CEO Loves Contract Wife Limitlessly

C281 Enemies Are Narrow

C281 Enemies Are Narrow

0"Oh!" Yu Xiaowen looked at Su Qiyang from the bottom and had a strange smile on her face. She said in disdain, "I thought you didn't pay attention to it at all. You even know that I don't like it when others wear undignified clothes. "    


Su Qiyang held his knuckles and gently scratched her nose. He dotingly and helplessly explained, "When I was young, I only heard about it when the elders often interact with each other. "    


"I know, I know! I'll just go upstairs and change my clothes. " Yu Xiaowen sniffled and did not want to listen to his nagging. She turned around and ran towards the villa.    


Su Qiyang immediately chased after her and smiled. "Wait for me. "    


He also wanted to change his clothes.    


Yu Xiaowen only turned her head to look at him and smiled. She did not have any intention to wait for him. The two of them ran away laughing like this, as if they had completely forgotten that they still had a son in the backyard.    


The butler swore that he really had good intentions and walked over. He thought that the young master did not have a daddy or mommy, but he had a competent and considerate butler.    


He smiled and walked over and asked, "little master, don't be sad. There's a butler to accompany you. "    


Yu Tong looked at him with a strange expression and said, "Daddy and mommy have a good relationship. Why should I be sad? Besides, I've already grown up. I'm at an age where I don't need anyone to play with. "    


Hmm. . .    


The butler seemed to have suffered two consecutive strikes. He smiled bitterly and prepared to retreat. He said, "Then I'll stay by the side. Little master, if you have any instructions, just call me at any time. "    


"Forget it. You'd better stay with me. You're so old, so it's quite pitiful for you to be alone. "    


You're already so old.    


Even a single person can be considered pitiful!    


The butler felt like he had been stabbed twice. He sat down in front of Yu Tong, speechless. In his heart, he thought to himself, who did little master learn the ability to stab with a poisonous tongue?    


The young master and madam had never been like this before.    


Yu Tong could not hear what he was thinking. He looked at the butler awkwardly and hesitated. He was afraid that the old man would not be able to reach him, so he moved his brush and book to sit next to him.    


His considerate behavior finally ironed the old butler's heart.    


Yu Xiaowen and Su Qiyang did go upstairs to change, but they did not come out until almost half an hour later. When they came out, Yu Xiaowen's face was red, and Su Qiyang's eyes flashed as if he had fulfilled his wish.    


He could guess with his toes that the two of them must have done something unspeakable in the fitting room.    


Su Qiyang smacked his lips as if he had not had enough. He skillfully turned his head and bit Yu Xiaowen's earlobe.    


"You!" Yu Xiaowen quickly reached out to cover her ears. She glared at him and said angrily, "Don't go too far!"    


Her angry and half-shy appearance was even more alluring in Su Qiyang's eyes. Her ink-stained black eyes became deeper and deeper, adding a touch of lack of desire.    


If it wasn't for her body, he really wanted to do it with her right now!    


Yu Xiaowen was very clear about his expression as if he wanted to eat her. She quickly ran downstairs with her skirt in hand and shouted, "Let's go, let's go. Aren't we going to see the neighbors?"    


Su Qiyang saw her fleeing back and quickly reminded her. "Pay attention to your feet. "    


In order to show respect, she had changed into a pair of thin high heels and was still running like this. He was very worried that she would fall.    


Yu Xiaowen really wanted to scold someone. If it wasn't for his lecherous look, would she need to run?    


No matter what, as the two of them dawdled, they finally stood in front of the neighbor's door. Unlike Su Qiyang's house, the nameplate of the neighbor's door was inscribed with the complex Lu character.    


After Su Qiyang noticed her gaze, he reminded, "The former mayor's name is Lu Zizhang. Just call me Grandpa Lu. "    


Yu Xiaowen nodded obediently.    


Soon, someone came over and said, He introduced himself. "I am the housekeeper of Lu family. Master Lu heard that Mr. Su is here. He asked if it is convenient for you to come in and have a cup of tea!"    


"Sorry for the trouble!" Su Qiyang nodded slightly and held Yu Xiaowen in his arms as he stepped into the gate.    


The layout of the villa area was the same, but the gardens were trimmed according to the owner's wishes. Su Qiyang's garden was leaning towards the western style, while the Lu family was leaning towards the middle style, but it had a Japanese style.    


Yu Xiaowen liked it very much, but she did not have the energy to create a similar one.    


This kind of exquisite garden required the master to carefully protect it.    


"Please follow me. "    


On the way to the Lu family's housekeeper, the two of them walked for about five minutes before arriving at the villa. The housekeeper asked the two of them to wait at the door. He walked in to report himself and sat in the living room next to the door. There was an old man with white hair sitting with his back facing them.    


There were other people accompanying them. Yu Xiaowen did not know them. When they saw the people coming over, they stood up and looked over. Since the person in the main seat did not speak, they could not speak first.    


Yu Xiaowen was a little afraid as she hid behind Su Qiyang.    


He gently patted the back of her hand and said in a low voice, "With me here, there is no need to be afraid. Everything depends on me"    


Yu Xiaowen squeezed out a smile at him.    


On the other side, Mr. Lu learned from the housekeeper that they had arrived. He stood up from the sofa and turned around. He waved at Su Qiyang and the others and smiled. "How can you bear to come and see me, this old man?"    


The old man was spirited and looked very amiable.    


Only then did Su Qiyang bring Yu Xiaowen over to welcome him. His attitude was respectful but did not lose his style. He said, "The elders are no longer here, and do not dare to go up and pay a visit!"    


"An excuse!" Old Mr. Lu smiled and cursed.    


His gaze seemed to inadvertently sweep over Yu Xiaowen.    


Su Qiyang immediately introduced, "Grandpa Lu, this is my wife Yu Xiaowen. "    


"Hello!" Yu Xiaowen had a restrained question mark, but she did not dare to call him grandpa!    


Mr. Lu was surprised, but then he said angrily, "When did you get married? How come I didn't know? What's wrong with your grandma? She didn't even know to invite me for such a big thing? "    


" Grandpa Lu misunderstood. " Su Qiyang held Yu Xiaowen's hand tightly and explained, "My grandmother still doesn't know about Xiaowen. We are free to fall in love. "    



Old Mr. Lu frowned even more and said sternly, "Ridiculous. Even if we are free to fall in love, we should still meet our parents. Have you guys held a wedding? If your grandmother knew that you hid it from her, how sad would she be? "    


Su Qiyang shook his head and said, "It's not that we are hiding it from grandma, but we haven't found a chance. We haven't had a wedding yet. But when we do it later, I'll definitely treat you to a wedding banquet. "    


"En!" Mr. Lu nodded his head. He looked at Yu Xiaowen with a look of disagreement.    


In his opinion, it was not proper to get married without seeing his parents and elders. If he knew that the two of them were still married with children, he would not agree. He would probably lose his temper.    


He was not Su Qiyang's grandfather, but he had a lot of face in the upper class of Rongcheng. Even Su Qiyang's grandmother respected him.    


Su Qiyang did not like the way he looked at Yu Xiaowen.    


He originally wanted to introduce Yu Xiaowen to the people in his circle while sending her baseball, but now it seemed that his idea was not mature enough.    


He took out the baseball from his pocket and said, "Junior came to deliver this. I don't know who threw it in my house's courtyard. "    


Mr. Lu frowned. There was no need to pay a visit personally for such a small matter.    


The butler of the Lu family explained beside him, "It should be when the young lady from abroad was playing with the third young master. She accidentally threw it over. "    


He mentioned his granddaughter who came back from abroad. Old Man Lu thought of something. He sized Su Qiyang up and asked, "I don't think I have seen you and that child of the third young master in a long time, right?"    


"After I worked with Third Young Master, because the scope of my work was different, I gradually lost contact with him over the years. "    


Su Qiyang said it in a pleasant way.    


The grudge between him and the Lu family's third young master, Lu Ziang, could be traced back to elementary school. Because he was more liked by his teachers and classmates, that kid always went against him. It would be strange if they had some kind of relationship.    


Only seniors like them thought that they were having a good time. Actually, it was only during the festivities and gatherings of big families that they met once or twice.    


"It just so happens that I have a granddaughter who came back from overseas to play with Ziang in the back garden. You just happened to be here. Stay here for dinner today and play with them. Let's get to know each other. "    


Su Qiyang did not want to directly refuse and said, "This is not good. I still have. . . "    


Lu Ziang interrupted him in a domineering manner, "You child, we haven't seen each other for so long. Grandfather can't even keep you to eat!"    


"No!" Su Qiyang looked at Yu Xiaowen, who was beside him.    


Mr. Lu saw his gaze and said, "Your wife can stay too. It's good that young people know each other. "    


As he spoke, he used an unquestionable expectation to direct the butler beside him and said, "Go and call Ol 'Three and Charlotte over, tell them that there are guests at home. "    


"Yes!" The butler received the order and left.    


Su Qiyang frowned slightly. It was as if he was riding a tiger and riding a tiger.    


"Let's go into the house and take a seat," Mr. Lu gestured for them to take a seat and then shouted at the maid. "Go, get some coffee and snacks over here. "    


His loud voice suddenly raised the volume, startling Yu Xiaowen. Her arms, which were hugging Su Qiyang's arm, tightened again.    


From the corner of his eyes, Mr. Lu saw that he was dissatisfied with her again.    


When the others saw that Mr. Lu wanted to meet with them, they all made excuses to leave. He did not stay and came back after sending them off. He saw that Jizi's grandson and granddaughter had come back from the backyard together.    


He pointed to the house and said to them, "Ziang, look who's here. "    


Lu Ziang said, "Grandpa, as long as it's not a blind date, I'll be happy to see anyone!"    


What he said was true. He was only twenty-six today, and his family was in a hurry to get him a blind date. It was very annoying. He still wanted to play for a few more years!    


"What nonsense are you talking about!?" Old Mr. Lu pulled a long face again.    


As he spoke, he also entered the room.    


Old Man Lu rushed to Lu Ziang's granddaughter and pointed to Su Qiyang who was standing in the room. He introduced, "Charlotte, this is the grandson of your grandfather's old friend. His name is Su Qiyang. "    


Su Qiyang and Yu Xiaowen looked at the woman called Charlotte.    


"Muh Qing!" Su Qiyang said unhappily. The people he had been looking for had actually appeared next door to him!    


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