Sweet Mommy, Go!

C348 Arrest of Guchengzhe

C348 Arrest of Guchengzhe

0With that, the Linmuyang threw off the Muxiangwan's hand and rushed out.    


"Linmuyang!" The Muxiangwan was so anxious that he shouted loudly after grabbing air.    


Unfortunately, her shout was drowned out by the crowd, and so was Linmuyang.    


The wedding was a success, but it was not caused by the Linmuyang.    


The police officers were even faster than Linmuyang.    


Before the wedding had even started, a dozen police officers surrounded Guchenzhe and captured him.    


The leader's name was Sunbinn, he took out his police ID and showed it to everyone to prove his identity, "Just do your job."    


Chixiaoyi held onto her wedding dress, at a loss of what to do.    


"Guchenzhe is suspected of embezzlement and fraud. They are bringing them back to the Bureau for investigation. If anyone dares to cause trouble, we will arrest them as per our orders."    


Although Jiliang didn't become the best man, he didn't miss the wedding. When the police appeared, he was the first one to rush out.    


"You must have made a mistake. Our Guzong has all kinds of money, how can we cheat and covet it. You must have caught the wrong person." Jiliang's rationality prevented him from rushing up to the police to snatch the person away, but he did not admit defeat on the surface, "If that's the case, I'll sue you for framing me."    


Guchenzhe was the calmest person present, as if he had already anticipated this would happen.    


It was within his expectations, but only a little earlier than he had expected.    


"Jiliang." Guchenzhe did not say anything.    


Jiliang opened his mouth, wanting to ask something, but in the end he did not.    


Sunbinn seemed to be unsatisfied with the people questioning the police's judgement, "Of course it cannot be done by one person, if it is proven, no one who is related can escape, so I hope you all do not think about leaving, be careful of putting the crime of running away on your heads."    


Although Sunbinn was a bit serious, he was not lying.    


The hand which Chixiaoyi was holding onto the wedding dress loosened abruptly. Her pure white dress that was like a snowflake falling in the winter fell to the ground, along with her people.    


Guchenzhe was taken away by the police just like that.    


The scene was a complete mess. Everyone was discussing the truth and the consequences of the incident.    


Jiliang wanted to chase after him, but he knew that he had more important things to do.    


Control the scene, inform Zhoubangyan and the others, suppress the crowd's suspicions, and find the truth to prove Guchenzhe's innocence.    


Chixiaoyi just sat there on the ground. Countless people walked past her, but none of them pulled her up. No one even glanced at her.    


She should have known this a long time ago. That man who didn't love her would never give her a chance in his life.    


Muxiangwan was standing far away. Although the scene was chaotic, she could clearly hear every word about Guchenzhe.    


"Of course it can't be done by yourself. If you are proven guilty, no one who is related to you can escape, so I hope none of you will think about leaving. Be careful not to place the crime of running away on your heads."    


Until Sunbinn said those words, her mind went blank, and she understood why Guchenzhe did all this.    


The surrounding air was pressing down on her, pressing her so hard that she could barely breathe. She turned and fled.    


Linmuyang squeezed into the crowd, and was stunned by the sudden turn of events, then subconsciously turned back to look for Muxiangwan, but he was still a step too late, his person had already disappeared, and there was no one to pick him up right after.    


Linmuyang saw that the Jiliang alone could not solve all the problems, and on the other side, he was worried that Muxiangwan, who had just found out, would do something foolish, so he was at a loss of what to do. He could only call Soongmingyang and have him come out to help the Muxiangwan, while he himself stayed behind to help the Jiliang.    


Soongmingyang accidentally found out the whole story. When he received Linmuyang's call, he knew that something had happened, so he didn't say anything unnecessary.    


Jiliang notified Jiangwenbinn and Zhoubangyan as he was trying to solve the chaos.    


As for the Luxiangfeng, the hospital, and they were going to have surgery soon, everyone kept the matter a secret from him.    


It was a pity that the Guchenzhe did not have a low status and the matter was not small as well.    


Two hours before the operation, the doctor suggested to recuperate, so he kept Luxiangfeng's phone. Luxiangfeng also knew of his current situation, so he obediently handed in his phone and waited for the operation.    


However, just half an hour before the operation, Luxiangfeng's heart sank. A strong sense of foreboding arose from the bottom of his heart.    


"Liubai, show me your phone." Luxiangfeng leaned against the bedside and pressed the alarm, then Liubai appeared in his room within ten seconds.    


Liubai, who was worried that Luxiangfeng would run away while out of breath, almost gasped when he heard Luxiangfeng's reasoning, "Is it because of this?"    


Luxiangfeng could see that Liubai was angry. He adorably extended a finger and used his other hand to cover his chest, "It's only been a minute, but my heart is already panicking. I want to see if something happened."    


The Liubai rejected him bluntly. "You can't watch your heart bets anymore. We agreed to rest for two hours before the operation, and you won't be able to do it for two hours."    


Then, Liubai raised his wrist and looked at his watch, "There's only half an hour left, just persevere and you'll be there. After the surgery is over, you can play however you want."    


The Liubai had a common problem that all doctors had, which was that they would nag a few more times at the patients they were especially worried about.    


The Luxiangfeng naturally knew that the Liubai was doing this for his own good.    


"In a TV show, the characters who say that usually never get off the operating table again. You don't want me to die with regret, do you?"    


Liubai was so angry that he did not know what to say, "Stop with the nonsense."    


"Just take a look at my phone and I'll stop talking nonsense. Otherwise, I won't be having surgery." Luxiangfeng was probably one of the few cases where doctors were threatened. The important thing was that he succeeded.    


Liubai sighed helplessly, then took out Luxiangfeng's phone from his pocket and handed it over, "Just ten minutes, no more than that, no less than twenty minutes before the operation."    


"Alright." Luxiangfeng happily accepted the phone.    


If Liubai had seen the news on his phone before, he would not have given his phone to him no matter how much Luxiangfeng threatened him. It was a pity that he did not see it.    


Luxiangfeng only had two minutes on his phone before he sat up on the bed. He quickly put on his jacket and rushed out of the ward.    


"Luxiangfeng, where are you going!" Liubai shouted as he chased after him.    



"It's urgent." Luxiangfeng answered simply.    


"We still have half an hour left, what's the rush …" Liubai's voice disappeared in the air.    


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