CEO Loves Contract Wife Limitlessly

C294 Sooner or Later the Ugly Girl will Have to See Her In-laws

C294 Sooner or Later the Ugly Girl will Have to See Her In-laws

0Su Qiyang looked at her for a while and suddenly smiled. He was a scholar, and his fingers were slightly bent. He pinched her small nose and said: "Didn't you see Su Lyi? My family doesn't eat people. Look at you!"    


"I didn't!" Yu Xiaowen's face turned slightly red when her thoughts were guessed. She refused to admit that she was weak in her heart. It would be strange if she was not afraid of strangers, especially her family, whom Su Qiyang respected the most.    


She tilted her head and thought for a while before asking, "What did you guys talk about?"    


Yu Xiaowen had a premonition in her heart. She felt that after Su Qiyang went home this time, he probably said something. She might not have to be the woman behind him anymore, but this was not necessarily what she really wanted.    


She knew that hiding from the Su family was not very polite, but there were many things that she would rather hide.    


Let's not talk about other things, let's just talk about one thing. What if they chased after her and asked her about how he and Su Qiyang knew each other?    


How should she answer? Who was she framed by her own sister, had a night with Su Qiyang, and finally got married and fell in love?    


What did they want to think of her?    


Why did they think of the Yu family?    


All in all, she didn't know how to face the Su family, especially the Su family that had a place in the upper class of the Rongcheng since the Republic of China.    


In order not to make her panic even more, Su Qiyang said lightly. "It's nothing. I just casually told grandma about you. She said she had time, so she asked me to bring you back for her to take a look!"    


"This is also called nothing?" Yu Xiaowen angrily punched him with her fist.    


She was extremely flustered in her heart. She was a hundred times more panicked than the ugly girl when she saw her in-laws.    


Su Qiyang allowed her to hit him twice to vent her anger. Anyway, it did not hurt. He held Yu Xiaowen in his arms and comforted her with a smile, "It's really nothing. If you really do not want to see them and can't beat them, I will go again and reject her. Alright!"    


This move was to retreat in order to advance. He had learned it from his grandmother today.    


"Really?" Yu Xiaowen broke free from his embrace and looked at him with her glassy eyes.    


"Of course!" Su Qiyang answered affirmatively, but he changed the topic and said, "It is Grandmother. She should be very disappointed. Her most beloved grandson is married. And the child. It's fine if she's the last one to know, but she didn't even have a chance to meet him. "    


Yu Xiaowen immediately felt guilty in her heart and her face became very awkward.    


Her watery eyes stared at Su Qiyang, and after a while, she asked, "Why don't we let Yu Tong go alone?"    


Su Qiyang saw that she was loosening up, so he was very pleased in his heart. However, he did not show it on his face. He pretended that nothing had happened and said, "It's okay. It's better than not going alone!"    


If he said that, it would be different in Yu Xiaowen's ears.    


Anyway, no matter how she thought about it, it was her fault!    


She had naturally already determined that Su Qiyang was her man, her husband. There was no reason for her to not see any relatives in her family for the rest of her life. On her side, not only had Su Qiyang seen all of her family members, he had also sacrificed a lot of his persistence.    


Let's not talk about other things for now. Let's just talk about Yu Tao. He had done those things. Under normal circumstances, if he had done those things, he would have done it. It was already very good that he did not deal with them ruthlessly. It was impossible for him to have any relationship with people like him.    


But because of her, she forgave Yu Tao and allowed him to play the role of a father in her own world once more. He respected her choice and gave Yu Tao the same treatment.    


So compared to him, she seemed to be a bit more of a scum.    


The more Yu Xiaowen thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt in her heart. She reached out and wrapped her arm around Su Qiyang's neck. She kissed his perfect profile and said, "Let me prepare myself mentally. Okay? I promise you, as long as I'm ready. We'll bring Yu Tong and Qing'an back to see their grandmother? Is it the name of their grandmother? "    


With her saying this, how could Su Qiyang bear to force her? He turned his head and pecked her red lips twice and said, "Okay, I will wait for you to be ready!"    


Yu Xiaowen gave him a brilliant smile and returned a big kiss.    


The man at night was the most unable to endure the teasing. His dark eyes narrowed dangerously and he lifted Yu Xiaowen horizontally.    


"Ah!" Yu Xiaowen exclaimed, "What are you doing?"    


"What do you think?" He deliberately raised his voice and matched it with his raised eyebrows and glowing eyes.    


The long night was slowly becoming more and more alluring.    


The next day, early in the morning, Su Qiyang and Yu Xiaowen's room door was knocked until it made a banging sound.    


Yu Xiaowen had been tormented for the whole night last night. Her entire body was aching, and she was so sleepy that she didn't want to get up at all.    


She needed to sleep now, but the knocking sound was so loud that she could not sleep.    


She angrily lifted her foot under the blanket and lifted it towards someone, but accidentally pulled herself in pain.    


"Mm, what's wrong?" Su Qiyang faintly woke up and his large hand habitually touched Yu Xiaowen's slender waist.    


This stinky hooligan who did not fear to be full!    


Yu Xiaowen only felt her forehead twitching from anger. She opened her mouth and said, "Quickly get up! Didn't you hear someone knocking on the door?"    


"Daddy, Mommy, why aren't you guys getting up yet? Quickly get up. Something happened!" Yu Tong's voice was still shouting at the door. In the entire villa, only this kid dared to stir up people's dreams early in the morning!    


Su Qiyang's expression turned cold. He pulled himself out of his memories and lowered his head to kiss Yu Xiaowen's angry face. "You continue sleeping!"    


Yu Xiaowen did not open her eyes. When she heard his words, her expression became slightly better. She turned her body and prepared to enter her dreams again.    


Su Qiyang got up from the bed and casually took a nightgown and draped it over his body. He walked over to open the door and lowered his head to see the little fellow standing at the door anxiously looking at him.    


He looked into the room. The little guy walked out and closed the door behind him. After keeping Yu Tong away from him, he asked, "What's wrong? Why didn't you sleep early in the morning?"    


It was not early yet. It was already nine o'clock.    


However, Yu Tong did not come to argue with him about this. He pulled Su Qiyang's sleeve and said as he walked," Daddy, it's not good. Qing'an seems to be sick. Quickly come and take a look. Do you want to take her to the hospital? "    


"Sick?" Su Qiyang frowned.    


Yu Tong quickly explained, "I went to see her in the morning. I reached out and touched her head. She seemed to be having a fever. "    


Although this child was not his biological daughter, Su Qiyang was still very worried as he followed Yu Tong and quickly went to the little girl's room. The wet nurse was taking care of her.    


Su Qiyang also went forward to test the little girl's forehead and found that the temperature was indeed a little high.    



"What's going on?" He sternly asked the person in the room, other than the wet nurse, there was also the housekeeper and the servant responsible for keeping watch.    


The maid lowered her head and looked at the floor, not daring to speak. Her entire body was trembling.    


The housekeeper stood up and said, "Last night, the maid was careless and forgot to close the window!"    


Su Qiyang's eyes became colder and he said directly, "Pay her well. I don't want to see her again!"    


"Yes!" The butler answered.    


The maid begged, "Director Su, please don't fire me. I really didn't do it on purpose, Director Su. I thought I would be careful. "    


Su Qiyang turned a deaf ear. The butler was afraid that she would make Su Qiyang unhappy, so he pulled her even harder, almost dragging her away.    


"Did the family doctor come to see you?" Su Qiyang asked the nurse.    


The nurse nodded and said, "We have notified him. He is on his way here. "    


Yu Tong was worried. He pulled Su Qiyang's sleeve and said, "Daddy, let's take little sister to the hospital, okay?"    


He was young, but he knew that he was not at the hospital. There were so many facilities in the hospital, and the doctors were more professional.    


Su Qiyang looked at him and hesitated for a moment. He said, "Okay, let's go to the hospital. "    


It was a good thing that Yu Tong could take care of this little girl like his own sister. When he brought this little girl back, he also wanted to distract the little guy's thoughts.    


He knew that the little guy still treated losing Qing'an as his fault. It was also good to have a new little sister to divert his attention.    


Su Qiyang personally drove Yu Tong and the little girl to the hospital.    


After some treatment, the doctor said, "It's not a big deal. This child is a little malnourished, so you have to pay more attention to his diet. "    


Su Qiyang nodded to show that he knew. When this little girl was thrown to the welfare institute, she was thin and small like a monkey. Without thinking, he could guess that she was very bad. After coming to the Su family, she had grown a lot better. It could be seen that Yu Xiaowen had taken good care of her.    


As long as fever was not a big problem, malnutrition was a small matter. She would soon be raised by Yu Xiaowen until she was white and fat.    


When they returned home, Yu Xiaowen still did not get up.    


Su Qiyang handed the child over to the wet nurse and instructed her to take good care of it. After that, he asked the butler to prepare some food and send it up later. He went up to the second floor alone.    


In the room, Yu Xiaowen was still sleeping, but her sleep was relatively shallow. The sound of Su Qiyang opening the door easily woke her up.    


She turned over, rubbed her eyes, and looked at the door. She asked, "Where did you go?"    


She did not know what had happened because she had fallen asleep. She did not know that Su Qiyang had not only left for a short while, but had gone out for a few hours.    


Su Qiyang sat by the bed and stretched out his hand to comb her hair. He said, "It's nothing. Do you want to continue sleeping? I asked the kitchen to prepare food for you. Do you want to eat now or later?"    


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