CEO Loves Contract Wife Limitlessly

C41 A Toad Wants to Eat Swan Meat

C41 A Toad Wants to Eat Swan Meat

0"Oh, yeah?" Yu Xiaowen could not help but raise her eyebrows. She was indeed in need of money now, so she asked, "How much do you plan to give me?"    


Yu Ruoqi immediately asked sensitive, "What do you mean? What do you mean by how much I give you? Of course we will calculate it according to the market price. "    


" Market price? "    


Yu Ruoqi would only call her elder sister when she plotted against her. If she did not even know this, Then she's lived for nothing.    


Yu Xiaowen's tone carried a bit of ridicule and deliberately said, "You call me elder sister so intimately and only give the market price. Do you think it is appropriate?"    


"Then, then tell me, how much do you want?" Anyway, in the end, she would not pay. Who cared how she asked for the price? Yu Ruoqi thought so.    


Yu Xiaowen lightly replied, "Then add another zero after the market price!"    


Yu Ruoqi frowned and asked, "What is the market price?"    


"Five hundred thousand. "    


"Why don't you go and rob! " Five hundred thousand plus zero. She had only gotten five million from Yu Tao. Yu Xiaowen must be crazy!    


Five hundred thousand must have been a random price she had said. There must be something wrong with believing her!    


Yu Xiaowen laughed out loud and said bluntly: "Isn't this what I am snatching?"    


"You!" Yu Ruoqi was so angry that she could not speak a complete sentence. When did she become so eloquent?    


Yu Xiaowen restrained her smile and said coldly, "Nothing much, I will be hanging up. "    


She did not believe that Yu Ruoqi was so kind as to find a job for her.    


"Don't hang up! I'll promise you. " Yu Ruoqi quickly said, "But I need to see the effect before I can pay. "    


"Okay, then it's a deal. " Yu Xiaowen readily agreed and then hung up the phone.    


Yu Ruoqi did not even have the time to be happy that her plan was successful when she heard the beeping sound from the other side of the phone.    


"Ah! This slut!" She was so angry that she went crazy.    


Yu Xiaowen vented her anger and was in a very good mood. She used the insider to call Lau in and passed the interview that Yu Ruoqi mentioned to her for practice.    


At the end, she specially instructed, "Lau, write carefully and don't disappoint me. "    


Lau quickly entered the military salute and said, "No problem. "    


Everyone in the company knew about Boss's family situation. Yu Xiaowen's team naturally all sided with her.    


Since the boss told her to write well, then she would definitely write well.    


"Go and do your work!" Yu Xiaowen smiled and let her go. Yu Ruoqi's call had already delayed her for a long time and now she needed to focus on her work.    


Two or three days passed in a row and it was very calm. Apart from her daily work, she also accompanied Yu Tong. Her small life was not too comfortable. Even Su Qiyang would not be able to see her every day after leaving early and returning late.    


It would be great if such a life could continue.    


Although Yu Xiaowen thought so, she also understood that it was impossible. Not long after the interview with Yu Ruoqi was released, she called over to question.    


Because it was a bunch of cursing words, Yu Xiaowen did not finish listening and hung up.    


This also did not blame her for being angry, because in order to stand up for Yu Xiaowen, Lau did not degrade Yu Ruoqi in the drafts.    


Beep! Beep!    


Yu Xiaowen received a message on her phone.    


She did not need to look and could guess that it was from Yu Ruoqi.    


She picked it up and took a look. Indeed, the message was: Yu Xiaowen, if you have the ability to slander me, why didn't you answer my phone! I'm telling you this matter isn't over yet. Money, you can forget about getting a single fucking cent!    


He could feel her anger through the phone screen.    


Yu Xiaowen curled her lips as if she would really pay if she praised her. Her slender fingers operated on the phone screen and directly put Yu Ruoqi's phone number on the blacklist.    


She did not answer the call and did not reply to the text.    


Adding on the accumulations from before, Yu Ruoqi could not easily forgive Yu Xiaowen this time no matter what she said. She spent a large sum of money on public relations, and then drove straight to Su Qiyang's villa.    


She wanted to tell Su Qiyang how shameless Yu Xiaowen was!    


If Su Qiyang knew that she was pregnant before marriage, There was also a bastard who did not know who her father was. He definitely would not want her anymore. He wanted to see if she still dared to be so arrogant.    


On top of her anger, she didn't think that if Su Qiyang didn't want Yu Xiaowen anymore, then his business with the Yu family would be ruined.    


At that time, not to mention whether or not he could get Yu Xiaowen, whether Yu Tao could forgive her was one thing!    


However, after she arrived at Su Qiyang's villa, she did not even enter the villa's door.    


The security did not allow her to enter and said that she did not receive any notice. She came without a notice, so how could there be any notice?    


She had spent a long time to say that she was really Yu Xiaowen's younger sister and that Su Qiyang was her brother-in-law. However, the security guard just kept a straight face and refused to believe her.    


Yu Ruoqi did not have Su Qiyang's phone number and it was impossible to call Yu Xiaowen, so she took off her glasses and revealed her exquisite makeup face.    


She gave the security guard a charming smile. The honest security guard had a fever on his face. He recognized that the other party was the famous movie star Yu Ruoqi.    


"Little brother. " Yu Ruoqi coyly shouted, "Look at me. Do I look like someone who likes to lie?"    


When she said that, she blinked her big eyes in grievance. Her long eyelashes flickered, successfully moving the honest security guard's heart.    


He stammered, "No, it doesn't seem like it. "    


A toad wants to eat swan meat!    


Yu Ruoqi said with disdain in her heart, but she did not show it on her face. She still smiled and said cutely, "Then let me in, okay? Don't worry, sister and brother-in-law will not blame you. "    


"Then, alright then! Miss Yu. " In the end, the security guard was unable to resist her deliberate teasing. With a red face, he got someone to open the iron door.    


" Goodbye, little brother! " Yu Ruoqi waved at the security guard and stepped on the accelerator, entering the door of Su Qiyang's villa.    


After the security guard closed the door, Yu Ruoqi went much smoother after that.    


When the butler heard that she was looking for Su Qiyang, he saw that her car had already driven in. He thought that she had an appointment, so he told her that Su Qiyang was accompanying little master in the garden.    


"little master? Which little master?" Yu Ruoqi asked, puzzled.    


The butler answered matter-of-factly, "It's Yu Tong, little master?"    


Yu Tong?    


Yu Ruoqi could not believe her ears. How did Yu Tong become the little master of Su family? Yu Xiaowen had also brought Yu Tong here?    


No wonder that little bastard did not return to the Yu family for the weekend. So Yu Xiaowen had brought him here? That meant that Su Qiyang already knew about Yu Xiaowen having a bastard?    


Was he not angry?    


This could also be considered as wearing a green hat, right?    


"Miss Yu, if you want to see the Young Master, please follow me!" Su Qiyang and Yu Tong were currently in the garden, and the butler was preparing to lead her there.    


"Oh, okay, okay. " Yu Ruoqi answered with a little soul lingering in her body.    


This was the first time Yu Ruoqi came to Su Qiyang's villa. Her mind was quickly attracted by the luxury and uniqueness of Su Qiyang's villa.    


The ancient castle style building coupled with the western style garden alone was enough to make ordinary people gasp in amazement, not to mention the low-profile and luxurious design, as well as the considerate service of the servants that could be seen everywhere. Yu Ruoqi felt as if she had come to the capital of a fairy tale.    


There was a prince. But the princess was not her!    


It was Yu Xiaowen, that slut!    


But why was it her, and not her? Yu Ruoqi thought resentfully, wanting to see Su Qiyang even more urgently.    


She could not wait to expose Yu Xiaowen's true colors.    


However, from afar, on the lawn in the garden, she saw Su Qiyang playing football with that bastard. His handsome face actually had a bright and dazzling smile.    


She, she didn't see wrongly, right?    


Yu Ruoqi rubbed her eyes, not daring to believe what she saw.    


The butler saw her look and understood, "Miss Yu has also never seen our young master like this, right? I have been by young master's side for so many years. When I first saw him, I was also very surprised!"    


"Him, he is like this because of that wild Ye?" Yu Ruoqi asked.    


The butler nodded and said with relief, "Yes! I really have to thank Madam for bringing little master here. "    


Even though he was already old, he could still see Young Master Su's sincere smile.    


Speaking of which, how many years has it been since Young Master Su had such a sincere smile? It seemed like when he was eight years old, too many things happened that year.    




The butler sighed and suppressed his thoughts. What happened back then was a taboo.    


"Miss Yu, please wait a moment. "    


He motioned Yu Ruoqi to wait where she was and told Su Qiyang that she had come.    


"Ah! Don't, I can go by myself!"    


"Miss Yu, don't be like this. Young Master will be unhappy. " The butler stopped her, his gaze carrying a hint of warning.    


Yu Ruoqi bit her lips and stood on the spot, waiting unwillingly.    


The butler was worried that she would act recklessly so he specially called a maid over. He said that he wanted her to serve Yu Ruoqi but it would be better to say that he was looking at her and not letting her act recklessly.    


After that, he went over to report to Su Qiyang himself.    


It was rare that Su Qiyang did not have anything to do today. Coincidentally, Yu Tong's kindergarten took half a day off. Seeing that the weather was good today, he brought the little fellow to play in the garden.    


He thought that boys needed more exercise to become stronger. When he was studying in America, he was the captain and vanguard of the school football team.    


Yu Tong was his son, so he naturally hoped that Yu Tong would inherit his legacy.    


However, due to his physical condition, he could not exercise intensely. He could only hold onto his regret and the two of them threw football balls at each other to play.    


However, seeing that the little guy was having fun, that bit of regret wasn't much.    


The butler walked over and cautiously opened his mouth, "Young Master! The Yu family's Second Miss is here. "    


Su Qiyang's warm time with his son was interrupted, and his expression was not very good. He said coldly, "What is she doing here?"    


When the butler heard this, he thought to himself, This is bad. How did the subordinates do things? Why did they let her in so easily? "    


" Uncle, who's here? " Yu Tong asked curiously as he held the football in his arms. There was still a thin layer of sweat on his face.    


Su Qiyang narrowed his eyes and said to him, "You don't need to know. Go and take a bath with the butler. I will find you later. "    


"Oh. " Although Yu Tong was a little dissatisfied, he did not ask further.    


The butler knew that he had escaped disaster when he heard that. He quickly held Yu Tong's little hand and walked away. He specially chose not to go through Yu Ruoqi's small path.    


Yu Ruoqi saw that there was only Su Qiyang left soon. She quickly ran over in her high heels.    



The lawn was carefully trimmed and maintained every day. But it was not the path that high heels should take, so Yu Ruoqi's running posture was very strange. She had tried her best to control it, but she still got up like a quail.    


However, Su Qiyang did not look at her side at all. This was also her fortune and misfortune!    


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