CEO Loves Contract Wife Limitlessly

C110 Legendary R

C110 Legendary R



Yu Xiaowen went to work at the magazine as usual and met Mr Ziqian at the entrance.    


Ever since the last time, the two of them had a tacit understanding and did not mention it again, but their relationship had unknowingly changed.    


It was unknown whether it was intentional or not, but she had never been alone with Mr Ziqian. Every time when there were two people present, there would definitely be other colleagues by her side.    


But today, it was obvious that only he and her had arrived early.    


Other than the security guards, there seemed to be no one else in the magazine building. Yu Xiaowen had never thought that she would meet him like this. After feeling a little awkward in her heart, she still took the initiative to speak. "Morning, Mr Ziqian. "    


She tried her best to maintain her tone so that no abnormalities could be detected.    


Yao Ziqian seemed to be thinking about something. He only noticed her when he heard Yu Xiaowen's shout. He smiled slightly and his tone was still gentle. "It's Xiaowen. "    


Yu Xiaowen nodded. The two of them naturally walked the same path, but they did not speak anymore. The atmosphere was a little awkward.    


The office was upstairs. They were a distance away from the elevator, so it would take some time for them to take the elevator up. After being alone for so long, not speaking seemed to be wrong.    


"Cough cough. " Yao Ziqian coughed twice and tried to find a topic to talk to. "Do you have any news that you need to write recently?"    


Yu Xiaowen also braced herself and made small talk. "There is no big news. It is mainly gossip about those celebrities. "    


Yao Ziqian could hear the tiredness in her voice and said kindly, "If you don't like entertainment news that much, you can also find some other interviews to change your mood. "    


As reporters, they all had a little idealism in their hearts. Any reporter who had some ambition would not want their life to revolve around celebrity reporters.    


As reporters, no one understood her mood better than Yao Ziqian.    


"How can it be that easy?" Yu Xiaowen was a little happy. She chatted with Mr Ziqian like this, as if their relationship had returned to the past.    


As they spoke, both of them went to the elevator.    


Yao Ziqian suddenly remembered something and said, "Oh, right. Do you know designer R?"    


"Designer R?" Yu Xiaowen searched in her mind and asked, "What about that Japanese jewelry designer R?"    


Yao Ziqian nodded solemnly and said, "I heard that he is going back to China to develop and open an independent studio. "    


"Really?" Yu Xiaowen was in disbelief.    


Designer R was a famous figure in the art world. Not only was he a jewelry designer, but he was also an excellent custom-made fashion designer. Furthermore, he was a foreigner. Back when he went into the European and American design circles, the European and American design circles were jealous of him. They didn't even give him the identity of a foreigner.    


Designer R completely relied on his own ability and talent to win the love of everyone. He became the first godfather figure to enter the European and American design circles.    


If he returned to China, he would definitely bring a wave of shock to the domestic fashion design circle.    


Yu Xiaowen wanted to receive an exclusive interview with R. She asked Yao Ziqian, "Senior, how do you know all this?"    


"Oh, it's just that some of the university students know each other and said it in the group. " Yao Ziqian explained lightly. His eyes as gentle as jade looked at her and asked, "Do you want to do an interview?"    


Yu Xiaowen nodded. Just like what he said, she could change her mood.    


"Yes. If you really want to do this interview, I will help you ask about the exact time and date of his return. "    


"Thank you, Mr Ziqian. "    


Yao Ziqian smiled. He wanted Yu Xiaowen to do the interview herself. It would be best if she took the initiative to ask.    


After returning to the office, he quickly called his former classmates in America and asked him to help check R's itinerary. He promised them a lot of benefits before he got the itinerary.    


After he received the email of the itinerary, he immediately forwarded it to Yu Xiaowen.    


After Yu Xiaowen wrote down R's itinerary, in order to not panic when she saw people, she could also express her sincerity. She spent several days on the Internet in order to understand more things related to R.    


Every day when Su Qiyang came back, he saw her busy, and her mouth kept muttering R, R, R, and Cu. She drank half a jar of vinegar, and because she knew that the other party was a slutty old man, she was even laughed at by Yu Tong, that stinky brat.    


On the day R returned to the country, she got up early. After tidying up and preparing for a while, she went to pick him up valiantly.    


When Su Qiyang saw her go out, he raised his eyebrows and did not say anything. He only took care of the matter of sending Yu Tong away.    


Yu Xiaowen waited an hour earlier in the departure hall of the airport.    


But when she waited left and right until the airport was filled with five or six planes flying away, she felt that it was a little strange.    


She took a picture of her colleague beside her, who was holding a camera, and asked, "You're also here to pick up an R?"    


That person looked at her with a baffled expression and said, "R? Which R? I'm here to pick up my wife. "    


" Er, I'm sorry. I made a mistake. " Yu Xiaowen hurriedly apologized and walked away with a smile.    


She found a quiet place to call Yao Ziqian.    


Yao Ziqian was writing a report. As he answered the phone, he typed on the keyboard, "What's wrong? Did you get an R?"    


"No. " If she did not want to believe him, Yu Xiaowen should have met Yao Ziqian at this time. Are you lying to her? She had waited for four hours, but he still did not appear.    


"No?" Yao Ziqian was surprised. He stopped his hand and looked at the watch on his wrist. He said, "That's not right. Even if it was later, that person should have arrived!"    


"The plane is not late. The flight will arrive on time. I have seen everyone, but I did not find R. I thought it might be because R didn't make it in time, so I took the next flight. However, since I flew over from New York, there are only two flights today. "    


Otherwise, she wouldn't have waited so long. What's up with this R? Could it be that he changed his mind at the last minute and didn't come back?    


"Xiaowen, wait a moment. I will ask my friend again. Don't hang up yet. " Yao Ziqian said.    


"Okay. "    


Yu Xiaowen answered. She waited patiently for about seven or eight minutes before Yao Ziqian's voice sounded again.    


He said, "Xiaowen, you can come back now. R has already returned to the country. He came back one day earlier and is now staying in the hotel. "    



Yu Xiaowen's head was full of black lines. She thought to herself, why did this R not play according to reason and caused her to wait for a day in vain.    


She quickly said, "Mr Ziqian, help me ask which hotel R is staying in. "    


"Okay. "    


After waiting for a few more minutes, Yao Ziqian said, "Sorry, Xiaowen. My friend is not clear about this. We still need to check it out ourselves. "    


"Oh, it's fine. Investigate by ourselves. As long as we can confirm that he has already returned to the country. " Yu Xiaowen replied nonchalantly.    


After she hung up on Yao Ziqian, she called Deputy Editor Xu Liang. He was no good at investigating this kind of thing.    


Xu Liang said he needed some time, boss, but when he found out about me, he would send a message to tell you immediately. "    


"Sure, no problem. "    


Yu Xiaowen hung up on Xu Liang again. She estimated that it would be too late to return to the company, so she might as well go home.    


With this thought in mind, she squeezed another hour of the city high-speed rail back.    


Actually, Su Qiyang was afraid that she would have to work hard, so he said that he would give her a car several times, but was rejected by Yu Xiaowen's words. She even used words like "not receiving money without merit" to coax him.    


Su Qiyang could not convince her. He also said that if she was unwilling, he could give her a car every day, but he was still rejected by her words.    


The reason was that he looked too attractive. It was the first time that he had attracted butterflies and bees. If someone said that about him, others would use strangers to avoid him.    


In short, Yu Xiaowen was tormented very badly that night.    


This article was also removed from this matter.    


When Yu Xiaowen returned home, Su Qiyang unexpectedly sat on the sofa in the living room.    


"You don't have to work today?" She changed her shoes and entered the room, asking him curiously. Su Qiyang was a workaholic, and he rarely stayed at home at this time of the day.    


Su Qiyang glanced at him. As if he had foresight, he asked, "No one picked him up. "    


"Yes, he came back one day earlier. "    


"Do you need my help?" Su Qiyang asked again.    


"No need!"    


Yu Xiaowen refused without thinking. This was her job. If she could not even do her job well, how could she be worthy of being the chief editor!    


She changed her shoes and walked to the sofa beside him to sit down. She wore high heels and walked for an entire day. She was so tired!    


After being with Yu Xiaowen for so long, Su Qiyang also understood Yu Xiaowen's temper. She didn't want him to interfere, so he wouldn't interfere.    


Seeing the exhaustion between her brows, Su Qiyang felt a little heartache. He bent down and reached out to grab Yu Xiaowen's ankle.    


"What are you doing?" Yu Xiaowen was shocked. She came very much and wanted to close her eyes to rest for a while. Why did he grab her feet?    


Su Qiyang helplessly glared at her and said, "Don't mess around. I'll help you pinch it. "    


"You know how to massage?" Yu Xiaowen looked at Su Qiyang as if she had seen a new continent. She did not struggle and allowed him to lift her leg and place it on his leg.    


Then, he moved his ten fingers and gently pinched Yu Xiaowen's tight and weak stomach.    


Yu Xiaowen felt comfortable from being pinched. Satisfied, she praised, "I didn't expect you to really, and your massage was very good. It was comparable to a professional massage. "    


Su Qiyang narrowed his eyes. This woman actually compared him to a massage master!    


He used a little strength in his hand and wanted to punish her, but he did not expect Yu Xiaowen to let out a comfortable "Wu. . . " sound.    


His hand paused and the kitten's comfortable voice sounded. Wasn't it only because she was bullied badly in bed that there would be such a sound?    


The black eyes were suddenly ignited with flames, and the ten fingers gradually became unruly. They rubbed and pinched all the way up.    


Yu Xiaowen was pinched until she was comfortable to the point of snorting. Who would have thought that someone would have "evil intentions"? By the time she realized it, she was already pressed down on the sofa and her whole body was weak.    


"Oh. . . " This hooligan was shameless!    


The butler heard from the maid that the Young Madam had also returned. When he thought about how the Young Master was still at home, he attentively prepared some coffee and dessert for the two of them.    


When his feet had yet to step into the living room's threshold, a wave of suppressed panting entered his ears. Young master and young madam, what is this?    


Oh my god!    


It was daytime!    


The housekeeper was so scared that he quickly took back his feet and brought the things back with a red face. He didn't forget to tell the other maids not to go near the living room, at least not for the next three or four hours.    


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