CEO Loves Contract Wife Limitlessly

C123 Yun Hua's Revenge

C123 Yun Hua's Revenge

0Peng Yichen was sitting on the sofa in the living room of Yun Hua's suite, watching the entertainment news. Suddenly, he heard some noises coming from the publicity office.    


He guessed the exact words had come back, but what did it mean by such a big noise?    


He got up from the sofa and looked for the door. He saw Yun Hua standing at the door with an angry face and taking off her high heels.    


"What's wrong? Why are you so unhappy?" If she remembered correctly, she seemed to have gone out to meet Yu Ruoqi. What did that female celebrity do wrong to offend her?    


Yun Hua lifted her eyes to look at him and immediately thought of the matter of him being forced to help Yu Ruoqi wash her white hair last time. She asked, "The last time you washed your white hair, Yu Ruoqi, are the photos that you spent money to buy still there?"    


She was referring to the photos of Yu Ruoqi dancing in the bar.    


Peng Yichen subconsciously nodded and asked in confusion, "Why are you asking this?"    


Yun Hua sounded a little impatient, "You don't need to care about that. Send those photos to my email right now. "    


"Okay. " Peng Yichen agreed, but he was still worried about her. He asked at the door, "Did Yu Ruoqi do something stupid again? Do you want me to help you?"    


Yun Hua was stunned for a moment and then eased her tone and said, "No need, I will do it myself. " It could be considered as tacitly admitting that the reason why her temper was not good was because of Yu Ruoqi.    


Knowing that it was not because of him, Peng Yichen relaxed his heart. She did not want him to help, so he did not force her. After listening to Yun Hua's words and forwarding him the large scale photos of Yu Ruoqi that she had bought previously, he sat back on the sofa and continued to watch his own news.    


Yun Hua changed into her home shoes and went straight to the study with her phone.    


No matter what she said today, she would call that woman who was delusional back to reality.    


She opened the computer on the desk and logged into her email. She opened the email that Peng Yichen forwarded to her and looked at the various large photos inside. Yun Hua sneered in her heart.    


In a certain famous black fan forum, Yun Hua found the forum's forum owner in an anonymous manner.    


"I have information about the famous movie star Yu Ruoqi. Do you want it?"    


The Altar Master quickly replied, "Yes, how much?"    


"It's free. " Yun Hua replied.    


She didn't know if the word 'free' had provoked the other party, but the other party remained silent for a long time. Yun Hua thought for a moment. It was probably because the other party did not think that something free would drop.    


She thought for a while and picked a photo from the photos Peng Yichen gave her that did not seem to be that exposed.    


This time, the Altar Master recovered very quickly. "The more the better. "    


"I have a request. "    


"What request?"    


"I want her to completely lose her reputation. " When Yun Hua said this, she gritted her teeth.    


The other side paused for a while and said, "Then I want to collect money. "    


"How much do you want?" Her tone was quite heroic. As long as he could do it, Yun Hua did not mind spending money.    


The other party did not directly say the number and replied, "You hate her? What did Yu Ruoqi do? To make you hate her so much?"    


It was a website that relied on celebrities to earn money. Why did she need to ask so many questions? Yun Hua frowned and became cautious.    


She thought about it and the corners of her mouth slowly curled into a scheming arc.    


Very quickly, she typed a long sentence and sent it over.    


"To tell you the truth, I do have a grudge with her, because she stole what originally belonged to me, and now she even tries to seduce my husband! Since she is so shameless, don't blame me for being impolite! "    


She was hinting that her relationship with Yu Xiaowen was not simple. If Yu Ruoqi investigated at that time and her hint was so obvious, she would guide her and push Yu Xiaowen over.    


It was a perfect time to kill two birds with one stone!    


Yun Hua could not help but secretly praise her intelligence!    


"Two hundred thousand, first pay a hundred thousand deposit. After the matter is done, pay another hundred thousand. " The other side replied.    


"Okay. "    


Yun Hua sent all of Yu Ruoqi's photos to the other side and then used an anonymous account to transfer 100,000 yuan to the other side.    


It was really worth it to get 200,000 yuan for one person.    


After doing all this, Yun Hua turned off the computer and at the same time, turned off the phone. She changed the atmosphere when she returned home and hummed a song as she went to the bedroom to prepare to take a shower.    


When she passed by the living room, she saw Peng Yichen looking at her.    


She smiled very seductively. "I'm going to go now. Do you want to come with me?"    


Peng Yichen did not know why her mood changed so quickly, but when he heard her words, his eyes darkened and he immediately jumped up from the sofa. He did not even turn off the TV and followed Yun Hua into the bathroom.    


. . .    


In just one night, Yu Ruoqi's actions were not simple. Photos of her actions spread like a virus across the Internet and like a bomb, exploded in the entertainment industry once again.    


Yu Ruoqi had always been clear-headed. Not long after this month, some people's memories were still very new.    


All night, her name and all kinds of vulgar and ugly words were on the trending list five or six times.    


Countless posts about her had been opened on various gossip forums.    


The posts had been added to the highlight and hung on the front page. The number of posts had already exceeded ten thousand, and they were still increasing.    


The posts were all filled with all kinds of unbearable words.    


. . .    


After all, these were the weak ones, and there were even worse ones to look at. Yun Hua's goal had been achieved. Yu Ruoqi's image had been completely ruined and it would not be washed clean anymore.    



Early in the morning, Yu Ruoqi was woken up by the phone call.    


She touched her phone sleepily and angrily said to the phone, "Who is it!? You disturbed people's dreams so early in the morning, you are courting death! "    


"Miss Yu, it's not good. Quickly wake up!" The manager said anxiously. The sky was about to collapse. Why was she still able to sleep?    


Her sharp cries made Yu Ruoqi's eardrums hurt. This time, she was completely unable to fall asleep. She gritted her teeth and struggled to sit up, threatening. "You better have something important to do. Otherwise, you can forget about getting this month's salary. "    


Vaguely, Yu Ruoqi heard some noise outside the window.    


Curious, she got down from the bed and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window. She opened the curtains and looked out the door. She found that there were a lot of reporters carrying guns and cannons outside the yard.    


What was going on?    


"Someone posted something about you online. Take a look. I'll send you the address right away. " The manager gave Yu Ruoqi the answer.    


"What?" She hadn't been in the limelight for long. Why? There was someone else who could see how good she was!    


Yu Ruoqi hurriedly opened the link sent by her manager and saw that it was a female pair, and it was still a lustful girl!" A post.    


"Who is it!" Yu Ruoqi shouted angrily. Who was so wicked to harm her?!    


"Bang, bang, bang!" At this time, there was another knock on the door.    


Su Huizhen shouted at the door, "Ruoqi, are you up? What's the matter with the reporters downstairs? Is there something wrong with your work again?"    


Yu Ruoqi went to open the door and showed Su Huizhen the thread that she had just seen.    


"How could it be like this?" After Su Huizhen finished reading, her expression changed drastically and she continued to ask, "This matter, wasn't it your big sister Ms Yun who helped to settle it? Why was it found out again?"    


Yu Ruoqi shook her head. She did not know anything!    


"Then quickly call and ask!" Su Huizhen urged her. Yu Tao was sick and was recuperating at home. It would not be good if he knew about this.    


She thought about it and said, "Quickly think of a way. I will go to the police and ask them to chase those reporters away. Otherwise, it would not be good to wake your father up. "    


Yu Ruoqi was also afraid when Yu Tao was mentioned.    


"Mom, quickly go. "    


She quickly opened her contact list and called Yun Hua. "Sorry, the number you have dialed has been turned off. Please call later. "    


"Why is it turned off at this time?" Yu Ruoqi complained. After thinking for a while, she quickly found Peng Yichen's number and dialed it.    


Peng Yichen's phone was connected.    


"Ding, Ding, Ding. . . " Yu Ruoqi listened to the phone ring and waited patiently. However, as time passed, her patience was also exhausted.    


"Where are you all going? Why is there no one picking up the phone?"    


Yu Ruoqi remembered to pull her hair and call three or four times in a row. After no one picked up the phone, she had to give up. She sent Yun Hua and Peng Yichen a few SMS to let them see it and contact her immediately.    


Very quickly, she received a call from her manager.    


She said, "It's not good, Miss Yu. Our new movie was supposed to be released today but the television station just called to inform that the file has been removed. What should we do? "    


"You ask me, who should I ask!" Yu Ruoqi was so angry that she shouted. If she had a way, would she need to be so absent-minded here?    


The manager was so scared that she did not dare to make a sound, but she also did not dare to hang up the phone and wait for her instructions. What should she do?    


Yu Ruoqi walked back and forth in the room a few times and instructed, "Send out an announcement that the photos were made by malicious intent from haters. Buy another spammer to flood the screen and report it. "    


She paused, thought for a while, and then added: "The most important thing is to investigate who the mastermind is, tell me immediately"    


Let her know who's behind this, she definitely won't let it go!    


Su Huizhen's side had already called the police to tell them about the reporters disturbing the people. The police also agreed to immediately go out to the police. After she was sure that Yu Tao had not woken up, she came over to find Yu Ruoqi. Seeing that she had changed her clothes again, she asked, "You want to go out?"    


"Yes. " Yu Ruoqi hurriedly changed her clothes and only answered.    


Su Huizhen frowned and said disapprovingly, "What time are you going out at this time of the day? Even if the reporters outside chased them away, they would definitely hide somewhere and wait. Aren't you sending yourself to the door?"    


Yu Ruoqi still knew about this. She turned around and said, "No, I have to go out for a while! Mom, you have to help me. It was not easy for me to turn over. I can't fall down again. Otherwise, I really can't get up. "    


The inexplicable sense of danger made Yu Ruoqi rarely smart to reply.    


Su Huizhen understood this logic and said," Okay, I will help you, but who are you going to find to help you get through this crisis? "    


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