CEO Loves Contract Wife Limitlessly

C246 His Mouth must be so Poisonous?

C246 His Mouth must be so Poisonous?

0The reason Wu Kui could not stand it anymore was because he saw that Qiyun had started to give clothes and toys to the president's wife. Who did he think he was? The father of the child in the wife's womb?    


Were these things supposed to be given to him?    


Of course, he told Yu Xiaowen that Su Qiyang had done a lot of things for her in silence. He also did not forget to show off what he had done to Su Zong. At the same time, he also reported what Qiyun had done.    


Director Su only said in a flat tone, "Got it. "    


But Wu Kui had followed him for so many years. He still did not understand that he had done the right thing.    


What exactly Su Qiyang's reaction was? For the time being, he did not know, but Yu Xiaowen felt even more guilty in her heart. She no longer had that bit of determination in her heart. She didn't really care about Wu Kui's tone as if he was accusing her of cheating on her.    


Her mind was thinking about how she should admit her mistake to Su Qiyang when she went back at night.    


She did not think of any good ideas until she got off work.    


She decided to go home and ask Yu Tong if he had any good ideas. Although the little guy often pretended to be a little bunny in front of her and Su Qiyang, her son knew very well that he was actually much smarter than ordinary children.    


His little brain must have many special ideas.    


"Tong, Tong, where are you? Mommy is looking for you!"    


Yu Xiaowen shouted as soon as she entered the room. When her eyes searched the room, she saw Su Qiyang's tall figure standing in the living room as if he had just finished talking to the little guy. One big and one small looked at him in unison.    


Yu Tong looked back at Su Qiyang and said to Yu Xiaowen, "Mommy, are you looking for me? But I still have homework to finish. I will go upstairs and do my homework first. If there is anything, wait for me to finish my homework first!"    


With that, he ran to the second floor. Just like someone was chasing him from behind.    


This damned child!    


With Su Qiyang around, Yu Xiaowen could not chase after him either! She could only think of going back to settle the score. Alright!    


Because of the cold war with Su Qiyang, the two of them had actually left early and returned late these few days on purpose. This way, they did not need to meet again.    


She stood awkwardly at the door and did not dare to enter the house. Thinking of what Wu Kui had said today, she hesitated for a long time and said in a mosquito like voice, "You came back so early!"    


Su Qiyang saw her like this and laughed in his heart.    


After Wu Kui showed him what he did, he knew what reaction Yu Xiaowen would have.    


This woman was easily soft-hearted and could not bear to see others treat her well!    


If a person was good to her, she would think that the other party was a good person?    


Otherwise, how could a man with Qiyun's mental state become a good child in her eyes? Why did he insist on being the elder sister of the other party? He was sold by the other party and even helped the other party count the money!    


What did she think he was angry about?    


He was angry that she believed in people so randomly. When she found out the truth, she would be sad and sad!    


Su Qiyang had long stopped being angry in his heart. Seeing that she was twisting and turning, and also seemed to be unwilling, he was very unhappy in his heart. She could always easily trust others, but why was she so bashful when it came to him?    


He decided to count to a hundred in his heart. If she still didn't come over and admit her mistake properly, he would decide to chill her for another day.    


Thinking of this, he really began to count in his heart. One, two, three. . .    


He counted to fifty. When he was starting to panic, Yu Xiaowen finally mustered up her courage and took a few steps forward.    


She threw the bag to the side of the sofa and did not stop walking. She continued to walk in front of Su Qiyang and hugged his waist. She looked up at her and said in a soft voice, "Let's stop the cold war. Okay? In my stomach And your children?"    


As he spoke, She didn't know what was wrong with herself, either. Her nose was slightly sore, and her eyes instantly turned red.    


She even felt wronged!    


Su Qiyang looked at her pitiful appearance and had no way to do anything to her. His expression eased up and he reached out to hug her. He lowered his head and kissed her red eyes. He said helplessly, "Alright, we won't have a cold war anymore. "    


"Yes!" Her nose was filled with grievance.    


Who should be the one feeling wronged?    


Su Qiyang's heart was gloomy. He wished he could bite her a few times and slowly feel depressed in his heart.    


But he could not bear to. He suddenly said, "Shall we go on vacation? You, me, Yu Tong has not been with each other for a long time. It has been a long time. "    


It had been more than half a year since the last time they were alone.    


"Okay!" Yu Xiaowen immediately agreed.    


She felt guilty towards Su Qiyang in her heart. Naturally, whatever he said would be what he said!    


Su Qiyang was clear and angry in his heart. It was because of this that it was very easy to be used by others.    


Yu Xiaowen's chin was pressed against his chest as she asked, "About Yuyan's matter, was it you who helped him?"    


Su Qiyang nodded with a cold face, but his expression seemed to be. . . Besides, was there anyone else besides him?    


"Thank you!" Yu Xiaowen grinned at him.    


Su Qiyang looked down at her, unmoved.    


Yu Xiaowen smiled flatteringly at him. She tiptoed and kissed his chin. It could not be helped. The height difference between the two of them was there. She stood on her tiptoes to teach and could only kiss his chin.    


Because of his kiss, Su Qiyang's expression became much better.    


She quickly and seriously said, "And I'm sorry. The words that I said at your company were all words of anger. I didn't mean it "    


A flash of pain appeared in Su Qiyang's eyes. He pursed his lips and said, "I know, but I didn't think that way that day. "    


In other words, he took it seriously that day. It must have been very painful, right?    


If he had said his words, she would have felt so much pain that she would have died.    



Yu Xiaowen felt even more guilty in her heart. She said, "Actually, after I said it that day, I knew that I was wrong. But I love my face and forced myself not to apologize to you!"    


Su Qiyang said again, "I know!"    


How could he not be?    


If he did not care so much about his face, he would stop Yu Xiaowen and make things clear. The two of them wouldn't have been in a cold war for so long.    


Furthermore, if he were to speak seriously, it was actually he who hid some things from Yu Xiaowen and did not tell her. It was no wonder that she would have emotions.    


Being looked at by her clear and guilt-filled eyes, Su Qiyang's heart rippled. He kissed her on her forehead with love and tenderness like a dragonfly touching the water. Then he said, "Alright, it's all in the past. Let's think about where to go for vacation. "    


. . .    


The exclusive location was Sri Lanka Island.    


When Su Qiyang said sit down, three days later, the family of three appeared in a five-star hotel in Sri Lanka.    


Yu Xiaowen received a call from Qiyun the moment she landed.    


She told him about her vacation, but Qiyun did not say anything else. He only said to keep in touch. Yu Xiaowen even mocked him. She went alone and did not do anything bad. She would be back in a week at most. He did not need to worry so much.    


He did not expect that when she just arrived at the hotel, he would call. Was this considered a good time?    


Su Qiyang glanced at her phone. Seeing Qiyun, he immediately frowned and took the call.    


"Ai, you?"    


Yu Xiaowen shook her head helplessly and let him go.    


In any case, she now understood that a jealous man should not be provoked, or else she would be the one suffering.    


She just stood over and carefully listened to what he wanted to say to Qiyun.    


After the call connected, she heard Qiyun's clear voice, "Sister, did you land safely?"    


Su Qiyang's face immediately darkened, and he said, "She's not here. What's the matter?"    


After a few seconds of silence, Qiyun said, "Nothing. I just wanted to call and ask. My sister just arrived safely. Since I know she got there safely, I'm relieved. I'm hanging up! "    


Su Qiyang did not let him hang up just like that.    


He said, "She is with me. I will not let anyone hurt her. When the time comes, please remember that you're not her biological brother. Don't call her that intimately!"    


After saying that, he hung up the phone with a "Pa!" sound.    


Yu Xiaowen looked at him speechlessly. Where did Qiyun offend him? He was so unhappy, and he even said some strange words to declare sovereignty?    


Forget it. She would explain it to Qi Yang when she returned to the country!    


That kid should not be angry because of this.    


"Give me the phone!" Yu Xiaowen reached out her hand to get her phone back.    


Su Qiyang did not give her the phone. Instead, he stuffed it into his pocket and said confidently, "It is vacation time now. You cannot be distracted!"    


Yu Xiaowen rolled her eyes at the sky. It was just an extra phone. Why did it distract her?    


But in the end, she did not take the phone back. The former went to the restaurant and just got off the plane. She wanted to eat something to fill her stomach first so that she could come back to sleep to recharge her jet lag.    


For the next seven days, Su Qiyang did not return his phone to Yu Xiaowen. He had also received several calls from Qiyun. In front of Yu Xiaowen, he had even said some irritating things. Yu Xiaowen did not even look at his childish actions.    


Besides this matter, they had had a lot of fun during these seven days.    


Yu Xiaowen and Su Qiyang both felt that this time, they had come alone at the right time. They also felt that time passed very quickly. When they were about to return to the country, the family of three was reluctant to part.    


After returning to the country, Yu Xiaowen took her phone back from Su Qiyang, but the first call she received was from Qiyun. It was Yuyan.    


Yuyan said, "The scandal from last time has finally come to an end. Do you have time recently? We have an appointment to have a meal. I apologize to you, but this time, no matter what, I have to pay! "    


Yu Xiaowen smiled. She did not expect him to still remember that matter.    


She opened her mouth and wanted to agree, but Su Qiyang glared at her.    


She could only change her words and say, "Really, there is no need. You are too polite!"    


With his previous experience, Yuyan immediately guessed that it must be some jealous king watching from the side.    


He said, "If Mr. Su is worried, you can come with me. "    


Su Qiyang heard his name and could not continue to watch. He moved closer to Yu Xiaowen's face and said to the phone, "If you have time to ask my wife out for dinner every day, why not train yourself to act? I heard that your new movie's box office box office fell, right?"    


This sentence made Yuyan, who had such a good temper, speechless.    


Could he be blamed for the box office failure of that new movie? It was the peak period of his scandal with Yu Xiaowen during that period of time. It would be strange if the box office sales were good!    


Now that the scandal had gone down, wouldn't the box office slowly rise?    


There was no need for his mouth to be so vicious!    


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