked at her from the corner of her eye and asked her back, "Then what do you want to say to your manager these few days?"    


Yu Ruoqi choked. Recently, she had put down her face and found many managers, but they were all rejected. They either said that they were waiting for the news to pass or used an excuse to say that they did not plan to sign a new artiste for the time being.    


In her opinion, they were unwilling to use her intentions. Everything else was just an excuse.    


"Mom, if I can count on them, why would I come and beg you?" Yu Ruoqi's eyes were red. She felt very wronged. She had been in the entertainment industry for so many years, but there was not a single friend who was willing to help her.    


But thinking about how much she had failed in her life, If even Su Huizhen did not help her, she might as well just die!    


Su Huizhen saw the bitter look of disgust on her face and her heart ached. It was not that she was unwilling to help, it was she herself who could not even protect herself. Recently, the financial crisis had erupted and those sisters who played cards previously were rarely invited.    


Furthermore, The sisters played cards and mahjong together, and the price was quite high.    


The financial situation at home was difficult to explain. There were only two maids left, so how could she have the spare money to go out and play mahjong? Su Huizhen did not want to tell these to Yu Ruoqi so that she would not have to worry about it with her.    


"Ruoqi, be good. Listen to your mother and wait a little longer, okay? When the wind blows by, Mom will definitely. . . " She tried to persuade her kindly.    


But Yu Ruoqi did not want to hear it at all. She stood up and angrily said, "Say it and wait. Wait a while more. Do you know that the peak period of a female celebrity's career is only a few years? If I wait any longer, I will become a yellow-faced woman. How can I turn the tables against the wind?!"    


Su Huizhen understood what she said. Wasn't there no other way?    


"Ruoqi, listen to mom. . . " She tried to explain.    


"I don't want to listen to you!" Yu Ruoqi angrily said, "If you don't help me then forget it. I will think of a way myself!"    


After saying that, she turned around and walked towards the door.    


"Ruoqi, it is already so late. Where are you going?" Su Huizhen shouted at her back.    


"None of your business!" Yu Ruoqi shouted without looking back.    


Su Huizhen's heart thought badly and quickly stood up. She wanted to chase after and shouted, "Ruoqi, you must not go out and mess around at this time. We must conserve our strength and not act like last time. We must not make a fool of ourselves and create news and let everyone bring up the old matters again. "    



Yu Ruoqi felt that she was as long-winded as a fly. She covered her ears and did not want to listen. She buried her head and ran to the car that she parked in the courtyard. She did not care whether Su Huizhen chased out or not and once she got into the car, she immediately stepped on the accelerator to the end. After the rumbling of the engine, she drove the car and disappeared into the evening.    


"This child!" Su Huizhen chased after him a step later. Seeing her car disappear from her sight, she was very worried. She silently prayed that nothing bad would happen again.    


She was very worried and after turning around to return to the villa, she quickly found her phone and called Yu Ruoqi to send a message to tell her not to mess around.    


Yu Ruoqi did not pick up a single phone call. After feeling that the phone had been ringing too much, she directly turned it off.    


She drove all the way to a street in the downtown bar and walked towards the most famous bar in Rongcheng, Night Pub, familiarly.    


At the entrance of the bar, there was a conspicuous recruitment notice on the bulletin board that attracted her attention. It said that Night urgently needed a live singer to talk about salary.    


It just so happened that she could sing and also needed a job.    


Yu Ruoqi did not even think about it and directly entered the bar. She asked two bartender and then found the boss of the bar.    


The owner of the bar was a slightly greasy middle-aged man. He was wearing a very obvious branded suit with a logo. Even if the price was expensive, it looked very low on him.    


A trace of disdain flashed across Yu Ruoqi's eyes as she directly said, "I am here to apply for a permanent singer job. With my identity, I have double the salary of an ordinary singer. "    


The bar owner knew Yu Ruoqi and knew that she was a celebrity. In his heart, he also knew that with her as a singer, no matter if it was good or bad, it would have a certain impact on the bar. But to make him pay twice the salary, he still felt some heartache.    


"Miss Yu, although you used to be a big star, you are now plagued by a scandal. I'm afraid it's not good to have a double salary, right?" The bar owner was quite polite with his words.    


Yu Ruoqi, however, was like a cat stepping on its tail and almost jumped up.    


She said with a sharp voice. I'm still haunted by rumors. I'm more famous than any of your employees here. I'm prettier! It's already good enough that I didn't ask you to triple your salary. It's fine as long as you agree. If you don't agree, just pull him in. There's no need to talk about it!"    


"You. . . " The bar owner choked and didn't know how to evaluate her behavior. However, he had to admit that what she said made some sense.    


He hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay! As long as Miss Yu can bring customers to the bar, not to mention double the number of customers, I'm also willing to give three times the number of customers. "    


"That's more like it!" Yu Ruoqi's expression eased up a lot and said, "Then when will you come to work?"    


The bar owner thought for a while and said, "Of course, the sooner the better. If Miss Yu doesn't mind, how about we take a photo with everyone tomorrow night?"    


"Sure!" Yu Ruoqi readily agreed. It had been a long time since she was sought after by others and she urgently wanted to return to the past.    


After telling the bar owner about the song, Yu Ruoqi did not go home. She was in a bad mood and sat alone. After drinking at the bar counter, Yu Ruoqi's face turned red and she looked drunk.    


"Yo, isn't this Yu Ruoqi, the big star of the rain?" In the bar. Someone recognized her.    


Yu Ruoqi glanced at him and retracted her gaze. The person she could tolerate to hit on was a friend she used to play with in the bar. After the scandal was reported on the news, she had less contact with them.    


"Don't bother me, get out of my way!" She impatiently chased him away.    


However, the people she could play with were all playboys from the Rongcheng, and each of them had a heavy heart. It was rare to meet Yu Ruoqi, and she was all alone, so how could she let her go so easily?    


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