CEO Loves Contract Wife Limitlessly

C274 Why Did You Lie to Her?

C274 Why Did You Lie to Her?

0Since the last time she heard Xiao Xuelin's scary words at the bar, Muh Qing was so scared that she did not dare to invite her again for a few days.    


But that idea was planted in her heart like a seed. As time passed, Su Qiyang avoided it and gradually took root and germinated.    


"Senior, why didn't you come to the company to deal with such an important matter? A video conference. Although it's possible, it's still inconvenient. Come to the company!" The more Muh Qing spoke, the more she felt that she was too humble.    


But she had no other choice. She gradually started to cry.    


If this continued, Su Qiyang would forever only look at her as a junior!    


No way!    


She wanted to throw away her reservations and let Su Qiyang understand her heart. She wanted to let him know that in this world, there were other women silently worshipping him, liking him, and wanting to give him the best.    


Muh Qing gritted her teeth and decided to throw caution to the wind. She wanted to say what she wanted to say.    


With the mentality of staking everything on the line, she softly begged, "Senior, can you come back to Young Master, please? I, I have something to tell you. It's very important, very important!"    


She paused for a second and said with a red face: "Do you still remember when you were in France? As long as I have something to do, you and Shaohao will always follow me. "    


"That was in the past, and because of the whole school, there are only three of us with yellow skin. " Su Qiyang mercilessly exposed her fantasy. To be precise, the one who followed along was Cui Shaohao. He was forcefully pulled over to make up the numbers.    


Muh Qing's face turned pale and said, "But I am still your junior? Isn't this not changing? And as long as you are willing, I can still. . . "    


Su Qiyang interrupted him. My wife is looking for me. Do you have anything else? If not, I'm hanging up! "    


It was that Yu Xiaowen again!    


There was no one else around and Muh Qing's expression became ferocious. She was so angry that she hung up the phone.    




Then she shouted loudly as if she was venting, but the resentment and anger in her heart did not decrease at all!    


The method that Xiao Xuelin said that she wanted to kill Yu Xiaowen that day grew crazily in her heart and instantly grew into a big tree.    


Muh Qing's face was gloomy as she called Xiao Xuelin and went straight to the point, "What is the method that you previously mentioned to deal with Yu Xiaowen? Quickly tell me!"    


Xiao Xuelin's red lips curled up at the other side of the receiver.    


. . .    


In the villa's garden, after Muh Qing hurriedly hung up the phone on Su Qiyang's side, Mo Ran's eyebrows slightly knitted, and he had a vague feeling of uneasiness.    


"Qiyang? What are you doing? I'm asking you a question. " Yu Xiaowen stood up from under the little Acacia Tree that she had just planted and looked at her in puzzlement.    


Su Qiyang came back to his senses and said, "No, the psychologist said that you need to wait until you have fully recovered before you can go and see Qing'an. "    


After this period of treatment, Yu Xiaowen's condition had clearly improved. Yesterday, she even smiled at Yu Tong, and that little guy happily pouted his mouth for the whole day. Then today, she was able to receive treatment from a psychiatrist alone, and she felt better.    


Thus, she just told him that she wanted to see Qing'an.    


Even if she was really better today, Su Qiyang could not promise her. Until now, there was still no news from the little girl. Although it was good news that there was no news, he could not tell Yu Xiaowen. What if she broke down because of this? What should he do?    


"How long do I have to wait?" Yu Xiaowen's voice had a trace of complaint.    


Su Qiyang walked over to her and held her in his arms. He said, "Soon. "    


"You also said very quickly before. " Yu Xiaowen muttered discontentedly.    


"It was different before and now. Now you can talk to Yu Tong nicely. "    


Yu Xiaowen also had a smile on her face when Yu Tong was mentioned. Through guidance, although she still had a place in her heart for the little guy, her malice towards him was indeed much less.    


She thought for a while, looked up at Su Qiyang, and said, "Let's go and see what the little guy is doing, okay?"    


She did not dare to see Yu Tong alone, so she pulled Su Qiyang to accompany her.    


"Okay. " Whatever she wanted to do, Su Qiyang felt good about it.    


Ring, ring, ring. . . .    


Su Qiyang's phone rang again. Yu Xiaowen asked curiously, "What is it?"    


He looked at the screen and frowned. "It's about work. "    


It was Muh Qing. Su Qiyang pressed the button and put the phone in his pocket. He held Yu Xiaowen and continued to walk.    


Ring, ring, ring, ring. . . .    


His phone rang again.    


Su Qiyang's expression was very bad.    


Yu Xiaowen saw it and advised, "You haven't been to the company for many days. It might be a very important matter. You can take it first!"    


Su Qiyang hesitated for a moment and pressed the answer button.    


Muh Qing's voice came from the receiver, "Do you still remember the favor you said before? I want you to exchange it now!"    


"What do you want to exchange for?" A sense of unease struck Su Qiyang's heart once again.    


"I want you to return to the company in half an hour and spit out all the money I invested in you. " Muh Qing's voice was cold and did not have the gentleness from before.    


Su Qiyang frowned and said, "Okay, I will deal with it later. "    


"No, I don't believe you. I want you to come over immediately to deal with it for me. This is what you owe me. " Muh Qing's attitude was very resolute.    


Su Qiyang pursed his lips and did not say anything.    


Muh Qing mocked: "So this is how the so-called CEO of the Su's goes back on his word. It is indeed because I am blind and blind. "    



Yu Xiaowen could not hear what Su Qiyang said to the person who called, but seeing his complicated expression, Why don't you go to the company? I'm fine. The psychiatrist said that I recovered very quickly, so I promise you. Stay at home and don't go anywhere. If you are worried, ask the housekeeper to look at me. That should be enough, right?"    


Su Qiyang gave her a deep look, and then said to her opponent: "Okay, I'll be right there!"    


After he hung up the phone, he looked at Yu Xiaowen and did not leave.    


Yu Xiaowen smiled and pushed him, "Okay, don't be reluctant. It's not like you won't come back. "    


At this time, Yu Tong also came out. He stood far away and asked nervously, "Daddy, Mommy, I finished my homework. Can I play with you guys?"    


Su Qiyang looked at Yu Xiaowen.    


Yu Xiaowen smiled and waved at Yu Tong, saying, "Daddy has something to do and needs to go out for a while. You can play with Mommy, okay?"    


Yu Tong suppressed his excitement and walked to Yu Xiaowen's side, saying obediently, "Yes, I have long wanted to play with Mommy. "    


"Good child!" Yu Xiaowen praised him and patted his furry head. She gave him a spade in her hand and said, "Then let's grow flowers together!"    


"Okay!" Yu Tong nodded heavily and followed Yu Xiaowen's hand to get the flowers.    


Su Qiyang looked at the two of them getting along harmoniously and felt that everything had returned to the past.    


He watched for a long time before he turned around and left. Before he drove away, he specially instructed the butler to keep an eye on Yu Xiaowen and not let her run around.    


Under the repeated promises of the butler, he then drove away with an uneasy heart!    


He thought that this uneasiness came from Muh Qing.    


The black Maybach drove out of the villa district's gate and a red lotus drove in. Inside sat Muh Qing herself.    


She looked at Su Qiyang's car through the black lens, and her eyes were filled with determination.    


Muh Qing drove to Su Qiyang's house smoothly. She was not in a hurry to tell the security guards why she came. Instead, she called Yu Xiaowen. She moved her lips up and down and the door of the villa slowly opened in front of her eyes.    


She thought that this was the only good thing about Yu Xiaowen and it was very easy for her to trust others.    


When Muh Qing appeared, the housekeeper's face immediately darkened. He strode towards Yu Xiaowen and said, "Madam, why did you let her in again?"    


"What happened to her?" Yu Xiaowen did not understand and said, "Uncle housekeeper, don't have such bad intentions towards her. She has helped Su Qiyang a lot. We need to be polite. Go to the kitchen and prepare some tea!"    


Last time, it was because of her that he did not know what she had said to his wife. This time, no matter what he said, he had to keep an eye on his wife.    


"The tea has been specially prepared by the maids. I don't need to go there myself. " It was rare for the butler to refuse.    


Yu Xiaowen shook her head helplessly and joked, "Then you can watch from afar. Don't follow me. With your fierce look, I'm afraid you will eat him. "    


The butler was surprised. When did he eat people?    


Yu Xiaowen walked away with a smile and went to greet Muh Qing.    


Yu Tong obediently carried the small wooden bucket and shovel and followed behind.    


"Long time no see, Miss Mu. " After getting closer, Yu Xiaowen greeted with a smile.    


Muh Qing was stunned for a moment. It was more than a week since the last time they met. Did she forget about this?    


No wonder Qiyun said Yu Xiaowen was like a piece of paper now and very easy to fool.    


She also had a smile on her face and hypocritically asked with concern. "Long time no see. Are you feeling better?"    


"I'm feeling better, thank you for remembering" Yu Xiaowen pulled the corner of her clothes uneasily and asked, "You just said on the phone, what happened to my daughter? She's in the hospital. Is she alright?"    


Muh Qing looked at her in surprise and thought, what did Su Qiyang tell her to make her think that Qing'an was still in the hospital?    


She asked puzzledly, "Nothing? Haven't you found your daughter yet? It just so happens that I have nothing to do today. I just wanted to ask if I should help you find her. "    


Yu Tong had no idea that this strange woman had suddenly appeared. He simply told her that his sister had not been found. It would be terrible if Mommy knew that her daddy had lied to her. He quickly scolded her loudly, "What nonsense are you talking about? My sister has been found. She's in the hospital now! Mommy, don't believe her osmanthus. In a few days, when you get better, We'll go and see our sister. "    


Yu Xiaowen looked at Yu Tong and then at Muh Qing. Her face slowly turned pale.    


No wonder, no wonder. She had long felt that something was wrong. It turned out that they were all lying to her.    


Su Qiyang had not allowed her to see his daughter. He had even refused to tell her that it was because of her illness and that it was not suitable for her to see a child. It was all a lie!    


Why did he lie to her?    


Why did they lie to her?    


Wasn't she suffering enough? She had to suffer the pain of losing her daughter once again!    


Her heart was in so much pain!    


Yu Xiaowen grabbed her clothes and spat out a mouthful of blood.    


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