CEO Loves Contract Wife Limitlessly

C223 What's Mine Is Yours

C223 What's Mine Is Yours

0Yu Tao stood in front of Yu Xiaowen's house and knocked on the door for more than ten minutes. There were all kinds of unpleasant words in his mouth. Yu Xiaowen covered her ears, but those unpleasant words still went into her ears without missing a single word.    


At this point, she completely lost the last bit of familial love she had for Yu Tao.    


In the end, the neighbor could not bear to listen anymore. He opened the door and cursed, "Are you finished?! Sir, I think it's right for your daughter to ignore you. The words in your mouth seem to be directed at your own child. I can't listen to them. "    


"If you can't listen, then don't listen!" Yu Tao retorted.    


"Sigh, your words are really interesting. This is our door. You are shouting here, and you don't even allow me to say a few words!" The neighbor also had a stubborn temper. He immediately got excited and said, "I'm warning you, if you make another noise, I'll call property management over to dare people!"    


In the end, Yu Tao only dared to show off in front of Yu Xiaowen.    


Separated by the door, Yu Xiaowen did not hear what he muttered in a low voice. He was called by the neighbor. He probably could not hold it in anymore and left.    


Very quickly, there was no movement at the door.    


Yu Xiaowen did not dare to open the door to see if he had left or not. She hugged her knees as she sat at the door and did not notice the flow of time. Dried dewdrops hung on her palm sized face as she stared blankly at the ground.    


Time wouldn't stop because of anyone.    


The sky quickly darkened as usual. She was still sitting at the door, almost eternally a sculpture.    


It was only when the sound of the keys shaking came from the door, as well as the conversation between Su Qiyang and Yu Tong.    


"Daddy? When will younger sister come out?"    


The last time they had an examination at the hospital, they did not find out whether Yu Xiaowen was a man or a woman. She was still alright, but Su Qiyang really wanted a daughter. Because of him, Yu Tong also wanted a younger sister.    


Thus, the two of them unilateral thought that the one in Yu Xiaowen's womb was a girl.    


Then Su Qiyang patiently answered, "About eight months?"    


"How long is eight months? Three hundred days?" The little guy counted with his fingers.    


Yu Xiaowen listened and quickly used her sleeve to wipe away her tears. Actually, a long time had passed and there was no longer any trace of tears on her face.    


Because he had sat for too long, his legs were a little sore.    


He suddenly got up and his body swayed a little. Fortunately, she held onto the wall and did not fall back down.    




The door was opened from the outside and Su Qiyang's line of sight met Yu Xiaowen's.    


Yu Xiaowen squeezed out a smile and said, "You're back? I'm going to open the door for you!"    


"Mommy!" Yu Tong threw himself into her arms.    


Su Qiyang did not doubt it and said, "I have the key. You don't have to help me open the door. What if I fall?"    


He complained and closed the door.    


"I'm not made of paper. How can I fall with just a few steps?" She wasn't a child. He really didn't have to take care of her in every detail.    


"What if?"    


Of course he knew that she was not made of paper. It was just that he couldn't control his worry.    


Yu Xiaowen smiled and did not reply. After standing at the door for a while, she felt her legs go numb. She also felt much better, and only then did she lead Yu Tong into the house. Su Qiyang followed behind him. He was still carrying the ingredients that he had bought along the way. After entering the living room, he turned around and entered the kitchen. He carefully placed the ingredients into the ingredients.    


If this was in the past, no one would dare to think about it.    


Now, he was clearly very familiar with it.    


Yu Tong entered the living room and turned on the television to watch anime. Yu Xiaowen stood in the living room for a while before entering the kitchen.    


Seeing him packing the ingredients, she walked over to help hand over the food and asked, "Do you have anything you want to eat tonight?"    


Su Qiyang turned around and looked at her. His mouth seemed to have touched honey as he said, "As long as it's made by you, I like to eat it!"    


Yu Xiaowen glared at him snappily. There was affection in her eyes as she scolded, "Get up. I am talking to you seriously!"    


"I'm also talking seriously. Who's not serious?!" He immediately put on a stern face, proving that he was also very serious.    


"Idiot!" Yu Xiaowen scolded him with a smile, not like to bicker with him.    


Su Qiyang looked at her deeply. After a while, he suddenly said, "I don't want you to go back to Yu's to work!" His tone was very serious, and it carried an exceptional persistence.    


Yu Xiaowen's hand holding the can stopped and did not look at him.    


He added: "I know what you want to say? I can understand, but this time, listen to me, okay? Don't go back to the Yu's. Is it because of me? "    


This time, he didn't speak to the child in her womb. He just stood on his own side and begged her.    


Yu Xiaowen bit her lips. What Yu Tao did yesterday and today had caused her to completely lose her familial love for Yu Tao. However, she had never thought of giving up on the Yu's. She was confident that even if she returned to the Yu's to work, Yu Tao wouldn't dare to do anything to her.    


Perhaps she would be happy because she had returned. This also meant that Su Qiyang would continue to sponsor the Yu's.    


She had thought of many ways to take back the Yu's without Su Qiyang's help, but none of them was feasible.    


She could tell from Su Qiyang's tone that he wanted to attack the Yu's this time. He had wanted to attack the Yu's before this, but because he was afraid of her, he hadn't attacked the Yu's.    


Thinking of what Yu Tao said today, Yu Xiaowen hardened her heart.    


Su Qiyang did not say anything. After putting everything into the fridge, he quietly looked at Yu Xiaowen, wanting to get her answer, but he advised her, "Don't worry, you can think about it slowly too!" As long as she thought it through, he could do it at any time!    


No matter what, he would make Yu Tao pay for what he said!    


Since the Yu's was so important to him, he would start with the Yu's first. Coincidentally, Yu Xiaowen had been wanting to take back her mother-in-law's inheritance. He knew that she had been quietly buying the shares of the Yu's. He had also made some people pay attention to her and secretly bought some shares.    


As long as she agreed, the Yu's would belong to her tomorrow!    



After a long time, Yu Xiaowen raised her head and said, "Alright, I won't go to the Yu's anymore. I will wait until the child is born!"    


The reason why she agreed was not entirely because of the child. It was just that she could not say those perverted words to Su Qiyang, so she used the child to say it.    


But she didn't need to worry, because from the look in her eyes, Su Qiyang already understood her intentions.    


Yu Xiaowen's release made Su Qiyang very happy, and he immediately announced, "I will make dinner for today!"    


Uh. . .    


The food he made was not bad. It was just that there were only a few dishes to prevent pregnancy. Because there were many connections, the taste was not bad. The other dishes were really too horrible to look at. When Yu Xiaowen did not have pregnancy, she immediately accepted the kitchen's work.    


Su Qiyang saw her questioning eyes and a thin layer of red appeared on his handsome face.    


He said, "I can make broccoli bacon spaghetti!"    


This was a delicacy that he currently knew how to make, and it was not bad.    


Yu Tong had been watching an advertisement in an anime and had no idea when he had come to the kitchen. He stood at the door, and when he heard Su Qiyang say he wanted to make bacon spaghetti, he immediately raised his hand and said, "I want spaghetti, I want to eat it!"    


Black lines appeared on Yu Xiaowen's forehead. Only the little guy was so supportive of his spaghetti!    


She turned around to look at Su Qiyang and saw that he was satisfied and proud because of Yu Tong's support.    


Yu Xiaowen also did not want to discourage him and said, "Alright, I'll listen to Yu Tong and eat spaghetti tonight!"    


"Yay!" Yu Tong cheered.    


. . .    


The next day, Su Qiyang woke up early. After sending Yu Tong off to school, he made another trip home. Because he didn't need to go to work, and because he wanted to be ruthless after doing it, Yu Xiaowen was still lying in bed. He gently opened the door and entered the room. He did not make a sound and went straight to the bedroom.    


"Why did you come back again? Did Tong send her to school?" Yu Xiaowen still did not open her eyes. She was too tired but she was not scared. The Qi coming from Su Qiyang was very familiar and gave her a great sense of security.    


Su Qiyang saw that she was very tired, and his heart ached again.    


He said, "Tong has been delivered. You can continue sleeping. I just came back to tell you about the matter. After that, I will leave!"    


"Yes!" Yu Xiaowen obediently replied, and said, "Go ahead!"    


"Didn't you secretly let Zhao Lu acquire the Yu's's shares?" He said, "Give me all the shares!"    


Yu Xiaowen opened her eyes and thought, How did he know about me secretly buying the shares? But on second thought, Zhao Lu had long betrayed him and was considered half her person. It was no wonder that he would know!    


She protested, "Zhao Lu is my person. Don't think about poaching her from me!"    


Su Qiyang smiled and lowered his head to bite the tip of her nose. He said, "I won't poach her. She is your person. When the Yu's completely belongs to you, I will also let you use Wu. "    


Mr Wu?    


Yu Xiaowen's eyes lit up. She had already witnessed Wu Kui's ability to handle matters. How could Su Qiyang be willing to give it to her?    


Seeing the doubt in her eyes, Su Qiyang unhappily declared, "Mine is yours!"    


Yu Xiaowen grinned at him and was deeply afraid that he would go back on his word. She said, "Then you can just tell Zhao Lu. Do you still need to ask me?"    


This woman!    


He asked because he respected her!    


Su Qiyang did not know what to say to her. She was certain that he would not be willing to do anything to her!    


"Have a good rest. See how I'll deal with you when I come back tonight!" He bit the tip of her nose again hatefully. He ground it for a long time before reluctantly letting her go.    


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