Domineering Female State Advisor



0When the rain stopped, all the officials of various sizes, hearing about what had happened in the palace, rushed over to the palace in the middle of the night. They wanted to be concerned about the emperor, care about the affairs of the country, and even more so, they wanted to win some performance. No matter who it was, once they entered the palace, they would immediately capture them.    


In the middle of the night, the entire floor was filled with kneeling people. There were all sorts of large and small officials, as well as Third Prince, the Fourth Prince, and some imperial relatives and relatives … None of them knew what crime they had committed or why they had been imprisoned the moment they entered the palace.    


Looking at the officials on the floor, the emperor sat quietly without calling for anyone to stand up. Everyone was kneeling, sitting, and standing quietly. There was silence, a terrifying silence, just what had happened today that caused the kneeling officials to feel apprehensive?    


There were only a few officials left standing, and even until now, their hearts were still filled with fear. These officials had accompanied the emperor for a whole day and followed Dongfang Ning all the way from the time of his death to the time of his death. Everything seemed so unreasonable, but under Dongfang Ning's leadership, everything seemed reasonable.    


They sighed with emotion and remained silent. Seeing that the civil and military officials were still around, they felt gratified, but at the same time, it was difficult for them to calm down …    


They were pleasantly surprised, and their entire Shan Nation came back to life. The citizens were not harmed, and they were even more worried that there were still twenty thousand enemies in the city that could not be found …    


No one asked why they were arrested the moment they entered the palace. They were thrown into the kind of prison that only prisoners who were sentenced to death or who had committed a grave crime would enter. Some of them knew about it, some of them were innocent, and some of them even had relatives that had not seen them, wanting to report this to the emperor.    


And when Third Prince entered the palace to 'save the driver', he was grabbed by the mouth and stuffed into the Sky Prison before he could even open his mouth. At that time, more than half of the alcohol he drank was startled awake and he didn't even dare to say anything.    


There was no hope of survival for him anymore. It must be that the emperor knew, otherwise why would there be so many guards outside the palace, and there would be soldiers everywhere. When he was sent to the prison, he even saw piles of snake, human, and beast corpses everywhere …    


At that time, he thought to himself, I'm finished, everything is done, so I'm relieved, if I fail then I'll just accept the result of being dealt with, I'll close my eyes and wait for death, so after entering the Sky Prison, after the thing in my mouth was taken out, he didn't say a word, and obediently leaned against the corner of the wall, waiting for death.    


However, along with the imprisonment of his uncle and the other officials of various sizes, his heart was alive again because he saw that Song Qiuhan was also locked up, and also the Right Prime Minister, Wei Zheng, was also locked up. In short, all the officials were locked up, and these people had the right to enter the palace.    


"The emperor definitely doesn't know who did this today. I can't reveal it!" He rejoiced in his heart. The emperor definitely didn't know about this, which was why he locked up all the officials.    


Only then did Yan Wuhen calm down. His fourth brother, Yan Wuhui, was also thrown into prison. He nervously looked at his alcohol reeking fourth brother. He wanted to ask what his fourth brother was going to do now and couldn't speak carelessly.    


Right now, it was more important that the two of them colluded in the confession. It was just that he didn't know what would happen after he left. However, there were so many people. How could they dare to say a single word?    


They did not dare to speak in prison, much less say anything above the Golden Hall. What should they do now, kneeling in the great hall with the crowd, he did not even dare to raise his head, if the Emperor were to question him, what would he say?    


As time passed, the pressure in the hall was continuously suppressed. Just when everyone was about to be unable to bear the pressure, the emperor finally spoke.    


"Do you know what happened yesterday?"    


"This subject deserves to die. I don't know what's going on inside the palace, but he's actually hiding at home from the rain. This really frightens the emperor!"    


Because of the rain, they were not outside the gates of the palace, so they did not know that the emperor had almost been submerged by snakes. They only heard the rumors after the rain, and then they all ran into the palace to see what was going on, but as soon as they entered, they took the man without a second word and then knelt down. No one said a word.    


They had heard about the wild beasts and poisonous snakes that had entered the palace. They knew about the hundreds of assassins that had been caught in the palace, and they knew that the palace was currently barbequing snake meat … He just didn't know what was going on.    


"Wei Zheng, as a nation, tell me, after you took care of the Beast Garden today, when did you return home? Why didn't I know?"    


"Your majesty, when this subject was dealing with the matters of the Beast Garden, I suddenly received an urgent report from home, saying that my daughter and my son have gone missing. That's why I'm rushing back. The two of them haven't returned home yet, your majesty …"    


"Your Majesty, this subject and daughter also went missing during the palace banquet …"    


"Your Majesty, your subject …"    


Today, after the banquet, there were quite a number of people who had disappeared, and they were also the most favored families of the officials. The emperor naturally knew that this was one of the enemy's plans, so he naturally didn't say anything more about it.    


"..." Currently, more than half of the cabinet ministers living in the palace have died, some of the palace maids and eunuchs have died, and half of the imperial physician has died … "    


A merciless disaster report was narrated one by one from that official's mouth. Everything was narrated so straightforwardly without any rhetoric, just like that, while the people in the main hall became more and more shocked as they listened. Had they almost lost their country in just a few short hours?    


After the Minister had reported everything that had happened today, the Emperor finally spoke again. Although he had been there all day, the more he heard, the more shocked he was. The more he heard, the angrier he got.    


"What do I raise you for? To be ridden on your heads by so many thieves!    


You don't know anything about it! "How did you become a Prime Minister? You, how did you become a Prime Minister? What did you do every day?"    


"This is a great disgrace to my Great Shan Nation!"    


Yan Yihan got angrier and angrier as he talked, and he got more and more frustrated. He threw all the items that could be thrown in his seat into the lobby, and he didn't care about the people that were hit. The people that were hit didn't even dare to move.    


Not to mention being smashed, they wouldn't dare to complain even if they were killed on the spot.    


"Don't think that we don't know about your alliance. Let me tell you, I know everything!"    




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