CEO Loves Contract Wife Limitlessly

C27 Yu Tong Is Missing

C27 Yu Tong Is Missing

0Yu Xiaowen felt that Su Qiyang was angry with her.    


After Yu Tong finished reciting the poem, he gave a few symbolic compliments and left alone. Yu Xiaowen wanted to thank him, but she did not find a chance.    


He did not appear during dinner either.    


But this was nothing. Because in the past, when they lived together in the same room, the two of them had never eaten at the same table. Almost all of them were eaten by you, and I ate mine.    


The main thing was during the meal, Yu Tong asked a few times, "Where's uncle?" It only made Yu Xiaowen's heart flutter.    


The little guy's reliance on him was really becoming more and more obvious. He also did not know whether good or bad things were good.    


After the meal, he didn't see Su Qiyang even when he was coaxing the baby to sleep.    


After settling Yu Tong down, Yu Xiaowen thought for a while and decided to look for Su Qiyang alone. She had lived in the Su family villa for so long and had always thought of herself as a borrowed person.    


The range of activity was limited to her room, living room, and dining room. She had never even gone into the study room once.    


Not only that, she had never cared which room Su Qi lived in, so she had no choice but to ask the butler for help.    


The butler directly stopped her at the door of the study and said, "I'm sorry, Madam, Young Master is a person who values personal privacy. If there's anything, please talk to me another day. "    


The meaning behind his words was that Su Qiyang was unwilling to see her.    


Yu Xiaowen was aware of her own limitations and could not do anything that would cause trouble. Naturally, she gave up on the idea of thanking him and thought of saying it again in the future when there was a chance.    


She vaguely felt that Su Qiyang might be angry and did not want to see her, but what was the content of his anger? No one knew!    


The next day, after Yu Xiaowen sent Yu Tong to kindergarten, she went to work at the magazine. She found that Yao Mr Ziqian was already there. Lau, Xu Liang, and the others surrounded him. They did not know what they were talking about and looked very excited.    


Mr Ziqian was wearing a white casual pants and a white shirt today. He wore a light blue shirt on his shoulder. The combination was simple and fashionable.    


The sunlight shone through the window and onto his shoulder. He looked as handsome as the moon, smiling and smiling. It made her feel like she had returned to the beautiful era of students.    


"Xiaowen. " Yao Ziqian first noticed her arrival.    


Under the sunlight, his smile was bright and beautiful.    


Yu Xiaowen panicked on purpose.    


"Boss, you are here!"    


"Boss, are you serious? Yao Ziqian is coming to our company. "    


"Boss, you're too amazing. You can even hire a big shot in the industry. "    


"That's right, that's right! I remember that the last time the Spanish President visited the United States, it was Yao Daniu who personally conducted an interview. "    


. . .    


The colleagues who were surrounding Yao Ziqian also discovered Yu Xiaowen's existence. They surrounded her like a swarm of bees, expressing their excitement and talking about various things.    


Clearly, she invited the right person!    


Yao Ziqian saw that she was surrounded and attacked. With a gentle smile on his handsome face, he walked over with long legs.    


"Alright, everyone. Your boss just came to the company. Everyone let her have some time to rest. If there's anything, we'll talk later. "    


"Yes, Boss Yao. " In just an instant, the colleagues who surrounded Yu Xiaowen and overwhelmed her instantly scattered like birds and beasts. . .    


Yu Xiaowen blinked her foxy eyes, indicating that she was a little stifled. Why had she never seen them being so obedient before?    


Return it to Boss Yao?    


To rebel so quickly, did they think that she didn't exist?    


She looked at Yao Ziqian with a bitter smile and complained, "Mr Ziqian, your charisma is a little too strong!"    


Yao Ziqian shrugged proudly, as if he did not care who he was.    


The two of them looked at each other. They looked at each other and soon broke into laughter.    


They hadn't seen each other for so many years. Although the two of them were somewhat unfamiliar with each other, their smiles were suffused.    


Yu Xiaowen straightened her back and looked into Yao Ziqian's eyes and said sincerely: "Mr Ziqian, thank you for being willing to work with me. "    


Yao Ziqian restrained his expression and nodded at her seriously.    


After that, he shook the folder he brought with him to Yu Xiaowen and said, "Do you want to guess what I brought?"    


Only then did Yu Xiaowen notice that he had something in his hand. She shook her head and asked curiously, "What is it?"    


"Let's go to your office to talk first!" Yao Ziqian suggested.    


Yu Xiaowen followed his advice and led him into her office. She first brought a chair for him to sit on and then sat behind her desk.    


"Xiaowen, when I came, I observed your magazine. There is something I am a little curious about. " Yao Ziqian opened his mouth first.    


"What is it? Xiaowen asked. Senior, what do you think? " In the future, they would work together and need to be honest with each other.    


" Why do you want to work alone? " Yao Ziqian asked.    


His question was sharp.    


After the cocktail party yesterday, Yao Ziqian had done his homework. Yu Xiaowen was now at his house. Although this magazine was not large, it had a small achievement in the industry. If he worked alone, it meant that everything started from zero.    


That would be quite difficult!    


Yu Xiaowen had thought that he would ask this question. She pursed her dry lips and said, "It's actually very simple. My, my team, and the president can also say that the entire magazine's ideology is in conflict. "    


Yao Ziqian frowned and asked, "You just want to separate your own team?"    



Yu Xiaowen nodded.    


"Then your president is willing to let them go?" He found out last night that Yu Xiaowen just did an interview about the president of Su's Group for the magazine.    


Not only did it bring a sizeable profit to the magazine, but it also brought a very high exposure. Such a qualified chief editor, unless the president was mentally ill, would be willing to release him.    


Yu Xiaowen smiled, but her smile was cold, "He wants me to leave. It's just that he did not squeeze the last drop of blood and sweat from me. "    


"What do you mean?" Yao Ziqian didn't understand.    


If it was an internal conflict in the magazine, it would be another story.    


Yu Xiaowen took a deep breath and did not hide anything. She said, "Mr Ziqian, I will not hide it from you. This magazine was originally bought with the money of the Yu family when my mother was still alive. In order to let me do what I like after graduating from school, I bought it with the money of the Yu family. "    


When mentioning her mother, Yu Xiaowen's foxy eyes were filled with obvious grief and self-blame.    


Yao Ziqian had heard about her family's situation. Seeing her like this, he did not know how to comfort her.    


Yu Xiaowen did not need others to comfort her. She just laughed at herself and continued, "You also know about my family's situation. If not for the fact that you have some ability to see me, how could those people allow me to continue staying in Yu family's business?"    


Yao Ziqian felt a little heartache for her and asked softly, "Then what is your plan now?"    


Yu Xiaowen smiled at him guiltily. She should not have bothered him with these things. Since she invited him to start a business with her, what he saw was already an independent team and not this mess.    


She originally followed her own pace and took things slowly, but she didn't expect that Yao Mr Ziqian would come back at this time to start his own business.    


Yao Ziqian saw that she did not reply when she was thinking about something. He thought that she was worried about him and said, "Don't think so much. Tell me what the situation is. Maybe I can help. "    


There was nothing else, but she had already dealt with most of it. But. . . Yu Xiaowen thought for a while and said, "I need an explosive point to negotiate with the president. "    


Yao Ziqian frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"    


"I have a Harry Blue project now. "    


He nodded. He had heard of Harry Blue before overseas. He signaled Yu Xiaowen to continue.    


"I want to use Harry Blue to exchange for the entire team with the president. But this way, after we go out on our own, there will be no more projects to do. We need a new project to maintain our survival. "    


Yu Xiaowen's original plan was to complete the Harry Blue project and then take a few more ideas. She would first save up the money to survive on her own. For now, she was not in a hurry to work together. There would naturally be a moment when everything would come to an end.    


After all, a team could not be independent just because they were independent. Everything needed to be spent. As the boss, she could not let everyone suffer with her.    


However, Mr Ziqian was now willing to join, which sped up her thoughts of leaving the team as soon as possible.    


She had thought of this idea last night.    


It was just that the implementation of this idea was questionable.    


She did not doubt Mr Ziqian's ability, but she was worried that luck might sometimes be hard to say.    


She had already made a bet on the future of her team, and could not take Mr Ziqian's.    


Yao Ziqian smiled. He put the folder in his hand on the desk and pushed it to Yu Xiaowen's hand.    


Yu Xiaowen looked at him suspiciously.    


"Open it first. " His eyes indicated to her.    


Yu Xiaowen obediently looked down and opened the folder. She flipped the folder page by page. Her expression changed from suspicion to doubt, from doubt to excitement, from excitement to excitement.    


"Senior, why are you. . . "    


Yu Xiaowen looked up from the folder excitedly. She wanted to say something to Yao Ziqian, but halfway through, she said, "Ring ring ring. . . "    


Her phone call interrupted her.    


"Senior, I. . . " She did not intend to pay attention to him for the time being and was ready to speak first.    


Yao Ziqian raised his hand to signal her and smiled. "There's no hurry. You should answer the phone first!"    


"Thank you, senior. "    


Yu Xiaowen thanked him again. She looked at the bright phone screen from the corner of her eye and thought that if it was not an important phone call, she would not answer it.    


However, the ringtone of the phone indicated that it was from Yu Tong's office.    


She looked at the watch on her wrist. It was not time for class to end yet. Why did the school call at this time? Could it be that something happened to Yu Tong?    


As long as it involved Yu Tong, she could not remain calm!    


Yu Xiaowen quickly picked up the phone and quickly asked, "Teacher, why did you call me? Did something happen to Yu Tong?"    


"Tong's mom, Yu Tong is fine. Don't worry!"    


The words that made people feel at ease came from the receiver. Yu Xiaowen felt at ease and quickly asked, "Teacher, what is your call?"    


"It's like this, Tong's mom. I called to inform you that Tong's teacher had an accident today. The school ended early and Yu Tong has already returned home. "    


"What did you say?"    


Yu Xiaowen suddenly stood up from her office chair. "Teacher, tell me clearly. What do you mean Yu Tong has already gone home in a car? I didn't go to pick him up. He's so young. Why did he go home alone? "    


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