CEO Loves Contract Wife Limitlessly

C32 About the Banging

C32 About the Banging

0Su Qiyang just stared at her without saying anything, causing Yu Xiaowen to feel uneasy.    


"If you have something to say, say it. Don't stare at me so intently, alright!"    


She made Su Qiyang's eyes look even deeper.    


Seeing him suddenly approach, Yu Xiaowen was so scared that she subconsciously stepped back and pressed him against the white wall of the hospital.    


"Su Qiyang, don't do anything stupid!"    


Yu Xiaowen warned him as she tried to bend down and escape.    


However, Su Qiyang had obviously guessed it in advance. He stretched out his arm and blocked the escape route on her left and right.    


The distance between the two of them was only one punch. Their breathing quickly intertwined and their positions were very ambiguous.    


Yu Xiaowen found that her face had become hot due to disappointment.    


She secretly scolded herself in her heart that she did not. As she calmed herself down, she said in a cold voice. "Su Qiyang, what are you doing? Only a little girl would be tempted by something like a wall slam. I'm already a mother! "    


Su Qiyang choked on his words, and his eyes were burning with anger.    


This woman is really. . .    


He gritted his teeth and said, "You didn't think of anything?"    


Clearly, there was something in his words that Yu Xiaowen heard. So she seriously thought about it and then honestly shook her head. Her watery eyes were full of confusion and confusion.    


Su Qiyang was furious.    


This woman actually did not even know who the father of the child was?    


There was no difference between being angry with her and him. He also didn't know that he was Yu Tong's father.    


After giving Yu Xiaowen a deep look, he flicked his sleeves and returned to the ward. If his sleeves were long enough, he would definitely throw a face at Yu Xiaowen. It would be best if he could wake her up.    


However, he did not. Yu Xiaowen looked at his slender back and muttered, "Unbelievable!"    


When his figure was completely gone, she remembered that she had nothing to say and stomped her feet angrily on the spot.    


She prepared to go back and ask him for an explanation.    


However, she was stopped by Mr Wu.    


"Wu? What do you want?" She eased her expression and asked him.    


Mr Wu defended Su Qiyang's injustice and said, "Miss Yu, I think you might have misunderstood the CEO. The CEO is not the kind of person who knows that you are worried about Yu Tong and will not inform you. I think maybe the CEO did not have time to tell you that Yu Tong is with him for some other reason. "    


He was working for Su Qiyang, so he naturally spoke up for him. Yu Xiaowen was very clear about this, but since he had already said so, she asked, "Then you are his secretary. You said that he was busy in the afternoon, so he did not have time to call me and tell me that he is safe. "    


"This. . . "    


She knew it.    


Yu Xiaowen wanted to go around him again, but Mr Wu still insisted on stopping her.    


He said, "Miss Yu, even if Director Su did not do his duty of informing her in time, he still took good care of young master Yu Tong. "    


Yu Xiaowen narrowed her eyes and said, "Then what about Yu Tong's illness?"    


Mr Wu had nothing to say.    


The reason why he stood up to speak was because it was not worth it on Director Su's behalf. He felt that if Director Su was interested in women at the beginning, it should not be a woman like Yu Xiaowen.    


Of course, he had to admit that Yu Xiaowen was quite good looking, but no matter how beautiful she was, she was still the mother of a child.    


"If you have nothing to say, please move aside, okay?" Yu Xiaowen understood his position and did not really get angry with him. She still maintained basic courtesy.    


Mr Wu was not willing to move aside just like that. He thought for a while and said, "Miss Yu, please have a better attitude towards our president. Yu Tong's illness is still there. Only St. Maria's Hospital can get the best treatment, and St. Maria's Hospital is an investment business of Su family. "    


These words successfully stopped Yu Xiaowen.    


For Yu Tong's illness, she had investigated all hospitals in the country that could treat heart disease. The best among them, except for the First People's Hospital, was St. Maria's Hospital.    


St. Maria's Hospital was a private investment, so it had sufficient funds and long-term cooperation with foreign medical institutions.    


Although Yu Tong's illness was treated well in human medicine, it had not been completely cured. Perhaps Saint Maria could really provide assistance.    


Yu Xiaowen stood in the ward and thought for a long time until her phone rang.    


Mr Wu saw this and left consciously.    


"Hello? Who is it?" She answered the phone.    


"It's me, Xiaowen!" Yao Ziqian's familiar voice came from the receiver.    


"Mr Ziqian?"    


Because she was thinking about something, she picked up the phone without noticing the note. She came back to her senses and quickly said, "Sorry, senior. I just found Yu Tong, and I still have time to call you to tell you that you are safe. "    


"It's fine. It's good that you have found him. " Yao Ziqian asked, "Is Yu Tong alright?"    


Yu Xiaowen looked at the door of the ward and replied, "He's fine. Thank you for your concern, senior. What about the magazine? Did something happen?"    


" Nothing big, just someone came to the company to look for you. "    


Yu Xiaowen did not understand and asked, "Who is it?"    


Yao Ziqian hesitated, but in the end, he still said, "Peng Yichen!"    


The universities were all in the same school, so he naturally knew that Peng Yichen and Yu Xiaowen had before. But how was it divided? He did not know what happened afterwards, because at that time, he had already left the country with a scholarship.    


"Did he say anything?" Her tone became cold.    


She left the matter of Harry Lan to the deputy editor, Xu Liang, to communicate with him. Why did he find the magazine for? Was he trying to coerce her?    


Peng Yichen, what are you thinking?    


Things in the past could not have turned back at that point.    


Yao Ziqian said, "He asked if you were there. He was curious why I was in your magazine, so he did not ask further. But he asked me to have a chat with him when he had the time. "    


"Oh!" Yu Xiaowen did not want to talk much about Peng Yichen.    


She thought of something and changed the topic. She asked, "By the way, Mr Ziqian, is it true that you showed me the news of working with the celebrity Yaqi in the afternoon? How did you get her permission? Didn't Aqir always work with Fame Entertainment? Why did you suddenly want to change your company?"    


Previously, she had wanted to talk about this matter, but because of the phone call from the kindergarten, she was interrupted.    


"Hehe!" Wang Yao said. Yao Ziqian smiled gently and did not keep him in suspense. He said, "Because her surname is Yao. "    


"Her surname is Yao?"    


What's wrong with her surname being Yao? Yu Xiaowen's head was full of black lines and she could not think of a response.    


"Hur hur!" Yao Ziqian smiled and waited for her to figure it out.    


Very soon, Yu Xiaowen exclaimed in surprise, "Ah!" "Mr Ziqian, you are actually related to the big star Ya Qi!"    


"She is my cousin!" Yao Ziqian's tone was full of smiles.    


So that's how it was. No wonder!    


Yu Xiaowen said sincerely: "Thank you, senior!"    


With the contract he brought, she could unhesitatingly separate her team from the magazine.    


There was no way to express her gratitude by saying "thank you. "    


"Don't thank me! I did it for myself. Or did you want to get rid of me and kick me out of the Genesis Guild? "    


" No, no, absolutely nothing! " Yu Xiaowen shook her head like a rattle drum, forgetting that Yao Ziqian could not see her at all.    


"You must be joking!" Yao Ziqian smiled and said, "Let's not talk anymore. You are still focusing on keeping your son company! If you need anything, we can talk about it tomorrow at the magazine! "    


"Yes. " Yu Xiaowen nodded and thanked him for his consideration.    


Yu Xiaowen did not have the chance to ask Su Qiyang to check Yu Tong's heart in Santa Maria, but he had already found a doctor to do the examination for Yu Tong.    


The little guy was fine. He could have gone home in the afternoon, but because of this, he had to undergo various check-ups. The doctor suggested that he stay in the hospital for a few days.    


Yu Xiaowen wanted to thank him, but she did not know why, but she just could not open her mouth. It was as if when facing him, the simple word "thank you" instantly weighed a thousand kilograms.    


After Su Qiyang finished explaining the various details of the doctor, he quickly left the hospital.    


Even if she wanted to say it, she did not have the chance.    


Yu Xiaowen was so angry that she hit her forehead twice and scolded herself, "So stupid, so useless!"    


Then, she lowered her head and went to the cashier to pay the fee.    


"This lady, the fees for the patients in Room 406 have been paid. The treatment fees and inpatient fees have been paid in advance. " The nurse who paid the bill said so.    


All paid?    


Was it paid by Su Qiyang?    


Yu Xiaowen bit her lip and said, "Got it. Thank you. Can you print out a copy of the details and give it to me?"    


"Yes, please wait a moment!"    


She could not owe Su Qiyang. She had to return all the medical fees to him.    


About a minute later, the nurse printed out the list of fees and handed it to Yu Xiaowen. She politely said, "Your details, Madam!"    


"Thank you. "    


After looking at the list of fees, Yu Xiaowen was in a highly tensed state in the afternoon.    


When Muh Yue came to find her, she hugged Muh Yue and complained that the private hospital was simply sucking blood.    


"What should we do? Muh Yue, so much money? How should I return it to Su Qiyang? " Yu Xiaowen frowned and was extremely distressed.    


The fee for Yu Tong's illness in the public hospital was already five digits. In this private hospital, after the charge, there was an additional zero.    


It was still calculated by the sky!    


It was no wonder that she was in a trance. When Muh Yue looked at the charge, she counted the zero several times. She once suspected that her eyes were playing tricks on her.    


She blinked her eyes and said, "Why don't you give yourself to me!"    


Yu Xiaowen weakly glared at her and said, "My dear, I am not in the mood to joke!"    


Muh Yue restrained her expression and asked, "Then why don't we transfer back to the doctor? Although the medical expenses over there are also expensive, at least we can afford it. Furthermore, the medical conditions over there are not bad either. "    


"No way!"    


Yu Xiaowen did not even think and firmly refused.    


"I can't let the little guy carry this illness for the rest of his life. As long as there is a tiny bit of hope for him to recover, I will give it a try. No matter how much money I spend. I don't care. "    


Muh Yue knew that she would say that. She sighed and asked, "Then what do you want? Go back and find the Yu family? Will they give up?"    



Yu Xiaowen shook her head. They had already given them the money for the fake marriage. It was even harder to take out money from their pockets.    


"Actually, you don't have to care about the money. "    


Muh Yue knew that she did not like to hear and was not that kind of person, but she still said, "Su Qiyang even helped you pay it, which means that he did not want you to pay it back at all. Just pretend that you did not know. "    


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